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Oh how smoothly, how swiftly and horribly, how cruelly and thoroughly, one discovers the powers and prowess of Maya, the Supreme power of Illusions! With a simple sleight of her hand, léger de main, everything changes in a moment; electrically charged, awesome and exciting years of life shrink to moments - just to realize that all that fascinating reality had been a dream. Perhaps all that had happened previously had been a continuous sequence of beautiful images that one would admire and fall in love with, and to realize that it’s all the game of dreams, illusions and Maya. The reality also strikes, at the same moment, that everything one would still experience in the future, would see with one’s eyes and feel with one’s hands, up to the moment of one’s death — that everything is not going to be any different in substance, or any different in kind. Why would it be? It’s always all a game, all foam and all dreams. It’s Maya, the whole lovely and frightful, delicious and desperate kaleidoscope of life with its searing delights, intertwined with its searing sorrows, the amazing show that has been ongoing since the dawn of Universe.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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After the extended period of heat and dry weather, comes the first rain shower of the season creating an exquisite eloquent fragrance in the air - an earthy sweet smell that permeates and floats all around us, refreshing and rejuvenating our lives. I love that powerful seductive scent - emanating from the long awaited sensual union of soft and gentle rain drops with dry and thirsty waiting ground, instantaneously instigating an intense intimacy in the air. This elegant enchanting fragrance is called "Petrichor"; a composite word from Greek language, where "Petra" means ‘the stone’, and "Ichor" means 'the fluid that flows in the veins of the Gods' per Greek Mythology. In my view, Petrichor is the most elegant and divine perfume that must be a gift from Supreme Power to us. If my life were a perfume, I would surely like her to smell like Petrichor, that exquisite earthy fragrance after the first rain.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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If someone has stolen your idea or taken undue credit for your work, don't let it upset you. Learn from that experience and move on as swiftly as you can. Life is too short to dwell in the past, and fall in the trap of self-pity and misery. In my experience, those who steal the credit and ideas of others shamelessly, often don't realize that they are actually increasing their bad "Karma" by their wrongdoings, and that bad Karma quickly catches up with them in no time. Be assured! Time takes care in sweet and mysterious ways - always! Never forget that nobody will ever be able to steal or take away your creativity, ingenuity, and inventive mind, even though they may have stolen your one idea at one time only. Your divine spark of intelligence will continue to illuminate the world, even after losing that one idea - because surely there's plenty more where that came from!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Many events in life can be likened with ever-receding mirages that always deceive the traveller in the desert. We sometimes run after alluring attractive dreams in the hope of reaching them, but to no avail. At some stage, we discover that all those were only our delusions....the dreams, the people and the promises that we ran after were not really what we thought them to be. At that juncture, it's best to move on with life, and not to think of those failed dreams, deceptive people, and broken promises. In my view, recognizing the delusional mirages in right time is most important for the traveller - because it's the first step in the direction of clear path, which can often lead to the Oasis, the ultimate Success. Life is nothing but moving on! La Vie Continue!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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When I was growing up in a small village in India, the fairy-tales and children's stories led me to believe that villains and bad guys look like monsters, and they are really very rude and crude in their behavior. The movies during my generation also strengthened that perseption. As I grew up and travelled around the world, I soon realized the reality that the bad guys and villains are often good looking, well-behaved, silky smooth, sharp and smart...often too smart to gain your complete confidence before their brutal betrayal and them deceitfully back-stabbing you when you least expect it. We all discover this harsh reality hard way, after getting entangled at least once in their tantalizing tangled web of deception, that appearances can often be deceptive, and too good to be true - always! And yet, not all the times but only occasionally, the dreamer and optimist inside us likes to believe those fairy-tales and the happy-ending movies from childhood....

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I had worked at the University of St. Andrews, over 25 years ago during 1985-88, as an academic staff and a research fellow at the Department of Chemistry. Those were the most wonderful and highly productive three and half years of my life. I was fortunate to work in association with one of the genius Scientists in the UK (Professor David Cole-Hamilton) at the most beautiful place in the world, St. Andrews. My research work had led to various patents and publications, creating a notable mark of distinction that stll makes me extremely proud. University of St. Andrews is not only the oldest and highly prestigious University in the world, but also the Crème de la crème, best of the best, and cut above the rest! My Best Wishes from USA, to University of St. Andrews. Mòran taing, Alma Mater.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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We, as Humans, are distinct and unique in our capability to dream, and then strive to transform those Dreams into reality. The Dreams at night, seen with eyes wide shut, are nothing but illusions created by electronic impulses and waves within our brain and central nervous system. On the contrary, the Dreams seen in broad daylight, with our eyes wide open, are the most important ones, because we can pursue those diligently with total focus from our heart and mind, and soon make them come true in actuality. In my opinion, these Dreamers, Believers, Pursuers, Thinkers, Inventors, Innovators, Planners, Strategists, and Doers are the ones who change our world, and make it better and better than it was ever before. Our world needs billions and trillions of such Dreamers who will lead humanity to perfection. So, never let your Dreams fade away or die, especially those you've seen in the broad daylight, with eyes wide open. Go after your Dreams, relentlessly with perfect plan, passion and perseverance, no matter what others say or do. Good luck in making your Dreams come true.!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Smartphone is a classic example of disruptive innovation that has quickly disrupted not only the existing markets and value networks, but also our society and her values - by creating millions of Selfie-obsessed narcissistic individuals worldwide. Whether it's good or bad, Selfie-obsession has certainly become epidemic, and no one is immune. Social media, such as FB, Twitter, Instagram etc are totally flooded with selfies of self-obsessed folks from all walks of life, all strata of society, rich and poor, beautiful as well as beauty-challenged, celebrities as much as obscurities, and people of all colors, genders, races, religions and ethnicities etc. While 'Selfies’ may have become a huge trend in social media, many psychiatrists associate the Selfie-obsession to serious mental health issue called "Body Dysmorphic Disorder" that involves dysfunctional narcissism and person’s obsession with her/his looks. Thank you Smartphone! You're truly the most disruptive innovation of 21st Century!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Sharing a strange experience from my student years at Manchester, England, during late 1970's. I had just arrived in England from India, and was searching for an accommodation, basically a room to rent. I always used to call the English landlords by phnoe first, to ensure that a room was available, and then visit those addresses, located miles away, by taking the bus or a train. Upon my arrival, I was always told that either there was no room at all or that the room was just rented. After a dozen or so such frustrating experiences, it became clear to me that the room was always available - but those English landlords and landladies were reluctant to rent it to someone like me, an Indian or a non-white person. Interestingly, the room was always available to my voice on the phone, because my voice could not reveal either my skin color, or my race, or my national origin. The mystery was thus dispelled, and yet that realization was surely a rude awakening to the true color of English society. It was my first encounter with prejudice and discrimination, and the most shocking moment that shatters one's innocence completely - especially after coming from a noble culture and the best upbringing that takes pride in Equality. I shall always remain thankful to England for the best education that I received during my M.S. and Ph.D., as much as for such exposure to the dark side of the real world. Years later, after coming to America, I realized that America is a whole new wonderful world that welcomes all, and treats everyone with respect and dignity they deserve. God Bless America!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Excellent lessons on Situational Leadership are offered in a Hollywood Movie "Twelve O'Clock High" of 1949, starring Gregory Peck. In this movie, a tough-minded General (Geegory Peck) takes over a bomber unit with low morale, and transforms that unit into a star team with stellar performance. I learnt a great deal about Leadership from this movie - long before my MBA course on Leadership. You can see how a true Leader advances the followers beyond their normal limitations, over the course of their association, by first telling, then selling, followed by collaborating, and finally delegating the assignments. A true leader creates and nurtures many next-generation leaders; the lesson that I learned and have always followed successfully as a committed leader. Thanks to 'Twelve O'Clock High' for such wonderful lessons in Leadership.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Après la longue période de temps chaud et sec, est la première pluie de la saison la création d'un parfum exquis éloquente dans l'air - une odeur terreuse qui imprègne et flotte tout autour de nous, rafraîchissant nos esprits et de rajeunir nos vies. Je aime ce puissant parfum de séduction - émanant de l'union tant attendue de pluie tendre et douce tombe à terre soif sèche, et d'inciter une intimité instantanée dans l'air. Intéressant, cet élégant parfum envoûtant a un nom aussi. ça se appelle "petrichor"; un mot composé dérivé de la langue grecque - comprenant "petra" qui signifie «la pierre», et «ichor» qui signifie «le fluide qui coule dans les veines des dieux" selon la mythologie grecque. à mon avis, petrichor est sûrement un parfum divin qui doit être un cadeau du pouvoir suprême. Si ma vie était un parfum, je aurais sûrement l'aime à sentir comme Petrichor.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Many of us are like Lotus flower that grows in the mud, and yet rises above the murkier muddy waters as an astoundingly beautiful flower, opening her petals one by one. The mud of adversities, challenges and obstacles don't stop her growth, but probably offer the nourishment and strength to rise above that mud. I often think that it's the strong desire, tenacity and perseverance of Lotus flower that must make her so unique in accomplishing way above and beyond the norms; because not everything that grows in the mud turns into an elegant Lotus flower. We must strive to build the same mental strength, perseverance and passion within - so as to grow above the mud of compelling circumstances, hardships, social rejections, and discriminations that we often experience in real world. Then only we will be able to transform into the eloquent Lotus flowers, gently opening our soft splendid petals one by one to make our world most beautiful.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Modern life is full of challenges, such as daily demands, deadlines, hassles and frustrations. Whenever the threat of any challenge outweighs one's perception of her/his ability to manage that threat, it can be an onset of Stress. I find it interesting that William Shakespear had offered a perfect strategy to manage the Stress - in his famous play "Hamlet". In this play, Hamlet makes a powerful statement: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." In this one sentence, Shakespear teaches us that if we change our thoughts about a potentially threatening situation, we should be able to not only cope with the stress, but also lower our stress significantly. By now it's a well-established fact in Psychology that thinking positively, and transforming the threat into a potntial opportunity, empowers us to protect ourselves from the harmful side-effects of Stress.....and William Shakespear knew this fact more than 400 years ago. That's amazing!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Positive thinking often helps while coping with stress in life. However there can be occasions when it may not work for you, and you may get overwhelmed with negative thoughts. At that crossroad, you should make a turn, even a U-turn if necessary, and confront your negative thoughts fearlessly. You should now combat those negative thoughts one by one, mercilessly - by using scientific and analytical reasonings, and demanding substantiating evidence from negative thoughts. Once you start defeating those negative thoughts as irrational or unfounded or baseless, you'll find yourself getting close to the realm of positivity. Combating negativity ruthlessly - that's a new tool in your tool box along with your favorite hammer of positive thinking! Cheers!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Life is never static, and that's what I find most beautiful. It is beautiful, because of its ups and downs, twists and bends, roundabouts and straight roads, and ebbs and flows in general. Nothing is permanent, and only constant is the constant change. "Even this shall pass" is the mantra and a constant reminder for us, on every occasion when we feel excited with life's flows, and also in the darkest moments when we feel down and out with life's ebbs. The disappointments, betrayals, feelings of helplessness, being alone, all these will be ebbing away, as the life goes on. It's amazing how life can be so kind and good, and at the same time so bitter and cold....and yet everything shall pass. So enjoy today, and live this moment to the fullest, enjoying life's ebbs and flows.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Often I come across the public displays of charitable acts and donations on social media, which reminds me of the teaching from Holy Book: “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.“ In my view, it's an act of hypocracy to blow one's trumpet on FB or Twitter or like social media about one's charitable act, with ulterior motives of self-promotion and gaining praise from others. In my view, the true philanthropist, who is selfless at heart, does not let her/his left hand know what the right hand is doing - so that the noble act of giving remains absolutely secret. I really respect such selfless philanthropists. Long live the spirit of Charity that flows from a pure heart with Honesty and Integrity.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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What I am going to say may appear narcissistic, but it's true. If you want to see a miracle, all you have to do is just look in the mirror, and you will see the greatest miracle in this world: The Human Body, the amazingly wondrous creation of Supreme Power, in my view. The process of creation of human body begins with the union of sperm and ovum in the womb of a woman. It's just a beginning of the greatest miracle, because almost immediately begins the creation of thousands of millions of body cells, which in fact build the most complicated tissues, complex organs, and exceptionally intricate systems of the human body. Interestingly there are about one octillion cells in adult human body, which can be written as 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. And now comes the astounding fact: all these one thousand trillion trillion cells are created by only fifty consecutive replications of just one cell. Wow! That's what I consider miracle, created by none other than Supreme Power!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Ausgezeichneten Unterricht auf situative Führung in einem Hollywood-Film "Twelve O'Clock High" von 1949 angeboten, mit Gregory Peck. Inm diesem Film, ein tough-minded allgemein (Gregory Peck) übernimmt eine Bombereinheit mit niedriger Moral, und wandelt diese Einheit in eine Star-Team mit herausragenden Leistung. Ich lernte viel über Führung aus diesem Film - lange vor meiner MBA-Studiengang zum Thema Führung. Sie sehen, wie ein wahrer Führer schreitet die Anhänger über ihre normalen Grenzen, im Laufe ihres Verbandes, indem zunächst erzählen, dann verkaufen, gefolgt von der Zusammenarbeit, und schließlich die Übertragung der Aufgaben. Ein wahrer Führer schafft und pflegt viele Next-Generation-Führer; Die Lektion, die ich gelernt und immer erfolgreich als engagierter Führer gefolgt. Dank 'Twelve O'Clock High' für eine solche wunderbare Lektionen in Führung.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Beaucoup d'entre nous sont comme la fleur de lotus qui pousse dans la boue, et pourtant se élève au-dessus des eaux boueuses plus trouble que d'une étonnamment belle fleur, ouvrant ses pétales un par un. La boue des adversités, les défis et les obstacles ne se arrêtent pas sa croissance, mais offrent probablement la nourriture et la force à se élever au-dessus de cette boue. Je pense souvent que ce est le fort désir, la ténacité et la persévérance de fleur de lotus qui doit faire son si unique dans l'accomplissement de bien au-dessus et au-delà des normes; parce que pas tout ce qui pousse dans la boue se transforme en une élégante fleur de lotus. Nous devons nous efforcer de construire le même mentale force, la persévérance et la passion au sein - de manière à croître de plus de la boue des circonstances impérieuses, les difficultés, les rejets sociaux, et les discriminations que nous avons souvent l'expérience dans le monde réel. Alors seulement nous serons en mesure de transformer dans les fleurs de lotus éloquents, ouvrant doucement nos splendides pétales mous un par un pour faire de notre monde plus beau.