Timothyj.29104's Quotes

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 2,027 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Benji: What are you doing?

Dustin Diamond: Trying to kill myself.

Audience: [laughter]

Troy: Judging by his bowling game, I don't blame him. [Waa - Waa sound effect]

Gary Bunda: Seriously, though, you can't kill yourself. We've all tried thousands of times.

Dustin Diamond: Are you serious?

Gary Bunda: [deadpan] Tens of thousand of times.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 19 hours ago

Gary Bunda: I want a catch phrase.

Dustin Diamond: RAZZLEBERRIES!

Gary Bunda: BOOB FARTS!

Dustin Diamond: RAZZLEBERRIES!

Gary Bunda: BOOB FARTS!

Dustin Diamond: Oh, bullsh*t! RAZZLEBERRIES!

Gary Bunda: BOOB FARTS!

Dustin Diamond: COME ON!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 19 hours ago

Dustin Diamond: RAZZLEBERRIES! Why the hell did I just say that? Oh, "Razzleberries" better not be my catch phrase. RAZZLEBERRIES! Oh, come on, I'm being forced to say it! RAZZLEBERRIES! HOW IS THIS FAIR?! RAZZLEBERRIES! I can't even breath!

[back at Satan's office where Satan and Claude are watching Dustin's hilarious quote]

Satan: See, that -- That's gonna be the next "Dyno-mite." you know?

Claude: What is that?

Satan: Well, that's a -- That's a catch phrase, Claude. You know, like, "Hey, sit on it, Potsie." "Nanu nanu"? "Dee plane, dee plane"? "Jane, you ignorant slut, you"? Uh, "Yeah, that's the ticket"? Uh, "No soup for you"?

Claude: I don't get any of those references.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 19 hours ago

Claude: Wow, A hacky sitcom star being forced to star in a hacky sitcom in Hell for all of eternity? Pretty genius, sir.

Satan: Hacky?

Claude: I-Uh, no, it's funny, funny.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 19 hours ago

Dustin Diamond: Um, why is it snowing inside the house?

Sitcom Mother: Honey, remember when you said, "It'll be a cold day in Hell" before you let anyone touch your prize bowling ball?

Dustin Diamond: I've never said that.

Sitcom Mother: Get in here, Levi!

Levi: Papa, it's stuck. [Levi shows Dustin that his penis is stuck in one of the bowling ball holes]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 19 hours ago

Gary Bunda: Okay, listen. Don't freak out. You're in Hell.

Dustin Diamond: What?

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Dustin Diamond: Why?

Gary Bunda: For a lot of reasons that I think that you know.

Audience: [laughter]

Gary Bunda: Satan's a huge fan, though, and he wants you to reprise your most popular role as loveable goofball, Squeak.

Dustin Diamond: You are aware that it's Screech, though, right?

Gary Bunda: Listen to me, alright. It's Squeak, because Satan thinks that it's Squeak, so it's Squeak from now on, alright? I never want to hear the word "Screech" ever again.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 20 hours ago

Dustin Diamond: Hey, what the [bleep] is going on here? Why can't I say [bleep]?

Gary Bunda: It's network standards. Ain't it a [silly bleep cartoon sound effects]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 20 hours ago

Prisoner: Yo, Sheik. Shriek. Shrek [laughing]

Dustin Diamond: It's Dustin Diamond, man.

Prisoner: I'm bored, Squeak. Hey, why don't you squeak out one of them funny TV jokes like you used to do back in the day, Squeak?

Dustin Diamond: Alright, I got a funny joke for you. I get out tomorrow, and you've got six more years for selling weed. [chuckles]

Prisoner: [scoffs] You're not gonna get saved by the bell this time, Squeak.

[Prisoner stabs Dustin Diamond brutally a dozen times]

Dustin Diamond: [weak] It's Screech.

Prisoner: Go to hell!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 20 hours ago

News Reporter Man on TV: Baptist church officials has organized a book barbecue to deal with the offensive mysterious flesh books.

Preacher on TV: And if you've got any rap CDs that talks about butts or copies of Judy Blume's "Superfudge," we'll burn those for you as well.

Claude (as Maid): We just wasted our time. Help me make the bed.

Eddie (as Maid #2): My god! Gary's in one of those books!

[knocking continues]


Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 day ago

Saul: Who's that old guy?

Kortoz: That's Luas, the wise one. Luas is the reason why we spin. We spin to commune with Luas.

Saul: Well, I got a few questions I'd like to ask someone like that. Can I talk to him?

Kortoz: No. [laughter] It takes years of spinning to make that level, bro. None of us have even met him, much less a newbie like you.

Saul: But I --

Kortoz: [normal voice] No, dude. No, it's not gonna happen.

[Saul spins with all his might, which actually made him to move upwards more than ever]

Blaze Child #2: No way! He's ascending.

Kortoz: Grab his ankle. Grab his ankle!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

Saul: What would John Henry do?

John Henry Thought Bubble: Free your ass, and your mind will follow.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

Kortoz: Welcome, my brother.

Saul: What the hell are you?

Kortoz: Well, they call me Kortoz, but we don't need to get into all those labels and names, man. It's so ego-y?

Saul: Ego-y?

Kortoz: Crass notions like ego, they'll be left in the digital dust as we spin towards pure energy. Won't you join us?

Saul: What are you, nuts?

Denise: He's resisting.

Blaze Child: He's too uptight.

Kortoz: Perhaps you're right. This dude is too immature.

Denise: But we can't give up on him.

Kortoz: [normal voice] I said he's not ready. Denise?

[Denise feels sorry for herself]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

STRATA Operator #2: [gasping] Air thin. Pressure...crushing.

STRATA Operator #1: Would you stop saying that already? You're wasting oxygen.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

Hallucination John Henry: You've go to look your weakness in the eye and stare it down.

Saul: [gasps] Oh, my god!

[Saul sees his weakness as a disgusted face made of green mush]

Saul: No, I can't look at it. It's too painful.

Hallucination John Henry: But you must.

Saul: No, I'm afraid.

Hallucination John Henry: That's just it, Saul. You've always been afraid. Afraid of people. You try to preempt their condemnation by judging them first. Thusly, you've become another victim of A.N.S. -- Arrogant Nerd Syndrome!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

STRATA Operator #2: You saved our life, and the drillship floats. How did you know?

STRATA Operator #1: I-I didn't know. I was in a euphoric state because I'd taken the life of a man with my bare hands. But now that you mention it, I don't think it does float.

[the drillship shakes rapidly while drowning]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

John Henry: Saul, I want you to have something to remember me by.

[John unbutton his overalls]

John Henry: Now reach over here and grab it. Get over here! This ain't no sex thing!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

Captain: Ship is sinking. We have to Jettison Cargo.

STRATA Operator #1: [finds a Johnny Tambourine box doll] What about this crap?

Captain: Ah, that's not crap. That Johnny Tambourine merchandise. This giant drillship -- That crap.

STRATA Operator #1: Over my dead --

[Captain tries to shoot STRATA Operator #1]

Captain: Damn! Moved like cat.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

John Henry: Saul Malone, I'd make a wish and blow out the candle, but it's the only flame, and there ain't any more matches.

Saul: Now, don't tell me I can't buy you things. I make my own damn money --

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

[STRATA Operator #1 and 2, and the Captain went into the storm]

Captain: You say you want to go to hell?! Here you are!

STRATA Operator #1: Nobody said we wanted to go to hell!

STRATA Operator #2: Aaaah! Why do they call it "Remains Of the Day"?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago


John Henry: What am I? Not sure I even know anymore. But I think they used to call me Henry -- John Henry.

Saul: The steel-driving man? But wait. John Henry died battling a mighty steam engine...in a digging contest...with a hammer in his hand!

John Henry: That's a damn lie! I ain't never died. And that old iron bitch has never quit.

John Henry: Man versus Machine. Piston vs Muscle. We done fought so long, we done forgot what we're fighting for. We done fought so long, we don't know where one ended and the other begun!

[John Henry reveals to himself that has a steel armed tool in one of his arms]


John Henry: Yell like you never yelled before! But one thing is for sure, boy! You with me now! And you always will be!

[Saul still continues to scream like a maniac]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

STRATA Operator #2: Captain, we must get this drillship to Indochina now.

Captain: We sail directly into storm. Make better time. And from there, to hell, boys. To hell. [laughs evilly]

Captain: So, anybody want to watch a video?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

Saul: If I have one regret, it's the solitary, friendless, lonely life I've led...and the choices I've made. I guess that's two things.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

Saul: All your drunken digging has made the entire wall unstable. We need to rope off this entire --

[Saul gets stuck inside the hole due to an random earthquake]

Bertrum: BLAH!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

Bertrum: This is no time for taking a load off. You are the supervising geologist on Project Thunder Hole. You signed a contract. Did you think that was the extent of your duties?

Saul: You said once you had my signature, you'd have no further use for me!

Bertrum: Eh, colorful expression.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

Saul: You know, Lil, I have real feelings for Fallopia. But ever since I caught her and Johnny Tambourine in Flagrante Delicto, I --

Lil: [grunting]

Saul: I'm sorry -- Too much adult talk? Good idea -- Walk it off.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 2 days ago

Satan: So, tricking a devout Christian girl into touching a goat's dick is not a sin, but "You shall not print or tattoo any marks upon you," [makes a moustache taunt] "guvna." [laughs]

Gary Bunda: Coming up Gary! I'm gonna go see about a girl. Jenny? Jenny? Jenny?

[the girl who actually met Gary revealed to be Hammerman instead when he came to Hammer's workplace]

Hammerman: 'Ello, governer.


Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 4 days ago

Gary Bunda: I was up there working, Claude. I wasn't trying to break off a piece inside Dr. Nickgibbion.

Claude: At least I don't get off on watching my girlfriend jerk off a goat.

Gary Bunda: I was trying to get her to commit sodomy so that she could be down here with me.

Claude: Why didn't you just have her give you a blow job?

Gary Bunda: "Blow job"? Since when is blow jobs a sin?

[Claude gives him the pocket worthy of sins to show Gary that blowjobs count]

Gary Bunda: Even if you're married?

Claude: Big time.

Gary Bunda: That sucks!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 4 days ago

[Hammerman murders Jenny]


Hammerman: My boyfriend was cheating on me, so I am trying to lose myself in my work.

Gary Bunda: Jenny, don't you die on me! You touch this goat penis first!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 5 days ago

Jenny: I didn't think anyone would ever love me looking like this.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): I didn't think anyone could love me looking like this.

[Gary accidentally took off his disguise revealing his true self to what Jenny said]

Jenny: [screams] OH, NO! DEMON! [while making religious cross hand signals]

Gary Bunda: No, no, no, no, no!


Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): [puts back his disguise] I'm still hot. I'm still hot, see? It's just a hallucination brought on by your brain cancer or some dumb sh*t.

Jenny: Actually, it's ovarian.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 5 days ago

Jenny: You brought a goat all the way up here?

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): Uh, yeah. I love fresh goat's milk straight from the teat. And I love milking it. You should try it. I'm a guide your hand so you can milk him.

Jenny: Oh, "Him"?

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): I'm sorry. It's a her.

Jenny: Oh.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): It's just big for a lady.

[Gary teaches Jenny to learn how to milk a goat]

Jenny: Ooh, uh, this feels weird. Why hasn't any milk come out yet?

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): It sometimes takes up to 45 minutes or so.

Jenny: Oh. Oh.

[Gary teaches Jenny to learn how to milk a goat]

Jenny: Ooh, uh, this feels weird. Why hasn't any milk come out yet?

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): You just got to -- You can switch hands.

Jenny: Okay, yeah, my hand is gonna get pretty tired.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): Kiss me while you're milking the goat. [Gary and Jenny kisses each other] Oh yeah, just keep milking it.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 5 days ago

Hambrosia: If I'm gonna go on a compassion spree, I'll need to use time wisely!

[Hambrosia breaks the hourglass snorting the sand into one of her nostrils to slow time to kill people before Meemaw dies]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 days ago

[Hammerman heard giggling in the other room and thought Dr. Paul Nickgibbion is cheating from him]

Hammerman: I cooked the cutlets just how you like, but I suppose you two are more interested in suckling each others' fleshy genitalia.

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Hammerman, it's not like that. It's not what you think.

Claude: We wanted to bring you in on this. Who's up for a threesome? Show of hands.

[Hammerman raise his hands for excitement]

Claude: Raise your hands high if you want to have sex with me and the doctor.

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: [to Claude] You... [chuckles]

Claude: [to Hammerman] Do I... [seducing the robot] turn you on, Hammerman? Or do I turn you...off!

[Hammerman grabs Claude's arm by force]

Claude: Owww! NO, ST-O-OP!

Hammerman: You home-wrecking bitch.

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: No! You stop that now.

[Hammerman lets go of Claude's arm]

Hammerman: I hope you have a great life together.

[Hammerman leaves]

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Where are you going? No, no, not the wall! Not the wall!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Claude: We need to figure out how to stop your robot from murdering.

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: That's his whole identity. Okay, listen -- I'm already planning to break up with him.

Claude: I --

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: If he loses his job, too, he's gonna have nothing left.

Claude: Just tell me how to shut him off.

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: His off-switch is under his left armpit. Yeah, just, uh, there. [Dr. Nickgibbion touches Claude's armpit] Whoo! Tickle! Tickle!

Claude: What are you -- Stop it!

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Tickle, tickle, tickle!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Jenny: I was really hoping that we would swim with the dolphins today, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): Grab a spoon, come on. Let's be gluttonous. And then, we can call your parents up and tell them to go f*** themselves. [reads his pocket guide] Yeah, we'll "disrespect thy mother and father."

[Jenny sees Gary's pocket guide of sins and grabs it]

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): What are you do -- No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's not --

Jenny: Leviticus list of sins? Gary, you know I'm a Baptist. I-I don't want to do anything on this list.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): You're right. What am I doing? I'm being selfish. W-What do you want to do?

Jenny: I have always wanted to get an old-timey mustache on my finger -- You know, so in photos I can be like "Ello, guvna" --

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): Let's do that.

Jenny: ...and then maybe go to a butterfly farm.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): They have those?

Jenny: Oh! We could go ride a roller coaster, like, five times in a row. I don't know.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): What if, instead, you handle cookware while menstruating?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Claude: Gary, what the hell are you doing?

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): [whispering] Jenny and I are taking life by the horns, Claude.

Claude: So, you're just gonna ignore what Satan told us to do?

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): No, no, Satan wants souls, and I'm gonna get him a soul, Claude.

[Gary shows his pocket guide full of worthy sins again to let Claude know that he's got it all under control]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): You ever see that movie, "The Bucket List"?

