Quotes from the news wire:
Adapting to new functions will include changes in how we manage ourselves in cyberspace.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
So if more is required…I will go to the president with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as I have, and if he's done like he's done so far, he'll say go for it because we need to get this done quickly.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
They're definitely in combat. That's how you get shot. Their purpose is counterterrorism. They were after a group of terrorists coming into Afghanistan.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I said ‘look guys and gals, we need you to do more. You know we're doing more. We're trying to accelerate what is the certain defeat of ISIL. You've got to get in the game and do more. Because we need to win as fast as we can,’.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
And that's where they're concentrated. And the targets we hit when the Libyan forces identify them. And they do that. I'm certain there will be more.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
So they have to be destroyed and defeated in Iraq and Syria, that's where this whole cancer started.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Well, that's where ISIL is. It's a town called Sirte, and that's where they're concentrated. And the targets we hit when the Libyan forces identify them. And they do that. I'm certain there will be more.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
This is the right thing to do for our people and for the force.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
This is not just about jobs and trade, it's not just about hard, cold cash. It's also about building relationships across borders.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I think it's very hard to be very precise about these numbers.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
It's a strategic location, we've had it for a long time, it's important to us and we intend to hold onto it.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
It's something we watch very closely and it's something we take action against.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
It's a tool that we introduced as part of our -- the accelerated operations to conduct raids of various kinds, seizing places and people, freeing hostages and prisoners of ISIL, and making it such that ISIL has to fear that anywhere, anytime, it may be struck.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
If we don’t innovate and be competitive, we’re not going to be the military that the country needs and deserves, we should have done it a while ago.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
As 2022 approaches, A-10s will be replaced by F-35s only on a squadron-by-squadron basis as they come online, ensuring that all units have sufficient backfill and that we retain enough aircraft needed to fight today's conflicts.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We're pushing off the A-10's final retirement until 2022 so we can keep more aircraft that can drop smart bombs on ISIL.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I saw some of the A-10s that are flying bombing missions against ISIL (the Pentagon's term for ISIS) when I was at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey last December, and we need the additional payload capacity they can bring to the fight, we're pushing off the A-10's final retirement until 2022 so we can keep more aircraft that can drop smart bombs on ISIL.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Some don't even like to acknowledge the operations of special forces, but there are a number of them. And we are the organiser of them.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We're not looking to substitute for them, any more than we're looking to substitute for the Iraqi forces. But we are looking to enable them strongly and help them organise themselves.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We're going to try to give opportunities and power to ... particularly Sunni Arabs in Syria who want to re-seize their territory back from ISIL, especially Raqqa.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
It's not going to look like it did back in Cold War days but it will constitute, in today's terms, a strong deterrent.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I'll be looking for others in NATO to echo (us) in our investment.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We have a very clear operational picture of how to do it. Now we just need the resources and the forces to fall in behind it.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I don't think anybody's satisfied with the pace of the (campaign), that's why we're all looking to accelerate it. Certainly the president isn't (satisfied).
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
To eliminate the parent tumor in Iraq and Syria, we are enabling local, motivated forces with critical support from a global coalition wielding a suite of capabilities — ranging from airstrikes, special forces, cyber tools, intelligence, equipment, mobility and logistics, training, advice and assistance, it must be local forces who deliver( ISIS) a lasting defeat, because only they can secure and govern the territory by building long-term trust within the populations they liberate.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We’re looking for opportunities to do more and there will be boots on the ground and I want to be clear about that, but it’s a strategic question whether you are enabling local forces to take and hold rather than trying to substitute for them. That is a strategic intention that we have.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
The really valuable thing we get from their being there is that connection to local forces that are willing to take action, we learn about them and interact with them. We collect valuable intelligence that informs the air campaign -- valuable intelligence about how ISIL is preying upon the people, taxing the people and so forth that helps us with our -- the economic aspects of our campaign, the counter-financing, the counter-messaging parts of our campaign.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I expect him both to hear what we're doing, and continue to say what he's told me and Gen. (Joseph) Dunford, certainly for the military campaign, which is that he wants us to continue to come to him with proposals for ways that we can strengthen the campaign consistent with our overall strategic approach.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
They'll be allowed to drive tanks, fire mortars, and lead infantry soldiers into combat. They'll be able to serve as Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALS, Marine Corps infantry, Air Force parajumpers and everything else that was previously open only to men.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
People are assigned to missions, tasks and functions according to need as well as their capabilities, and women will be subject to the same standard and rules that men will.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