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I still remember two life-sized marble statues of two great scientists in the corridor of Manchester Town Hall, which I saw many years ago. One of them is of John Dalton, the founder of modern Chemistry and the Atomic Theory, while the second statue is of James Prescott Joule, the founder of modern Physics and the discoverer of the Law of Conservation of Energy. I consider myself very fortunate to be the student of the University of Manchester, the home of great scientists, Dalton and Joule. And most importantly, I am proud to be the recipient of Dalton Chemical Research Scholarship that enabled me to obtain my Ph.D. I am thankful to The University of Manchester as much as to John Dalton's Trust Foundation, for the greatest educational experience of my life.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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It's amazing that pigeons, lobsters, turtles, and even rats don’t get lost on their way, and unlike humans, they don't need either mapquest or Google Maps or GPS to find their way home. This is because they have built-in GPS within themselves. These animals rely on and leverage Earth’s magnetic field for orientation and navigation. The neural source of magnetic sense in pigeons are now found to be the single cells that encode three key positioning factors: the direction of a magnetic field, its intensity, and its polarity (north or south). It's so amazing. Centuries ago, the pigeons were used in India to send messages across hundreds of miles. By understanding how the pigeons process the computing and mapping in the brain, one day that info can probably be used to imorove the spatial orientation in human brains. And some day in future, we may not need a GPS in the car, because that GPS will be within us, built-in and totally internal to guide us at all times.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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La pensée positive permet souvent tout en faisant face au stress dans la vie. Cependant il peut y avoir des cas où il ne peut pas travailler pour vous, et vous pouvez laisser submerger avec des pensées négatives. à ce carrefour, vous devriez faire un tour, même un demi-tour si nécessaire, et affrontez vos pensées négatives sans crainte. Vous devriez maintenant combattre ceux négative pensées, un par un, sans pitié - en utilisant des raisonnements scientifiques et analytiques, et exigeant des éléments de preuve étayant les pensées négatives. une fois que vous commencez à vaincre ces pensées négatives comme irrationnel ou non fondées ou infondées, vous vous surprendrez à se rapprocher du domaine de la positivité. La lutte contre la négativité impitoyablement - ce est un nouvel outil Dans votre boîte à outils avec votre marteau préférée de la pensée positive! Au Revoir!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Whether you want to be a Thermometer or a Thermostat is really up to you. You see, a Thermometer simply reflects the temperature of its environment, always quickly adjusting to the situation; while a Thermostat goes one step above and beyond to make a positve change in the temperature of its environment. You can always opt to "go with the flow" to follow what others and society norms dictate to you, or you can stand firm with your values to bring about a differentiating change in the world that would make it a better place than ever before. Be the Change Ambassador, and importantly, be the Change that you want to see in the world. In my view, one should strive to become a Thermostat rather than a Thermometer, because the world needs more Thermostats.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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As we walked silently on that sandy beach, I began to realize that there was a unique story embedded in each and every grain of sand. Those were the stories of happiness and glory, blended and intertwined with equally compelling stories of broken dreams and searing sorrow. I felt that each grain was representing and presenting the story of Mother Earth, the tales of long forgotten civilizations and majestic empires, mind-boggling evolutions and revolutions, breakthrough inventions and innovations, godly acts by holy saints and horrifying genocides by evil dictators - all that once happened and then got wiped out over time, from the surface of our planet, by the omnipotent ebbs and flows of Time almighty......leaving behind those billions and trillons of tiny sand grains with counteless stories of Mother Earth.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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You must have ability and willingness to forgive others. If you do not have these capabilities yet, you must develop them....sooner you do it, better it will be for you. Lest you forget, Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong minded and spiritually advanced folks. Also, without fotgiveness, you cannot move on in life at right pace. How can you with so much unnecessary baggage of grudges sitting on your back? With your power to forgive, your life stream will begin to flow once again, in sync with present and embracing future. Drop that baggage right away, break away from unpleasant memories and situations, make a wish, take a chance, and move on upwards and onwards. Let the life flow, and the journey continues once again, smoothly and seamlessly.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Creation and cultivation of Beauty doesn’t happen without tremendous Endurance. True Beauty is often emerged out of Chaos and Turbulence. Look at the eruptions of Volcanoes and shaking of Earth that give birth to beautiful mountains and scenic lakes. Think of those amazingly attractive Stalactites formed only after continuous erosion by slow dripping water. Something far superior, magnificent, better and beautiful always appears out of otherwise ordinary - only after enduring the colossal Chaos, frightening Fury, traumatizing Turbulence and disturbing Disorder within the stagnant Status Quo. That’s the reality of life! So, accept and endure the changes, no matter how chaotic, stormy and irrational they may seem to you today. You are chosen by Supreme Powers to Create and Cultivate the Beauty, something that never existed before – only through your exceptional Endurance. And I am sure that you will, my friend, pass this test with flying colors. You’ve done it before, and you’ll do it again. Go on, and break a leg!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Deux routes ont divergé dans un bois jaune. Et désolé je ne pouvais pas voyager ou l'autre de ceux-ci. Ni le moins fréquenté. Ni la plus parcourue par. à la place, je créé ma propre route. La route à suivre mes rêves. après tout, une route est une route. jusqu'à ce que vous faites quelque chose. Comme la vie est pleine de millions de choix. et pourtant la vie est aussi ce que vous faites de lui. Chaque apprentissage i gagné dans mon voyage. laissé les feuilles froissées. Et maintenant je remémorer avec un soupir. siècles et des siècles quelque part donc. bas magique voie de la mémoire. Deux routes ont divergé dans un bois jaune. Et moi, je créé ma propre route. De suivre mes propres rêves. Et que est ce que a dû fait toute la différence. La vie continue!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I often wonder about the most common belief that God would never give you anything more than what you could possibly handle; especially when I look around to realize that life often throws curve balls one after another that most people find difficult to manage, physically and/or emotionally. It's true that many people face numerous difficulties and heart-breaking hardships that include social rejection, racial and sexual discriminations, disturbing poverty, horrifying unemployment, crippling mental illnesses, extreme violence including rape, and most challenging diseases like cancer and so on, just to name a few. My personal understanding is that life can surely shower you with lot more challenges than you can handle, and that's the reality you've got to accept. That being said, I also believe that only God will give you the strength - which is necessary to endure through those challenging situations, and to overcome the adversities most effectively. So you mustn't lose Hope when faced with challenges in life, and should continue to have strong Faith in God for Courage, Endurance, and Strength that would enable you to overcome those difficulties. And I am sure God will look after you, as always, during those challenging phases in your life. Cheers!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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It's been debated for years whether Beauty is in the eye of the beholder or Beauty is in the heart of the beholder. Yet it's not so well appreciated that Beauty can be totally worthless without her true appreciator. As Sir Allama Iqbal pointed out in his poetry: "For a thousand years the most beautiful and rare flower of Narcissus (or Nargis) laments her blindness. It's with great difficulties that the one with true vision is ever born in the garden." I also believe that either Beauty or Creativity or Genius attains her true meaning only after meeting with her authentic aficionado, her true appreciator; and that seldom happens easily. A connoisseur is therefore absolutely critical, IMHO, for the existence of Beauty, Creativity and Genius in our world.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Jako odpowiedzialni rodzice, musimy uczyć nasze córki starannie odróżnić subtelne różnice między działaniami przez mężczyzn. Powinniśmy uczyć nasze córki rozpoznać różnicę pomiędzy - człowieka, który jej schlebia i człowieka, który ją uzupełnia, człowieka, który wydaje pieniądze na nią i człowiek, który inwestuje w nią, człowiek, który postrzega ją jako swoją własność, a człowiek, który postrzega ją prawidłowo, człowiek, który pożąda jej, a człowiek, który ją kocha, i wreszcie, człowiek, który myśli, że jest darem dla kobiet, a człowiek, który wierzy, że jest to dar dla niego. musimy nauczyć naszych synów się, że prawdziwy mężczyzna, który szanuje kobiety i traktuje ich z godności i równości - zawsze!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Thirteen years ago, on September 11, 2001, one of the most tragic and horrifying events in human history shook our world. Not only America, but the whole world lost her innocence that precise moment, when a dirty, disgusting face of mass terrorism emerged to brutally torture the mankind. The world realized that this new evil is perpetrated by shameless barbaric fanatics who are utterly indifferent to the sanctity of human life. America became stronger than ever before to fight the terrorism, and wiped out a major chunk of psychopathic terrorist evil to make our world safer once again. At the 13th anniversary of 9/11, our heart still aches for all those innocent lives who were ruthlessly killed by terrorist activities. It's so sad, depressing, disgusting story, and yet its aftermath is remarkably inspirational when we think about how America and many nations came together to relentlessly destroy the axis of evil, capture and bring to justice the toxic terrorists - including their leader Osama. On this 13th Anniversary, we pay our respectful tribute to the martyrs of 9/11 attack, and sincerely thank our awesome American Heroes who are still fighting those freaky fanatic terrorists to make our world a better place. God Bless You All, and God Bless America.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I am proud alumnus of RIS a.k.a. ISc, and have excellent experience of the outstanding education that I received from amazingly knowledgeable Professors, during my two years of B.Sc. (Chemistry and Physics) - in 1974 through 1976. We were extremely fortunate to be taught by some of the best Professors and great scientists in India. Some of the names that come to my mind are, Drs Merchant, Usgaonkar, Galgali, KM Joshi, Vidya Joshi, BC Haldar, Darshane, Katti, Kulkarni and many more. Those were surely the most wonderful years of my academic and social upbringing in India. I am thankful to ISc and all brilliant Professors at ISc, for gifting us with the remarkable knowledge, and installing the love and passion for Science in our young minds. Thank you, RIS.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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.....the personal commitment to Integrity means: Speaking the honest truth at all times, even though it might hurt the listener, and create conflicts for you personally. It also means never to settle for anything less than what you deserve in your relationships with others. Living with Integrity is not easy, because she demands your total commitment to your personal values that must be higher than ordinary. She also expects you to make choices based on what you believe, and not what others tell you to believe. All being said, living with Integrity even for a day is million times better than countless years of life without her. A life with Integrity is the only life well lived, in my view. So go ahead, take that bold step, and live the life with Integrity.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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One of the genius writers of 20th century, Hermann Hesse, Nobel Laureate and my most favorite author, wrote: "Most people...are like a falling leaf that drifts and turns in the air, flutters, and falls to the ground. But a few others are like stars which travel one defined path: no wind reaches them, they have within themselves their guide and path." I like this quote, because it is so enlightening and powerful. It's also a constant reminder that you are the Star, and you must maintain your character - no matter what others say or do. Also not to forget that the Star does have ability to turn into Supernova, which brightens the Universe with such a powerful light that can only come from millions of Suns. Always strive to be that shining Star, and ultimately Supernova, to illuminate the world.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Some people bear startling resemblance with lovely Lotus flowers that grow in the mud, and yet rise above the murkier waters as astoundingly beautiful flowers. The mud of adversities, challenges and obstacles doesn't stop their growth, but offers the nourishment and strength to rise above the dirt. I often think that it must be the strong desire, tenacity and perseverance of Lotus flower that makes her so unique in rising above and beyond the normal limitations. Lest we forget, not everything that grows in the mud turns into an elegant Lotus flower. In my view we must strive to develop the same mental strength, perseverance and passion within - so as to grow above the mud of compelling circumstances, hate, hardships, social rejections, and discriminations that we often encounter in the real world. Only then we'll be able to transform into eloquent Lotus flowers, gently opening our soft and supple petals one by one, to make our world most beautiful.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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When you're surrounded by deepest darkness, it's hard to even think about a ray of Sunshine. Likewise it's difficult to think of justice, when you see the triumph of evil and deceit, and the defeat of truth and honesty all around us. Nonetheless, just as the first ray of Sun penetrates the dark and illuminates our world, the justice of Supreme Power prevails to uproot and smash the evil. The promise is that you will always get double of what was taken away from you; see e.g. the following lines from Holy Book: "Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever." The justice from Supreme Power shall thus prevail - always! Never lose the Hope and keep your Faith strong!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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During my childhood, we were taught by our parents to treat all elderly women as mothers, and younger women as sisters. We were taught to believe that women, just like men, are created in the image of God, and must be treated with love, dignity and respect. These life's lessons from my childhood still remain close to my heart, regardless of time, place or society that I live in. I do hope that we'll continue to teach the same precious lessons to our children, so that they'll also treat every woman with love, dignity and respect - as their own mother or sister or daughter, as a divine image of God, and not as an object of desire to be ogled and fantasized about. In my view, real men always treat women with Equality and Respect they rightfully deserve.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Excellentes leçons sur le leadership situationnel sont offerts dans un film Hollywoodien "Twelve O'Cllock High" de 1949, mettant en vedette Gregory Peck. Dans ce film, un général inflexibles (Geegory Peck) prend en charge une unité de bombardier avec un moral bas, et transforme cette unité dans une équipe étoile brillante performance. I beaucoup appris sur le leadership de ce film - bien avant mon cours de MBA sur le leadership. Vous pouvez voir comment un vrai leader avance les adeptes au-delà de leurs limites normales, au cours de leur association, en premier révélateur, puis la vente, suivie par la collaboration, et enfin déléguer les tâches. Un vrai leader crée et nourrit de nombreux leaders de la prochaine génération; la leçon que je appris et ai toujours suivi avec succès comme un leader engagé. grâce à «Twelve O'Clock High» pour ces merveilleuses leçons de leadership.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Nous ne vous énervez pas tout simplement parce que quelqu'un ment, triche et brise notre confiance. à mon avis, nous devenons en colère parce que nous ne pouvons pas faire confiance à cette personne (et les gens comme lui / elle) jamais. Ce est la violation et la perte de notre innocence qui nous blesse profondément à l'intérieur, pour une courte durée au moins. Pourtant, lorsque nous relever de cette chute bizarre, nous découvrons que nous sommes plus forts que jamais. Ce est vrai que ce qui ne nous tue pas nous rend souvent plus forte. Si étrange que cela puisse paraître, nous devrions être reconnaissants à cette personne tromper, qui nous a offert une occasion en or dans le déguisement - pour éliminer nos maillons les plus faibles et de nous renforcer au-delà de nos limites normales. Au Revoir!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Souvent dans la vie, vous avez à travailler sur les deux fronts, traiter objectivement des locaux diamétralement opposés, puis arriver à la meilleure solution. l'ouverture d'esprit vous permet d'être un réaliste qui est également optimiste à cœur. Aussi étrange que cela puisse paraître, vous espérez pour le mieux, et attendent aussi le pire dans le même temps. Vous opérez dans le monde réel avec la meilleure attitude positive, tout en comprenant parfaitement bien ce qui est pratiquement possible dans une situation donnée. Cette combinaison synergique d'optimisme réaliste (ou réalisme optimiste) peut vous aider à faire face à des problèmes d'une manière efficace et positive, à mon avis, surtout pendant les phases difficiles dans la vie.