Jenny: I have always wanted to go camping and then watch a sunrise.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): No, not that. No, we should do the bucket list from "The Bucket List." You know what I mean? When they're driving the motorcycles down the Great Wall of China?

Jenny: Oh!

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): Like, Jack Nicholson had that scene where he reconnects with his daughter? T-That would be fun. That's fun.

Jenny: You know what? You're right. We only get one go-around at this life. We should grab it by the horns.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): Yeah, and leave good-looking corpses along the way.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Jenny: Gary, should I do this?

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): If I've learned anything from my time in Iraq, it's that life is short.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: I gave him free will, and he's chosen to become obsessed with me.

Claude: Did you happen to give him an "off" switch?

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: [flirting] Why don't you and I go to bed and talk about it, huh? Yeah? Does my boldness unnerve you?

Claude: Um, honestly, it does.

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Hammerman is very jealous. We mustn't be seen together.

Hammerman: See you do what?

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Hammerman!

Hammerman: You promise me you would make me more human, and you programmed me to love you, but you gave me hammers for hands.

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Not in front of the guest. No, no.

Hammerman: You have not touched my rubber vagina in months.

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Why don't you go prepare us our dinner, huh? Yeah? [to Claude] He loves to beat the veal with his hammer hands. [to Hammerman] Go, go.

Claude: Can I ask why you gave a hammerman a vagina?

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Well, it's in the ass.

Claude: The vagina is in the butt?

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: [sexually] Yeah.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

[Gary tries to disguise as a cancerous handsome man to get Jenny]

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): [spills them purposely] Oh, no. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I should be more careful with needles. I'm so clumsy.

Jenny: It's fine.

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): Uh, nice to meet you. I'm Gary.

Jenny: Hi. I'm Jenny.

Handsome Man: [from the hallway] He stole my nose tube! [gasping]

Gary Bunda (as Handsome Man): [imitates cough] Sorry, just not feeling very good today. Guess we're a couple of cancer twins. [laughs]

Jenny: I'm just glad that they found a way to end our suffering. And it's not a sin. So, yay! [chuckles]

Gary Bunda: You didn't read page seven.

Jenny: Hm.

Gary Bunda: "Death by Episcopalian Hammer Robot"? It just starts snapping your bones and mashing your brains, and just going, [imitates hammers thudding]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Claude: Satan wants you to get back to the assisted suicides. I mean, what was so bad about the injections with drain cleaner?

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Hammerman can't work a hypodermic. Have you seen his hammer hands?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Yeah, Hammerman murders, so it's not a suicide. They can go to Heaven, their suffering is over -- Everybody wins.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

[The Hammerman breaks through the wall brutally murdering the lovely couple in religion style]

Hammerman: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

Gary Bunda: [between the window] It's just mashing him up!

Hammerman: Give us this day our daily bread.

Gary Bunda: Run! Get out of here.

Hammerman: And forgive us our trespasses.

Gary Bunda: There's, like, six more people left in there. Holy sh*t! He's using the claw-end of the hammers now!

Hammerman: And lead us not into temptation...

Gary Bunda: Run! You got to get out of there!

Hammerman: ...but deliver from evil -- For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen.

[Hammerman sprayed holy water for the lovely couple]

Claude: What's he spraying? Is that acid?

Dr. Paul Nickgibbion: Holy water -- Hammerman is Episcoplalian.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Larry: You know, I was supposed to be injected with sodium pentothal. But I told Dr. Nickgibbion I was deathly afraid of needles.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Gary Bunda: Tell me -- Um, can we use the corporate card for this?

Satan: Yeah, knock yourselves out.

Gary Bunda: Yes! Um, thing about the corporate account -- Do you remember how you spent that week sort of, like, exploding my bottom with a bunch of lightning bolts and then it set my pants on fire and then you rip off my pants and then you shove 'em up my ass...

Satan: Yeah, I remember that. Mm-hmm.

[Satan moves forward to Gary to leave his lair from yapping]

Gary Bunda: ...and then you set me on fire? My wallet was in those pants, and so my card got demangnetized.

Satan: Uh-huh.

Gary Bunda: So, can I get some petty cash for that, or can I...

[Satan closes his doors away from Gary]

Gary Bunda: I don't have money!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 days ago

Satan: Anti-depressants, anti-bullying, the acceptance of diversity, people staring at their phones instead of realizing how meaningless life is -- Suicides are way down, gentlemen and now...this.

[Satan shows Gary and Claude an image of Dr. Paul Nickgibbion on the internet]

Satan: You know who this is?

Gary Bunda: Yes.

Satan: Who is it?

Gary Bunda: [pauses] ...I don't know.

Satan: Dr. Paul Nickgibbion.

Claude: Oh, is it that that weird assisted suicide guy?

Gary Bunda: Ohh, yeah, the guy is so metal!

Satan: Yeah, but that son of a bitch hasn't sent me suicides in months.

Gary Bunda: Well, maybe they're just angels up in sweet, sweet Heaven.

Claude: Gary, suicide is a sin. How have you been down here this long and you don't know that?

[Gary looks at his pocket guide of hell worthy sins]

Gary Bunda: Alright, you can a boil a child in a bucket full of breast milk. Yeah, that's a sin, of course. But you can't wear polyester? We're covered in polyester.

Claude: That's why.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 days ago

Fallopia: Saul!

Saul: Fallopia! You came for me!

Fallopia: Of course!

Saul: So you do love me after all.

Fallopia: No. Yes! I-I-I don't know. No. I am in a really mixed-up place right now.

Saul: Oh, Fallopia, one day I'll find a way to win your heart.

Fallopia: Maybe.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 days ago

Johnny Tambourine: Fallopia's right. You are a real jerk, Johnny Tambourine. Why must you keep pushing everyone away? Maybe it's 'cause you haven't found the right chick.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 days ago

Fallopia: What are we gonna do now?


Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 days ago

Stromulous Gaundor: I will see my Latisia again, senor Malone, but if I am ever to bring my wife back to this world, I am going to need that stone. Now, where is it?!

Saul: I have a question for you. ARE YOU NUTS?!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Stromulous Gaundor: Where is the stone Where is the stone?! WHERE IS THE STONE?!

Saul: I told you, I have no idea!

Stromulous Gaundor: Do not insult me. I am a scientist!

[Shows Saul he got a chemistry set toy kit by proving he's a scientist]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Robot: If I still had my lungs, I bet breathing all this crisp mountain air would remind me of the time me and Murph scaled the Himalayas with that sherpa. Three days in, supplies got scarce, but then Murph says eating human flesh once doesn't make you a cannibal any more than sleeping with a corpse makes you a necrophile.

Johnny Tambourine: SHUT UP!

Robot: [gasps]


Robot: I don't want to go anymore! Just leave me here to die.

Johnny Tambourine: FINE! [smiles afterwards]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Saul: What the heck are you? Some sort of half-bird, half-bat?

Stromulous Gaundor: No! I am 100% birdbat!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Lil: [muttering]

Johnny Tambourine: Saul's been kidnapped by birdbats?!

Lil: [muttering]

Johnny Tambourine: And we have to rescue him?

Lil: Unh-huh-hmm!

Robot: Not interested.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Fallopia: Good morning, Johnny. I made some breakfast for you.

Johnny Tambourine: STOP SMOTHERING ME! [slaps the breakfast out of Fallopia's hands]

Fallopia: Smothering?!


[everyone was arguably shouting when Robot and Lil came in]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Robot: So what's it like having Johnny inside you?

Fallopia: [kicks Robot] Robot! You dirty old man!

Robot: It's not what you think. I'm a longstanding contributor to a highly respected biannual erotica journal.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Lil: Dad, we have to save Saul from that horrible monster!

Clancy: [chuckling] The Birdbats aren't monsters, son.

Lil: They're not?

Clancy: Heavens, no. You see, monsters kill because they don't know any better, because they have to to survive. The Birdbats kill because they enjoy it. They're sociopaths.

Lil: Oh.

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added 10 days ago

Clancy: I've learned an important lesson today.

Lil: Huh?

Clancy: From now on, you're my first priority, Lil.

Lil: Thanks, Dad.

Clancy: Just wait. In a few days, those babies will take root, and I'll show you how to shave. [referring to the testicle monsters]

Lil: Wow!

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added 10 days ago

Clancy: Lil!

Lil: Dad!

Clancy: I came to apologize and to give you these.

[Clancy gives him old testicle monsters that are coughing]

Clancy: They belonged to your grandfather.

Lil: Dad, did you ever think maybe I wanted my own pair of testes and not Grandpa's wrinkled old sack?

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added 10 days ago

Lil: We're out of time! I'm destined to be intersexed!

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added 10 days ago

[The testicle monsters turned into butterflies]

Lil: Oh, no! They're metamorphosizing!

Saul: Man, these balls sure have a lot of wrinkles.

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added 10 days ago

Bertrum: I hereby dedicate this memorial to the heroic workers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the success of Project Thunder Hole.

[another digger gets killed by a memorial statue]

Bertrum: Thunder Hole! Whoo!

All: Boo! Hiss!

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: Word on the street is the casualty rate is too heavy.

Bertrum: Well, what am I supposed to do about it?!

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: I recommend we consult with Malone, the geologist. He may be able to devise a safer method for upwards digging.

Bertrum: Fine! Bring him here, then.

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: Uh...we're looking for him. In the meantime, I recommend you sign these personalized letters to the families of the crushed workers.

Bertrum: I just made a whole speech! What do these people want from me?!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Clancy's Wife: Clancy?

Clancy: Not now, honey! I'm --

Clancy's Wife: Don't you "Not now" me. Lil has run away.

Clancy: What?! But I-I-I --

Clancy's Wife: That's right. Because you were too wrapped up in your crusade to take him testicle hunting.

Clancy: But I --

Clancy's Wife: Don't you "But I" me. You're so obsessed with saving mole society, you've forgotten how to be a father to your only child! Now he could end up a hermaphrodite! And isn't one of those enough for this family?!

Clancy: You're right. I've been a fool. But don't worry. I've got a feeling I know where to find him.

[Clancy leaves]

Clancy's Wife: Psst! Your, uh...tampon string is hanging out.

Clancy: Ah. Thanks.

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added 10 days ago

Clancy: Bob, how many more diggers have to die before you admit that you were wrong?

Bob: 406.

Clancy: What's that? Can I ask how you arrived at that number?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Gary Bunda: What time did we tell everybody to get there?

Lee: [whispers]

Gary Bunda: My ass and testicles are blocking the door. Can you open a portal to another TV?

Lee: [whispers]

Gary Bunda: Not Troy's. What did we talk about? We gonna backtrack on all the work we did?

Lee: [whispers]

Gary Bunda: I'm not burning them. This is a char. I'm releasing the natural sugars. I don't need you to backseat cook me, okay.

Lee: [whispers]

Gary Bunda: It's really weird that nobody's wailing on my defenseless testicles right now. Oh, here it comes. Oh, god, they're starting. Ow, ow, ow! Oh, my nuts! My damn nuts!

[Gary actually sees he mistakenly burning the food on the grill]

Gary Bunda: I am burning these.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 12 days ago

Satan: Oh, hey, hey, hey! Where's the barbecue, boys?

Dizzay: Well, I guess it's been canceled.

Satan: Canceled? Why?

Dizzay: Take a look.

[Satan sees Gary stuck inside the TV with his swollen balls]

Satan: [laughs] They're really trying to work it out there, aren't they? And I had these prop balls made to mess with Gary.

Satan: Troy, do you mind?

Troy: I can probably get up if --

[Satan sits on Troy's swollen balls which it's close enough]

Satan: A toast, to Gary and Lee. So, has anybody hit on that your-mother-sucks-ding-dongs-in-Hell chick yet?

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added 12 days ago

Gary Bunda: Everybody makes mistakes, Lee. Can you ever forgive me for not satisfying you sexually? [crying] I can get better at it. I can push more, I can...

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added 12 days ago

Gary Bunda: Lee and I are having a bit of a housewarming this weekend inside the TV, where we bone. I really hope you can stop by, Claude. Lee can pull you through the TV is she doesn't melt the rest of you first.

Claude: If I do come, I'll take Troy's TV.

Gary Bunda: Troy has a TV?

Claude: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: That's really interesting.

[Gary sees Troy's workplace to see if doesn't have love bondage with Lee]

Gary Bunda: That's a pretty big TV. What is that, a 50-incher?

Troy: Yeah. Something like that.

Gary Bunda: That's pretty big. You gonna come by the barbecue on Saturday?

Troy: Yeah, I think I'm gonna be pretty busy that day. Gary.

Gary Bunda: That's really weird. You never turn down a party. And normally somebody turns around when somebody's talking to them.

[Troy reveals to Gary that he also makes out with Lee by showing his swollen balls]

Gary Bunda: I knew I saw you buying a hoodie.

Troy: We were gonna tell you after the barbecue.

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added 12 days ago

Gary Bunda: Uh, you wanted to see me?

Satan: Gary, get in here!

Gary Bunda: You must be Lee. Been seeing her around the office.

Satan: Troy tells me that you two are living together, inside a shack, inside your television?!

Gary Bunda: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't blame Lee. She's got nothing to do with it. I talked her into it. And I'm just --

Lee: [whispers]

Gary Bunda: Yeah, I'm -- I'm -- I'm -- I'm -- I'm not sorry.

Satan: What?

Lee: [whispers]

Gary Bunda: I'm your most valued employee, right?

Lee: [whispers]

Gary Bunda: I can't even, I cannot do this...

Gary Bunda: Lee and I are a platonic team together and we, uh...

Lee: [whispers]

Gary Bunda: We're dating.

Satan: [laughs] Go on and date her.

Gary Bunda: What?

Satan: I don't give a sh*t. You got some real balls on you, Gary.

Gary Bunda: Yes, they are very swollen.

Satan: Yeah, they are.

Gary Bunda: I think I sat on a bee. They do look bigger, right?

Satan: Listen, I didn't care about you two hooking up. I just said no inter-office romance because she's got that curse, you know?

Gary Bunda: What curse?

Satan: The curse where you get elephantitis of the nut-sac when you have sex with her.

Gary Bunda: But we can be open about dating each other?

Satan: Oh, my gosh, of course! Send out the invitations!

Gary Bunda: Yes! We did it! I love you, baby. [accidentally bumps his swollen balls while hugging Lee] Oh, ah, okay, alright. I got like, accidentally hard and it makes them hurt worse.

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added 12 days ago

Gary Bunda: [whispers to Lee] I love you, too. I really do. But I think we're moving too fast. You're moving too fast. You are literally an unseeable blur.

