Artlover87's Quotes

Here's the list of quotes submitted by Artlover87  —  There are currently 24 quotes total — keep up the great work!

The Screenslaver interrupts this program for an important announcement. Don't bother watching the rest. Elastigirl doesn't save the day; she only postpones her defeat. And while she postpones her defeat, you eat chips and watch her invert problems that you are too lazy to deal with. Superheroes are part of a brainless desire to replace true experience with simulation. You don't talk, you watch talk shows. You don't play games, you watch game shows. Travel, relationships, risk; every meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you to watch at a distance so that you can remain ever-sheltered, ever-passive, ever-ravenous consumers who can't free themselves to rise from their couches, break a sweat, never anticipate new life. You want superheroes to protect you, and make yourselves ever more powerless in the process. Well, you tell yourselves you're being "looked after". That you're inches from being served and your rights are being upheld. So that the system can keep stealing from you, smiling at you all the while. Go ahead, send your supers to stop me. Grab your snacks, watch your screens, and see what happens. You are no longer in control. I am.

Incredibles 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rick Dicker:
If you wanna get out of the hole, first you gotta put down the shovel.

Incredibles 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Reid:
There are moments in a rock star's life that define who he is and how people perceive him as he ascends into the heavens. You lit the blue touch paper. Now we can all see you shooting light and color into the night sky. Where there was darkness, there is now... you, Elton John. You could do anything you want. You can be anyone you want. And it's going to be a wild ride.

Rocketman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Elton John:
My name is Elton Hercules John. And I'm an alcoholic. And a cocaine addict. And a sex addict. And a bulimic. Also a shopaholic and has problems with weed, prescription drugs and anger management.

Rocketman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Isobel Merton:
Oh Violet. After all these years you still astonish me.

Violet Crawley:
Oh good, I'm glad I'm a revelation and not a disappointment.

Downton Abbey  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Violet Crawley:
Machiavelli is frequently underrated. He had many qualities.

Isobel Merton:
So did Caligula - not all of them charming.

Downton Abbey  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tony Stark:
[to Steve, referring to his 2012 self] Mr. Rogers, I almost forgot, that suit did nothing for your ass.

Steve Rogers:
No one asked you to look, Tony.

Tony Stark:
It's ridiculous.

Scott Lang:
I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass.

Avengers: Endgame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Give me a break.

Miss Olin:
Ah ha. We seem to have a skeptic in our midst. Mr. Dennison, would you care to share your California, laid-back, tye-dye point of view?

Hocus Pocus  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Billy Butcherson:
[to Winifred, after finally freeing his mouth] Wench! Trollop! You buck toothed, mop riding firefly from hell!

[Winifred yells offensively]

Billy Butcherson:
[happily to Max] I've waited centuries to say that.

[disgusted] Say what you want; just don't breathe on me!

Hocus Pocus  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Steve Rogers:
Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, that doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win. Whatever it takes. Good luck.

Avengers: Endgame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tony Stark:
Everybody wants a happy ending. Right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing. God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised, but come on. The epic forces of dark and light that have come in to play. And for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in. So I thought I better record a little greeting, in the case of an untimely death, on my part. I mean, not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. Then again that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I even tripping for? Everything's gonna workout exactly the way it's supposed to.

[stands up and walks forward to bend down and look Morgan in the eyes]

Tony Stark:
I love you 3000.

Avengers: Endgame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tony Stark:
No amount of money ever bought a second of time.

Avengers: Endgame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nature isn't constrained by our lack of imagination.

Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

As long as desire is banished from the kingdom of Heaven, there will always be a long line at the Gates of Hell.

Douglas Carlton Abrams  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

Killing isn’t power, anyone can take a life. But to give life, that’s true power.

Batman & Robin  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why so tense, Potter? My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five!

I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy! He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic!

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Leonard 'Bones' McCoy:
Permission to speak freely, sir?

I welcome it.

Leonard 'Bones' McCoy:
Do you? OK, then. Are you out of your Vulcan mind? Are you making a logical choice, sending Kirk away? Probably. But, the right one? You know, back home we have a saying: "If you're gonna ride in the Kentucky Derby, you don't leave your prize stallion in the stable."

A curious metaphor, doctor, as a stallion must first be broken before it can reach its potential.

Leonard 'Bones' McCoy:
My God, man, you could at least ACT like it was a hard decision.

I intend to assist in the effort to reestablish communication with Starfleet. However, if crew morale is better served by my roaming the halls weeping, I will gladly defer to your medical expertise. Excuse me.

Leonard 'Bones' McCoy:
[as Spock leaves] Green-blooded hobgoblin.

Star Trek  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

A man who falls into a fast-flowing river is wise to swim with the current.

Thomas Steinbeck  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

The common people pray for rain, health and a summer that never ends. They don’t care what game the high lords play.

Game of Thrones, Season 1  Show Quote

added 5 years ago

Semper Eadem

Queen Elizabeth I  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

Even in the material world, if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

The Legend of Korra, Book 3: Change  Show Quote

added 5 years ago

When in doubt, go to the library.

J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings

Bob Dylan  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.

J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

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A Otto von Bismarck
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D John Rambo