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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When you first speak with the customer service agent about the glass being half-empty or half-full, she/he will agree with you that the glass is half full/empty, and she/he will do anything in her/his power to fill the glass up at no extra cost to you. However, after a full investigation you will be informed, eight to ten weeks later, that you had mistakenly received a half full/empty glass since you only paid for a quarter. You therefore received a half full/empty glass at the price of a quarter-full/three-quarters empty glass. You should consider yourself very lucky, and that any further complaints might result in your having to return the half full/empty glass at your own cost of shipping and handling, with no guarantee of any refund. You are also asked to fill out an electronic review to provide your thoughts on how your customer service experience was, and how it can be improved further.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Absurdities and Anomalies of Life always amaze and amuse me. Shared here are my favorite 21 mind-boggling dichotomies: (i) Only Certainty in this world is that there is nothing Certain, except death and taxes off course, (ii) Only Constant is the Change, (iii) The more you try to impress folks, the less impressed they will be, (iv) The more afraid you become of death, the less likely you wll enjoy life, (v) The more afraid you are to fail, the more likely you will fail, (vi) The more you fail, the more likely you will succeed, (vii) The harder you push for anything, the harder it will be to achieve, (viii) The more available anything is, the less likely you will want it, (ix) The more you learn, the more you realize your ignorance, (x) The more you argue with spouse or boss, the less likely you will win, (xi) The more you try to come close, the farther you will get pushed, (xii) The more choices you will have, the less satisfied you will be with any of those, (xiii) The more connected you get in social network, more isolated you will become, (xiv) The more you talk about your flaws, the more perfect you become in society's eyes, (xv) Peace is the only battle worth fighting for, (xvi) In order to better understand the world, you will have to turn away from it, (xvii) The more the people talk about something, the less they know about it, (xviii) The less someone cares about others, the less he cares about himself, (xix) the more you hate a trait in others, the more likely you are avoiding it in your own self, (xx) Those who can't trust others can't be trusted, and finally (xxi) No matter what it is, at the end of the day, the less is always the more.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Dos caminos divergieron en un bosque amarillo. Y lo siento yo no podía viajar, ya sea de esos. Ni el menos transitado. Ni el más transitado. en cambio, he creado mi propio camino. El camino a seguir mis sueños. Después de todo, cualquier camino es sólo una carretera. Hasta que se haga algo de ella. Como la vida está llena de millones de opciones. Y sin embargo, la vida también es lo que hacemos de ella. Cada aprendizaje que he adquirido en mi viaje. Dejado las hojas trillados negro. Y ahora evoco con un suspiro. Edades en algún lugar y edades, por lo tanto. Por el carril de la memoria mágica. dos caminos divergieron en un bosque amarillo. Y yo, que he creado mi propio camino. seguir mis propios sueños. Y eso es lo Debió haber hecho toda la diferencia. La vida sigue! La vie continue!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Here are the seven signs of Narcissism, which you can use to identify the Narcissists that may be around you in the society.: (1) Shamelessness: Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability to process shame in healthy ways. (2) Magical thinking: Narcissists view themselves as perfect at all times, using distortion and illusion known as “magical thinking“. They also use projection to dump shame onto others. (3) Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may re-inflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else. (4) Envy: A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person’s ability by using contempt to minimize the other person. (5) Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an “awkward” or “difficult” person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage. (6) Exploitation: Can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed. (7) Bad boundaries: Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide narcissistic supply to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist there is no boundary between self and other.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Humility is becoming a scarce commodity in today's cold, calculating, and proud society. It is now becoming a forgotten virtue, which often makes me wonder "Why?" In my view, Humility can be manifested in two forms: one being the Internal form of honesty, truth and integrity, i.e. being honest about who we are, and accepting our strenths and weaknesses truthfully; while the second form being the External one, which is associated with how we treat others with respect and dignity. Both Internal and External forms are interdependent, and simply cannot exist independenttly. If that's the case, it can explain why Humility is in short's one's lack of honesty and self-respect that germinates her/his lack of respect towards others. Accepting one's own follies with utmost honesty is surely the first step towards humility and getting closer to Supreme Power.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Mumbai nunca deja de sorprenderme, incluso después de más de tres décadas desde que salí de esa ciudad de dicotomías. Las paradojas son desconcertantes tanto como inquietante, por ejemplo, la riqueza extremas yuxtapuestos con la pobreza atroz; personas indiferentes y duros de corazón co-existente con modelos increíblemente generosos y excepcionalmente amables; icónica comerciales, pasos elevados, los rascacielos y los enlaces al mar justo al lado de barrios marginales asquerosamente dispersos; brillantes científicos y artistas increíbles que viven en paz con la fe ciega y supersticiones en la vida cotidiana, etc son sólo algunas paradojas que vienen a la mente. y sí, es sólo la punta del iceberg. La ciudad de las dicotomías a menudo deja al visitante con un millón de preguntas que son tan difíciles de responder.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Muchos eventos en la vida se puede comparar con los espejismos que siempre engañan al viajero en el desierto cada vez más lejano. A veces corremos tras seductor sueños atractivos con la esperanza de llegar a ellos, pero fue en vano. En algún momento, descubrimos que todos los que eran solamente nuestros delirios .... los sueños, la gente y las promesas que nos encontramos después de que se no es realmente lo que pensábamos que fueran. En ese momento, lo mejor es seguir adelante con la vida, y no pensar en esos sueños fallidos, personas engañosas y promesas rotas. En mi opinión, el reconocimiento de los espejismos delirantes en el tiempo correcto es más importante para el viajero - porque es el primer paso en la dirección del camino claro, que a menudo puede conducir a los oasis, el éxito final. La vida no es más que seguir adelante! La vie continuar!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Per me, il Venerdì Santo rappresenta uno degli eventi più importanti nell'evoluzione di credenze e dell'umanità religiose, non solo per il cristianesimo, ma per l'umanità in generale, in quanto rappresenta il più grande sacrificio da Gesù Cristo tanto quanto la sofferenza eccezionale e la passione in Gesù 'la vita di Cristo. questa frase da Gesù Cristo, "Padre, perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"., significa l'ultimo e il più alto livello di perdonare nonostante le azioni velenose e orribili peccati di nemici. Venerdì Santo è il giorno speciale per la meditazione sulle sofferenze e sacrifici compiuti da Gesù Cristo per l'umanità, e, soprattutto, per la raccolta la forza di perdonare i propri nemici peggiori indipendentemente dalle loro azioni inaccettabili.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Whether we like it or not, we are the dwarfs astride the shoulders of giants, and that's the only reason why we can see lot more and farther on the horizon than our predecessors could. Our accomplishments of greatest pride, like classic creations, amazing arts, wonderful writings, beautiful paintings, and ingenius inventions are all, in fact, the builds and extensions of the wisdom that came to us from our ancestors. We mastered their wisdom and moved above and beyond. We must gratefully recognize that it was their wisdom that enabled us to grow wiser, and to see farther than they could. It is foolish to think that we are able to see or do what we can today is because we are greater than they. We are merely the dwarfs who are uplifted and borne aloft on the giagantic stature of our predecessors. Accepting this truth with humility not only sets us free, but also keeps us firmly down to earth.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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In real world, the successful persons are those who adapt to the changes in their environment smartly and most effectively, and surely not those who resist mindlessly. No matter how strong, mighty and intelligent you may be, you are still vulnerable to the inevitable continuous changes in our world that are way beyond your control. History teaches us that even mighty dinosaurs, who emerged over 200 million years ago and ruled our planet for 135 million years, could not survive as they were unable to adapt to changes. So be Smart and Savvy to survive in today's fast paced dynamic world. Embrace the changes, even though you are stepping out of your comfort zone, and operating outside your element. Your strategic adaptation to changes, and effective Management of Change contain the seedlings to your survival and success. Cheers, my friend!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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There comes a phase in life, at least once in a lifetime, when one finds himsef/herself totally utterly alone that one must withdraw into one's innermost self. there is no other option but to endure that bitter suffering. When one overcomes that overpowering solitude, one is no longer alone. Through this solitude and the soul searching, we find that our innermost self is the divine spark of life, the indivisible spirit that comes from the Supreme Power - God. And after that moment of self-realization, the awakening from material world, we find ourselves in the midst of the chaos of this world, and yet totally undisturbed by its multiplicity, fully in sync and accepting the world as is - because our innermost soul we know ourselves to be one with all being.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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When I was growing up in a small village in India, the fairy-tales and children's stories led me to believe that villains and bad guys look like monsters, and they are really very rude and crude in their behavior. The movies during my generation also strengthened that perception. As I grew up and travelled around the world, I soon realized the reality that the bad guys and villains are often good looking, well-behaved, silky smooth and sharp and smart etc....often too smart to gain your complete confidence before their brutal betrayal and deceitfully back-stabbing you - when you least expect it. We all discover this harsh reality hard way, after getting entangled at least once in their tantalizing tangled web of deception, that the appearances can often be deceptive, and always too good to be true. And yet, not all the times but only occasionally, the dreamer and optimist inside us still likes to believe those fairy-tales and the happy-ending movies from childhood....

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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De nombreux événements de la vie peuvent être comparés avec les mirages qui trompent toujours le voyageur dans le désert toujours fuyant. nous courons parfois après séduisante rêves attrayantes dans l'espoir de les atteindre, mais en vain. à un certain stade, nous découvrons que tous ceux qui étaient seulement nos délires .... les rêves, les gens et les promesses que nous avons couru après ne sont pas vraiment ce que nous pensions qu'ils soient. à ce stade, il est préférable de passer à autre chose, et ne pas penser à ces rêves une défaillance humaine, trompeuses, et les promesses non tenues. à mon avis, tout en reconnaissant les mirages illusoires dans le temps à droite est le plus important pour le voyageur - parce qu'elle est la première étape dans la direction du chemin clair, ce qui peut souvent conduire à l'oasis, le succès final. La vie est rien, mais de passer! La vie continue!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Human brain provides us an amazing example of organizational teamwork. You see, the left and right halves of human brain do function slightly differently, and yet they don't work independently or in an isolation or even in a never-ending competition as the myth goes. The two halves always work seamlessly together as a unique system; offering a perfect teamwork between the logical and the intuitive, between the analytical and the creative. The Corpus Callosum, the main nerve bundle or the white matter that joins the two halves, facilitates and synergistically coordinates the communication between these different parts of the brain to ensure the effective functioning of human body. In my view, this is a classic example of teamwork and coordination, created by none other than the Supreme Power to enlighten us.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I fully agree with the famous quote by Sir Isaac Newton, one of the genius scientists and a great philosopher: “I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” In my view, this quote and underlying thought process are the best examples of humility and modesty as much as the self-realization attained by a brilliant mind. When we think about our accomplishments, no matter how huge those are in quantity or how outstanding in quality, we realize and appreciate that the great ocean of truth still lays all undiscovered, yet awaiting millions and trillions of seekers like us, who are yet to arrive in next generations. Newton's thoughtful quote, that honest truth, certainly brings us back to reality, and down to earth, lest we forget.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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If you strive to become a really good leader, then you should know these Top Ten Differances between "Boss" and "Leader": 1. The boss drives people (nuts); while the leader coaches them. 2. The boss depends upon and survives on authority; the leader on good will. 3. The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm. 4 .The boss always says ‘I’; the leader says ‘we.’ 5. The boss says to subordinates ‘Get here on time’; the leader gets there ahead of time. 6. The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown. 7. The boss knows how it is done; the leader shows how it can be done in a better manner. 8. The boss makes work a drudgery; the leader makes work an enjoyable game. 9. The boss says ‘Go’; the leader says ‘Let’s go.’ 10. The boss justifies or lays blame – the leader takes responsibilit and accountability.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Quand je grandissais en Inde, on m'a appris que si vous êtes doué avec des talents spéciaux, vous ne les possédez pas. Ces talents ne sont pas les vôtres, car ils viennent à vous directement de Dieu. I été en outre invités à utiliser ces talents divins doué pour faire avancer la société, en aidant les gens qui sont dans le besoin. Il est l'un des enseignements les plus merveilleux que je l'ai hérité de mon enfance en Inde. il me rappelle constamment que la vie est un processus de concessions et prendre; et que plus vous donnez à la société, plus vous recevez de dieu. Cette philosophie intéressante de la vie inspire l'humilité, et garde mes pieds fermement sur le sol - quel que soit le pays ou le continent je vis dans et je suis reconnaissant à mes parents et les enseignants qui m'a guidé avec ces précieuses leçons de vie.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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si alguien ha robado su idea o tomado crédito indebida por su trabajo, no dejes que te molesta. aprender de esa experiencia y seguir adelante tan rápido como puedas. la vida es demasiado corta como para vivir en el pasado, y caer en la trampa de la autocompasión y la miseria. en mi experiencia, los que roban el crédito y las ideas de los demás sin vergüenza, a menudo no se dan cuenta que en realidad están aumentando su mal "karma" por sus malas acciones, y que mal karma atrapa rápidamente al día con ellos en ningún momento. estar seguro! el tiempo se encarga de maneras dulces y misteriosos - siempre! Nunca olvides que nadie será capaz de robar o quitarle su creatividad, el ingenio y mente inventiva, a pesar de que pueden haber robado su idea en una sola vez. su chispa divina de inteligencia seguirá iluminar el mundo, incluso después de perder que una idea - porque seguramente hay mucho más de donde vino eso!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Cuando yo estaba creciendo en un pequeño pueblo en la India, los cuentos de hadas y las historias de los niños me llevó a creer que villlains y los malos parecen monstruos, y son realmente muy grosero y crudo en su comportamiento. Las películas durante mi generación también fortalecieron que perseption. Cuando crecí y viajado por todo el mundo, me di cuenta de la realidad de que los chicos malos y villanos suelen ser bien parecido, bien educado, suave como la seda y fuerte e inteligente ... a menudo demasiado inteligente como para ganar su confianza por completo antes de su brutal la traición y el engaño puñaladas por la espalda que, cuando menos te lo esperas. Todos nos descubrimos esta manera dura dura realidad, después de enredarse al menos una vez en su tentadora enmarañada red de engaño, que las apariencias a menudo puede ser engañosa, y demasiado bueno para ser verdad - siempre! y, sin embargo, no todas las veces, pero sólo de vez en cuando, el soñador y optimista dentro de nosotros le gusta creer los cuentos de cuenta y las películas de final feliz de la infancia ....