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added 12 days ago

[Gary and Lee do sex inside of Lee's house on Gary's TV]

Troy: I can still hear you through the TV!

Gary Bunda: Hit mute, Troy!

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added 12 days ago

[Gary and Lee does sex while everyone in the office works]

Gary Bunda: Ohhh, here comes the soup.

Troy: We can all hear every word that's coming out of your mouth!

Gary Bunda: Mind your own business! I'm only in here. I'm filing difficult stuff with my co-worker.

Troy: Filing your dick under the folder marked vagina?

Gary Bunda: You're really distracting me in a bad way, Troy.

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added 12 days ago

William: [whispers to Gary] He thinks we're gonna have inter-office romance with that thing?

[Gary punches William]

Gary Bunda: Say it again! Say it again! Call her a thing again! Call "her" a thing again! Who wants it?!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 12 days ago

Satan: How are you ladies settling in?

Lee: [whispers]

Satan: Claude touched you?

Claude: Wait, no! Uh, she touched me first. She melted my hand. I was just helping her set up her e-mail.

[Lee shows evidence by bringing the book "Leaves of Grass" and a condom that Claude handed out to her]

Satan: Oh, Claude. Poetry and colored condoms? Gentlemen, I did a whole presentation on this, and inter-office romance is strictly forbidden.

Claude: Well, I have a bombshell to drop. Gary moved the copier in front of his cube so that he and Lee --

[as Claude was about tattle the sex between Gary and Lee, Lee uses her body powers from her leg that grew an hand under the table by burning Claude's crotch]

Satan: G-Gary, what's he talking about?

Gary Bunda: I don't know. I don't know what's he's talking about, Satan! And now he's smoking, and I find it disgusting. [fake coughs]

Satan: Gary's right, Claude. Please take the smoking down to the loading dock.

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added 12 days ago

[Regan the Demon Girl makes an important speech]

Regan the Demon Girl: Your mother sucks ding-dongs in Hell. Your mother sucks ding-dongs in Hell. Your mother sucks ding-dongs in Hell. Your mother sucks ding-dongs in Hell. Your mother sucks...ding-dongs in hell.

Satan: Thank you, Regan, for the very enlightening and informative presentation on what everybody's mothers have been doing, down here in Hell.

Troy: I got nothing out of that.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 12 days ago

Gary Bunda: Who's been digging into the pork wall? Haazim, I thought you guys were Muslims. Do I got to smell people's breath?

Haazim: You did.

Gary Bunda: I did this? [referring to the pork wall]

Haazim: It's taken you many months, but this is almost all you.

[Gary grabs one of the pork]

Gary Bunda: I just want to motorboat it. You guys are the luckiest group of people in this whole place.

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added 13 days ago

Gary Bunda: Who's been digging into the pork wall? Haazim, I thought you guys were Muslims. Do I got to smell people's breath?

Haazim: You did.

Gary Bunda: I did this? [referring to the pork wall]

Haazim: It's taken you many months, but this is almost all you.

[Gary grabs one of the pork]

Gary Bunda: I just want to motorboat it. You guys are the luckiest group of people in this whole place.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

Troy: Hi, honey. I'm Troy. You got a burger to go with that shake?

Regan the Demon Girl: Your mother sucks ding-dongs in Hell!

Troy: [paralyzed] What? You're right. She does, and I should go call her right now.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

[Claude tries to flirt with a ring monster]

Claude: Hi, I'm Claude, Satan's number two. Got you a welcome gift. "Leaves of Grass." It's a collection of poems by Walt Whitman. Walt's actually down here, 'cause he's gay. If you ever want to meet him, I have an in. His poems are so, uh, sensual, don't you think?

Claude: I also got you a bookmark. [gives her a condom] Safety first.

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added 13 days ago

[after watching Benji's orientation video about sexual harassment]

Satan: Any, uh, any questions?

Gary Bunda: Why are we watching this video? There's no women around here.

Satan: Times are changing, Gary. Women are just as capable as men in the workplace. So I'm bringing in some stupid bimbos to work with you guys.

All: [cheering]

Satan: Any other questions? Yeah, William?

William: My teeth are falling out.

Satan: That's more of a statement, William.

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added 13 days ago

[Benji does an orientation video about sexual harassment in Hell]

Benji: Hi, I'm Benji. And those of you who know me know I'm crazy about young boys. But that doesn't impact my ability to sexually harass women in the workplace.

Benji: Hey, Becky. That's a dynamite pantsuit.

Becky: Well, thank you. [laughs]

Benji: Practice with me. Say "Do you need a man's help, sugar boobs?"

All: Do you need a man's help, sugar boobs?

Benji: Why don't you let me help you unfasten that bra, so you can better see the pornographic picture I just sent you?

Becky: I would like equal pay for equal work.

Benji: [laughs] Geez, is it that time of the month already? Now fetch me some coffee, Becky. I'm done with you sexually.

Becky: Okay.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

Satan: So, you got all of our golden fiddles back?

Gary Bunda: Yeah. In a way, yeah. Absolutely.

Satan: What do you mean "in a way?"

[cuts to next scene where Gary and Satan gets back in Satan's Office where Todd is the headmaster of Hell]

Toad: Ah, is he the workman? I want a display case built right here, big enough for all four of my golden fiddles and four souls. [laughs]

Satan: [to Gary] Who is this?

Toad: I will see your face turn alabaster when you find the servant is the master. "Wrapped Around Your Finger," The Police, 1983 Grammy Award Winning.

Satan: Todd, Eater of Worlds.

Gary Bunda: His name's Todd Stodski.

Satan: Mm-hmm.

Toad: Ooh, actually, while you're at it, could you get rid of this, 'cause my name's Todd. Not Satan. [laughs]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 15 days ago

Trivia Host: All answers are in, and the final answer to the question is --


Trivia Host: Thessalonica.

Toad: I got it. [to the demon employers] Did -- Did you get it?

Gary Bunda: Oh, we got it. Verbally.

Trivia Host: But it had to be written down, and your teammate clearly wrote..."Belteam."

Gary Bunda: Do you want me to go buck wild and rip up this place?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 15 days ago

[Satan gets a call from Claude]

Satan: My man.

Gary Bunda: Hey, hey, hey, where did you stop Paul from going to?

Satan: This is Gary, isn't it? Using Claude's phone?

Gary Bunda: [imitating Claude] It's me, Claude. Shalom.

Satan: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: [normal voice] Alright, this is Gary, okay?

Satan: Okay, I got to go. See you, Gar.

Gary Bunda: No, no, no!

Satan: I got to go.

Gary Bunda: [muffled] Where did you stop Paul from going to?

Satan: Is your jaw locking up? Told you those spikes would give you tetanus.

Gary Bunda: [muffled] Okay, yeah. Where did you stop Paul from going to? Paul from The Bible.

Satan: Paul-ra-bu-bible? I don't know who this is man. What are we doing?

Gary Bunda: [muffled] Where did you stop Paul? Paul.

Satan: Paul?

Gary Bunda: [muffled] Paul.

Satan: Paul who? Paul Simon?

Gary Bunda: [muffled] No, not Paul Simon. Who are you, Lorne Michaels?

Satan: Paul McCartney?

Gary Bunda: [muffled] No, who did you stop Paul from going to?

Satan: I don't -- I don't know. Paul? You're Paul.

Gary Bunda: [muffled] Paul from The Bible. Where did you stop Paul from The Bible from going to?

Satan: The apostle Paul.

Gary Bunda: [muffled] Yeah! The -- Yes, yes. The apostle Paul.

Satan: This is in, uh, Thessalonians, right?

Gary Bunda: [muffled] The song is about to end. I need you to give me the answer.

Satan: Yes. Thessalonica. Yes, it is a very funny story, actually. [Gary hangs up] Hello?

Gary Bunda: [drawing the final answer] Thessalonica. [laughs] Funilingus back on top.

Dizzay: I just turned in Bethlehem.

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added 15 days ago

[Gary tries to call Satan to win back the golden fiddles]

Gary Bunda: [acting while seeing Todd suspicious] My ear hurts. I better rub it with my knuckle like this.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 15 days ago

Gary Bunda: I think The Dimples is a great team name.

Dizzay: No, no, no, no, man. That names sucks. We need something like a play on the tree of knowledge, like --

Gary Bunda: The Fruity Boys.

Claude: No.

Gary Bunda: Big Danglin' Fruits.

Claude: No!

Gary Bunda: The Stinky Banana Buddies.

Troy: What are you talking about?

Gary Bunda: A bunch of grapes. Tiny "g," big "R." Rapes. Big Rapes.

Troy: I already turned our name in. Our team name is Funilingus.

Claude: Funilingus?

Dizzay: Oh, come on, man.

Troy: Yeah, yeah. 'Cause we're here to have fun, but if we happen to... [flicking his tongue in a sexy way] that wouldn't be bade, either.

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added 20 days ago

Toad: Ah, back for more, huh? And I see you brought reinforcements. Isn't that right, Dimples? [laughs] I'm referencing the question you got wrong last week.

Gary Bunda: I know. A golf ball on average has 336 dimples.

Toad: [mock crying] But you're a week too late. And by the end of this match, I want two more fiddles, two more souls, and I expect to be crowned supreme ruler of the underworld.

Claude: Well, sorry, but we don't have the authority to give you any of that.

Troy: It's a deal. You're about to learn what my ass tastes like, Toad.

Toad: [fake spits]

Gary, Claude, and Dizzay: Ugh.

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added 20 days ago

[Satan shows Gary and Troy to the Tree of Knowledge]

Satan: Gentlemen, behold.

Gary Bunda: This is some kind of tree?

Satan: It's the tree of knowledge you dumb sh*t.

[Satan shakes the tree of knowledge which leaves out disgusting rotten fruit]

Satan: Let's go, pick it up. Gobble up this fruit, alright? It's chock full of useless information. Come on. Eat it up. You put it in your mouth, up your ass, I don't care. Either way.

Satan: Claude, Dizzay, come here. You got to help these two idiots win a trivia contest. Come on.

Dizzay: Oh, man, I got to eat this moldy fruit because of your dumb asses?

Satan: Get in there. Get some of this. Come on, it tastes good. Drop it, it's not ripe.

Gary Bunda: [burping and gagging]

Satan: Keep it in, Gary. Swallow the seeds, too. All of it.

Troy: Pete Best was the fifth Beatle. [gags]

Satan: There we go.

Dizzay: And The Beatles used to be called the Quarrymen.

Satan: Is that true?

Claude: "The Simpsons" is the longest-running scripted television show, but I already knew that.

Satan: Nice. Work it! Work it! Keep going!

Gary Bunda: You're not the real Satan.

Satan: What? Come here. Come here, you son of a...

[Gary runs away]

Satan: I WANT MY FIDDLES BACK! Do you understand?

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added 20 days ago

[Gary and Troy get caught by Satan in Satan's Soul Closet]

Troy: Hi.

Satan: The f*** you two doing in my soul closet?

Troy: It's a really funny story.

Gary Bunda: Troy's an alcoholic, and he lost both of our souls and our fiddles in a bar trivia contest, so no, Troy, it's not a funny story.

Satan: [looks up on his phone] #GoldenFiddles, #Souls, #SuckItSatan. Is this the guy?

Gary Bunda: We're trending?

Satan: These golden fiddles are recruitment tools, they're bait. You are not to lose them in a bet.

Gary Bunda: You lost to Charlie Daniels. He wears a vest without a shirt. He's got a five-pound Confederate flag belt buckle. And that's his proudest thing, and he has kids.

Satan: Come with me.

Gary Bunda: [to Troy] We're gonna get raped.

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added 21 days ago

Troy: I'm the best that's ever been at bar trivia.

[cuts to next scene where Gary and Troy sneakily goes to Satan's Soul Closet]

Gary Bunda: Yeah, you're the best that's ever been, alright. The best that's ever been at passing out drinking Jello shots while I have to sit there listing Kenny Rogers hits. I only know "The Gambler." I wrote it five times. They must think I'm autistic.

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added 21 days ago

Troy: You! Toad! I got another golden fiddle for your soul, and this time, I brought a trivia expert. [referring to Gary]

Gary Bunda: No.

Toad: [laughing] Oh. By night's end, I'm gonna be fiddling while Troy burns. That's reference to Nero and Rome, 64 A.D. But if I'm wagering my soul, you should wager yours, too.

Troy: Done.

Gary Bunda: No!

Troy: Both of ours and the golden fiddle in exchange for the fiddle you won for me last week.

Toad: I will end you. "Good Will Hunting." Best Screenplay, what year?

Troy: '95.

Toad: '97. [laughs] This is gonna be a piece of cake. [laughs]

Todd: Sarah, I'll take 30 hot wings and a diet soda delivered to my table post haste. You can take your tip out of my bar bucks from last week's winnings when I took him down.

Troy: [to Gary] Well, I got a real ringer here. He knows everything about pop culture and Canada and dead celebrities.

Gary Bunda: I've been in hell for the last 10 years. The only dead celebrities I know are Jeffrey Dahmer and Adolf Hitler.

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added 21 days ago

Gary Bunda: Troy, you seen my fiddle? Where's my fiddle? I need -- I'm looking for my fiddle. Where is it?

Troy: I don't know. Where did you put your fiddle?

[Gary sees his golden fiddle hiding behind Troy's printing machine]

Gary Bunda: There's my fiddle.

Troy: No, no, that's my fiddle. That's my fiddle! That's my fiddle!

Gary Bunda: No, you stay back. It's got roofing tar all over it, alright? You diddled my fiddle!

Troy: Shh! Alright, fine, fine! I just need to borrow it for tonight, and then I'll give it back tomorrow!

Gary Bunda: WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?! You reek of booze. Did you lose your fiddle?

[cuts to next scene where Gary and Troy are at bar on why Troy lose his fiddle]

Gary Bunda: You've been here all Golden Fiddle Week at Burglar's Cove getting slammered?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 21 days ago

Satan: Where' your fiddle, Gar?

Gary Bunda: Oh, I got it right here.

Satan: mm-hmm.

[Gary sees his workspace that his fiddle is gone]

Gary Bunda: Where's my fiddle?

[Satan grips Gary's back]

Satan: I want all those fiddles back by the end of the week. Do you understand me?

Gary Bunda: Yes.

Satan: Otherwise, I'm gonna find them and I'm gonna re-string those veins in your dick, you little sh*t. I'm not f***ing around. I need those fiddles back. They're made of solid gold!

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added 21 days ago

Gary Bunda: Ay-yi-yi, carbon. [chuckles] I bet three dudes that I could beat them at nailing shingles to a roof, and I crushed their asses [chuckling] because I'm the best there's ever been.