As long as they qualify and meet the standards, women will now be able to contribute to our mission in ways they could not before, they'll be allowed to drive tanks, fire mortars, and lead infantry soldiers into combat. They'll be able to serve as Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALS, Marine Corps infantry, Air Force parajumpers and everything else that was previously open only to men.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Going forward, we shouldn't be surprised if these small numbers are also reflected in areas like recruitment, voluntary assignment, retention.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We are a joint force, and I've decided to make a decision that applies to the entire force.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
This means that as long as they qualify and meet the standards, women will now be able to contribute to our mission in ways they could not before. They'll be able to drive tanks, give orders, lead infantry soldiers into combat, there will be no exceptions.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
These special operators will, over time, be able to conduct raids, free hostages, gather intelligence and capture ISIL leaders, this force will also be in a position to conduct unilateral operations in Syria.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
In full coordination with the government of Iraq, we're deploying a specialized expeditionary targeting force to assist Iraqi and Kurdish Peshmerga forces and to put even more pressure on ISIL, these special operators will over time be able to conduct raids, free hostages, gather intelligence and capture ISIL leaders.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Turkey must do more to control its often-porous border, saudi Arabia and the Gulf states joined the air campaign in the early days, but have since been pre-occupied by the conflict in Yemen.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
These special operators will over time be able to conduct raids, free hostages, gather intelligence, and capture ISIL leaders.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
This created a virtuous cycle of better intelligence, which generates more targets, more raids and more momentum.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Where we find further opportunity to leverage such capability, we will be prepared to expand it.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We're prepared to change the rules of engagement. We've changed tactics, as we just did in the case of the fuel trucks.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I expect the highest possible standards of conduct from the men and women in this department, particularly from those serving in the most senior positions, there is no exception.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
The age of our bomber fleet requires new thinking and new capabilities, building this bomber is a strategic investment for the next 50 years.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
This is combat, things are complicated.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
It represents a continuation of our advise-and-assist mission.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
The plan was not for the U.S. advise-and-assist and accompanying forces to enter the compound or be involved in the firefight, this is someone who saw the team that he was advising and assisting coming under attack, and he made it possible for them to be effective, and in doing that, lost his own life.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
When we find opportunities to do things that will effectively prosecute the campaign, we're going to do that, raids is one of those categories and I suspect that we'll have further opportunities in the future and we're going to avail ourselves.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We do look at it as enough. We did a lot of homework on this.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
The U.S. military takes the greatest care in our operations to prevent the loss of innocent life, and when we make mistakes, we own up to them. That's exactly what we're doing right now.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We have devised a number of different approaches to that going forward and taken them to President (Barack) Obama, and you will be hearing I think very shortly from him.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We will monitor the progress these groups make and provide them with air support as they take the fight to ISIL.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I was not satisfied with the early efforts in that regard, and so we are looking at different ways to achieve the same strategic objectives, which is the right one, which is to enable capable motivated forces on the ground to retake territory from ISIL and reclaim Syrian territory from extremism so we have devised a number of different approaches to that going forward.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We expect good conduct on the part of our people.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Of course it's an issue because conduct is very important, we expect good conduct on the part of our people.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
They need to join the (air strike rotation) and they need to work more on controlling their border.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I'm confident that we will succeed in defeating ISIL and that we have the right strategy, but it's complicated not just only in Iraq ... but in Syria as well.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Their leadership has indicated that this needs to be done, it's long overdue because it's a year into the campaign, but they're indicating some considerable effort now, including allowing us to use their air fields. That's important, but it's not enough.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
It's a border over which logistics for ISIL and the fighters cross, so we're looking for them to do more in that regard as well and are in active discussions with them about that.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
With respect to Guantanamo, I see it exactly the way the president does.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I've been candid that it is difficult and has been difficult with respect to Syria.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
This does not mean that either of these sites will be chosen; we will also be assessing other locations in coming weeks, ultimately, the facility surveys will provide me, the rest of the President's national security team and Congress with some of the information needed to chart a responsible way forward and a plan so that we can close the detention facility at Guantanamo and this chapter in our history once and for all.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Vladimir Putin's Russia behaves ... in some respects and in very important respects, as an antagonist, that is new. That is something, therefore, that we need to adjust to and counter.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Ultimately, the facility surveys will provide me, the rest of the President's national security team and Congress with some of the information needed to chart a responsible way forward and a plan so that we can close the detention facility at Guantanamo and this chapter in our history once and for all.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
It is a border over which logistics for ISIL and fighters cross; and so we're looking for them to do more in that regard.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I'm aware of it. Of course it's an issue because conduct is very important. We expect good conduct on the part of our people, the services are looking into it, as well they should be, absolutely.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