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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De persoonlijke inzet voor integriteit betekent: het spreken van de eerlijke waarheid te allen tijde, ook al is het de luisteraar zou kunnen kwetsen, en het creëren van conflicten voor u persoonlijk. het betekent ook nooit genoegen te nemen met iets minder dan wat je verdient in je relaties met anderen. leven met integriteit is niet gemakkelijk, want ze vraagt ​​uw totale toewijding aan uw persoonlijke waarden die hoger zijn dan de gewone moet zijn. Ze verwacht ook dat je om keuzes te maken op basis van wat je gelooft, en niet wat anderen je vertellen dat je gelooft. alles gezegd zijnde, het leven met integriteit, zelfs voor een dag is miljoen keer beter dan vele jaren van het leven zonder haar. een leven met integriteit is het enige leven goed geleefd, in mijn ogen. dus ga je gang, neem die stap gewaagd, en leef het leven met integriteit.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Debe tener la capacidad y la voluntad de perdonar a los demás. si usted no tiene estas capacidades, sin embargo, usted debe desarrollar ellos .... antes lo haga, mejor será para usted. Que no te olvides, el perdón es el atributo de los fuertes la gente importada y espiritualmente avanzados. También, sin fotgiveness, no se puede seguir adelante en la vida a un ritmo adecuado. ¿Cómo se puede con tanto equipaje innecesario de rencores que se sienta en la espalda? Con su poder de perdonar, su corriente de vida empezará a fluir una vez más, en sintonía con el futuro presente y abrazar. Dejar que el equipaje de inmediato, romper con los recuerdos y las situaciones desagradables, pedir un deseo, tener una oportunidad, y pasar hacia arriba y adelante. Dejar que el flujo de la vida, y el viaje continúa, una vez más, sin problemas......

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I sometimes think that we are like Stars in the Galaxy, the Time-travellers, millions and trillions of them are being born and being deceased every moment, as I write this note. Those who are being born right now cannot be seen by us, until the light from them should reach to us after many centuries or milleniums to come. The Stars twinkle, brighten our world, and many a times they burst into Supernova to illuminate the whole of universe. Just like Stars, we too like to leave our marks, with our divine sparks of intelligence that transform into our creations, writings, paintings, poetry, and inventions etc, something that we always struggle to salvage from the inebitable great dance of death. And each Star thus becomes the mirror that reflects that divine light within us, the humans and all the life on Earth alike.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Tolerance is prerogative of humanity. In my view, when we think that ours is the only true path to righteousness, we inadvertently force ourselves to judging others with our own yardstick, and walking in the territory of arrogance. Interestingly, the roads that lead to righteousness and arrogance though seem to run in parallel, may intersect each other at several points in our lives. We cannot differentiate between these two roads easily, unless we understand that the road to righteousness is paved with the love of humanity, while the road to arrogance is paved with the love of self. Being tolerant to various beliefs, colors, cultures, races, genders, sexual orientations, and ethnicities etc has become extremely important in the world filled with discrimination, prejudice, and supremacy etc. As the French Philosopher Voltaire said it correctly "La tolérance, c'est l'apanage de l'humanité" - i.e. Tolerance is prerogative of humanity. We believe that Tolerance will surely make our world a better place.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Admettre une erreur, et en prenant la responsabilité de vos actions nécessite courage, le courage et l'humilité extraordinaire. beaucoup de gens interprètent mal l'étape de accountabiliy comme une faiblesse. ous ne doit pas penser de cette façon, parce que ce ne est pas votre faiblesse du tout. au contraire, il montre votre personnage ouverte d'esprit, et une ouverture de votre cœur. disant "désolé" faut plus haut niveau de capacité intellectuelle, au-dessus et au-delà ordinaire. seulement une personne forte et bien équilibrée avec du caractère et la clarté d'esprit peut le faire sans effort. être fiers tout en prenant la responsabilité de vos actions. être fiers, parce que ce est la seule partie de votre personnage qui vous différencier et de vous élever de la foule. il fera de vous ce que vous êtes vraiment - le «couper-dessus du reste" et extraordinaire.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Dans le monde réel, les personnes qui réussissent sont ceux qui se adaptent aux changements dans leur environnement de façon intelligente et plus efficace, et sûrement pas ceux qui résistent stupidement. peu importe la force, puissant et intelligent que vous soyez, vous êtes toujours vulnérables aux changements continus inévitables dans notre monde qui sont bien au-delà de votre contrôle. l'histoire nous enseigne que même les dinosaures puissants, qui ont émergé il ya plus de 200 millions d'années et ont gouverné notre planète pendant 135 millions d'années ne pouvaient pas survivre car ils étaient incapables de se adapter aux changements. donc être intelligent et de bon sens pour survivre dans le monde dynamique en évolution rapide d'aujourd'hui. embrasser les changements, même si vous êtes en train de sortir de votre zone de confort, et de l'exploitation en dehors de votre élément. votre adaptation à des changements stratégiques et la gestion efficace du changement contiennent les plants à votre survie et le succès. acclamations, mon ami!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Here's the interesting conversation between the Police Officer and one Indian Engineer who had gone to the police station to report his missing wife.: 'Officer, looks like I have lost my wife. She had gone to the mall yesterday for shopping and has not come home yet.' Okay, what's her height?' 'I've never noticed...maybe 4 to 5 feet?' 'Is she thin?' 'Not thin...may be healthy' 'Color of her eyes?' 'Not sure....maybe black?' 'Color of her hair?' 'Not sure. It keeps on changing.' 'What was she wearing?' 'Maybe Saree or Jeans....or Salwar Kameez?' 'Was she driving a car?' 'Yes!' 'Good! Then tell me the details like plate number, make, model and color of your car.' 'Officer, she has taken my favorite The BMW M135i, which is the top-of-the-range version of the BMW 1 Series. Color is Steel Grey and Plate number SRI 420. My beautiful BMW...she is such a distinctively dynamic vehicle produced by the BMW M GmbH. She's positioned between the most powerful BMW series production models and thoroughbred BMW M vehicles with noticeably higher performance than the previously most powerful engines of any BMW series and have M-specific characteristics in terms of suspension setting and visual appearance, though without any limitations in terms of suitability for everyday use. The heart of my new BMW M135i is her straight six-cylinder gasoline engine with Twin Scroll Turbo technology, Valvetronic, Double VANOS and High Precision Injection. She delivers 235 kW/320 hp and a maximum torque of 450 Nm, power transfer being enabled by her six-speed manual transmission fitted as standard. I know that my BMW M135i sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in just 5.1 seconds (and when automatic, it's 4.9 seconds) to reach a top speed of 250 km/h – that's because that's the top limit permitted by the vehicle's electronic speed control system. Her average fuel consumption in the EU test cycle was found to be 8.0 liters/100 km, and the CO2 emissions level was 188 grams per kilometer. The exclusive power train also features a customized cooling system, M performance control and engine sound tuning, plus a newly developed six-speed manual transmission with dry sump lubrication. She also has a dynamic eight-speed automatic sports transmission with gearshift paddles integrated in the steering wheel included as an option. Please find her as soon as you can. I miss her so much.' ' Wow! That really helps. Your details are awesome, and your memory is absolutely amazing. Please stop crying. We'll search for your car right away, and find her asap.... and maybe we'll find your wife as well.' The End.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Interesting aspect of human psyche is that we are, deep inside, not afraid of our inadequacies. Our deepest and innermost fears are surprisingly associated with our own abilities and powers. It is our light that often dazzles us, and frightens us to the core, than our darkness. Paradoxical as it may seem, many people get concerned, deep inside and not outwardly, for being perceived as brilliant, beautiful, genius, talented, gorgeous and extraordinary. When we realize and accept that we all are God's creations, and that we all carry the same divine spark within us, all our deepest fears disappear, either of our abilities or of our inadequacies.....and then there is no more darkness, but the shimmering bright light of happiness and equality all along.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Je me souviens encore deux statues de marbre grandeur nature de deux grands scientifiques dans le couloir de la mairie de la ville de Manchester, qui je l'ai vu il ya plusieurs années. l'un d'eux est de John Dalton, le fondateur de la chimie moderne et la théorie atomique, tandis que la seconde statue est de James Prescott Joule, le fondateur de la physique moderne et le découvreur de la loi de conservation de l'énergie. Je me considère très chanceux d'être l'étudiant de l'Université de Manchester, la maison de grands scientifiques, Dalton et Joule. Et surtout, je suis fier d'être le récipiendaire de la bourse de recherche daltons chimique qui m'a permis d'obtenir mon doctorat Je suis reconnaissant à l'Université de Manchester autant que la fondation de la confiance à John Dalton, pour la plus grande expérience de l'éducation de ma vie.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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La loyauté est une des qualités les plus précieuses qui devient très rare, dans personnelle autant que dans la vie organisationnelle. Les personnes et les organisations qui ont été profondément blessés par quelqu'un en qui ils avaient confiance comme un véritable ami ou un employé loyal sûrement souligner le fait que la fidélité est en effet un double-tranchant, à savoir quelque chose qui peut couper les deux sens. Et pourtant, la loyauté est l'une des qualités les plus nobles et admirables mon humble avis. Mon salut respectueux envers toutes ces personnes exceptionnelles qui sont restés toujours fidèles et toujours fidèles à leurs amis, les familles, les organisations et les nations, malgré les temps difficiles et des circonstances absolument indésirables. Notre monde serait totalement vide, creux, et peu profonde sans ces gens merveilleux. Longue fidélité en direct! Bravo à Semper Fidelis!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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La vida de Cristóbal Colón ofrece numerosos rasgos notables de liderazgo efectivo, que son aplicables hasta hoy. Los siete rasgos que yo considero absolutamente extraordinario son: (1) Siempre desafiar el status quo. (2) Pensar fuera de la caja. (3) Crear una visión con el plan y el calendario de ejecución. (4) Esté preparado para cruzar la zona de confort, y acceder a todos los territorios desconocidos sin miedo. (5) Ser inflexible con una fuerte determinación para ganar. (6) Ser adaptable, resistente y persistente cuando se enfrentan a retos. (7) Ser el mejor factor de influencia positiva y un modelo a seguir inspirando a los seguidores. En mi opinión, el aprendizaje más importante para los líderes de la vida de Colón es: si usted realmente desea explorar nuevos océanos, no hay que tener miedo a perder de vista la costa.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Loyalty is one of the most valuable qualities that's becoming exceedingly scarce, in personal as much as in professional life. The people and organizations who have been deeply hurt by someone whom they had trusted as a true friend or a loyal employee would surely underscore the fact that loyalty is indeed a dual-edged sword, i.e. something that can cut both ways. And yet, Loyalty is one of the most noble and admirable qualities IMHO. My respectful salute to all those exceptional individuals who have remained always loyal and ever faithful to their friends, families, organizations and nations, despite the challenging times and absolutely adverse circumstances. Our world would be totally empty, hollow, and shallow without such wonderful people. Long Live Loyalty! Kudos to Semper Fidelis!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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One of the commonalities between many movies that come from Asian subcontinent is their strange and distasteful sense of humor to make fun of disabled, fat, ugly and less fortunate people , in general. It's a shocking observation that is truly disturbing, when you thin about it. Making fun of fat people won't make anybody any thinner, likewise making fun of ugly people won't make them any prettier either. Also, making fun of unsuccessful people won't necessarily make the mocker more successful. So why movie-makers and actors stoop to such low level of humor? It's best to leave those fellow human beings in the hands of the Sureme Power who created them. And the hard-hearted movie-makers and actors should, instead of making fun of people, work on improving themselves. We all are God's Children, and we must treat each other with respect and dignity.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Smartphone est un exemple classique de l'innovation de rupture qui est rapidement perturbé non seulement les marchés existants et les réseaux de valeur, mais aussi de notre société et de ses valeurs - en créant des millions d'individus narcissiques selfie obsédé dans le monde entier. Que ce soit bon ou mauvais, selfie-obsession a certainement devenir épidémique, et personne est à l'abri. Les médias sociaux, tels que fb, twitter, instagram etc sont totalement inondés avec selfies de gens de égocentriques de tous les horizons de la vie, toutes les couches de la société, de belles ainsi que beauté contesté, des célébrités autant que obscurités, et les gens de tous couleurs, races, religions et ethnies, etc. Tandis que les «selfies 'ont peut-être devenu une grande tendance dans les médias sociaux, de nombreux psychiatres ont déjà associé l'selfie-obsession de problème de santé mentale grave appelée« corps dysmorphophobie désordre »qui implique l'obsession de narcissisme dysfonctionnel et par personne avec son / ses regards. Merci smartphone! Vous êtes vraiment l'innovation la plus perturbatrice du 21ème siècle!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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The phrase "Survival of the fittest" was first coined by Herbert Spencer in his "Principles of Biology" (1864) after reading Charles Darwin's theory of "natural selection" discussed in "On the Origin of Species" by Darwin - published in the same year. Five years later, Darwin first used Spencer's new phrase "Survival of the fittest" alongside his phrase "natural selection" in his fifth edition of "On the Origin of Species", published in 1869. It's interesting to note that "fittest" is often misconstrued as either the strongest of the species or the most intelligent species, which is neither an accurate description nor the interpretation desired by Darwin in his theory. In actuality, the fittest species is the one that is the most adaptable to change. In other words, those who can become most well adapted to current environment and the changes therein, can have the chance and opportunity to survive. Darwin's theory of natural selection teaches us that it's absolutely important to welcome the change, and manage the change for survival and for becoming the winner. It's really interesting that being the most adaptable to change often outweighs the strength and intelligence factors, contrary to the common understanding of life and the phrase "Survival of the fittest.