Gary Bunda: They weren't even working very hard. They nailed in a couple shingles and they all, whole team said that their back hurts.

Satan: Where's their souls?

Gary Bunda: Oh. They left before I could do that. Yeah, and then they moved the ladder and they put in the van and they drove away. I had to shimmy down a drain pipe, and I got stuck in a bush.

Satan: So you basically shingled that roof for free.

Gary Bunda: And I'm the best at it. Yep, it said on their business card that they were the best. As a matter of fact, they were not the best. So I'm the best there's ever been.

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added 21 days ago

[Each demon try to challenge people for a golden fiddle for their soul]

Gary Bunda: Scoot over, you dirty roofers, 'cause I'm the best that's ever been at roofing.

Dizzay: And I'll bet you a fiddle of gold against your soul that I'm better than you at tennis.

Troy: I'm the best that's ever been at tequila drinking.

Benji: I bet I can make love to your son, and I'm the best that's ever been.

Troy: [to Toad] I'll beat your ass at bar trivia!

Toad: [to Troy] I would beg to differ.

Dizzay: [to Tennis Player] Well, I'm good, but I'm not, like a pro or nothing.

Tennis Player: [to Dizzay] You just said you're the best that's ever been.

Benji: [to Dad] Bottom line, can I make love to your son?

Dizzay: [to Tennis Player] Just one game. Come on, man!

Dad: [to Benji] I'm calling the police.

Benji: [to Dad] But I'm the best that's ever been!


[Gary almost fallen off the roof]

Gary Bunda: [screaming] Oh, my god! Oh, my god, am I safe? Am I safe?

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added 21 days ago

Gary Bunda: I don't know how to play a damn fiddle.

Claude: You don't need to be able to play a fiddle. Just challenge them to something your good at, like William here is a world-class opera singer.

William: [sings operatically] Thank yo-o-o-o-o-o-o-u.

Gary Bunda: That was good. I can't believe he murdered his family.

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added 21 days ago

Lil: Those are scary testicles.

Saul: STEP BACK, SON! THEY HAVE RABIES! There's only thing we can do for them.

[Saul instantly smashed the scary testicles]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 24 days ago

Saul: Easy there, little guy. You got to be patient. Use stealth and cunning.

Lil: Gosh, you're smart.

Saul: Well, let's just say I learned a few things at Sleepaway Camp.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 24 days ago

[Saul and Lil went to the Puberty Gulch were they see the testicle monsters]

Saul: We'll I'll be. They're cute as the Dickens.

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added 24 days ago

Reporter: Mr. Bertrum, what do you say to the families of all the crushed diggers?

Bertrum: To make an omelet, break some eggs, uh, died as heroes -- You know, you fill in the blanks.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 24 days ago

Lil: [singing] I wish I had a pair of balls, for then I wouldn't be a runt. But my dad won't find the time to take me on the testicle hunt.

Saul: [singing] Don't despair, you little guy. Wipe that tear from your eye, I will take you with the other dads to Puberty Gulch to find your nads.

Lil: [singing] There we'll join the testicle hunt.

Saul: [singing] So you have balls and not a uterus.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 24 days ago

Lil: What's the matter?

Saul: Ask me after you go through puberty.

Lil: [crying]

Saul: Hey, kid, don't take it so hard. I didn't mean anything by it.

Lil: That's just it, mister. I was supposed to go through puberty today. I need to be escorted by a guardian, but my dad was too busy to take me to catch my testicles.

Saul: [spits water] Catch your testicles?

Lil: I'm two months overdue to go on the great testicle hunt.

Saul: You have to hunt down your testicles?

Lil: Yeah! Down at Puberty Gulch. And if I don't get them soon, I could end up...intersexed.

Saul: Well, that puts a whole new wrinkle in the puberty process.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 24 days ago

Bertrum: My fellow moles, the hour has come to usher in the era of thunder hole! Let the dig begin!

[the Mole Men worker gets crushed by rocks when he touched the ceiling of the surface]

Bertrum: Good work. Next digger.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 24 days ago

Bertrum: Sure, there were those who called it unwise, risky, overambitious. [fake cough] Clancy!

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added 24 days ago

Clancy: [on phone] Listen, Jim, the reason I called is I need your support to stop my brother's wicked scheme to dig into the taboo area.

Jim: Not interested! [hangs up]

Clancy: Son of a bitch!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 24 days ago

Fallopia: Please, let me explain.

Saul: Go ahead! Try me!

Fallopia: This thing with Johnny -- It's just incredibly passionate, transcendent sex and the deepest kind of romantic love. So, please, I cherish you as a friend...a totally sexless friend.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 25 days ago

[Saul sees Johnny and Fallopia doing sex with each other]

Saul: What are you two doing in there?!

Johnny Tambourine: [to Fallopia] See? I told you he wouldn't know.

Saul: [to Fallopia] We had a date! How could you just turn around and have intercourse with Johnny Tambourine?!

Fallopia: I think he does know, Johnny.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 25 days ago

Captain: BTO. Bachman-Turner Overdrive.

STRATA Operator #2: It's not Bachman-Turner Overdrive.

[the Captain steals one of the crewmate's knife and stabs him aggressively for misspelling the word]

Captain: BTO. Bachman-Turner Overdrive.

STRATA Operator #2: Listen, you can threaten me. You can stick that knife through his hand and into the table till the cows come home, but hear me now and hear me well. That is not Bachman-Turner Overdrive.

[the two guys then have a suspension expression fight afterwards]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 29 days ago

Saul: Who are you kidding, Malone? You haven't been on a date since you followed that docent around the geology museum, and Fallopia is no Jane Geode. She's a certified knockout!

Lil: Don't worry, mister. You'll be fine. She's just a filthy, wretched ogre. She's lucky to get a guy like you. [referring to Fallopia who is sexy human version of mole man]

Saul: Really? You think so?

Lil: I don't know.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 29 days ago

Saul: Sometimes when my nostrils gets too bushy, people think it's a booger, and it makes them self-conscious, and they start thinking they might have a booger or something else in their nostrils, and that is the last thing I want to happen with Fallopia. God knows she's suffered enough.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 29 days ago

Saul: [to Fallopia] No, you're beautiful.

Robot: You're a real looker, missy. Hubba-hubba!

Johnny Tambourine: For a human, sure, but she's a mole. Why would I want a hideous mole when I could have any mole I want?

Robot: Johnny's right. She's a pig.

Johnny Tambourine: Let's go find some real mole girls. Once you've gone mole, there's no other hole.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 29 days ago

Saul: Fallopia? That's beautiful.

Fallopia: But you can call me what everyone else does -- A hideous mutant barely worthy of being a punching bag.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 29 days ago

Mr. President: How are you trying to reach your goal?

STRATA Operator #1: By activating the DX-2, our backup drill ship.

STRATA Operator #2: But there's a slight problem, Mr. President. The ship can only drill up. It's a design flaw.

Mr. President: Indochina.

STRATA Operator #1: Of course. Indochina!

Mr. President: Indochina.

STRATA Operator #1: We'll take the drill ship to Indochina.

Mr. President: Indochina.

STRATA Operator #2: That way we can drill up, straight to the center of the earth.

Mr. President: Indochina.

STRATA Operator #1: Pack your bags, STRATA Operator #2. We're going to Indochina.

STRATA Operator #2: Let's go.

Mr. President: Indochina.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 29 days ago

Saul: What's your name?

Fallopia: ...

Saul: What's...your...name?

Fallopia: ...

Johnny Tambourine: I don't think she knows how to talk.

Robot: Do what they do to make horses talk on those tv programs. Put peanut butter in her mouth. That'll get the old gums flapping.

Saul: Robot, that's not a half-bad idea.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 29 days ago

Hambrosia: Hello, dear. I got you some gifts -- A divorce, and the end of my curse.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Sheriff: [to Hurshe] Turns out you're more than just a gaping receptacle for my thrusting member.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Hurshe: It feels like five lips felching a rim job, but in my heart.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[the directors rewrite the ending of Eddie becoming a demon sequence in a different kind of way]

Eddie: It's too bad I had to forfeit my victory and now you're red and I'm not because you're a demon again.

Troy: [tired] Yeah, I won, I won. I'm the demon. And I'm so happy about it.

Eddie: I'm back to being a tortured, not with the horns and red skin that you enjoy. I guess being a demon just wasn't for me.

Troy: Shut up, you son of a bitch! [whips Eddie]

[Matt shows up with a lower CG budget of Satan except his face, torso, and arms]

Satan: I like this. This works. This feels right.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Dave Willis: Hey, Spencer. It's Dave. What's up?

Spencer: Hey, so Eddie doesn't want to do the red paint on his face.

Dave Willis: Uh, he's all good. I talked to him like two minutes ago. He's kind of upset, but we're -- We're all cool.

Spencer: Well, he just texted me one minute ago, and he said definitely doesn't want to do the red paint. So, uh, maybe make him a human demon that's flesh-colored? I think that's funnier anyway. They don't all need to be red. Bye-bye.

Dave Willis: [to Casper Kelly] No f***ing way are we doing that. We're not doing it.

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added 1 month ago

[Eddie becomes a demon after winning the Wall of The Damned]


[cuts to the next scene where there's a 4th wall break when the cast crew ask one of the directors how they feel about the makeup and prop scenery]

Eddie Pepitone: Never again, okay? Don't f***ing paint me in this red sh*t no more!

Dave Willis: You know, everybody has to do it -- Henry, Matt...

Henry Zebrowski: Yeah.

Dana Snyder: And I'm a tortured now. And I'm gonna stay a tortured for the rest of the season 'cause I'm not putting that red sh*t back on.

Matt Servitto: Dave, can't we do the red digitally now?

Dana Snyder: Digital. There you go.

Matt Servitto: And then we wouldn't have to sit through it. Shane, I love what you do. I love your guys' work, but we wouldn't have to do it. And these pants, these are fur. It's hot as hell in there. I mean, we could digitize the pants.

Dave Willis: I mean, we have two more weeks of shooting. Just two more weeks, you can gut it out. I can't rewrite it.

Eddie Pepitone: Alright. Alright, fine, fine.

Dave Willis: You mean it?

Eddie Pepitone: I'll do it, yeah.

Dave Willis: Alright, thank you. Thank you so much.

Eddie Pepitone: You're welcome.

Dave Willis: Alright.

Intern: Eddie's agent is on the phone.

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added 1 month ago

Satan: Gentlemen, behold. The Wall of the Damned. Yeah, I rented it. It's got to be back in a couple hours.

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added 1 month ago

[Eddie tries shove Troy's trophy into Troy's ass]

Troy: Please don't do it, Eddie! Please, I'm begging you. I'm begging you. Dude, you don't have to do this. It hurts so bad, I can't hack it. I'm weak. I'm not strong like you. I'm not strong like you. I'm weak. My body's not made for that to happen to me. Please. I'm begging you, please. Take mercy on me, Eddie. Please!

Eddie: Alright. Alright, I won't do it.

Troy: See, Satan? Eddie doesn't have what it takes to do this job -- Bottom line.

Eddie: No, I want to be a demon. I just don't like the butt stuff.

Satan: I need demons that can do the butt stuff, Eddie.

Troy: I can do the butt stuff.

[Troy manages to shove his trophy inside his butt]

Troy: [farts] There it is.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: Did you write this e-mail and sent it to the entire department? I'm confused It came from your computer.

Satan: It says, "I don't have what it takes to be a demon. I'm weak and soft not strong, like Troy. Troy should have his horns back. Stupid Satan really blew it with this one. Satan's a sad loser, almost as sad as Eddie, who is me who is very weak."

Eddie: Why would -- Why would I write that? I-I mean I worship you, sir.

Satan: Whoever did write this, Eddie, he's got spunk and grit. He's -- He's treacherous. He's not afraid to speak his mind, you know?

Eddie: [tricking] Oh, you know, I did write that.

Satan: No, you didn't. You know who did write this? Troy. Troy hacked into your account to purposely make you look bad, because he's got attitude, Eddie. And you need to get that attitude.

Satan: Have you shoved that trophy up his ass yet?

Eddie: Oh, no, we said we were gonna circle back at 4:00 because that's what fits Troy's schedule.

Satan: HE DOESN'T SET THE SCHEDULE, YOU DO! Now you take this trophy and you shove it up his ass. YOU HEAR ME?!

Eddie: Yes, right --


Eddie: No, I'll put it in his ass.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: Good job picking the baby. Babies are good eating. They're like -- They're like the veal of people, you know?

Eddie: For the record, I picked the blanket.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Eddie tries the hologram training]

Hologram Son: It's so cold, Mama. What will we eat to sustain ourselves, Mama?

Hologram Benji: What would you advise them to eat? Think, Eddie. What poor, defenseless thing in this scene is edible?

[Eddie quivers when he chooses the baby]

Hologram Benji: Congratulations! You chose the baby!

Eddie: No, no, no, no! I meant the baby blanket, not the baby.

Hologram Benji: The baby will be an excellent source of protein for these settlers...until they're brutally murdered by Indians.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Eddie: Hi, Keith. What's up, man?

Keith: I got you e-mail set up, Eddie.

Eddie: Thank you, Keith.

Keith: Your password's Traitor$Sellout. That should be easy for you to remember, but I, uh, put it on a Post-It.

Eddie: Don't do me like this. I'm still the same old Eddie.

Keith: Yeah, is that what you tell yourself when you whip us? When you're sitting in your fancy cube? You're such an asshole since the promotion.

Eddie: I'm just doing my job here. Don't bust my balls on this.

Keith: Why not? You're gonna be busting ours -- With the gonad hammer, down by ball-busting rock.

Eddie: Yes, probably. But, again, I'm just doing my job. I'm sorry.

Keith: Way to remember where you came from. [angrily leaves]

Eddie: Geez.

Gary Bunda: Damn!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Eddie: Do you have anything that's, like, animal-free, cruelty-free? I'm a vegan.

Ben: I got rawhide.

Eddie: I-I...

Ben: Deer hide.

Eddie: No, I-I --

Ben: Horse hide.

Eddie: These are all animals. I-I want something that isn't an animal.

Ben: I got suede back here.

Eddie: You know, that does come from an animal, I believe.

Ben: Cow hide?

Eddie: Listen to the first part of that.

Ben: Hey, why -- Why don't you try this 12? Try cracking that, see how that bad boy does.

Eddie: Thank you so much.

[Eddie whips his new whipper]

Eddie: Here you go, ya Wall Street scum! Huh? You predatory-lending prick! Terrific.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: [to Eddie] I've been watching you since the late '70s, just walking around here with your head up your ass. But today, you showed me you got what it takes to be a demon. Eddie, these are yours.

