Queer as Folk

Queer as Folk

Queer as Folk may refer to: Queer as Folk (UK TV series), 1999–2000 Queer as Folk (U.S. TV series), a 2000–2005 American and Canadian version of the UK series Queer as Folk soundtracks, soundtrack albums from the North American series


Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
I've always said it isn't who you love; it's how you love. Genitalia is simply God's way of accessorizing.

Michael Novotny:
[to Debbie] This is not about you and the Gay Mother of the Year award. This is about Brian's one-night stand.

Justin Taylor:
Not just one.

Michael Novotny:
Don't bet on it. And who here even cares?

Vic Grassi:
I do.

Justin Taylor:
My dad threatened to disown me. He called me a big queer.

Vic Grassi:
He didn't hit you, did he?

Michael Novotny:
Oh, come on, Uncle Vic. You're not gonna listen to this sh*t?

Justin Taylor:
That's why I have to see Brian. He'll let me stay with him.

Michael Novotny:
I don't think so.

Justin Taylor:
Well, then... I'll go to New York. I'll become a hustler, and I'll sell my body to gross old homos.

Vic Grassi:
I'll give you twenty bucks. [Debbie hits Vic on his head.] Save him the train fare!

Justin Taylor:
I'm gonna throw up. I gotta vomit.

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
Upstairs' bathroom. The one for guests and drama queens. [Justin runs upstairs, while Vic and Michael laugh.] It's not a joke, you know. Gay teens have a very high suicide rate.

Michael Novotny:
Unfortunately, not this one.

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
I'm calling his mother.

Michael Novotny:
It's not our business.

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
He may be telling the truth. And even if he isn't, she's gonna be worried.

Vic Grassi:
She's not worried. Now she knows: It's not drugs. It's not booze. He didn't buy an automatic weapon to take down to the Spanish club... It's just cock!

Mrs. Schmidt:
Are you sure I can't help?

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
I can do it. It's no big deal.

Mrs. Schmidt:
I wish you'd let me drive you home.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Ah... I already asked my friends.

Mrs. Schmidt:
Michael, Emmett... Brian. I met them while you were... asleep.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:

Mrs. Schmidt:
They're very nice. Especially Michael.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Yeah, Michael is... especially special.

Mrs. Schmidt:
Are you two...? I mean...

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Oh, no. No. We, ah... He's just a friend.

Mrs. Schmidt:
Well, he's a very good friend. He was very kind to me. I'm grateful you have him.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Yeah, so am I.

Mrs. Schmidt:
Because more than anything, I worry that you're alone. That there's no one to look after you.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
I can take care of myself.

Mrs. Schmidt:
Oh, I know you can. You've always been self-sufficient. I just... I wish you had someone to love you. And if you did, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Mom, please, let's uh...

Mrs. Schmidt:
I'm sorry. I know that it embarrasses you if I talk too much or I get too emotional. But I can't help thinking that, if you haven't woken up, and I would have never gotten a chance to let you know, how proud I am that you're my son. And that... it doesn't matter to me what you are. Yeah I got over that a long time ago. And that whenever you're feeling alone, or that no one loves you; it's not true. Because I do!

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
[long pause] Thank you, Mom for eh... for saying that.

...I know that guy. He works out in our gym. Ah... Blake! I think he likes you.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Oh, yeah, how can you tell?

Because he's looking back.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Probably just stretching his neck.

Will you listen to you?

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:

Always putting yourself down!

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Well, better me than them. I'm gentler.

Doesn't sound like it. You know, it is possible that someone can actually like you, you know.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Yeah, it's possible. However, I'm sure a statistical analysis would reveal that the probability of a guy named "Blake" who looks like that, actually liking a guy named "Ted", who looks like me to be in the... point zero five percentile. In other words, practically zip. Anyway, I'm sure Brian's more his type.

How do you know that?

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Because Brian's everybody's type. Which explains why he's had everybody.


Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
I know, I know. Except for you. Which is kind of weird when you think about it.

Weird? He's my best friend!

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:

So, everybody knows you don't have sex with your friends!

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Oh, right! Sex is something you only have with complete strangers, yeah. People you will never see again - unless you just bump into him on the street. But never with someone you might actually give a sh*t about. [pause] Who made us these crazy rules, anyway, huh?

Beats me. Let's go have a drink.

Theodore 'Ted' Schmidt:
Or two or three.