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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todos sabemos que la vida en el mundo real es inherentemente riesgoso. aquellos que no están dispuestos a asumir los riesgos siempre se conforman con lo ordinario, y también la vida les premia con lo que se conforman con - lo común. por otro lado, aquellos que toman los riesgos, y saltar de los acantilados, encontramos que construyen sus alas en el camino hacia abajo. vida premia a estos arriesgados y acantilados y sudaderas con éxito que está más allá de toda medida - el extraordinario. por eso, en mi opinión, la diferencia entre una persona de éxito y un fracaso no es uno que tienen mejores ideas o mejores habilidades, pero el coraje de una muestra mediante la adopción de un riesgo de tomar un riesgo y ganar. la historia recuerda estos tomadores de riesgos y sus extraordinarios logros, y se olvida de los no cumplidores aprensivos. Nunca tengas miedo de tomar los riesgos, y de sumergirse en los océanos desconocidos. después de todo, las perlas no se encuentran en la orilla del mar, y hay que bucear para que en lo profundo del océano si quieres uno. seguir adelante, dar un salto en la incertidumbre, y verás tus alas abrir en su camino hacia abajo. es posible que vea una red que aparece también, pero hay que dar ese salto primero. Nunca conformarse con menos.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Tout le temps que nous entendons "l'amour est aveugle." mais il est pas vrai. Aveugle est l'engouement, tandis que l'amour voit tout et tout accepter aspect étonnant de la vie. l'amour est fort et permanent engouement vis-à-vis qui est fragile et transitoire. à mon avis, l'amour est comme de la soie, qui est délicate, douce, illuminant et doux - et pourtant si forte qu'aucune force sur terre ne peut déchirer facilement. l'amour est d'accepter l'autre pour de bonnes qualités ainsi que des défauts, et pour les forces autant que les faiblesses. l'amour est de travailler ensemble à travers les défis de la vie, et surmonter les obstacles avec synergie. Je voudrais résumer l'amour dans trois T: la trust, la transparence et le travail d'équipe.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Admitting a mistake, and taking responsibility for your actions requires guts, courage and tremendous humility. Many people misconstrue the step of accountabiliy as a weakness. ou mustn't think that way, because it's not your weakness at all. On the contrary, it shows your open minded character, and an openness of your heart. Saying "Sorry" needs higher level of intellectual capacity, above and beyond ordinary. Only a strong and well-balanced individual with character and clarity of mind can do it effortlessly. Be proud while taking responsibility for your actions. Be proud, because that's the only part of your character that will differentiate you and uplift you from the crowd. It will make you what you truly are - the "cut above the rest" and extraordinary.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Certaines personnes portent ressemblance surprenante avec de belles fleurs de lotus qui poussent dans la boue et pourtant élever au-dessus des eaux plus sombres que étonnamment belles fleurs. La boue des adversités, les défis et les obstacles ne cesse de leur croissance, mais offre la nourriture et la force à monter au-dessus de la saleté. Je pense souvent que ce doit être le fort désir, de la ténacité et de la persévérance de la fleur de lotus qui la rend si unique en élevant au-dessus et au-delà des limites normales. Ne l'oublions pas, pas tout ce qui pousse dans la boue se transforme en une élégante fleur de lotus. à mon avis, nous devons nous efforcer de développer le même mental force, de persévérance et de passion au sein - de manière à croître au-delà de la boue des circonstances impérieuses, la haine, les difficultés, les rejets et les discriminations sociales, que nous rencontrons souvent dans le monde réel. Alors seulement nous serons en mesure de se transformer en fleurs de lotus éloquents, ouvrant doucement nos pétales douces et souples, un par un, pour rendre notre monde plus beau.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Compartiendo una experiencia extraña de mis años de estudiante en Manchester, Inglaterra, durante la década de 1970. Acababa de llegar en Inglaterra desde la India, y fue en busca de un alojamiento, básicamente una habitación para alquilar. Yo siempre solía llamar a los terratenientes ingleses por phnoe primero, para asegurarse de que la habitación estaba disponible, y luego visitar esas direcciones, ubicadas kilómetros de distancia, al tomar el autobús o un tren. A mi llegada, siempre me dijeron que, o bien no había espacio para nada o que la habitación estaba alquilado. Después de una docena de tales experiencias frustrantes, se hizo evidente para mí que la habitación estaba siempre disponible - pero los terratenientes ingleses y patronas eran reacios a alquilar a alguien como yo, un indio o una persona no blanca. Curiosamente, la habitación estaba siempre disponible para mi voz en el teléfono, porque mi voz no podía revelar, ya sea mi color de piel, o de mi carrera o mi origen nacional. El misterio se disipó por lo tanto, y sin embargo, esa comprensión fue sin duda un duro despertar para el color verdadero de la sociedad Inglés. Fue mi primer encuentro con los prejuicios y la discriminación, y el momento más impactante que destruye la inocencia por completo - especialmente después de venir de una cultura noble y la mejor educación que se enorgullece de la igualdad. Yo siempre seguiré siendo agradecidos a inglaterra para la mejor educación que he recibido durante mi doctorado y el máster, tanto como por ejemplo la exposición hacia el lado oscuro del mundo real. Años más tarde, después de llegar a Estados Unidos, me di cuenta de que Estados Unidos es un nuevo mundo maravilloso conjunto que da la bienvenida a todos, y trata a todos con respeto y dignidad que merecen. Dios bendiga a América!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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creación y el cultivo de la belleza no sucede sin una tremenda resistencia. la verdadera belleza es a menudo surgió a partir del caos y la turbulencia. mirar las erupciones de volcanes y temblores de tierra que dan a luz a las hermosas montañas y lagos. pensar en esas estalactitas increíblemente atractivos formados sólo después continua erosión por el agua que gotea lentamente. algo muy superior, magnífico, mejor y más bella siempre aparece de otra manera ordinaria - sólo después de soportar el caos colosal, furia aterradora, traumatizar turbulencia y desorden perturbador dentro del status quo estancada. esa es la realidad de la vida! así, aceptar y soportar los cambios, no importa que tan caótica, tormentoso e irracional que pueda parecer a usted hoy. usted es elegido por los supremos poderes para crear y cultivar la belleza, algo que nunca existió antes - sólo a través de su resistencia excepcional. y estoy seguro de que va, mi amigo, pasar esta prueba con nota. lo has hecho antes, y que va a hacer de nuevo. seguir, y romper una pierna!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Duas estradas divergiram em uma madeira amarela. E desculpe eu não poderia viajar tanto de quem. Não a menos percorrida. Nem o mais viajou por. Em vez disso, Eu criei minha própria estrada. O caminho a seguir meus próprios sonhos. Afinal de contas, Qualquer estrada é apenas uma estrada. Até que você faça alguma coisa dele. Como a vida é cheia de milhões de escolhas. E ainda a vida é também o que você faz dela. Cada aprendendo que eu ganho em minha jornada. Deixa as folhas pisadas preto. E agora eu relembrar com um suspiro de alívio. Idades em algum lugar e, consequentemente, as idades. Para baixo que estrada da memória mágica. Duas estradas divergiram em uma madeira amarela. E eu, eu criei minha própria estrada. A seguir os meus próprios sonhos. E é isso que devo ter feito toda a diferença. A Vida Continua!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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En el curso de toda la vida, ustedes conocerán muchas personas que van a interpretar erróneamente sus modales suaves con debilidad, y tratar de aprovechar cualquiera de ustedes, o intimidar. Debes ser fuerte, tan fuerte como el diamante, en el trato con estas personas depredadoras. Usted debe demostrar que por sus palabras y acciones que su mansedumbre no es debilidad que puede ser empujado. Usted debe hacer que se den cuenta de que su compasión, la bondad y la humildad no deben ser confundidas como una conducta pasiva o sumisa. En mi opinión, la semana, tímido y sin espinas son aquellas personas depredadoras, que carecen de fuerza y ​​valor; mientras que usted es el que con verdadera fuerza interior y un enorme valor - ya que es la dulzura que es de hecho fundada en la fuerza y ​​motivada por el amor. Permanecer gentil, amable, compasivo y sin embargo extremadamente fuerte - porque usted es el diamante, y usted debe mantener su carácter.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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En mi infancia, que nos enseñaron nuestros padres para tratar todas las ancianas, como madres, como mujeres jóvenes, como a hermanas. Que fueron entrenados constantemente para creer que las mujeres, al igual que los hombres, son creados a imagen de Dios, y por lo tanto deben ser tratados con dignidad y respeto. Que la enseñanza de la infancia sigue siendo cerca de mi corazón, sin importar la hora o el lugar en el que yo vivo en i espero que continuemos enseñar tales pensamientos preciosos a nuestros hijos, dándoles el poder de ver y tratar a todas las mujeres con respeto y dignidad -. como su propia madre o hermana o hija, imagen divina de Dios como, y no como un objeto de deseo de ser ogled y fantaseado sobre. En mi opinión, los hombres de verdad son los que siempre tratar a las mujeres con dignidad y respeto.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I had completed my executive mba degree program, with speciaizations in finance, marketing, and strategy at sawyer business school of suffolk university, boston, over a decade ago. I truly enjoyed studying at suffolk university, not only because of the excellent quality of education, but also for its great location, situated right in the heart of boston, at the world famous beacon hill. I surely learnt many management skills, as well as the outstanding knowledge of effective leadership and a valuable insight into organizational dynamics....these are the skills that essentially enabled me to achieve the best for my organization, both as a technology leader and a people manager alike. the academic perspective that came with my ph.d. was blended beautifully with enhanced business acumen that was instilled during my mba. I am pleased to recommend suffolk university, for her excellent executive mba program at sawyer business school, wholeheart

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Il a été débattue pendant des années si la beauté est dans l'œil du spectateur ou de la beauté est dans le cœur du spectateur. Mais il est pas si bien apprécié que la beauté peut être totalement inutile sans son vrai connaisseur. Que monsieur Allama Iqbal a fait remarquer dans sa poésie: «Pour mille ans la fleur la plus rare et belle de narcisses se lamente sa cécité, Il est avec de grandes difficultés que l'un avec une vraie vision est nés dans le jardin.». Je pense aussi que soit la beauté ou de la créativité ou de génie atteint son véritable sens seulement après une rencontre avec son aficionado authentique, et ce qui arrive rarement facilement. Un connaisseur est donc absolument essentiel, à mon humble avis, l'existence de la beauté, la créativité et le génie dans notre monde. - Deo.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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J'avais travaillé à l'université de St. Andrews, il ya plus de 25 ans au cours de 1985 à 1988, en tant que membres du personnel académique et chercheur au département de chimie. Ce sont les années les plus merveilleuses et très productifs trois et demi de ma vie. J'ai eu la chance de travailler en association avec l'un des scientifiques de génie au Royaume-Uni (Professeur David Cole-Hamilton) à la plus belle place dans le monde, St. Andrews. Mon travail de recherche a donné lieu à divers brevets et publications, la création d'une marque remarquable de distinction qui fait stll moi extrêmement fiers. Université de St. Andrews est non seulement la plus ancienne université et prestigieux dans le monde, mais aussi la crème de la crème, le meilleur du meilleur, et coupé au-dessus du reste! Mes meilleurs vœux de usa, à l'université de St. Andrews. Merci Beaucoup, Alma Mater.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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La vie n'est jamais statique, et c'est ce que je trouve le plus beau. il est beau, en raison de ses hauts et des bas, des courbures, des ronds-points et des routes droites, et flux et reflux en général. Rien n'est permanent, et seule constante est le changement constant. "Même ce passera" est le mantra et un rappel constant pour nous, toutes les fois que nous nous sentons heureux avec les flux de la vie, et aussi dans les moments les plus sombres quand nous nous sentons bas et avec les reflux de la vie. Les déceptions, les trahisons, les sentiments d'impuissance, étant seul, tous ceux-ci seront reflué, comme la vie continue. c'est incroyable de voir comment la vie peut être si gentil et bon, et en même temps si amer et froid .... et pourtant tout doit passer. alors profitez-en aujourd'hui, et vivre ce moment au maximum, en profitant des flux et reflux de la vie.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Llega una fase en la vida, al menos una vez en la vida, cuando uno encuentra a sí misma totalmente solo ... tan completamente solo que hay que encerrarse en uno mismo interno. No hay otra opción que soportar ese amargo sufrimiento. Cuando se supera esa abrumadora soledad, uno ya no está sola. A través de esta soledad y la búsqueda del alma, nos encontramos con que nuestro yo más íntimo es la chispa divina de la vida, el espíritu indivisible que viene del poder supremo - dios. Y después de ese momento de la autorrealización, el despertar del mundo material, nos encontramos en medio del caos de este mundo, y sin embargo totalmente perturbado por su multiplicidad, totalmente en sincronía y aceptar el mundo como es - porque nuestra alma más interna nos conocemos a nosotros mismos para ser uno con todos los seres.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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nous, êtres humains, sommes distinct et unique dans notre capacité à rêver, puis efforçons de transformer ces rêves en réalité. les rêves la nuit, vu avec les yeux grand fermés, ne sont que des illusions créées par des impulsions électroniques et des vagues au sein de notre cerveau et le système nerveux central. au contraire, les rêves vus en plein jour, les yeux grands ouverts, sont les plus importantes, parce que nous pouvons poursuivre ceux diligemment avec concentration totale de notre cœur et de l'esprit, et bientôt les réaliser dans la réalité. à mon avis, ces rêveurs, croyants, poursuivants, penseurs, inventeurs, des innovateurs, des planificateurs, des stratèges, et les acteurs sont ceux qui changent notre monde, et font de mieux en mieux qu'il ne l'était jamais. notre monde a besoin des milliards et des milliards de ces rêveurs qui mèneront l'humanité à la perfection. donc, ne laissez jamais vos rêves disparaissent ou meurent, surtout ceux que vous avez vu au grand jour, les yeux grands ouverts. aller après vos rêves, sans relâche avec le plan parfait, de la passion et de la persévérance, peu importe ce que les autres disent ou font. bonne chance à faire vos rêves.!