Eddie: Oh, thank you, sir!

Troy: Uh, sir, those are my horns. I-I put my initials on them.

Satan: And Troy is excelling in our torture program. Which is why I'm giving you my Tortured of the Month Award. Eddie, I want you to give Troy his, uh, his trophy. And I've got some lube and some instructions here on how to insert it.

Troy: Sir, that's not lube, that's sand.

Eddie: Is this really happening? Hey, Troy, you know I didn't ask for this.

Gary Bunda: You're going to Hollywood!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: Eddie [chuckles] I have no idea how you buried yourself alive and somehow added a bouquet of dead flowers on top.

Eddie: Well, Gary did all the work, sir.

Gary Bunda: I did all the work, sir.

Satan: No, you didn't. Shut up, Gary.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: What's up with this waffle? There's no batter on it.

Troy: I was just taking a little break, Satan. Gary said I could.

Gary Bunda: YOU LIE!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Troy: This isn't a Belgian waffle. You need batter. This is amateur hour.

Gary Bunda: You're the batter.

Troy: No.

Gary Bunda: You're the batter. You got to lie down in the thing and close the lid, your guts come out in the tiny squares, and that makes the waffle.

Troy: No, I'm the flavoring. You still need batter. This should have been buttered or some type of non-stick, 'cause I'm -- You're never gonna get out of here. I'm just thinking of you.

Gary Bunda: No, you're supposed to stick so then when I pull up the lid, parts of you get stuck to both sides of it.

Troy: You don't wanna get sticked. Cleanup is a bitch with these things. If you wanted to squish me and press me and burn me in a waffle iron, that's one thing. But if you want to make what you were told, Belgian waffles a la Troy, you need some batter.

Eddie: He's stalling! Just close the lid. By the way, I should have been buried hours ago.

Troy: Just go bury Eddie. I'll cook myself. I got this.

Eddie: You're not supposed to do that. You are now a tortured, okay? Stop putting on airs.

Troy: It's just a little slap on the wrist. I'm gonna be red and running the show before you know it. And when you see me walking around in my pleated khakis again, Eddie boy, you are gonna be at the top of my ass-kicking list.

Gary Bunda: Okay, here, help me bury him, and then we'll come back here, and we can do the waffle thing together.

Troy: [scoffs] You can't handle two tortures at once, can you?

Eddie: Hey, he's talking back. He's not supposed to do that.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, don't you talk back, Troy! 'Cause you talk back, I'm gonna start kicking back, and then you got to --

Satan: Nice burial, Gar.

Eddie: [to Satan] Two tortures at once! [coughs] Talk about multitasking!

Satan: [sarcastic] Oh, no, Eddie's suffocating. Hurry, Gary. Save his life. Give him mouth-to-mouth.

Gary Bunda: But he's still making noise. I don't think you need to -- Alright.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Saul: You want me to beat a poor, defenseless mutant in a canvas sack? What, are you nuts?

Bertrum: What's the big deal? It's just a mutant.

Mole Woman: It's really ugly. Besides, it likes it.

Saul: It's in agony.

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: On the contrary. To the best of our knowledge, it has no nervous system. It can't feel a thing.

[Dr. Brad kicks the mutant which is still groans in pain]

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: See?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Beet God: Hey, what's going on?

Clancy: It's the big gala for Project Thunder Hole.

Beet God: Huh?

Clancy: Thunder Hole -- The thing I was warning you about.

Beet God: Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Thunder Hole, huh? Sounds cool. What's it all about?

Clancy: It's Bertrum's evil plan to dig into the "taboo area." I prayed to you to stop it.

Beet God: Huh?

Clancy: Doh -- Fine -- Ah...

Clancy's Wife: Come on, Lil. We live in a godless void.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Bertrum: Just this morning, a little crippled boy named Tommy hobbled up to me. He said, "Mr. Bertrum, will Project Thunder Hole have a place for me?" And I said, "No, cripples will not be allowed to work on Project Thunder Hole. It's not practical."

Tommy: [sad sigh]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Mole Woman: Hey, aren't you Saul Malone, the official thunder-hole geologist?

Saul: Well, I guess you could say that.

Mole Woman: Wow. You're responsible for the destruction of so many rocks. It makes my egg pouch all hot.

Saul: No, on the contrary, my aim is to limit the damage to an absolute minimum.

Mole Woman: I hate you now.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Mole Woman bumps into Saul]

Mole Woman: Oh, I'm sorry. Let me help you. [to Mole Men Waiter] YOU, CLEAN THIS UP!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Bertrum: The choice is simple, Mr. Malone. Become the public face of Project Thunder Hole, or get reacquainted with an old friend of yours, an old friend named Bernice Resnick.

Saul: [confused]

Bertrum: That's the wormy's name.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Bertrum: [to Saul] You'll have to excuse my brother. He suffers from certain nervous disorders.

Robot: What, he's a fruit?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Saul: Aw, my coccyx.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Ted: Coffee run. You guys want coffee?

Troy: I'd love a large macchiato.

Gary Bunda: No! No. [to Ted] Get him a medium. [laughs evilly while whipping Troy]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: It was just nice to see my dad in his element -- Drunk, on the water, ignoring a lot of what I was saying. But there.

Gary Bunda: Me and Dad, we were pulling up martins left and right. Easy-peasy, Japanesey. Just jumping in the boat. Game warden came over and said we had to throw all the martins back.

Troy: Called "Marlins," Gary. It's "Marlin."

Gary Bunda: It'll be "MARTIN" IF I SAY IT'S "MARTIN"! YEAH! YEAH!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: I didn't know you were in the army, Dad.

Gary's Dad: Yeah. I came home from the war, had a kid. I didn't know what I was doing.

Gary Bunda: No, you did not.

Gary's Dad: I just didn't want you turning into a big fairy.

Gary Bunda: Well, Pappy, I'm not a fairy.

Gary's Dad: I know, son. And I think I had a big hand in that.

Gary Bunda: You did.

Gary's Dad: I did, didn't I?

Gary Bunda: You really did.

[back to the Hell's office where Troy's plan was not expecting how Gary's torture would lead to recently]

Satan: Apparently, they're on a fishing trip together down in the Keys. Troy, your biggest fear is being one-upped by Gary.

[Satan shows his document]

[then Troy got demoted into a tortured soul afterwards]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: I'm an adult! You're just a puppet. I'm stronger than a puppet.

[Gary tries touch the wires making the car running]

Gary Bunda: And I can leave this parking lot anytime I like!

[Gary escapes]

Stitches MacKillinghim: It's a "shear" delight to -- Wait, where you going? Come on, man!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Satan shows a live footage where Troy made Gary's fear came true recently]

Troy: I think Gary might be a little late...for the meeting.

Satan: You think? [chuckles]

Torture Consultant: Guys, this is what I've been preaching all week. he's got a hot car and a puppet, and he's in Gary's head. Not everybody has to be cut up, f***ed and eaten, Benji.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: Woah! This old Fury's just like my Dad's!

Shawn: What?

Gary Bunda: Did you rent this?

Shawn: Oh, no, this is mine. Want to get in back?

Gary Bunda: Get in back?

Shawn: Yeah!

Gary Bunda: Alright.

[after Gary gets in the back of the car, one of the lockers were closed by themselves which remakes the same bad childhood that Gary encountered]

Gary Bunda: No! No! Come on!

Stitches MacKillinghim: It's a "shear" delight to meet you. [laughs evilly]

Gary Bunda: NOOOOO! Get away! Get away!

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added 1 month ago

[Shawn call Gary's Dad]

Gary Bunda: Is he there? He's there? He's there? Oh, what should I say?

Gary's Dad: Hello?

Gary Bunda: [Indian accent] Is this Lamar Bunda?

Gary's Dad: Please take me off your list, please.

Gary Bunda: [Indian accent] But, Babur, I want to give you --

[Lamar hangs up]

Gary Bunda: That was him. That was my dad.

Shawn: Well, I mean, I have his address. Do you want to go pay him a visit? Oh, unless -- How long do I have before I explode?

Gary Bunda: Oh, I didn't do any of that stuff.

Shawn: Oh.

Gary Bunda: Busted. [pulls a key from his pocket]

[Gary and Shawn laugh]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: You have any specific memories of your father that may make you cry or be scared?

Shawn: None that I'm aware of.

Gary Bunda: So you mean to tell me your Dad [distored voice] never, like, rapped you on the head and said, "Hello, is anybody home?"

Shawn: No. My Dad was pretty great growing up.

Gary Bunda: Oh, yeah, but what about the time when you were playing baseball and you missed the ball and he was like, "Gary the fairy!" [distorted voice] "Gary the fairy!"

Shawn: Your Dad did that to you?

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] Yeah.

Shawn: Oh, man. It sounds like you should talk to him, maybe -- Like, tell him how you feel.

Gary Bunda: [normal voice] What should I say to him? You know? "Why did you lock me up in a hot car when I was 9?"

Shawn: Did you not know how to open a car door when you were 9?

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] I knew how to do it. I was told not to. I was afraid that if I walked out into the parking lot, I'd get lost.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Benji: My guy is dead. I got to wait a day for his body to reconstitute.

Gary Bunda: What did you do?

Benji: Pulled his skin off, made a skin suit, and then I raped him because I thought it would be shocking to get raped by yourself.

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Benji: But he was already in shock. And then I ate him because I just wanted to top myself. I wish I could do it again because it just -- I'm just a little O.C.D. that way.

Gary Bunda: You did all of that in seven minutes?

Benji: Yeah, it's not my record. He was tough. He was a body builder. He wasn't tender off the bone like a toddler.

Gary Bunda: Could you just get out of here so I can focus on this?

Benji: Are you sure?

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Benji: Okay. Don't work too hard. [tried to kiss Gary]

Gary Bunda: Get away from me. Get away from me.

Benji: [laughing] You are so sensitive.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] It's a "shear" delight to meet you. You can't see, but I'm a puppet holding pruning shears.

Shawn: Hello?

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] The patient awakens. The surgery was a complete success.

Shawn: Oh, my god.

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] God can't help you here.

Shawn: No, I was just gonna say this is just like that movie "Sutures."

Gary Bunda: This is nothing like the movies "Sutures."

Shawn: Is there a phone hidden in one of five incisions in my body?

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] Yes.

Shawn: Well, I'm guessing it's in this bulge right here. [shows his phone sewed inside his stomach]

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] Yeah. Yeah, get the phone. Take out the phone.

Shawn: Well, is it gonna explode like in the movie "Sutures"?

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] I did not steal any ides from the movie "Sutures," okay? it's a hack-job film.

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] "Sutures" 2 through 8 were phoned in, alright? They lost the whole original cast and the original director.

Shawn: Okay.

Gary Bunda: [distorted voice] The only way to deactivate the bomb that may or may not be in that cellphone -- And this is how it's different from "Sutures" is that you need to take out the cellphone [cuts to next scene to his normal voice] And you need to call your estranged father to get the password.

Shawn: I mean, I liked my Dad, so it's not that big a deal.

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added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda (as kid version): Is this Scooby-Doo?

Gary's Dad: No, they didn't have that, so I just got you this scary thing instead.

[Gary's Dad put a vhs movie tape called "Sutures" which is a horror movie]

Gary's Dad: I don't know. Yeah, it's Scooby-Doo."

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Troy: So you must have a really great torture already figures out, right?

Gary Bunda: I'm gonna be...staple-in-the-head-guy. [literally staples his head] Aah! Aah! F*** that!

Troy: So, you're doing exactly what V.C. was doing, except you're just using little, tiny staples.

Gary Bunda: V.C.'s just ripping off of "Hellraiser," and nobody wants to talk about that.

Troy: What he's doing is an homage to "Hellraiser." What you're doing is just blindly copying off V.C.

Gary Bunda: It's a parody of him. I'm Weird Al-ing what he's doing.

Troy: Weird Al-ing him. Okay.

Gary Bunda: [voice breaking] I have nothing. Okay, Troy? I have absolutely nothing. Please help me. I need help.

Torture Consultant: Something wrong, Gary?

Gary Bunda: No, things are really good. My torture is so scary, it makes me want to cry. I'm gonna blow everybody's asses out of the water.

Torture Consultant: Okay. I like the 'tude. Nice.

VC: I'm Tee-Head.


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added 1 month ago

VC: I'm Tee-Head. My victim loves golf.

Torture Consultant: Alright, you know what? Focus on his fears, not his hobbies, but otherwise, a hole-in-one, V.C. Very good.

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added 1 month ago

[Dizzay's torture is showed to be wearing a clown costume with his pants down, Eddie shown being stuck in a anthill surround by big ants, and random nuke explosion scene on tv]

Torture Consultant: Way too much going on here. Quality, not quantity.

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added 1 month ago

[Benji is dressed as latex body suit with a pink tutu holding a saw while dancing]

Torture Consultant: Very disturbing, Benji. You can teach my seminar someday.

Benji: Thank you.

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added 1 month ago

Troy: Gary, you've been downloading porn this whole week?

Gary Bunda: No.

Gary Bunda: Yes. But it's just this one picture.

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added 1 month ago

Torture Consultant: Where can I take a shower and get this sh*t off me?

Benji: Uh, Diarrhea Lagoon?

Torture Consultant: Diarrhea Lagoon is not gonna work.

Benji: Well, the acidity is like an astringent.

Torture Consultant: I don't want diarrhea on me. Where can I get a clean shower, clean water, to get all this muck off me?

Benji: There's the donkey-cum waterfall.

Torture Consultant: Donkey-cum waterfall?

Benji: Yeah.

Torture Consultant: Someone piss on me. I want this -- I want this off me. If it's piss, I don't care.

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added 1 month ago

Torture Consultant: I assume you guys all have your books open to chapter 1, yes?

Demon Employees: Yes.

Torture Consultant: Start ripping those pages out. I want you to take all those pages, roll them up nice and tight, and then I want you to shove those pages right up your ass.

Torture Consultant: And then once you're done shoving them up your ass, then you can pull them out of your ass, because, apparently, that's what you guys have been doing with you tortures -- Pulling them out of your ass.

[Gary starts to actually shove pages up his ass]

Satan: Gary, don't literally do it.

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added 1 month ago

[Satan's stomach burst out a tortured consultant to get the demon employees motivated in torture business]

Torture Consultant: Alright. Do I have your attention? Satan hired me as a consultant to light a fire under your asses because, apparently, real fire isn't enough.

Gary Bunda: Is he dead?

Satan: Gary, pay attention.

Gary Bunda: Jesus Christ.