The operation underscores the work that General [John F.] Campbell and all of our forces in Afghanistan do each day to take the fight to Al Qaeda, we will continue to counter violence extremism in the region and around the world, including coalition efforts to deliver a lasting defeat to ISIL.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Obviously force protection everywhere around the world, abroad and now at home, is a big priority for us at the department, and will continue to be.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We are also refining our curriculum, expanding our outreach to the moderate opposition, and incorporating lessons learned from the first training class.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We are looking for ways to streamline our train and equip program's vetting process to get more recruits into the training pipeline, we are also refining our curriculum, expanding our outreach to the moderate opposition, and incorporating lessons learned from the first training class.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
What apparently happened was that the Iraqi forces just showed no will to fight.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
That is why I think we need to redouble our efforts to get -- hasten this delivery of equipment to them, their training to support Prime Minister Abadi, we can't make this happen by ourselves, but we can assist it to happen, and we are counting on the Iraqi people to come behind a multi-sectarian government in Baghdad.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
What apparently happened was that the Iraqi forces just showed no will to fight, they were not outnumbered. In fact, they vastly outnumbered the opposing force, and yet they failed to fight, they withdrew from the site, and that says to me, and I think to most of us, that we have an issue with the will of the Iraqis to fight ISIL and defend themselves.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
But if we give them training, we give them equipment, and give them support, and give them some time, I hope they will develop the will to fight, because only if they fight can ISIL remain defeated.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
So our efforts now are devoted to providing their ground forces with the equipment, the training and to try to encourage their will to fight, so that our campaign enabling them can be successful both in defeating ISIL and keeping ISIL defeated in a sustained way.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
But again, we can't make that happen. We can only help create the conditions in which it will happen.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
The operation represents another significant blow to ISIL, and it is a reminder that the United States will never waver in denying safe haven to terrorists who threaten our citizens, and those of our friends and allies.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
There will be plenty of time in the months ahead for proper tributes and farewells, but for now let me just say that President Obama, Chairman Dempsey and I could not have been better served.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
He not only has plenty of operational and joint experience in Afghanistan, in Iraq and on the Joint staff, but he also has the intellect and vision to feed change throughout the Army.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
When he was in Afghanistan as commanding general of ISAF joint command, I had a lot of opportunity to observe Mark on the ground leading our coalition allies and partners and helping the Afghan people prepare to take responsibility for their own security, mark and I flew to Iraq the day after an attack on the U.S. consulate there, and I saw Mark take command of the scene and stand with our people there I was impressed by his candor and good judgment, and I knew right away that he had more to offer the United States Army.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We have not determined yet all of the rules of engagement ... but we have acknowledged that we have some responsibility to support them.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We're starting with the people that we have that we've vetted very carefully, we expect that to be successful and therefore to grow. But you have to start somewhere, and this is where we're starting.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I think it will be useful to us for the world to know that, first of all, we're going to protect ourselves, we're going to defend ourselves.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
They'd discovered an old vulnerability in one of our legacy networks that hadn't been patched.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Are there suspicions? Are there issues that arose ... obviously in the case of the Snowden case? No question about it.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We don't live in an era where all of the technology of importance to national security is going to come out of the Pentagon. Those days are gone.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
To be relevant in today's world, you have to have a coolness factor. We want our mission to be exciting to people.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We have options, we're not at that point. We're at the point of trying to get the parties back to the table.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
I'm not going to tell you what the United States is prepared to do. As the president said, we have options.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Sequestration is a sudden and arbitrary cut in the defense budget that we can't predict.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
So it's not like they( the Europeans) don't have plenty to do.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Now they're beginning to wake up, so it's not like they( the Europeans) don't have plenty to do.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
It's too low, and if Europe wants to be a force in the world it needs to be more than a moral and political and economic force, which Europe is because it shares many of our values and demonstrates them around the world. But it has to have the military power that goes with that as well.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
We also see great opportunities: Among them, to shift the great weight of the Department of Defense, both intellectual and physical, that has been devoted to Iraq and Afghanistan, to the Asia-Pacific region, where America will continue to play its seven-decade-old pivotal stabilizing role into the future.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
The information that was posted by ISIL was information taken from social websites and publicly available. It wasn’t stolen from any DoD (Defense Department) websites or any confidential databases.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
The time for squeezing, squeezing, squeezing is over, we're going to need to look at our fundamental defense strategy and our national security strategy and ask ourselves difficult questions about what we can't do or can't do to the extent this country has become accustomed.
– Defense Secretary Ash Carter
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