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Oh la suavidad, la rapidez y horriblemente, con qué crueldad y minuciosamente, uno descubre los poderes y proezas de Maya, el poder supremo de ilusiones! Con un simple juego de la mano, léger de main, todo cambia en un instante; cargadas eléctricamente, impresionante y años apasionantes de la vida se reducen a momentos - sólo para darse cuenta de que todo lo fascinante realidad había sido un sueño. tal vez todo lo que había sucedido anteriormente había sido una secuencia continua de imágenes bellas que uno puede admirar y enamorarse, y para darse cuenta de que todo el juego de los sueños, las ilusiones y Maya. La realidad también afecta, en el mismo momento, que todo lo que uno seguiría experiencia en el futuro, iba a ver con los ojos y sentir con las manos, hasta el momento de la propia muerte - que no todo va a ser diferente en cuanto al fondo , o cualquier clase diferente. ¿por qué sería? siempre es todo un juego, toda la espuma y todos los sueños. es Maya, todo el caleidoscopio encantadora y espantosa, delicioso y desesperado de la vida con sus delicias abrasadoras, entrelazadas con sus dolores ardientes, el increíble espectáculo que ha estado en curso desde los albores del universo.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Schrodinger's Cat is a classic example of Paradox, in my view. In actuality, it was a Gedankenexperiment or a Thought Experiment, created by Austrian Physicist Erwin Schrodinger in 1935. Not many folks are probably aware that Schrodinger himself called that experiment “a ridiculous case.” Here’s the "Schrodinger's Cat" in Schrodinger's own words: “A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): In a Geiger Counter, there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small, that perhaps in the course of the hour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none. If it (i.e. decay) happens, the Geiger Counter discharges and through a relay releases a hammer that shatters a small flask of Hydrogen Cyanide. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has (undergone) radioactive decay.” So you see, the cat's life or death truly depends on the formation of a subatomic alpha particle that triggers off the avalanche of electrons in the Geiger Counter. There is an equal probability that it may not happen, and hence the cat should remain both alive and dead per Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Philosophically speaking, Human Life is full of paradoxes, and we often find that the uncertainties therein bear a startling resemblance with Schrodinger's Cat experiment. The total randomness of events that shape our human lives, and determinedly control the outcome (i.e. future) can be extremely perplexing and equally thought-provoking as Schrodinger's Cat experiment....a pre-written and pre-destined Reductio ad absurdum perhaps!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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The life of Christopher Columbus offers numerous notable traits of Effective Leadership, which are applicable even today. The seven traits that I consider to be absolutely remarkable are: (1) Always challenge the status quo. (2) Think outside-the-box. (3) Create a vision with plan and timeline to execute. (4) Be prepared to cross the comfort zone, and enter any unknown territories fearlessly. (5) Be tough minded with strong determination to win. (6) Be adaptable, resilient and persistent when faced with challenges. (7) Be the best positive influencer and an inspiring role model to followers. In my view, the most important learning for Leaders from the life of Columbus is: If you really wish to explore new oceans, you mustn't be afraid to lose sight of the shore.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Una "zona de confort" representa status quo, en mi opinión honesta, al igual que el agua oscura estancada en un estanque que a menudo parece tan difícil salir de. Sin embargo, usted tiene que salir de su zona de confort, y cruzar las fronteras para superarte y ser el mejor. sólo por pisar fuera del ámbito de su zona de confort, usted será capaz de explorar nuevos océanos, y ofrecer lo mejor, algo mucho más superior y hermosa que nunca, para iluminar el mundo ..... como la brillantez increíble y hermosa brillo de una supernova o una estrella fugaz o incluso un meteorito, ya que salir de su zona de confort y entrar en nuevos territorios. Se esfuerzan por reinventar y renovar a ti mismo en cada etapa de la vida, al igual que Madonna ha hecho por años, y descubrirá sus nuevas fuerzas, poderes increíbles y belleza asounding que nunca estuvieron ahí antes. Se atreven a salir de su zona de confort, porque eso es exactamente donde comienza la vida real. Conseguir una vida, mi amigo.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Uno degli scrittori genio del 20 ° secolo, Hermann Hesse, premio Nobel e il mio autore preferito, ha scritto: "la maggior parte delle persone ... sono come una foglia che cade, che va alla deriva e si trasforma in aria, svolazza, e cade a terra ma. alcuni altri sono stelle come che percorrono un percorso definito: assenza di vento li raggiunge, hanno in se stessi la loro guida e il percorso ". Mi piace questa citazione, perché è così illuminante e potente. è anche un richiamo costante che tu sei la stella, e si deve mantenere il tuo personaggio - non importa ciò che gli altri dicono o fanno. inoltre non dimenticare che la stella ha ancora la capacità di trasformarsi in supernova, che illumina l'universo con una luce così potente che può venire solo da milioni di soli. Sempre cercare di essere quello splendente stella, e in ultima analisi supernova, per illuminare il mondo.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Cerebro humano nos ofrece un ejemplo asombroso del trabajo en equipo de la organización. Ya ves, las mitades izquierda y derecha del cerebro humano hacen la función de forma ligeramente diferente, y sin embargo, no trabaja de forma independiente o en un aislamiento o incluso en una competencia sin fin como el mito dice. Las dos mitades siempre funcionan perfectamente juntos como un sistema único; ofreciendo un trabajo en equipo perfecto entre lo lógico y lo intuitivo, entre el análisis y la creatividad. El Cuerpo Calloso, el haz principal del nervio o la sustancia blanca que conecta las dos mitades, facilita y coordina de forma sinérgica la comunicación entre estos diferentes partes del cerebro para asegurar el funcionamiento efectivo del cuerpo humano. En mi opinión, este es un clásico ejemplo de trabajo en equipo y la coordinación, creado por nada menos que el poder supremo que nos ilumine.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Curiosamente, la dieta paleo es cada vez muy popular hoy en día. También se le conoce como: dieta cavernícola, dieta de la edad de piedra y la dieta de cazadores-recolectores. Es básicamente la dieta que incluye plantas silvestres primas y animales consumidos por los seres humanos durante la era paleolítica (que terminó hace 10.000 años.) Es una dicotomía interesante, en mi humilde opinión, a la luz del hecho de que la mayoría de los hombres de las cavernas en realidad murieron ya en la edad de 25. Durante esa época, muy pocos podrían hacerlo en cualquier lugar cerca de la moderna la esperanza de vida día de 85 a 95 en muchos países. No hay absolutamente ninguna buena alternativa para una buena dieta equilibrada, ya sea Paleo o de otra manera, y lo más importante, abstenerse de fumar y beber en exceso. Tener una vida sana maravillosa!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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El compromiso personal con integridad significa: decir la verdad honesta en todo momento, a pesar de que podría lastimar al oyente, y crear conflictos para usted personalmente. También significa que nunca conformarse con menos de lo que se merece en sus relaciones con los demás. Vivir con integridad no es fácil, porque ella exige su total compromiso con sus valores personales que deben ser más altos de lo ordinario. Ella también espera a tomar decisiones sobre la base de lo que usted cree, y no lo que otros te dicen creer. Todo se dice, viviendo con integridad, incluso para un día es mil veces mejor que un sinnúmero de años de vida sin ella. Una vida con integridad es la única vida bien vivida, en mi opinión. Así que adelante, dar ese paso audaz, y vivir la vida con integridad.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Es increíble que las palomas, langostas, tortugas, e incluso las ratas no se pierdan por el camino, y la diferencia de los humanos, que no necesitan ya sea MapQuest o Google Maps o GPS para encontrar su camino a casa. Esto se debe a que se han incorporado en gps dentro de sí mismos. estos animales confían en y el campo magnético de apalancamiento de la tierra para la orientación y la navegación. La fuente de los nervios del sentido magnético en palomas ahora resultan ser las células individuales que codifican tres factores clave de posicionamiento: la dirección de un campo magnético, su intensidad y su polaridad (norte o sur). es tan increíble. Hace siglos, se utilizaron las palomas en la India para enviar mensajes a través de cientos de kilómetros. Mediante la comprensión de cómo las palomas procesan la computación y la cartografía en el cerebro, un día que probablemente información se puede utilizar para imorove la orientación espacial en los cerebros humanos. Y algún día en el futuro, no puede necesitar un GPS en el coche, porque eso gps será dentro de nosotros, incorporado y totalmente interna que nos guía en todo momento.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la famosa cita de sir isaac newton, uno de los científicos genio y un gran filósofo: "Yo era como un niño jugando en la orilla del mar, y divirtiéndome ahora y luego encontrar un guijarro más liso o una concha más bonita que ordinario, mientras el gran océano de la verdad yacía todo sin descubrir antes que yo. "A mi juicio, esta cita y proceso de pensamiento subyacente son los mejores ejemplos de la humildad y la modestia tanto como la auto-realización alcanzado por una mente brillante. cuando pensamos en nuestros logros, no importa lo grande que los que están en la cantidad o la forma excepcional en la calidad, nos damos cuenta y apreciamos que el gran océano de la verdad todavía pone todo por descubrir, sin embargo, a la espera de millones y billones de solicitantes como nosotros, que aún no se han llegará en las próximas generaciones. pensativo de la cita de Newton, que la verdad honesta, sin duda nos trae de vuelta a la realidad, y bajar a la tierra, para que no se olvide.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Ganamos increíble confianza y valor en cada ocasión, invariablemente, cuando trabajamos fuera de nuestra zona de confort. Cuando estamos fuera de nuestro elemento, no tenemos más remedio que desafiarnos a nosotros mismos con el fin de ganar contra todo pronóstico, y en la cara del miedo y la incertidumbre. En mi opinión, le ofrecemos nuestro mejor rendimiento cuando tenemos que actuar fuera de nuestra zona de confort, como un meteoro entra en el campo gravitacional de la tierra y brilla con la luz más brillante que ilumina el cielo. Por lo tanto, no debemos temer salir de nuestra zona de confort o estar fuera de nuestro elemento cualquier momento. En cambio, debemos desafiar el status quo para ofrecer el mejor rendimiento en un territorio desconocido. Así es como nos reinventamos, y nos convertimos en las mejores versiones de nosotros mismos que nunca.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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hay un fuego latente dentro de todos nosotros, que está constantemente quemando con el brillo y el brillo que nos guía - todo el tiempo, y especialmente durante los momentos más oscuros de la vida. esas chispas divinas de la inteligencia, la belleza y la elegancia dentro de todos nosotros nos dan fuerza y ​​coraje para enfrentar las adversidades. en mi opinión, sobrevivimos a través de los desafíos de la vida, sobre todo porque nuestro Fuego intenso interior está quemando mucho más fuerte y brillante de los fuegos que nos están rodeando el exterior. La vida es, pues, más que un juego de luz y calor que creamos, en mi opinión, y jugamos para ganar con el enfoque y la determinación por ahuyentar el frío frío y más profunda oscuridad que nos rodea.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Humilité devient une denrée rare dans le froid, le calcul et la société fière d'aujourd'hui. Il est en train de devenir une vertu oubliée, qui me fait souvent me demande "pourquoi?" à mon avis, l'humilité peut se manifester sous deux formes: l'une étant la forme interne de l'honnêteté, la vérité et l'intégrité, c'est à dire d'être honnête au sujet de qui nous sommes, et d'accepter nos strenths et les faiblesses vérité; tandis que la seconde forme étant l'un externe, qui est associée à la façon dont nous traitons les autres avec respect et dignité. Deux formes internes et externes sont interdépendants et ne peuvent simplement pas exister independenttly. Si c'est le cas, il peut expliquer pourquoi l'humilité est rare ..... c'est son manque d'honnêteté et de respect de soi qui germe sa / son manque de respect envers les autres. Accepter ses propres folies avec la plus grande honnêteté est certainement le premier pas vers l'humilité et de se rapprocher au pouvoir suprême.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I often hear people debating about the glass half-full or half-empty, which makes me wonder whether they would ever notice a full pitcher sitting right next to that half-empty or half-full glass. With total attention focused on half-empty or half-full glass, it's obviously too difficult for them to notice anything else. In real world, Life offers you millions of wonderful opportunities besides what you already have - sometimes even bigger and better than you had ever thought before....just like a full pitcher around the corner. In my view, it's savvy to grab the full pitcher that can fill up the glass several times over, instead of getting worried up about half-full or half-empty glass held in your hand. Be smart to find that full pitcher around, seize it as quickly as you can, and then enjoy the party!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I sometimes wonder that life can probably be compared best to a Rose Garden. Some writers like to do so in their efforts to romanticize life. Often as we walk through the rose garden, we become refreshed and rejuvenated by the warm, pleasant and sensuous breeze that carries captivating exquisite fragrance of beautiful roses. Life seems so remarkably wonderful at that very moment. Then on some occasions as we walk through the same rose garden, the sight of dried rose bushes with wilted flowers, dried rose petals and heaps of dead leaves all around saddens us deep inside. The cold callous currents of strong wind make us shiver, with the shocking harsh reality about the uncertainty of life. Oh, life can be so awesome and beautiful at times, and yet so cold and cruel on occasions. Such is the duality of life that reverberates and resonates in sync with the Rose Garden!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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il est étonnant que des pigeons, des homards, des tortues, et même les rats ne se perdent pas en route, et contrairement aux humains, ils n'ont pas besoin, soit MapQuest ou Google Maps ou GPS pour trouver leur chemin. c'est parce qu'ils ont un GPS intégré en eux-mêmes. ces animaux comptent sur et le champ magnétique de la terre levier pour l'orientation et la navigation. la source de neurones de sens magnétique chez les pigeons se trouvent maintenant à être les cellules individuelles qui codent pour trois facteurs de positionnement clés: la direction d'un champ magnétique, son intensité, et sa polarité (nord ou sud). c'est tellement incroyable. il ya des siècles, les pigeons ont été utilisés en Inde pour envoyer des messages à travers des centaines de miles. en comprenant comment les pigeons traiter l'informatique et la cartographie dans le cerveau, un jour cette info peut probablement être utilisé pour imorove l'orientation spatiale dans le cerveau humain. et un jour à l'avenir, nous ne peut pas besoin d'un GPS dans la voiture, parce que le GPS sera en nous, en construit et totalement interne pour nous guider à tout moment.