ChristenKuikouafans's Quotes

Here's the list of quotes submitted by ChristenKuikouafans  —  There are currently 109 quotes total — keep up the great work!

While it's their right to speak, it's not mandatory for you to listen. Focus on valuing yourself and understanding your worth. If they can't align with you, it's not personal, but sometimes you have to move forward without them.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 days ago

Matching appearances with authenticity isn't guaranteed, as even the devil can disguise as an angel of light without embodying light. Be wary of persuasive speakers; judge them by their actions, not just their words.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 6 days ago

Those who refuse to fail also refuse to grow, while those who accept failure as part of the journey are the ones who experience growth.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 6 days ago

Never be too egocentric to forgive, for liberation is far sweeter than the chains of resentment.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 6 days ago

Lies create more lies, which spawn even more lies, leading to a tangled web of deceit. So, why lie in the first place, only to perpetuate a cycle of falsehoods.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 6 days ago

I was built for music, designed to propel it, and disciplined to respect it. Music is not just some passion but a calling to glorify he that gave me the gift.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 6 days ago

Shining doesn't always signify gold; sometimes, real gold shines less, while fake gold dazzles with false allure. A common man may blindly choose the fake because of its surface brilliance, forsaking the authentic. However, a discerning man, knowing what he truly seeks, prioritizes quality over mere appeal, recognizing that substance holds greater value than superficial glamour.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 6 days ago

What destroys a man is often within his sight; if he couldn't see it, he wouldn't be tempted to touch it. Therefore, wisdom lies not only in avoiding what's harmful but also in guarding one's eyes against the allure of destruction.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 6 days ago

A man's downfall can be traced back to a woman, just as his triumph can also be attributed to her. A virtuous wife uplifts her husband, whereas an arrogant one brings about his downfall. Thus, wives, lay the foundation of your homes with virtue and strength, while men, stay committed and focused rather than seeking fleeting pleasures.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 6 days ago

Foolishness is the fact that one thing They are too smart to learn something new. That's why foolish people don't know they are foolish; in their foolishness, they mask their folly as wisdom, yet wisdom knows how to recognize its own simplicity.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 6 days ago

It is unwise to be too wise, yet not wise to be unwise

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

If a law condemns righteousness as evil, shouldn't it be modified or amended to reflect true justice?

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Time offers every man the opportunity to become a warrior, but it takes belief in oneself to turn that opportunity into reality.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Your enemies will never be at ease, even in your exile, for they fear your presence and the very essence of your being. The mere sound or whisper of your name strikes terror in their hearts. But fear not, for goodness is always rewarded to the virtuous, and karma serves justice to the offenders.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Frames are never measured by power alone, but rather through the lens of compassion and understanding

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

My beliefs have been silenced without a fair trial, and my mind has been suppressed, yet they continue to label it as justice.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

A righteous man silenced by supposed justice can bring about the downfall of a nation.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Of what value will it be for indiscipline to possess money if it can't be wielded right? Wouldn't you rather give it to discipline to wisely spend it, ensuring its true worth is realized and its benefits are maximized?

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Why should I offer a lot when you struggle to handle even a little, let alone show gratitude?

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Understanding is what makes us to Understand Understanding

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

A person values only what holds value to them.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

A crown of gold has no value if the honor of the wearer is gone, for true worth lies not in the adornments we wear but in the integrity and character we embody.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

A promise made is a commitment to uphold; therefore, one who cannot honor their word should refrain from making promises.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Love is like a dream you never wish to end, a magical journey where every moment feels like eternity, and every heartbeat whispers the promise of forever.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Being born in a divided family doesn't give you the right to create havoc. All mankind has the notion of justice ingrained within them, even an infant, who, while feeding on his mother's breast, understands when reprimanded that what he did was wrong.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

People are what they eat, and if born in an abusive environment, they can internalize that abuse and perpetuate it, shaping their behavior and outlook on life.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Knowledge is like confusion to the immature; the more you amass, the more it gets confusing. But to the wise, knowledge is a pathway to clarity, where each piece fits into the grand puzzle of understanding.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Just like life he God offers trials And sometimes braving those trials lead to success And sometimes even when you brave it you got to learn patience & Endurance To Attain the Fruits

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Life phenomena Represents God For creation, Only Imitate the Creator For just like life God is the Teacher And Believing and Following his Words Garantee you Salvation Doesn't always garantee you wealth But eternal life for sure.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