Lindsay 'Linz' Peterson:
[Melanie and Lindsay walk in, Melanie's pissed.] Should I freeze this or toss it? [Melanie slams the dish on the counter, then storms to the dining room.] I'd rather not have it around when i'm trying to get back into shape... [Lindsay walks into the dining room.] So how long is this gonna go on? Or do you plan never to speak to me ever again?

Melanie 'Mel' Marcus:
[slams dish] What would you like me to say?

Lindsay 'Linz' Peterson:

Melanie 'Mel' Marcus:
All right, how about "I have a house full of uneaten cold cuts and an uncircumcised son"! How's that? [picks up some plates and storms to the kitchen]

Lindsay 'Linz' Peterson:
[sips some orange juice] Look, [follows Melanie into the kitchen] Brian's gonna take out the insurance policy. At least he's agreed to do that. That's something, isn't it?

Melanie 'Mel' Marcus:
Oh, my consolation prize!

Lindsay 'Linz' Peterson:
Well, it was important enough to you last week!

Melanie 'Mel' Marcus:
So was this afternoon. But now I have been humiliated in front of our friends, my relatives, Rabbi Protesh... Where's the goddamn plastic wrap? [Lindsay hands it to her, Melanie snatches out of Lindsay's hand.] And you let him do it!

Lindsay 'Linz' Peterson:

Melanie 'Mel' Marcus:
You're the one who decided to call off the brisk. Of course, I know it's not very important to you or Brian but it happens to be a very important ritual in my family.

Lindsay 'Linz' Peterson:
You know there are a lot of men who think circumcision is a cruel and barbaric practice?

Melanie 'Mel' Marcus:
[slams the refrigerator shut] I don't care what men think about their d*cks! I care that you put Brian before me. But, you know, why should I be surprised? You always have!

Lindsay 'Linz' Peterson:
Oh, for Christ's sake, are we really gonna go through this again? I don't want to have this conversation!

Melanie 'Mel' Marcus:
Yeah, and I didn't want Brian to be the baby's father in the first place. But no, you had to have it your way. It had to be Brian or no one! So now he's a part of our lives forever! Whether we like it or not!

[after finding out about Ethan cheating on him... ripping up the roses from their date] I wanna be with someone who only wants to be with me... someone I can be with forever. Crock of sh*t.

I meant it.

Yeah, I'm sure you did the second you were saying it.

Christ, look what you're doing to your hands.

Oh, so f***ing what. You're a *liar.*

I didn't want to hurt you.

That is so laughably, so pathetically lame, I am not even gonna comment on it... try something else.

I was... I was covering my ass.

That's better... go on.

I was alone, you weren't there...

Now it's my fault.

That's not what I mean. I missed you.

So, since you couldn't bare to be without me for one f***ing night, you decide to pick up some drooling admirer?

Basically, yes.

So tell me, Mr. Gold, as a last minute replacement, how'd he do? Did he kneel at your feet and worship your huge talent? Did he marvel at your magnificent fingering? Th-th-the way you stroke your bow, leave him breathless?

It was one stupid mistake! Look how many times you forgave Brian!

[throwing the rest of the tattered roses on the ground] I *never* forgave Brian! I never had to... because he never promised me anything. You did. [walks away and takes of the promise Ethan gave him]

I need you. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.

Oh, I'm sure you'll survive. After all you still have your music. That's the only thing you ever really loved.

[Emmett has come to beg Brian to help Ted] You might have called first.

If I had, you would've been in a meeting, right? So, this is the inner sanctum of the great god Kinney. Where men's fates are decided.

What, did Theodore send you down here to throw yourself on my mercy?

He has no idea I'm here, and I have no intention of throwing myself at your mercy, or anything else for that matter.

What a relief! I can come out from behind the desk! [walks to door and opens it]

You realize, of course, there's a very good chance he'll go to jail.

Well tell him to look on the bright side. At least he'll get f***ed regularly.

[walks to the door and closes it again] I suppose that's meant to be witty. We all know about your charming sense of humour but we also know that deep down, you care about us, even though you'd never admit it. Which is why I've come...

I've already told Ted there's nothing I can do...

I know what you told him. I also know what you think about Teddy and me, that we're just a couple of silly queens setting up house, that it'll never work. Well, there was a time when I would've thought exactly the same thing. But miracle of miracles, I have never been happier in my entire life. And you want to know why? Because he gives me love, and respect. And now it is my turn to give him something back. Now I swore to myself this wasn't going to wind up an old Lana turner movie, but it looks like that's the direction it's headed, so I'm going to make Lana proud. Please, Brian I am begging you. Help him.