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added 1 month ago

[Satan imitates calling his phone]

Satan: Hello? Yeah, hey. How's your torture going? THAT'S YOU GUYS -- PHONING IT IN!

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added 1 month ago

Tortured Soul: Shouldn't someone be flaying me open with those whips?

Dizzay: Man, you're in a hurry to get your ass whupped, ain't he?

Ted: You all flayed now? Flay master.

Dizzay: I can go for some coffee.

Ted: Ooh. Coffee now? That's be good.

Ted: [to Tortured Soul] How do you take your coffee?

[the Tortured Soul is revealed as Satan in disguise]

Satan: Black...like I'm gonna make your bottom.

Ted: How did you get out of those manacles?

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added 1 month ago

Ted: This little computer got a game on it where you can be your own dolphin and then you can name it. Guess what I named mine.

Dizzay: What?

Ted: Ted.

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added 1 month ago

Satan: Eddie, I called you up here because you're a tortured soul, right?

Eddie: Yes.

Satan: Yeah. To me...you don't seem that...tortured.

Eddie: Oh, no. The demons do a number on me. I mean, you hear my screams. They echo!

Eddie: AAAAAAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAAH! You hear that right?

Satan: I know those guys are buddies of yours.

Eddie: [pause] ...Okay.

Satan: Yeah.

Eddie: You got things going on. Like, I mean, Gary's on his phone a lot.

Satan: Yeah, yeah.

Eddie: Their heart's just not into it. Hot pokers? Again? I think the main torture with these guys is boredom.

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added 1 month ago

Bertrum: [to Johnny] So...about that Thunder Hole --


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added 1 month ago

Robot: I don't care who wins. I like to see a good fight, like when Murph took down that big Russki in Frisco. Murph was drunker than a turd-house rat, but, by god, he knocked that Russian bear out cold with a body shot and a lit cigar in his mouth!

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added 1 month ago

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: The judge request your presence in the courtroom.

Saul: Judge? Courtroom? What do you people know of justice? Of common decency? The crapper's a hole in the ground, for crying out loud, and there's only one corncob to share between the two of us.

[Mole Men Prisoner #1 still plucking his eyes out in agony]

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: You were promised a full and fair trial, and that's what you'll get.

[cuts to next scenes where courtroom takes place in a battle arena between Saul and the Judge who is a worm monster]

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: If the Judge finds you innocent, your life shall be spared. If the Judge eats you, it means you are guilty.

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added 1 month ago

[Saul drawing the number of days he's been in prison by using a rock]

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: Stop vandalizing your cell. We just renovated this wing.

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added 1 month ago

Bertrum: Why don't you sign this important document in triplicate, effectively green-lighting my big secret idea - Project Thunder Hole!

Bertrum: A single hole so massive that it will make all other holes obsolete! A hole so grand in scope, we mole men will never have to dig another hole again! And we'll dig it where we've never dug before -- Straight up.


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added 1 month ago

Bertrum: Your kingship, I offer you this token of admiration. Just a simple novelty item.

Johnny Tambourine: It's a pen!

Bertrum: Now turn it over.

[Johnny turns over the pen that shows a naked mole woman]

Johnny Tambourine: Wow!

Robot: These buffalo still have a few tricks up their sleeves.

Johnny Tambourine: I can honestly say I've never received a more heartfelt and meaningful gift.

Clancy: Oh, come on!

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added 1 month ago

Mole Men Prisoner #2: I got a plan.

Saul: You do?

Mole Men Prisoner #2: A plan to bust out of here.

Saul: No way.

Mole Men Prisoner #2: Gonna fake an injury to distract the guard, then make a break for it. You in?

Saul: You better believe it, pal.

Mole Men Prisoner #2: Great.

[Mole Men Prisoner #2 breaks one of Saul's legs]

Mole Men Prisoner #2: You, guard, man down!

[Mole Men Prisoner gives a thumbs up to Saul afterwards while Saul gets beaten to death by the officers]

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added 1 month ago

Mole Men Prisoner #2: Hey, flesh sack. Can I get a spot?

[Saul feels concerned]

Mole Men Prisoner #2: Get on over here. Ain't no sex thing.

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added 1 month ago

Clancy: Your majesty, I come to pay my respects and offer a tribute.

[Johnny confused]

Robot: That's a gift. He's giving stuff to you.

Clancy: The kings of old believed it helped ward off the evil spirit of Otnip. Father believed it helped him rule with wisdom, strength, and clarity.

Johnny Tambourine: Oh, um, thanks.

Clancy: You don't like it?

Johnny Tambourine: No, no --

Clancy: You seem underwhelmed.

Johnny Tambourine: It's fine.

Clancy: It has a great deal of sentimental value. It symbolizes the lineage of the mole man royal family as well as our love of orbs.

Robot: He said he doesn't like it.

Clancy: Well, I guess I can just take it back.

Johnny Tambourine: [happily] Okay.

Clancy: So, you're refusing my gift, then?

Robot: You heard the man.

Clancy: Son of a bitch!

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added 1 month ago

Saul: What sort of topsy-turvy world is this? Mole men? Talking rocks? Maybe I am nuts.

Mole Men Prisoner: Nuts? I'm afraid you're all too sane, my friend. The rocks talk to me, too.

Saul: Really? What did they tell you?

Mole Men Prisoner: This.

[the Mole Men Prisoner plucks both of his eyes out screaming in agony as well as Saul]

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added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: Need a little help?

Ted: Guys?

Dizzay: Ted, man, welcome back, brother. We missed you.

Ted: Well, what's all this stuff?

Benji: We knew you didn't want to cut off the noses of the dolphins, so we're gonna do it for you.

Ted: [laughing] Guys!

Gary Bunda: We've never said anything about not sewing those snouts back on, so what I brought was a little bit of sewing thread and a needle and some antiseptic. And what we'll do is we'll sew the snouts back on their bodies. They'll be out in the ocean dancing and singing for the rest of their lives -- Naturally.

Satan: Don't sew the snouts back on!

Gary Bunda: No, we definitely won't do that.

Satan: I want those dolphins to bleed out.

Gary Bunda: Man, his hearing has gotten, like, way better.

Dizzay: yeah.

Gary Bunda: Can I just have some of the water?

Satan: Nope. No water. Beat it.

Benji: [to Ted] Anyway, you know...

Gary Bunda: [to Ted] Sorry, dude.

Ted: See you guys.

Gary Bunda: Probably not.

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added 1 month ago

[Satan gives Ted a new job by doing Dolphin Haven]

Satan: So, what you have to do is you take a hook and you slam it into their blowhole. Take this, and you cut off their snouts. Pretty -- Pretty quick. They're gonna be making lots of [imitates dolphin] but, trust me, they're not giggling. They're in a lot of pain.

Satan: Get 50 of them done by the end of the day today, and then, uh, we'll work our way up, alright?

Ted: [soft voice] Why?

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added 1 month ago

Ted: Troy, have a moment with your computer?

Cliff the Software Demon: Hey, sorry about the shack, man. My CD-ROM drive's all wonky.

Ted: I'm going to gouge your eyes out.

Satan: Hey, Ted. Welcome back, buddy. Come with me. I got a new job for you.

Ted: [to Cliff] I'm coming for those eyes.

Cliff the Software Demon: You don't have the balls.

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added 1 month ago

Cliff the Software Demon: $2 million worth of cocaine and hookers -- Boom, gone! I had never tried alcohol before. Can you believe that? It's amazing! [laughs] But all the solders came loose on my motherboard, burned up my hard-drive. I really did. That's what happens when you're bumping and grinding, you know? [laughs] Vegas, baby!

Troy: Yeah, sounds like you had a real wild time.

Cliff the Software Demon: I did. I very much did.

Troy: Are you getting this or what?

Cliff the Software Demon: Getting what?

Troy: The document I'm sending to you.

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added 1 month ago

Ted: For my last meal, I'd like one freshly-baked acorn --

[Ted gets executed in prison]

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added 1 month ago

[Ted gets back into his dead body by using strange lotion]

Cliff the Software Demon: Oh, there he is! Look at this guy! You're back, baby! [laughs] Hey, you look really good.

Ted: I know we don't have electricity in here, but, Cliff, we'll get you a phone, get you Wi-Fi. We can start bombing people. Like you taught me -- More professional, you know?

Cliff the Software Demon: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Turn around, dude. Let's see those legs working, huh? [chuckles] Yeah.

Ted: You and me, man we're gonna do it.

[Cliff betrays Ted by eject disks to cut off Ted's legs]

Ted: [screams]

Cliff: [calls the police] Yeah, FBI, please. Yeah, I have a tip on the Tree-Huger Bomber. Yeah, is that $2 million dollar reward still available?

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added 1 month ago

[Saul gets put in prison]

Saul: No! The rocks told me I was supposed lead the mole men! The rocks told me I had greatness inside of me!

Mole Men Prisoner: I'll put greatness inside of you. [laughs evilly]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Saul: No! You can't be king! I should king!

Johnny Tambourine: King? I'm king?

[Saul strangles Johnny]

Johnny Tambourine: [while being strangled] Oh, wow!

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added 1 month ago

Mole Men #3: I'm sick of thinking!

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added 1 month ago

Dr. Lawrence 'Brad' Perkins: So, by show of applause...Saul Malone!

Old Mole Men: [claps] Oh, no, sorry. I didn't mean to clap.

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added 1 month ago

[Many people and creatures of the Mole Man created their own campaign video]

Mole Men #1: So, what do you make about all this election business?

Mole Men #2: It's confusing. There so many choices.

Mole Men #1: If only there was someone who talked like you and me.

Clancy: Hi. I am Clancy Burrows, and I talk like you and me. I talk about family, digging, and old-time religion. Isn't that enough?

Bertrum: No, it's not enough, Clancy Burrows! Mole men deserve a king with new ideas and plans, ideas for a revitalized downtown...

[shows the Mole men where they transport places with hamster tubes]

Bertrum: Ideas to tackle our crippling social issues...

[shows the Mole men being put in a meat grinder]

Bertrum: Idead to address immigration reform...

[shows Saul, Johnny, and Robot stranded in a dark area while someone filming them]

Bertrum: ...and an idea so big, I refuse to divulge it until after the election!

[shows Clancy confused at a big question mark]

Bertrum: Do you hear that, Clancy Burrows?! It's the sound of new plans and ideas! Or maybe you can't hear it...because you are deaf!

Announcer: The floating pancake says he won't raise taxes to rebuild the village. The floating pancake is a liar.

Chinacula: I'm Chinacula, and I approve this message.

Saul: You vicious mole-men troglodytes have to stop digging those rocks. What you're doing is wrong! Dead wrong! So vote for me, Saul Malone.

Robot: [sarcastic] Wow.

Saul: You liked it, huh?

Robot: [sarcastic] Wow.

Saul: The election is as good as mine.

Johnny Tambourine: I'm going to vote for that Bertrum chap. He's the only one tough enough to stand up to the immigrants.

Robot: [surprised] Wow!

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added 1 month ago

Saul: Wait! Wait! Wait! I'm supposed to lead the mole men! Me! Saul Malone! There's greatness inside of me.

Anne-Zod: He was here before you. [referring to Chincula behind Saul]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Clancy and Bertrum sees they're father struggling to get up while caught on fire]

Bertrum: Father, obviously you're dying, so -- Real quick -- I'm the heir to the throne, correct?

Clancy: BERTRUM!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Clancy: We will rebuild the village exactly as it was, down to the last carelessly placed, misshapen mud brick!

Bertrum: Don't rebuild the village, you nitwit! This is an opportunity to build mole-man terrace, a planned community! Father would have loved --

Clancy: Father would have eaten those plans and then excreted them out and then consumed the excretion and then regurgitated the consumed excretion into your mouth, Bertrum!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Mother Rock: You must lead them, Saul Malone. Lead them to a better way!

Saul: Me, lead the mole men? I've never led anything in my life! In high school --


Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Saul: A talking rock.

Mother Rock: Yes. We are sentient beings as you suspected.

Saul: I knew it! Take that, Nathaniel Baltimore...[spits] ...my rival from the Tallahassee geological license review board.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Saul: In high school they called me Saul Gayrock just 'cause I drew a heart around a rare geode in my textbook.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

STRATA Operator #1: Play it again.

[STRATA Operator #2 plays the recorder of Saul's messages from another place]

Saul: STRATA, come in! It's Saul Malone! I'm trapped in the center of the Earth!

STRATA Operator #1: I can't hear squat!

STRATA Operator #2: The wave form is unstable.

[STRATA Operator #2 plays it again]

Saul: STRATA, come in! It's Saul Malone! I'm trapped in the center of the Earth!

STRATA Operator #1: It's completely unintelligible!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Ted comes back to his old home to get his body back]

Ted: Angela. You waited. My tap shoes...right there on my dead body.

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added 1 month ago

Cliff the Software Demon: If we can get your soul back up into your body, there's no limit to the number of people we can explode.

Ted: You're right. Let's blow this popsicle stand. Oh, wait. We already did.

[Cliff and Ted both laugh]

Ted: Talk-- Talking about Hell.

Cliff the Software Demon: No, I know. I-I got what you were talking about.

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added 1 month ago

[Troy gets exploded by one of Ted's bombing packages]

Troy: Does that package smell like bat sh*t?

[Gary smells the package]

Gary Bunda: [gags] Oh, yeah.

Troy: Don't open it. No, you know what? You should open it.

Gary Bunda: Don't you yell at me. And where are your arms, you idiot? You look dumb. I may have already won, and I like those odds.

[Gary's package explodes]

Gary Bunda: [muffled] What was that? Good one. I can't hear anything.

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added 1 month ago

Ted: I'm all alone down here.

Cliff the Software Demon: You're not alone, Ted. I read your manifesto, and I think you had a lot of good ideas in there. [chuckles] Not the stuff about blowing up computers, of course.

Ted: What does it matter? Satan shredded it, anyway.

Cliff the Software Demon: I scanned it. It's right here...in my belly. [laughs]

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added 1 month ago

[Ted gives secret bomb packages for his friends for revenge]

Benji: Come on, Ted. We're sorry about the jokes. Plus, we know these are bombs.

Dizzay: Mine is a pile of bat turds with a timer.

Gary Bunda: That's so funny, 'cause so is mine.

Ted: [to Gary] You try finding fertilizer in Hell.

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added 1 month ago

Dizzay: There he is. Ted, my man.

[cuts to the next scene where Ted is dressed up as his original clothing of the Tree-Huger Bomber]

Ted: No, I get that a lot. Different Ted.

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added 1 month ago

[Gary spinning and playing with his chair]

Gary Bunda: Wee-oh, wee-oh, wee-ooh, wee-ooh. I'm a police siren.