An Each struggle and success is an examination paper Passing it determines if you are going to the next level and like if you fail you learn from failures and retry

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Life is a School and In that school There is a bunch of events And Those different episodes of events represents the classroom of life

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

If I become your friend, it's because I recognize a quality in you that I admire and aspire to possess. So, know that our friendship isn't a coincidence; it was well thought out. I made a deliberate choice to learn and grow from your influence in my life.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

I have free will, but free will doesn't give me license to be foolish and do anything simply because I have the ability to do so.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

If I decide to be in a relationship with you, it's because I've accepted upon myself to bear you, to bear your pain, and to share in your joy. It's my decision, a commitment willingly made, and I stand by it wholeheartedly.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Just because you know, doesn't always means that you know , you know?

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

My heart is shattered,But not feeling ashamed for thought with pain am now free of chains

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Why seek the differences that tear us apart? Let understanding reign, a work of art.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Crimes, racism, and rape, Just to name a Few Violence Against Christians, a war to reshape. And yet, in God we trust, they dare profess, What God is this, with such moral regress? Tell me, people, tell me, world so wide, What God is this, where sins abide? For the God I know rejects abomination,

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

In the name of beauty, surgeries unfold, Young girls alter bodies, a story untold. As if God made mistakes in His creation, A defiance of divine design, a false fixation.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

In the name of knowledge, forbidden knowing gained, Sacred boundaries crossed, wisdom profaned.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

In the name of money and power, nations collide, Killing each other, as if life's a commodity to decide.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

In the name of God, churches tyrant-like, Preaching prosperity, as if Jesus sought wealth's spike.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Stop it, For In the name of body image, abortions justified, Innocent lives extinguished, under the banner of women's rights.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

In the name of acceptance, abominations embraced, What was unholy now applauded and praised. Same-sex unions paraded in false equity, A mockery of God's plan, a blatant heresy

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

It's okay to break my feelings, it's okay to say no, but what is not okay is to play with my feelings; for that's where trust shatters and scars grow.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

The biggest prison of a man is his mind; when you find a way to trick it to accomplish your goals, even your failures run away from you, and success becomes your faithful companion.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Place my well-being above the fear of my anger. I would prefer experiencing frustration while working towards overcoming an addiction rather than risking my life due to the hesitation to confront the issue and potentially losing me. Prioritize my safety and health over the temporary discomfort of dealing with my emotions.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Issues and disagreements can only be resolved through effective communication. Therefore, if I have unintentionally offended you in any way, I would appreciate it if you could express your feelings directly. It's possible that I may not be aware of the impact of my actions, as I'm not able to read minds. If you are concerned about a negative reaction, feel free to discuss the matter with someone you trust, who can convey your thoughts to me without causing conflict. Open and honest communication is key to understanding and resolving any potential issues.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Not every day is a Sunday; just because life smiled upon you today doesn't secure it for tomorrow.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

You don't build kings. Kings are forged through adversity, shaped by challenges, and crowned by resilience.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

17 years old is just a number, but if only you knew what God did for me, you would understand that if not for Him alone, I wouldn't be where I am today. His grace, guidance, and unwavering love have shaped my journey and given purpose to this mere existence. With each step, I am reminded that behind every number, there's a story of divine intervention and blessings that transcend the limits of age. So, as I navigate this journey called life, I carry His grace in my heart, knowing that with God, every number is a testimony of His extraordinary faithfulness.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

I am competitive by nature, and I am confident that's my strength. I apologize if anyone ever mistook my competitive spirit for arrogance, but I will never apologize for being too competitive and confident because that's what pushes me to not fail. I'd rather be criticized for my ambition than regret not giving my all. It's not about being better than others, as the truth is there is always someone better than you. But, as I said, it's about proving to myself that I am capable. By confronting my fears and failures, I learn to fail to succeed. I admit that at times I can be very tough, but don't ever think it's because of you. My toughness is a reflection of the high standards I set for myself. It's a personal journey of growth, where resilience and determination fuel my relentless pursuit of self-improvement . I have learned that in the arena of life, I aim not just to participate but to conquer.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

You will never make 20 in a row if you are not okay to miss 200 hundred. Success often requires learning from setbacks, and understanding that each miss brings you closer to the perfect score.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 1 month ago

Stress is a part of life, but it doesn't define us. How we navigate through it, learn from it, and grow despite it, that's where our true strength lies.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

of what good is relying on the past if it stops us from having a future.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