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Je me demande souvent à propos de la croyance la plus commune que Dieu ne vous donnera rien de plus que ce que vous pourriez peut-être manipuler; surtout quand je regarde autour de réaliser que la vie jette souvent des balles courbes un après l'autre que la plupart des gens trouvent difficile à gérer, physiquement et / ou émotionnellement. Il est vrai que beaucoup de gens sont confrontés à de nombreuses difficultés et les épreuves déchirantes qui incluent le rejet social, les discriminations raciales et sexuelles, la pauvreté déranger, le chômage horrible, les maladies mentales invalidantes, violence extrême, y compris le viol, et les maladies les plus difficiles comme le cancer et ainsi de suite, juste pour nommer quelques-uns. Ma compréhension personnelle est que la vie peut certainement vous combler avec beaucoup plus de défis que vous pouvez manipuler, et qui est la réalité que vous avez à accepter. Cela étant dit, je crois aussi que seul Dieu vous donnera la force - qui est nécessaire pour perdurer à travers ces situations difficiles, et à surmonter les adversités plus efficace. De sorte que vous ne devez pas perdre espoir face aux défis dans la vie, et devrait continuer à avoir une foi solide en Dieu pour le courage, l'endurance et la force qui vous permettrait de surmonter ces difficultés. Et je suis sûr que Dieu prendra soin de vous, comme toujours, au cours de ces phases difficiles dans votre vie.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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La vie moderne est pleine de défis, tels que les exigences quotidiennes, les délais, les tracas et frustrations. Chaque fois que la menace de contestation emporte sur la perception qu'on a de son / sa capacité à gérer cette menace, il peut être un début de stress. Je trouve intéressant que William Shakespeare avait offert une stratégie parfaite pour gérer le stress - dans sa célèbre pièce "Hamlet". Dans ce jeu, Hamlet fait une déclaration puissante: "il n'y a rien soit bon ou mauvais, mais la pensée qui le rend si." Dans cette phrase, Shakespear nous enseigne que si nous changeons nos pensées sur une situation potentiellement dangereuse, nous devrions être en mesure de faire face non seulement avec le stress, mais aussi de réduire notre stress de façon significative. Maintenant c'est un fait bien établi en psychologie que la pensée positive, et transformer la menace en une opportunité potntial, nous permet de nous protéger contre les effets secondaires néfastes du stress ..... et William Shakespeare savait ce fait plus de 400 il ya des années. C'est incroyable!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Nos guste o no, somos los enanos a horcajadas sobre los hombros de gigantes, y esa es la única razón por la que podemos ver mucho más y más lejos en el horizonte de nuestros predecesores podía. Nuestros logros de mayor orgullo, como creaciones clásicas, artes increíbles, maravillosos escritos, pinturas hermosas, e inventos ingenius son, de hecho, las compilaciones y las extensiones de la sabiduría que nos llegó de nuestros antepasados. Dominamos su sabiduría y nos trasladamos por encima y más allá. con gratitud que reconocer que era su sabiduría que nos permitió crecer más sabio, y ver más allá de lo posible. Es absurdo pensar que somos capaces de ver o hacer lo que podamos hoy es porque somos más grandes que ellos. somos simplemente los enanos que son elevadas y llevados sobre la estatura giagantic de nuestros predecesores. Aceptando esta verdad con humildad, no sólo nos hace libres, pero también nos mantiene firmemente a la tierra.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Nous entendons souvent les phrases comme «univers envoyer des messages» ou «sérendipité» lorsque les gens décrivent un événement qui change la vie inattendue, ou une invention qui est arrivé de façon inattendue comme une conséquence totalement involontaire bien sûr par ailleurs normal d'actions. En tant que scientifique, je ne pense qu'aucune nouvelle invention qui se passe soit par la meilleure conception d'expériences ou de la chance coïncidence pris isolément. Une analyse plus approfondie révèle toujours que toute invention notable est souvent le résultat d'une réunion synergique de probabilité statistique avec la stratégie bien planifiée, à savoir qu'il est une combinaison de l'incertitude avec certitude qui se produit au bon moment dans le bon endroit. Que Louis Pasteur a déclaré correctement, le hasard ne favorise toujours que les esprits préparés. Donc à mon avis, vous devez garder votre esprit alerte, vif et bien préparé à tout moment tout en travaillant sur vos objectifs, parce que vous ne savez jamais quand sérendipité vous rendra visite, ou lorsque univers serait tapez sur votre épaule pour vous donner les signes fortuites. Seulement votre esprit préparé vous permettrait d'accueillir merveilleuse sérendipité dans votre vie, et de comprendre les signes subtils envoyés par univers.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Once you realize that you can't in them all, you start choosing your battles wisely - so that you will win the big war. You can do this smartly by first dropping those which have little to no long term consequences, and then weighing out the benefits versus costs if you must fight any battles at all. Nonetheless, at some stage in life you also begin to appreciate that the purpose of your life is way above and beyond these fighting and winning games. And you become wise to think about and strategize the "win-win" situations that would make you and your opponent triumphant. Lest we forget, life is too short to worry about warring. Real wisdom of life is to turn around the battles into a "win-win" scenarios, and life is measured by how effectively and how often you accomplish it.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Regarding the famous"glass half-full or half-empty" case, I have often wondered about the full focus and total emphasis on the glass and its contents. It's possible that when the focus is on half-empty or half-full glass, it becomes too difficult to notice a full pitcher sitting right next to that half-empty or half-full glass. And if you do have a full pitcher available, then does it matter whether the glass is half-full or half-empty? Life offers you millions of opportunities besides what you already have in your hands, in real world. So it's always smart to think about and grab the full pitcher that can fill up the glass several times over, instead of getting worked up about the half-full or half-empty glass. Look for the full pitcher, and enjoy the party! Cheers!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Saludar a mumbai universidad! Acababa de cumplir 15 años, cuando me uní a la universidad de Mumbai, donde obtuve mis primeros dos grados - B.Sc. (Hons) en la química y la física, y la B.Sc. (Tecnología) en ingeniería química y tecnología de polímeros. I me considero muy afortunado y muy honrado de estudiar en los más prestigiosos institutos de la universidad de Bombay; Universidad Elphinstone, Instituto de la Ciencia, y UDCT. University of Mumbai era conocida entonces como la Universidad de Bombay, desde su creación en 1857 durante el gobierno Británico, para mí, fue realmente una experiencia impresionante, lleno de gracia y elegancia, a caminar a través de los grandes corredores de edificios universitarios bombay, o para entrar esos excelentes bibliotecas de la universidad o instituto Elphinstone de la ciencia (alias ris) o UDCT. Tengo millones de buenos recuerdos y preciosas de mis años de estudiante en la universidad de Mumbai, que involucra muchos momentos mágicos de mis mejores años de la adolescencia. Mi sincero saludo a la universidad de Mumbai, una de las mejores universidades del mundo, y mi alma mater favorito. Seguid así, University of Mumbai. Estamos orgullosos de ustedes - ¡siempre!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Si quieres ser un termómetro o un termostato es realmente depende de ti. Que se ve, un termómetro refleja simplemente la temperatura de su entorno, siempre ajustando rápidamente a la situación; mientras que un termostato va un paso más allá para hacer un cambio influjo positivo en la temperatura de su entorno. Siempre se puede optar por "seguir la corriente" a seguir lo que otros y las normas de la sociedad dictan a usted, o usted puede mantenerse firme con sus valores para lograr un cambio diferencial en el mundo que lo convierten en un lugar mejor que nunca. Ser el embajador de cambio, y esto es importante, ser el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo. En mi opinión, uno debe esforzarse por convertirse en un termostato en lugar de un termómetro, porque el mundo necesita más termostatos.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Si usted se esfuerza para convertirse en un buen líder, entonces usted debe saber estos diez diferancias entre "jefe" y "líder": 1. El jefe conduce la gente (frutos secos); mientras que el equipo los entrenadores líder. 2. El jefe depende y sobrevive en la autoridad; el líder de la buena voluntad. 3. El jefe inspira temor; el líder inspira entusiasmo. 4 El jefe siempre dice 'i'; el líder dice "nosotros". 5. El jefe dice a sus subordinados "llegar a tiempo"; el líder llega allí antes de tiempo. 6. El jefe arregla la culpa de la ruptura; el líder fija el desglose. 7. El jefe sabe cómo se hace; el líder muestra cómo se puede hacer de una manera mejor. 8. El jefe hace trabajar un trabajo pesado; el líder hace del trabajo un juego agradable. 9. El jefe dice 'ir'; el líder dice "vamos a ir." 10. El jefe justifica o pone la culpa - el líder toma responsabilid y rendición de cuentas.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Solvent dans la vie, vous avez à travailler sur les deux fronts, traiter objectivement des locaux diamétralement opposés, puis arriver à la meilleure solution. l'ouverture d'esprit vous permet d'être un réaliste qui est également optimiste à cœur. Aussi étrange que cela puisse paraître, vous espérez pour le mieux, et attendent aussi le pire dans le même temps. Vous opérez dans le monde réel avec la meilleure attitude positive, tout en comprenant parfaitement bien ce qui est pratiquement possible dans une situation donnée. Cette combinaison synergique d'optimisme réaliste (ou réalisme optimiste) peut vous aider à faire face à des problèmes d'une manière efficace et positive, à mon avis, surtout pendant les phases difficiles dans la vie.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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The same stream of life that runs through our veins, every moment of nights and days, also runs through the world, through all shapes and forms of life on our planet and the shining stars in distant galexies. This is the same stream of life that brings all of us in sync, regardless of our color, race, gender, religion and national limitations, while dancing in perfect rhythm at all times. This is the same life that smiles in joy every morning through the soil of our earth in countless beautiful flowers, millions of tiny leaves, and infinite blades of grass. As we watch this amazing game of life that is so pure and wonderful with its constant uninterrupted flow, we begin to truly appreciate the Supreme Power that governs this Universe so smoothly. This realization also makes us appreciate, respect and enjoy Life - the greatest gift that comes directly from the Supreme Power to us, lest we forget.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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toutes les fois que nous entendons «l'amour est aveugle." mais ce n'est pas vrai. aveugle est l'engouement, tandis que l'amour voit tout et tout accepter aspect étonnant de la vie. l'amour est fort et permanent engouement vis-à-vis qui est fragile et éphémère. à mon avis, l'amour est comme de la soie, qui est délicat, doux, éclairage et doux - et pourtant si forte qu'aucune force au monde ne peut le déchirer facilement. l'amour est d'accepter l'autre pour de bonnes qualités ainsi que des défauts, et de forces autant que les faiblesses. l'amour est de travailler ensemble à travers les défis de la vie, et surmonter les obstacles avec synergie. Je voudrais résumer l'amour dans trois T: la confiance, la transparence et le travail d'équipe.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Une "zone de confort" représente le statu quo, à mon avis honnête, comme l'eau stagnante sombre dans un étang qui semble souvent si difficile de sortir de. Mais vous devez sortir de votre zone de confort, et traverser les frontières pour mieux vous-même, et être le meilleur. seulement en sortant de la sphère de votre zone de confort, vous serez en mesure d'explorer de nouveaux océans, et offrir à votre meilleur, quelque chose de beaucoup plus supérieure et magnifique que jamais, pour éclairer le monde ..... comme la brillance incroyable et magnifique luminosité d'une supernova, ou une étoile filante ou un météore même qu'ils quittent leur zone de confort et entrer dans de nouveaux territoires. efforcez de réinventer et vous renouveler à chaque étape de la vie, tout comme Madonna a fait pendant des années, et vous découvrirez vos nouveaux atouts, les pouvoirs impressionnants et beauté qui n'ont jamais été là avant. Oser sortir de votre zone de confort, parce que c'est exactement là où commence la vie réelle. Avoir une vie, mon ami.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Uno de los escritores de genio del siglo 20, Hesse Hermann, premio Nobel y mi autor favorito, escribió: "La mayoría de la gente ... son como una hoja que cae que se desplaza y gira en el aire, palpitaciones, y cae al suelo, pero. Algunos otros son estrellas como el que viajan una ruta definida: no hay viento les alcanza, tienen dentro de sí mismos su guía y camino ". Me gusta esta cita, porque es muy instructivo y de gran alcance. También es un recordatorio constante de que usted es la estrella, y usted tiene que mantener su carácter - no importa lo que otros digan o hagan. También no hay que olvidar que la estrella tiene capacidad de convertirse en supernova, que ilumina el universo con una luz tan potente que sólo puede venir de millones de soles. Siempre nos esforzamos por ser esa estrella, y en última instancia supernova, brilla para iluminar el mundo.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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When you speak with a Scientist about the glass being half-full and half-empty, she/he says that it's a SWAG (Scientific Wild Assumption Guess) based on only visual observation but not substantiated by any experimental data; and therefore it must be inaccurate. She/he will suggest that you do the following: (a) mark the glass at the bottom of the meniscus of the content, (b) pour the content into a bigger glass, (c) fill the empty glass with fresh content up to the mark, (d) add the original content back in, (e) note whether or not the combined content overflows the lip of the glass, (f) conclude that either the glass was more than half full if it overflows, or it was more than half-empty if it doesn't reach the top, (g) conclude that it was either half-full or half-empty only if it neither overflows nor fails to reach the top. Just a word of caution: Don't be surprised if the scientist, doesn't matter she or he, after all that "scientific discussion" asks you: "Now, what was your question again?