Dizzay: Really?

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added 1 month ago

Elderly Woman: "Yore killing the turtles." "Yore"? Like -- Like in "Days of yore"?

Elderly Man: We don't have any turtles.

[The Elderly Couple got exploded by one of Ted's explosive packages]

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added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: On the invitation, you said there would be cake, that the cake would not be made out of manure or bugs. There would be chocolate inside of the cake.

Satan: It does have a little chocolate...holding the manure and the bugs together.

Gary Bunda: Give me some of that cake.

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added 1 month ago

Satan: I would like to read all 2,162 pages of Ted's manifesto.

All: No!


[Satan throws Ted's papers into the ceiling, shredding all pieces into the conference room]

Ted: Th-THAT'S MY ONLY COPY! I have a $2 million bounty on my head. How much are you nerds worth, huh? Zilch, probably. NERDS!

[Ted leaves]

All: Aww. [groan]

Gary Bunda: You bitch!

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added 1 month ago

Satan: [to Ted] We know how much you love animals. I got you a paperweight. So, we put a little dolphin head in there for him.

All: Aww!

[Ted feels disappointed from the dolphin present]

Satan: Isn't that beautiful? "Thank you." Right?

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added 1 month ago

Ted: [chuckles] Ain't nothing better than a homemade acorn pie.

[When Ted swallows a acorn, he starts to choke then died instantly]

Satan: Well, no wonder the FBI never found you, Ted. Who'd want to go in that dump? [laughs]

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added 1 month ago

Satan: Does anybody recognize this?

[Satan puts up a video tape of the Tree-Huger Bomber]

Gary Bunda: That's the Tree Huger Bomber. He was bombing people who made trees huger, or --

Ted: It's "Hugger." Tree hugger.

Satan: No, no, that's correct, Gary. This was the Tree Huger Bomber, the semi-literate eco-terrorist from the '80s. The one and only Ted!

All: [chanting] Ted! Ted! Ted! Ted!

Gary Bunda: Yeah, you suck!

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added 1 month ago

Satan: [to Ted] Listen, I know you -- You hate attention and you crave your privacy, so we're gonna give you lots of attention and take your privacy.

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added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: [to Ted] Satan wants you in the conference room. Did you not get the e-mail?

Cliff the Software Demon: [laughs] Are you kidding? He doesn't read e-mails, Gary. He doesn't even have an e-mail account.

Ted: You don't tell me what to do.

Gary Bunda: Why don't you grab your buddy Cliff there, 'cause Satan wants him there, too, so --

Ted: I don't trust him. He's -- He's not a regular man.

Gary Bunda: I don't care.

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added 1 month ago

Cliff the Software Demon: Uh, don't quote me, but I think you want "U-apostrophe-R-E" on that, Ted. It's not the possessive.

Ted: It's none of your beeswax, Cliff.

Cliff the Software Demon: It's one "R" in coral, too. You're spelling it "Corral." What, are you trying to save a dude ranch or something? [laughs]

Ted: [annoyed] It's about saving the reef.

Cliff the Software Demon: Yeah, okay. Alright.

[Gary shows up]

Gary Bunda: Hey, Ted, what's up?

Ted: Gary! You got any white-out?

Gary Bunda: No, I do not.

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added 1 month ago

Ted: [typing on computer] "Dolphins are man's...best friend...not dogs. Your killing the corral reefs...with bad chem-- "Chem-icals."

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added 1 month ago

Meatwad: Look -- you gotta admit, it has been fun without him popping off at me. [referring to Shake]

Frylock: Speak for yourself! You ain't gotta feed him and put Vaseline on his cracked-ass lips.

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added 1 month ago

Meatwad: Hey, what do a dick look like?

Frylock: Don't you draw a dick on him!

Meatwad: I already drew robots and superheroes. That's all there is to draw.

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added 1 month ago

Master Shake: Of course, I am a benevolent dictator, working hand in hand with the Glorfinoids to build a better life -- for me -- on their ancestral lands, bitch!

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added 1 month ago

Master Shake: Alright, everybody knows their roles. You, fan! You, feed! And you, um...guy? Bring your master and commander his portable gaming console.

Glorfinoid #1: Fantastisploosh. Yes, my liege.

Master Shake: I deserve way more than you can ever give me.

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added 1 month ago

Master Shake: Feast your eyes on this valley of plenty, where it never rains, and when it does rain, it only rains joy, at least until I became king, like, two months ago. You'll see. Welcome to Shaketopia.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: You said to him "You promised." [points to the sky referring to Healy] Promised. What, uh...what did he promise? I mean, 'cause it looked to me like you were trying to escape.

Gary Bunda: Certainly not.

[Satan uses his heat finger]

Satan: Why don't you drop trou and tell me what he promised.

Gary Bunda: That finger's not going to heal me, is it?

Satan: No.

Gary Bunda: Guess what, I'm not doing this like I normally do.

Satan: Yeah?

Gary Bunda: I'm doing The Gary Way.

[Gary starts to do ridiculous dance moves to make Satan embarrassed of not wanting to hurt Gary because of it]

Gary Bunda: Yeah, here comes the airplane. Looking for the hangar. [to Satan] You want it less because I want it?

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added 1 month ago

[After Satan's Building was destroyed by one of the aliens, the employees start to clean up the mess]

Gary Bunda: Don't you have, like, a spell that can clean all this stuff up?

Satan: Yeah, I do, but I don't want to take jobs away from people.

Gary Bunda: [angerly tired] Yeah...

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added 1 month ago

[After Healy was about get his soul shredded, Healy's brother saved him by using his spaceship from Hell]

Gary Bunda: Hey, Healy, your little brother brought the big ship anyways! Tell him to beam me up, too! I got all my sh*t!

Healy: See ya later, Gary. It has been real.

Gary Bunda: THAT'S BULLSH*T!

[Gary grabs one of Healy's legs]

Satan: HEY!

Healy: Let go of me. You are not a good fit.

Gary Bunda: I'm coming with you anyway!

Healy: Also, I don't like you.

Gary Bunda: I demand immunity by the name of the Galactic Federation of Starfleet.

Healy: Sounds like some made-up bullsh*t.

[Healy cuts off one of his feet to keep away from Gary]

Gary Bunda: Your feet! You're cutting off your damn feet!

Healy: Oh, don't worry. They will grow back.

Gary Bunda: You promised! You promised me you'd take me with you! You promised!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: This is the Soul Shredder. It'll shred your soul for good. Yeah, you fall in there, you will cease to exist.

Eddie: See ya, suckers! Ha ha ha!

[Satan uses his demon powers to stop Eddie from killing himself]

Eddie: NO, LET ME DIE!

Satan: Nice try, Eddie.


Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Gary and Healy gets transported back to hell with Satan]

Gary Bunda: Who told you? Was it Troy?

Satan: No, Troy has a speech impediment.

[cuts to the next scene where Troy still has corns in his face]

Satan: Shut your corn hole! Get that? Cornhole?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Healy: My brother wanted me to tell you "thank you" for helping me.

Gary Bunda: Why can't your brother just thank me in person when we're on your home planet?

Healy: He said he's bringing the smaller ship, and you may not fit inside.

Gary Bunda: Well, I can just take less stuff. Won't that fix the problem?

Healy: There are many sandstorms on my planet. You will get a lot of sand in your pad thai.

Gary Bunda: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you backing out on me? Is that what I'm hearing from you?

Healy: A lot of the beings on my planet are racist. You may have trouble finding work with the way you look.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Healy: Here, hold my translator.

Gary Bunda: No, but wait, wait. Listen, hey, hey. [Gary talks on Healy's translator] I'm really excited to meet you guys. I think this going to be fun. I'm Healy brother, I can't wait to meet you. It's fun, it's cool. Alright. Alright.

[after Healy got his phone, Gary heard some unexpected stuff while holding his translator]

Healy: [talking on phone with Roy] Yes, I'm still alive. No thanks to you, dumbass. That was just some stupid earthling. I do not give a sh*t if you have to ask of work, Roy! This place is horrible. I'm gonna push that we have this entire planet destroyed.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Healy: There are my space shorts. I can call my brother.

Gary Bunda: Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey. Mention me, you know? Mention that I'm coming with you guys. Tell him that we can have some pad thai on me. All my tree -- The tree that grows all my favorite foods? And then I can have some alone time with that robot that's just gonna give me handjobs all night.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Gary and Healy sees Healy's old body being torned up]

Gary Bunda: It's you! [disgust] It's you! Oh, my god. They're playing with your guts.

Healy: They split me wide open. Why, you animals? Why? That is too much to heal.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Gary puts Healy inside a fax machine to stealthy get out to hell]

Gary Bunda: [acting] Hey, I just got to take the old machine topside. Getting standard maintenance done to her.

Gary Bunda: [normal voice] For some reason these photocopy repair places aren't down here. They're always up there.

Gary Bunda: [normal voice] You know how it is with photocopiers 'cause you're always using them and they, like, need maintenance pretty much standardly all the time. So I'm just taking her topside with it.

Gary Bunda: [normal voice] Taking her topside.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Healy: Help me get my body, and I will take you to my home planet. We have a tree that grow your favorite food.

Gary Bunda: You mean to tell me you've got a tree that just grows pad thai?

Healy: Yeah, and we have horny sex robots that exist only to please you. All nude. Triple X.

Dizzay: I -- I wanna go. I wanna go.

Gary Bunda: No, no, no, no, shut your mouth.

Eddie: I'll do it. I'll go. I'll go.

Gary Bunda: Let me ask him. Shut up! [to Healy] They do handjobs?

Healy: Well, they'll do anything. You can get more than handjobs.

Gary Bunda: But tell me, they got, like, real hands, right? And not, like, just claws -- They're not gonna rip off my dick and balls?

Healy: Handjob, pad thai, done. Are we good to go?

Troy: Uh, you know what. You're gonna take me, too, because, otherwise, I'm gonna tell Satan.

Healy: That's blackmail.

Gary Bunda: Please don't do this.

Troy: You're also fixing my eyesight 'cause you know what? I'm sick of wearing these glasses.

Healy: Okay, bend down here.

[Healy magically heals Troy's face into corn]

Gary Bunda: What did you do that to him?

Healy: He was a liability. So I turned his face into corn.

Gary Bunda: Alright, well I'm gonna go pack my stapler, and then we can get out of here.

Healy: Leave the stapler. My planet has plenty of staplers.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Healy: [synthesized voice] Hello, Gary.

Gary Bunda: Oh, look at that, he made a little translator!

Healy: I'm not sure what part of your planet this is, but I want to go home.

Troy: Well, guess what, I want to go home. [to Gary] This guy wants to go home. Everybody here wants to go home!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Healy rips out Troy's demon software]

Troy: He's destroying my computer!

Gary Bunda: You said that it was running slow, and so he's fixing it.

Troy: He's ripping his intestines out.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Healy disguises as William by using William's skin]

Gary Bunda: Hey, shh! Healy, you're in disguise. Stop drawing attention to yourself!

[Troy comes in]

Troy: What the hell are you guys doing?

Gary Bunda: Nothing, just hanging out with our friend William. You know, just -- Just chilling down.

Troy: That ain't William.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[All the employees eating organic vegetables that Healy made]

Eddie: I feel like my whole body is filling with energy.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, I guess that's what happens when you eat something besides chalk for a change.

Dizzay: Where you get chalk from?

Gary Bunda: I get it from the conference room. That's why there ain't no chalk, baby.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[As Gary and Dizzay were about to saw Healy, Healy heals plants onto the surface]

Dizzay: Gary, look!

Gary Bunda: What is it?

Dizzay: I don't know, man -- Looks like plants or something.

Gary Bunda: It's weed!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Gary share his moments with Healy before they cut Healy in half]

Gary Bunda: [voice breaking] I don't want to do this. I know you're special, and you're my little peanut that I want to keep in a little basket. But they don't care that you're special or that you're cute or that you're my little peanut.

Gary Bunda: [voice breaking] Dizzay? Hold his big-ass weird feet.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: Hey! What's going on? Eddie's been down here for 45 minutes. He's completely unblemished.

Gary Bunda: Well, that's because Healy's been healing him with his healing powers, ya knucklehead!

Satan: Healy?

Gary Bunda: Healy is short for Healifer, and I am his Earth father. And it's amazing! It's proof that there's life in outer space!

Satan: Yeah, I'm not really into sci-fi.

Gary Bunda: It's not sci-fi. It's just sci!

Satan: Will you do me a favor? Will you cut his head off and stick it on a spike and then slice his body up into pieces and make him eat the pieces?

Gary Bunda: He's proof that there's life-force out in the universe! He made my whip into a licorice whip with a peppermint handle.

Satan: Healy, huh?

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Satan: Yeah, come here, Healy. Heal this, huh.

[Healy heals Satan's hair]

Gary Bunda: Whoa! That's awesome!

Satan: [surpised] He gave me hair.

Gary Bunda: You look like Willy Wonka's coke dealer.

[Satan eats his new hair]

Satan: Gave me licorice hair.

Gary Bunda: He gave you licorice hair!

Satan: Cut his head off.

Gary Bunda: No, he's from Zeta Reticulum!

Satan: Cut his finger off, too, and make him eat it.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Healy uses his finger to heal Eddie's wounds after being whipped by Gary]

Gary Bunda: [to Healy] Oh, my god. You healed all of Eddie's wounds! Alright, do it again.

[Gary wents back to whipping Eddie, while Healy heals Eddie's wounds for fun]

Gary Bunda: Because you healed Eddie's wounds, I'm gonna call you... Healy.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Dizzay sees a alien]

Dizzay: Damn, you ugly, son! Now you're in hell?! Some people can't catch a break.

[as Dizzay was about to rip the alien's guts out]

Gary Bunda: No, no, no, no, Dizzay, no! This guy's an alien from outer space! He's a Gray! He's here to promote peace. He's here to save the universe! And he doesn't belong here.

Troy: Hey, X-Files! If you die on earth, you don't believe in Jesus, you get the hook. Now hook him!

Dizzay: See, that's what I'm talking about.

[Gary stops Dizzay from ripping the alien's guts again]

Gary Bunda: No, no, no! I will not face the wrath of the Intergalactic Committee. And I refuse to gut any more molesters until you bring him down.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Healy: Greeting Earthlings. We bring a message of --

[Healy gets shot from a kid]

Kid #1: Where'd did you get that gun?

Kid #2: My Dad's nightstand.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: A mother's job is never done.

[Gary pulled his shirt to squirt blood from his nipples for Chron to feed]

Gary Bunda: Luckily, the restaurant's always open.