It is prudent to avoid foolishness, but unwise to lack wisdom.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Reasoning prevails over logic when logic fails to provide sufficient reasoning.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Recognizing one's lack of knowledge is the first step towards gaining knowledge.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Having the right to do anything and everything doesn't mean you have to do anything and everything.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

loneliness makes sometimes the toughest soldier just shadows of themself

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

It is challenging to extend forgiveness to someone you struggle to genuinely love, yet refusing to forgive them becomes an act of unlove, chaining yourself to a form of captivity. It is another way of embracing confinement.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

A great once said he had a dream, yet many of us remain slaves of our own minds and possessions. Until we break the chains of self-imposed limitations and material attachments, the dream of true freedom will elude us, and the echoes of liberation will only be whispers in the corridors of our aspirations.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

True liberation begins within. If the chains of the mind persist, the shackles of physical confinement are but an outer reflection of an unfree soul.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

In the eyes of a manipulator, Love becomes a weapon—a tool wielded with cunning intent to exploit vulnerability and sow the seeds of deception.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Love isn't weakness; it's true strength that only the right people can see

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Love is a powerful force that reveals its resilience in the face of adversity, a beacon of authenticity that withstands the illusions of deceit.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

A day will dawn when we finally comprehend that the mask is indeed a true reflection of who we are.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

How can one ever escape insecurity about being insecure when they are already caught in the cycle of insecurity?

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

It's okay to be alone, but not okay to die alone

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

I value my culture, I value my people, I value my nation. I am not ashamed to say that I am a proud product of Africa

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Of what joy is money, if a man is lonely? True wealth lies not just in currency but in the richness of companionship, the warmth of shared moments, and the priceless bonds that money alone cannot buy.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

In the kingdom of self love, I reign as an unapologetic black king, Adorned in the aesthetics of my truth. Let them speak, let them roar: their insults are mere echoes in the grandeur of my existence. What they say will fade, for i am the architect of my own narrative, where confidence is my crown, and acceptance is my throne. There is nothing they can do to dim the brilliance of my royal spirit

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Kindness is a language that transcends words, a warmth that defies boundaries, and a strength that builds bridges. In its purest form, kindness is the essence of humanity, weaving a fabric of compassion, understanding, and love.-

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Change is inevitable; permanence is an illusion. There are moments when comfort breeds complacency, prompting the Divine to disrupt our equilibrium. Instead of fearing these shifts, interpret them as signs. Embrace a positive mindset and practice patience, for in doing so, you open the door to blessings that surpass your wildest expectations.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Prayer is the Only thing left When The World Goes insane

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

We tend to confuse love and lust. Love is a deep connection that nurtures the soul, while lust is a fleeting desire that satisfies the moment.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

My life is a book, yet the pages are my journey, written with the ink of experiences and bound by the lessons learned along the way.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Lust is perplexing; in one moment, you crave everything, and in the next, you question why you desired what captivated you just a minute before.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

I have learned to embrace failure for it to not embrace me first

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Expressing gratitude when receiving something is akin to asking more.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Though death is unavoidable, to dwell in sorrow is a different form of demise.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

It's one thing to say i love you yet is another to show

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Defeat is a mirage, while victory is a state of mind.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Forgiveness doesn't necessarily entail forgetting, but remembering offers another chance to extend forgiveness further.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

As a high schooler, I learned that sometimes it's okay for your enemies to be many and your equals to be none. By adopting this mindset, their criticisms become insignificant

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Only a culprit can be affected by one's truthful confession

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

There was a period when God seemed absent, and an unexplained yearning filled my being. When His presence returned, joy and peace enveloped me. Today, I realize that true fulfillment for humanity is found in communion with God.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Individual effort alone may not rescue a nation, but when people unite, their collective voice becomes impactful.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

In every tear, there's a lesson. Within each lesson, there's a blessing.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

As mankind descends into the depths of evil, echoing the times of Joshua, prayer emerges as the singular force capable of summoning God's intervention for our deliverance from the clutches of the malevolent. In the face of our own contemporary challenges, let our collective prayers rise as a beacon of hope, seeking divine mercy and guidance to navigate the shadows that threaten to engulf us.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