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
[searching for the right tea for Jennifer] Let's see. We've got Lemon Cream, Raspberry Parfait, Cosy Chamomile... How the hell did a condom get in here? Here, "Get Happy", you need it. So, what did his dad say?

Jennifer Taylor:
He doesn't know.

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
How could he not know? You always know.

Jennifer Taylor:
Same reason I didn't. I didn't want to.

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
Believe me, there are far worse things.

Jennifer Taylor:
I just keep thinking, it's my...

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
It's not.

Jennifer Taylor:
That I was...

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
You didn't.

Jennifer Taylor:
You don't even know what I was going to say.

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
Yeah, I do. Because I asked myself all the same things.

Jennifer Taylor:
So you don't think it was because I...

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
Smothered him? You smother a pork chop, not a son. People are what they are. So did he tell you to f*** off?

Jennifer Taylor:
That wasn't even the worst of it. He told his therapist that he likes... dick.

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
There, you see? You already have something in common. I'm sure you were thinking you would probably never have anything to share again! Listen. They talk big and they act tough... But the truth is, the things he's the most afraid of, even more than his dad finding out and beating the sh*t out of him..., is that you'll stop loving him.

Jennifer Taylor:
I could never do that.

Deborah 'Debbie' Jane Grassi Novotny:
Then you be sure he knows he hasn't lost you.

Michael Novotny:
[Brian opens the door, and finds Michael standing there. Michael enters the loft, and Brian's eyes focus on his outfit all the way in.] Oh shut up!

Brian Kinney:
Who did this thing to you? Ah, let me guess. Emmett Bellarenta?

Michael Novotny:
Should've just worn my jeans, but he said, [imitating Emmett's tone] "No, you can't go out in a date like that".

Brian Kinney:
You've got a date?

Michael Novotny:

Brian Kinney:
A date? [hugging Michael] Mikey's got a date!

Michael Novotny:
I'm gonna call and cancel.

Brian Kinney:
The f*** you are!

Michael Novotny:
Well, I can't go like this!

Brian Kinney:
You're right. [walks to get his shopping bag] Here, try this.

Michael Novotny:
[looking at the shirt Brian just threw at him] Are you sure?

Brian Kinney:
I've got dozens of them.

Michael Novotny:
It's weird going on a date.

Brian Kinney:
Make sure he opens the car door for you and pulls your chair out.

Michael Novotny:
That's what I mean. It's so... hetero. You ever been on a real date?

Brian Kinney:
... Once. I ended up f***ing the waiter.

Michael Novotny:
I don't know what to do or say.

Brian Kinney:
Just be yourself.

Michael Novotny:
That should make the evening fly by! Why can't we just... fast-forward to the sex?

Brian Kinney:
The point of a date, so it's been explained to me by those who do that sort of thing, is that you actually get to know the other person before you f*** them.

Michael Novotny:
What a dumb idea! What if you don't like them?

Brian Kinney:
Worse yet: what if you do?

You said you wouldn't tell! You promised!

Jennifer Taylor:
Justin, I had no choice. I had to tell Daddy.

You lied to me. You said you wouldn't.

Jennifer Taylor:
It was for your own good. When I saw you with this... Brian...

You keep calling him "this Brian", like that's his name. It's just "Brian".

Jennifer Taylor:
[pausing] When I saw you with... Brian..., his arms around you, kissing you, I couldn't believe it! Not for the reason you think. It's not right for a man his age to be touching you! To be having sex with you. And..., even though you may think you... love him..., I'm sure he doesn't love you.

That's not true.

Craig Taylor:
He's an adult! It's illegal for an adult to have sex with a minor.

Jennifer Taylor:
Honey, it's not your fault. We don't blame you. We understand this man... enticed you...

He didn't entice me; I wanted him!

Craig Taylor:
Justin... God! You're... you're too young to know what you want...

Jennifer Taylor:
Craig, please. You promised you'd stay calm.

Craig Taylor:
I... I am calm. And what about A.I.D.S.?

He wore a condom. I put it onto him myself.

Craig Taylor:
Oh! God! I'm calling the police.

Jennifer Taylor:
You're not calling anybody. That's all we need, for everybody to know.

Craig Taylor:
Wait, you want this monster, this... child molester to go free?

He didn't molest me and I'm not a child. [looking at Jennifer] I love him... more than anything else in my life. It's all I want - is to be with him.

Craig Taylor:
I... don't ever want to hear you say that again. And you are not to see him.

I'm going to see him. I don't care what you say.

Craig Taylor:
I don't think so. [Justin just walks away from his parents.] No, you're not, Justin. Hey, Justin!

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