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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In the course of lifetime, you will meet many people who will misconstrue your gentle manners with weakness, and try to either take advantage of you, or intimidate you. You must be strong, as strong as the Diamond, while dealing with such predatory people. You must show them by your words and actions that your gentleness is not weakness that can be pushed around. You must make them realize that your compassion, kindness and humility mustn't be mistaken as passive or meek behavior. In my view, week, timid and spineless are those predatory people, who lack strength and courage; while you are the one with true inner strength and tremendous courage - because it is the Gentleness that is indeed founded on strength and prompted by Love. Stay gentle, kind, compassionate and yet extremely strong - because you are the Diamond, and you must maintain your character.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Durante mi infancia, que nos enseñaron nuestros padres para tratar a todas las mujeres de edad avanzada, como a madres y mujeres jóvenes como hermanas. Nos enseñaron a creer que las mujeres, al igual que los hombres, son creados a imagen de Dios, y debe ser tratado con amor, dignidad y respeto. lecciones de éstos vida de mi infancia aún permanecen cerca de mi corazón, sin importar la hora, lugar o sociedad que vivo en. Espero que vamos a seguir para enseñar las mismas lecciones preciosas para nuestros hijos, para que ellos también tratan cada mujer con amor, dignidad y respeto - como su propia madre o hermana o hija, como una imagen divina de Dios, y no como un objeto de deseo de ser miradas lascivas y fantaseaba. En mi opinión, los verdaderos hombres siempre tratan a las mujeres con la igualdad y el respeto que se merecen por derecho.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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We gain amazing confidence and courage on every occasion when we work outside our comfort zone. When we are outside our element, we have no choice but to challenge ourselves to win against all odds, in the face of fear and uncertainty. In my view, we offer our best performance when we have to operate outside our comfort zone, just like a meteor entering Earth's gravitational field and shining brilliantly with the brightest light that illuminates the sky. Hence we mustn't fear leaving our comfort zone or being outside our element at any time. Instead, we should challenge the status quo to offer the best performance in an unfamiliar territory. This is how we reinvent ourselves, and become the better versions of ourselves than ever before. Life often begins outside the comfort zone.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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We often hear the phrases like "Universe sending messages" or "Serendipity" whenever people describe an unexpected life-changing event, or an invention that happened unexpectedly as a totally unintended consequence of otherwise normal course of actions. As a Scientist, I do think that no new invention happens by either best design of experiments or coincidental chance taken alone. A deeper analysis always reveals that any notable invention is often the result of a synergistic meeting of statistical probability with well planned strategy, i. e. it's a combination of uncertainty with certainty that occurs at right time in right place. As Louis Pasteur said it correctly, Chance always favors only the prepared mind. So in my view, you must keep your mind alert, sharp and well prepared at all times while working on your goals, because you never know when Serendipity would visit you, or when Universe would tap on your shoulder to give you the serendipitous signs. Only your prepared mind would enable you to welcome wonderful Serendipity in your life, and understand the subtle signs sent to you by Universe.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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I often think of Shelley's famous insightful sonnet "Ozymandias" that brilliantly depicts the inevitable fall of all foolishly arrogant leaders and their huge empires built in pretensions to their self-proclaimed greatness. Nature and Time always prevail and overtake ultimately, when nothing remains of those great empires or the arrogant leaders.....and only the lone and level sands stretch far away. Vanity, false pride and arrogance never win, in my view. Humility is the true key success. Here is that famous sonnet "Ozymandias" by Percy Shelley, written in January 1818, nearly 200 years ago. "I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Salute to Mumbai University! I had just turned 15, when I joined University of Mumbai, where I obtained my first two Degrees - B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry & Physics, and B.Sc. (Tech) in Chemical Engineering and Polymer Technology. I consider myself to be very fortunate and highly honored to study at the most prestigious institutes of University of Mumbai; Elphinstone College, Institute of Science, and UDCT. University of Mumbai was then known as Bombay University, since her inception in 1857 during the British rule, For me, it was really an awesome experience, full of grace and elegance, to walk through the great corridors of Bombay University buildings, or to enter those excellent libraries of Elphinstone College or Institute of Science (a.k.a. RIS) or UDCT. I have millions of fond and precious memories of my student years at University of Mumbai, involving many magical moments of my best teen years. My heartfelt salute to University of Mumbai, one of the best Universities in the world, and my favorite alma mater. Keep it up, University of Mumbai. We are proud of you - always!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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A Comfort Zone represents status quo, in my honest view, like the stagnant dark water in a pond that often seems so difficult to come out of. Yet you have to step outside your comfort zone, and cross the boundaries to better yourself, and be the best. Only by stepping outside the realm of your comfort zone, you will be able to explore new oceans, and offer your best, something far more superior and beatiful than ever before, to illuminate the the amazing brilliance and beautiful brightness of a supernova, or a shooting star or even a meteor as they leave their comfort zone and enter into new territories. Strive to re-invent and renew yourself at every stage in life, just like Madonna has done for years, and you will discover your new strengths, awesome powers and asounding beauty that were never there before. Dare to step outside your comfort zone, because that's exactly where the real life begins. Get a Life, my friend.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Hace trece años, el día 11 Septiembre de 2001, uno de los acontecimientos más trágicos y terribles de la historia humana sacudió nuestro mundo. No sólo América, sino al mundo entero perdieron su inocencia ese preciso momento, cuando la cara sucia, asquerosa de terrorismo de masas surgió para torturar brutalmente a la humanidad. El mundo se dio cuenta de que este nuevo mal es perpetrado por fanáticos bárbaros desvergonzados que se han dejado indiferente a la santidad de la vida humana. américa se hizo más fuerte que nunca para luchar contra el terrorismo, y acabó con un pedazo importante de psicópata malvado terrorista para hacer nuestro mundo más seguro, una vez más. En el 13 aniversario del 9/11, nuestro corazón todavía duele por todas esas vidas inocentes que fueron brutalmente asesinados por actividades terroristas. Es tan triste, deprimente y desagradable historia, y sin embargo, sus secuelas es muy inspirador cuando pensamos en cómo Estados Unidos y muchas naciones se unieron para destruir implacablemente el eje del mal, capturar y llevar ante la justicia a los terroristas tóxicos - incluyendo a su líder Osama. En este 13 aniversario, rendimos nuestro homenaje respetuoso a los mártires del 9/11 ataques, y sinceramente agradecemos a nuestros héroes americanos impresionantes que todavía están luchando esos terroristas fanáticos extraños para hacer de nuestro mundo un lugar mejor. Dios los bendiga a todos, y dios bendice América.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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We all know that the life in real world is inherently risky. Those who are not willing to take the risks always settle for the ordinary, and the life also rewards them with what they settle for - the ordinary. On the other hand, those who take the risks, and jump off the cliffs, find that they build their wings on the way down. Life rewards these risk-takers and cliff-jumpers with Success that is beyond any measures - the extraordinary. That's why, in my view, the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one having best ideas or better abilities, but the courage one demonstrates by taking a risk to take a risk and win. History remembers these risk-takers and their extraordinary accomplishments, and forgets the squeamish non-achievers. Never be afraid to take the risks, and diving into unknown oceans. After all, pearls don't lie on the seashore, and you must dive for it into deep ocean if you want one. Go on, take a leap into uncertainty, and you'll see your wings opening on your way down. You may see a net appearing too, but you must take that leap first. Never settle for anything less. You won't regret, because only those who take risks win in this world. All the best!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Aquí están los siete signos de narcisismo, que se puede utilizar para identificar los narcisistas que pueden estar a su alrededor en la sociedad .: (1) Desvergüenza: La vergüenza es el sentimiento que se esconde debajo de todo el narcisismo no saludable, y la incapacidad para procesar vergüenza sana maneras. (2) El pensamiento mágico: Los narcisistas ven a sí mismos como perfecta en todo momento, el uso de la distorsión y la ilusión conocida como "pensamiento mágico". También utilizan la proyección para volcar la vergüenza a los demás. (3) La arrogancia: un narcisista que se siente desinflado puede volver a inflar disminuyendo, degradante, o degradar a alguien más. (4) La envidia: Un narcisista puede asegurar un sentido de superioridad frente a la capacidad de otra persona mediante el uso de desprecio para minimizar la otra persona. (5) El derecho: Los narcisistas tienen expectativas poco razonables de tratamiento especialmente favorable y el cumplimiento automático porque se consideran especial. incumplimiento se considera un ataque a su superioridad, y el autor se considera una persona "torpe" o "difícil". desafiando su voluntad es una herida narcisista que puede desencadenar la rabia narcisista. (6) La explotación: Puede tomar muchas formas, pero siempre implica la explotación de los demás sin tener en cuenta sus sentimientos o intereses. Menudo el otro está en una posición subordinada donde sería difícil o incluso imposible de resistencia. A veces la sumisión no es tanto real como supone. (7) Malos límites: los narcisistas no reconocen que tienen límites y que los demás son independientes y no son extensiones de sí mismos. existen otros, ya sea para satisfacer sus necesidades o pueden así no existe en absoluto. aquellos que proporcionan suministro narcisista a la narcisista son tratados como si fueran parte del narcisista y se espera que a la altura de esas expectativas. en la mente de un narcisista no existe una frontera entre el yo y el otro.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Ausgezeichneten Unterricht auf situative Führung in einem Hollywood-Film "Twelve O'Clock High" von 1949 angeboten, mit Gregory Peck. In diesem Film, ein tough-minded allgemein (geegory picken) übernimmt eine Bombereinheit mit niedriger Moral, und wandelt diese Einheit in eine Star-Team mit herausragenden Leistung. Ich lernte viel über Führung aus diesem Film - lange vor meiner MBA-Studiengang zum Thema Führung. Sie sehen, wie ein wahrer Führer schreitet die Anhänger über ihre normalen Grenzen, im Laufe ihres Verbandes, indem zunächst erzählen, dann verkaufen, gefolgt von der Zusammenarbeit, und schließlich die Übertragung der Aufgaben. Ein wahrer Führer schafft und pflegt viele Next-Generation-Führer; Die Lektion, die ich gelernt und immer erfolgreich als engagierter Führer gefolgt. Dank '00.00 high' für eine solche wunderbare Lektionen in Führung.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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Gyakran hallani a kifejezéseket, mint "univerzum üzenetküldés" vagy "Serendipity" amikor az emberek leírják egy váratlan sorsfordító esemény, vagy egy találmány, ami t�rtént váratlanul, mint egy teljesen szándékolt k�vetkezménye egyébként rendes akciókat. mint tudós, azt gondolom, hogy nem új találmány t� rténik akár a legjobb kísérletek tervezésében vagy véletlen esélye. mélyebb elemzést mindig kiderül, hogy említésre méltó találmány gyakran az eredmény egy szinergikus találkozó a statisztikai valószínűség jól megtervezett stratégia, vagyis ez egy kombinációja bizonytalanságot bizonyossággal fordul elő, hogy a megfelelő időben a megfelelő helyen. mint Louis Pasteur mondta helyesen, esélyt mindig kedvez csak a felkészült elmének. így véleményem szerint meg kell tartani az elméd éber, éles és jól felkészült minden alkalommal, mik�Ben dolgozik a céljait, mert soha nem tudhatod, mikor serendipity lenne meglátogatni téged, vagy ha világmindenség érintse meg a vállát, hogy megadja a serendipitous jeleket. csak a felkészült elmének lehetővé tenné, hogy szívesen csodálatos serendipity az életedben, és megérteni a finom jeleket küld�tt Önnek univerzumban.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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usted está a menudo aconseja elegir tus batallas sabiamente, de modo que usted va a ganar la gran guerra. por lo que pesa los beneficios frente a los costes para las batallas en su vida. se le cae de las batallas que tienen muy poco impacto a largo plazo. Sin embargo, en algún momento de la vida se empieza a darse cuenta de que el propósito de su vida es mucho mayor que las batallas que luchan. en esa etapa, a desarrollar estrategias situaciones "ganar-ganar" que harían que usted y su oponente triunfante en el final. en mi opinión, la vida es demasiado corta para preocuparse por la guerra y ganar todo el tiempo. la vida se mide por no el número de batallas que luchó y ganó, pero el número de veces que fuereis esas batallas en torno a situaciones de "ganar-ganar".

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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We often hear the phrases like "Universe is telling me with signs" or "karma is calling" or "kismet making connection" or "serendipity" or "chance" or"coincidence" and so on, whenever people refer to an unexpected life-changing event or a major scientific breakthrough that happened as an unintended consequence of otherwise normal course of actions. As a Scientist, I do think that any new invention doesn't happen by chance alone, as it may appear at the outset. Deeper analysis always reveals that any notable invention is almost alwaysa result of the synergistic meeting of statistical probability with well planned strategy, i. e. it's a combination of uncertainty with certainty that occurs at right time in right place. As Louis Pasteur said it 'Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés.' meaning 'In the field of observations, chance favors theprepared mind.' So, keep your mind alert and well prepared at all times, because you never know when Serendipity would visit you, or when Universe would tap on your shoulder to give you the signs. Only your prepared mind would enable you to welcome wonderful Serendipity and understand the subtle signs sent to you by Universe.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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We often hear the phrases like "Universe sending messages" or "Serendipity" whenever people describe an unexpected life-changing event, or an invention that happened unexpectedly as a totally unintended consequence of otherwise normal course of actions. As a Scientist, I do think that no new invention happens by either best design of experiments or coincidental chance taken alone. A deeper analysis always reveals that any notable invention is often the result of a synergistic meeting of statistical probability with well planned strategy, i. e. it's a combination of uncertainty with certainty that occurs at right time in right place. As Louis Pasteur said it correctly, "Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés.' meaning 'In the field of observations, chance favors theprepared mind.' So, you must keep your mind alert, sharp and well prepared at all times, because you never know when Serendipity would visit you, or when Universe would tap on your shoulder to give you the serendipitous signs. Only your prepared mind would enable you to welcome wonderful Serendipity in your life, and understand the subtle signs sent to you by Universe.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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When you speak with a Scientist about the glass being half-full and half-empty, she/he says that it's a SWAG (Scientific Wild Assumption Guess) based on only visual observation but not substantiated by any experimental data; and therefore it must be inaccurate. She/he will suggests that you (a) mark the glass at the bottom of the meniscus of the content, (b) pour the content into a bigger glass, (c) fill the empty glass with fresh content up to the mark, (d) add the original content back in, (e) note whether or not the combined content overflows the lip of the glass, (f) conclude that either the glass was more than half full if it overflows, or it was more than half-empty if it doesn't reach the top, (g) conclude that it was either half-full or half-empty only if it neither overflows nor fails to reach the top. Just a word of caution: Don't be surprised if the scientist, doesn't matter she or he, after all that "discussion" asks you "Now, what was your question again?

– Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

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