In a future where a singular religion may unify all, a plea resonates: Please, please, please, be discerning. Not everything deemed righteous in the eyes of humanity aligns with the righteousness of God. A time will come when our steadfast faith will be tested, and we may face adversity for our beliefs. Do not deny your God, for those who seek refuge under His protective shadow will find joy, even amid pain and tribulations.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Darkness draws near, yet we remain blind to its encroachment. As families, let us unite in prayer both in the morning and night, for though the antagonist may not be physically present, the spirit of his malevolence permeates. In this critical juncture, a call echoes—Now is the time to pray more than ever. There exists a season for everything, and in these moments of uncertainty, the power of collective prayer becomes our beacon against the impending shadows.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

The imminent era draws near when humanity may be replaced by AI, a technological realm infiltrated by ominous forces seeking Earth's destruction. A plea echoes to Christians and non-Christians alike: pray, pray for what is approaching—a war against spiritual dominion and mankind. Urgently beseech the divine, for the moment is now, not tomorrow. Tomorrow may be too late for some, as sad as it sounds. To those who hear the truth and resist obedience, be prepared to confront formidable forces. Let not your hearts harden, for in prayer lies the hope for divine intervention in the face of impending challenges.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

A man who perceives danger yet chooses to slumber without warning those who might be affected by it exhibits cruelty. Such an individual, willfully ignorant of the potential consequences, will inevitably bear the weight of self-inflicted remorse and face the consequences of his indifference.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Why is our self-love seemingly stronger than our regard for others, while we permit their negative opinions to shape our lives? Am Confused.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

War is approaching, its presence imminent—a divine instruction, a call to arms. In the face of this looming threat, the fervent call echoes: Pray, pray, and pray again, for in prayer lies the shield that may spare you from the grasp of death.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Seeing doesn't make it truth; hearing doesn't make it facts. Recognizing that everything we perceive is filtered through subjective lenses, we understand the importance of discernment and the influence of individual perspectives.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

When God has granted you the privilege to breathe, to love, and to enjoy, reflect on the profound nature of these blessings and appreciate the unique gift of life.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 2 months ago

Those who abide in the abode of the Lord will never experience the bitterness of His wrath, nor shall they partake in its taste.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

An abundance of friendships may pave the path to failure. A man cannot align himself too closely with the world, as exemplified by Christ who, despite calling twelve, experienced betrayal from one among them.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

The most powerful weapon a person possesses is forgiveness, for if your enemy has been forgiven, how can they lead you to sin against the Lord your God?

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

Education is a gift that empowers minds, unlocks potential, and paves the way for a brighter future. While it may not be everything, it builds common sense, enabling us to embrace knowledge and personal growth, ultimately shaping individuals into architects of their destinies.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

In times of despair, hope becomes the anchor for the righteous, as we entered this world bare, and we shall exit it in the same manner. The culmination of all things surpasses its inception.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

Women are not just wives but the heartbeat, the soul, and the mindset of this community. Just as my mother, They are the architects of our values, the bearers of our culture, and the driving force behind positive change.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

The certainty of the world's end looms, yet those whose hearts reside at the feet of the Lord shall not meet their end as the world does. For the earth, beneath our Creator's majesty, is but His footstool, and He reigns as the sovereign monarch over both heaven and earth. In this divine embrace, one finds an eternal sanctuary beyond the temporal boundaries of worldly existence.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

Truth shall always be truth, no matter how much darkness tries to cover it; truth is forever true. He who refuses truth shall one day drink of God's wrath. There is a time for everything, even a time for judgment. He that has ears hears, and he that closes his ear should also be prepared to drink the cup of divine justice.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

Serving one's brother with expectations is a self-rewarding act. Don't serve to receive, but do it to help, for the purest joy in serving is found in the genuine desire to make a positive difference in someone else's life.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

Though man may choose to divide the world in the guise of unity, heed my words: Anything that truly unites does not sow division. Therefore, if what is proclaimed as unity ends up dividing, it can't be genuine unity.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

He who believes himself wiser than God has barely embarked on the journey to understand the virtue of Wisdom. The fool, in his arrogance, deems himself too clever, and yet God maintains a silent laughter at the folly of such conceit. True wisdom lies in humble acknowledgment, for in humility, one opens the door to the profound lessons that God's silent laughter imparts.

Christen Kuikoua  Famous Quote

added 3 months ago

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Which film is the following quote from: "The Frost. Sometimes it makes the blade stick."?
A Gladiator
B The Three Musketeers
C Spartacus
D Romans