Troy: Oh, my god. You feed it just blood? That's gross.

Gary Bunda: Oh, I bet you would want to put Chron on formula from those corporate overloads. Well, the milk from my breast is filled with iron, and it's going to make my son strong. 'Cause when you're a mother, you're a mother 24/7...

[Gary passes out]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: What is that smell?

Gary Bunda: It's your son. His name is Chron. [to Chron] He's made a poopy, haven't you?

Satan: Get it out of here.

Gary Bunda: Uh, he's not an "it." He is a unique snowflake.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: If a torture is being eaten by maggots, it is counterproductive to then stick him in acid. It kills the maggots. Think. That is a waste of maggots.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[After Gary's baby was out of his womb, he starts to attack Troy]



Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: Did you happen to bring a whole canteen of soup in here and spill it all over my knees?

Troy: Why would I have a canteen of soup?!

[Gary's water broke that pulls out his baby while stranded inside the elevator]

Gary Bunda: Where'd he go? I'm a mommy! [laughs]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: I made you an appointment with a great obstetrician. Troy, I want you to escort Mama Bear topside.

Gary Bunda: Thank you so much.

Satan: Thank you. [kisses Gary] Now, go. Go. Bring me back my son.

Gary Bunda: I will.

Satan: Can't wait. Love you.

Gary Bunda: I love you.

[while Gary and Troy are inside the elevator]

Gary Bunda: You know, I'm just impressed as to how well Satan is taking everything.

[Satan turns off the elevator]

Gary Bunda: Oh, no, Troy. Make sure you call the OB/GYN and tell him we're gonna be late for the appointment. He is so hard to book. Oh, this is so funny.

Troy: [realizes what trap he got into] There's no OB/GYN, Gary.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: I may be dead and in Hell, but now I have a reason to live. [to his demon baby] And so do you. [to Satan] You're gonna be a daddy. What do you think, Papa?

Satan: You kept this from me. Are you insane? I'm gonna be a daddy? [crying] That's my boy inside there!

[Gary and Satan both sob]

Satan: That's my boy!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: What is that?

Gary Bunda: It's a magazine. I mean, print media is on its way up, but I'm pretty surprised how quickly you've forgotten.

Satan: Not the magazine, you moron. THE MODEL! SHE SHOULD BE SHOWING -- NINE MONTHS PREGNANT!

Gary Bunda: Oh, she's showing. She's got a baby bump right there.


Gary Bunda: [crying] Stop yelling at me.

Satan: FOOL!

Gary Bunda: [crying] You don't know what's happening to me. I'm a hippo!

Satan: What -- What's going on here?

Gary Bunda: Nothing.

Troy: [to Satan] You accidentally crawled inside Gary's butt, and now he's having your baby, sir.

Gary Bunda: Troy, you vegan asshole!

Troy: He ought to know.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: There is a life force growing inside of my guts. [voice breaking] It's the biggest responsibility that I've ever had. And if Satan thinks that he can hurt one hair on my little soldier's head, then he's gonna have Mama Gary to deal with.

Troy: You're an idiot. Satan's gonna kill you and your butt baby.

Gary Bunda: Our butt baby.

Gary Bunda: I hope it comes out my butt.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Dr. Mengle: You are pregnant.

Gary Bunda: How is that even possible?

Troy: Satan turned into a snake and penetrated your butt, remember?

Dr. Mengle: Half its DNA is a turd. It's penis is hard and sharp, like a roofing nail. Do you want to keep this monstrosity?

Troy: No, no, we don't need to do that. We'll just scoop this guy out, dump him in the toilet, and call it a day.


Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: Hey there, fellas. What's crack-a-lacking?

Eddie: Oh, nothing. We're just hanging out, shooting the sh*t.

Gary Bunda: Really?

Eddie: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: It seems like you guys are just out here talking about your yoga routines and just PURPOSELY EXCLUDING ME!

Dizzay: Come on, Gary, it ain't like that, man.

Gary Bunda: Really? How else are my feelings wrong? What, are you like the little conductor for my emotions, and I should feel how it is you think it's appropriate for me to feel?

Dizzay: Okay.

Gary Bunda: Well, maybe if there was a little bit more communication in this circle of "friends" that I thought I was a spoke of...

Eddie: Shut up.

Gary Bunda: Do any of you even like me for me?

Benji: Gary? Gary, we like you. It's just, lately, you've just been acting like a...

Gary Bunda: Like what?

Troy: Like a little bitch.

Dizzay: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Gary Bunda: I'M A BITCH?! [to Dizzay] YOU'RE A BITCH. [to Troy] YOU'RE A BITCH. [to Eddie] YOU'RE A BIG, FLOPPY, DUMB, WET BITCH! EVERY ONE OF YOU! [crying] I'm sorry. What am I? [Gary makes a wave gesture with his hand] I'm doing this.

Troy: Yeah, a little bit.

Gary Bunda: I don't know what's wrong -- [vomits on his employees]

Eddie: Gary, are you okay?

Gary Bunda: I think I'm fine. I just maybe --

Dizzay: Whatever it is, you going like a mother.

Gary Bunda: F*** you!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Eddie: In between scrotum gougings, I've been doing Pilates. I don't know if you've noticed. It helps with my flexibility.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: [chuckling] Oh, hey, guys. What's up, man?

Troy: Hey.

Satan: Great job yesterday, man. That Cheryl, she was feisty. I still cannot get her stink off of me. She was really nasty.

Satan: Hey, listen, Gary, you do me a favor, take care of all that prenatal sh*t with Cheryl, 'cause I'd do it, but, you know...don't want to.

Troy: [to Satan] And why should you?

Satan: Yeah.

[Gary gives Satan a thumbs up while still being desperate about the sex incident]

Satan: Cool. I got to jump. Teamwork makes the dream work.

[Satan leaves]

Troy: [to Gary] You better tell him. He's gonna find out Cheryl isn't pregnant.

Gary Bunda: Why don't you f***ing do something? You know? I got raped by a snake.

Troy: I was there.

Gary Bunda: Let's have a worse day competition.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[after the impregnate incident Gary got caught in]

Troy: Gary. [chuckling] Pretty crazy stuff, huh? Satan... [blows raspberry] ...going up your pants. Did he get all the way in? 'Cause I saw him come out of your mouth, so i just assumed...he went all the way through there.

Gary Bunda: Seriously. Don't...want to talk about it.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Satan turns into a snake]

Satan: Alright. Let the impregnating begin.

Troy: [to Cheryl] Okay, why don't you just hop over on all fours and wiggle that ass, okay, honey?

[Cheryl turns and moves her butt around]

Satan: Hey, oh, I can't see. Point me towards the hoo-ha. I want some of that punani.

Gary Bunda: I'm gonna light the candles.

[As Gary light the candles, Satan mistakenly crawled into Gary's butt instead]

Satan: [referring to Cheryl] Give me some of that sugar-sugar. Look, I found a warm hole.

[As Satan went inside Gary's butt, Gary has a massive amount of farts, and making his body go wild while doing the impregnating]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: When do we use this crucifix filled with the semen of a thousand murderers?

Satan: [laughing] Oh. Did you do that? [laughs]

[Gary flashbacks of what he does with the crucifix]

VC: Thank you, Gary.

Gary Bunda: Oh, you're really tossing some ropes there, V.C. You know what's weird is that I never really took you for a murder, though.

VC: I screwed a guy on a land deal once, but that's about it.

Gary Bunda: I said only murderers, V.C. NOW YOU SULLIED THE VIAL! Now I got to start over!

[Gary's flashback ends]

Satan: How many guys?

Gary Bunda: 1,000.

Satan: 1,000. [laughs]

[Satan and Troy both laugh]

Troy: That is...that's good! [laughs]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: So, um, what's gonna happen?

Troy: Yeah, how's this work? I'm unclear, too.

Satan: Uh, yeah, I'm going to enter her as a serpent. I'm gonna inject her with my venom, which contains my seed. It's uh... [chuckles] Stuff's pretty potent. I could impregnate a rock.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: Hey, how are you doing?

Cheryl: Hi!

Satan: Yeah, do me a favor. You open your robe?

Cheryl: Uh, more?

Satan: Yep. Lick your lips.

[Cheryl tries to lick his lips]

Satan: Maybe touch yourself a bit.

[Cheryl touches herself but still trying to in an awkward way]

Satan: Alright. We're here. Let's do it.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: [to Satan] So, this is Cheryl. If she asks you, you're Lenny Kravitz, and we're shooting a music video.

Cheryl: [to Satan] Oh, hi! I'm Cheryl.

Satan: [to Gary] That's not the woman we talked about.

Gary Bunda: Oh, yes, she is. Photoshop's crazy these days.

Satan: Really?

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Troy: Is that the mom from the yogurt ad?

Gary Bunda: [refers to Satan's response for a supermodel] I couldn't get the underwear model.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Troy: What's with the Mardi Gras beads? We don't need all this.

Gary Bunda: This dirty, smelly cave was not sexy enough. I wanted it to be, like a nice. This kid's gonna be our boss one day.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: Revelation says I'm supposed to have a son in 2143 and that he'll bring about Armageddon, the second coming of Jesus, and I...I don't know, I'm just, uh...I think I'm ready now.

Satan: Have my own son, you know? Hold him in my hands...look down into his black eyes.

Gary Bunda: So who's the lucky lady?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Satan: You guys ever think about having a kid?

Gary Bunda: No.

Troy: Down here?

Gary Bunda: Absolutely not.

Troy: [to Satan] You out of your mind?

Gary Bunda: [whimpering] Every day, no warmth, no hope.

Troy: That'd be the worst thing I could ever do.

Gary Bunda: [whimpering] Be surrounded by monsters.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Gary, Troy, and Satan relaxing on a sailboat ride]

Troy: Ooh, it sure is nice to get out of the office for the day, sir.

Gary Bunda: It's like the south of France, except it's a big barf lagoon filled with corpses.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Like, whoa. Lookit down there.

[sees a woman at the bar]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: [flirts] Me-ouse. Meouse.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Rhoda: You robbed a bank?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Hell, yeah.

Rhoda: You boys are wild.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Yes, we are.

Rhoda: [laughs] I mean, you boys are like "WILD" wild, you know what I mean?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: I mean, completely wild at a wildness, wildy, and I salute you.

[They both salute]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Yes, sir.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Rhoda: [to Mouse] What are you celebrating here? Your outstanding gayness?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: [talks about the square guy] My head. That guy was such a dork. We should rob that bank.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Fitz took the square guy to a unknown house apartment]

Rectangular Businessman: Wait a second. This isn't Cheese Industries.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: It's about to be. You should take off your shirt.

Rectangular Businessman: What?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Just lie down on the bed. Ok, and roll camera. And action.

[Fitz gives the square guy the sex doll, but doesn't play with it]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Action. Come on now.

Rectangular Businessman: Although this is a comfortable bed.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Kiss it.

Rectangular Businessman: I don't think this is Cheese Industries.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Kiss it. Squeeze it.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Hey, why don't you feel around back there and grab me a beer?

Rectangular Businessman: But you're driving.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Was driving. Sitting back here with you now.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: You like porno?

Rectangular Businessman: Well, uh...

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Look at this.

[Fitz shows square guy a sex doll]

Rectangular Businessman: Um, I don't have any eyes.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Oh, man. Sucks for you.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: What do you want?

Rectangular Businessman: I have an appointment at Cheese Industries.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: So?

Rectangular Businessman: I'd like to hire you to drive me there.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: No talking. Pay.

Rectangular Businessman: How much in the world is it?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: [serious] Get in.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Shark: How about now?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Yes, how about now?

Shark: Yeah, now's good. Before would have been better, but before is over.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Shark: [to Mouse] Drive him to cheese industries. You don't even know where that is. That's why we picked you, because everybody else knows.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Dr. Wang: I'm going to sleep with your wife!

Minoriteam  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Gary Bunda: I got a whole vanload of gamer kids just swollen with Mountain Dew, like, right over there. So come on. Let's go.

Krampus: [giggles]

Gary Bunda: Yeah, yeah. They're right in there. Just way in the back.

[Krampus sees no gamer kids in the van]


Gary Bunda: [shoves Krampus] GET IN THERE!

[Gary gets in the van while pointing a middle finger to Krampus]

Gary Bunda: [to Claude] GO, GO, GO! BURN IT!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Dizzay: We made a North Carolina vinegar sauce, but it's not holding the brisket together. So what I want to do is make a cool red berm here, you know, to keep the pulled pork out of the vodka.

Dizzay: But this says make benches out of coleslaw. How the hell you make a bench out of a coleslaw?

Satan (Darren): Just do it. Satan wills it. [possibly referring to Kip the Real Satan]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Dizzay: What happened to Gary and Troy?

Satan (Darren): Oh, uh, they, uh, were both eating Chinese food and running, and they both tripped and chopsticks went up their nose at the same time.

[Dizzay makes a worried concern expression that he already knows what Satan done to them]

Dizzay: Oh. Okay.

Satan (Darren): Yeah.

Dizzay: Alright.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Troy: Your secret is totally safe with me, sir, but what are we gonna do about Gary? He's gonna blab to everybody. You know that he will.

Gary Bunda: Hey, Darren, what's up? Listen, it was mind blowing watching you bow down to that big fat guy. I was just like, "What is even happening here," you know?

Satan (Darren): Yeah, it was pretty crazy.

Gary Bunda: But it's kind of nice 'cause it's like I can relax around you, you know?

Satan (Darren): [chuckles] I'll bet, yeah. [to Gary and Troy] You guys like Chinese?

Gary Bunda: Oh. [asian accent] Me rike Chinese.

[cuts to next scene where Gary and Troy get brutally bruised up while having chopsticks into one of their noses by Satan]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Satan (Darren): Oh! You did it, Kip! They're both in the slush! [laughs]


Satan (Darren): Yeah, Kip. Uh, Satan. H-Hail Satan.

Real Satan (Kip): Build for me this barbecue pork canyon with vodka stream at once!

Satan (Darren): Whatever you want.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Real Satan: Oh, now, Eric, where are you trotting off to?

Eric: Come on, Satan. I mean, you should do it. It's all for your glory, right?

Real Satan: Well, why would I do that and get blown to bits? That doesn't make any...

[The Real Satan uses his demon powers to throw Eric off the cliff by falling into a lake of green slush]

Real Satan: [laughs] Oh, look at that! He's -- [screams]

[The Real Satan gets bumped by Kip's belly making him also fall into a lake of green slush]

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added 2 months ago

[Satan (Darren) was about to press the plunger to merge circles until he changed his mind]

Satan (Darren): Uh, I'd like to have Gary, uh, come up and do it. Gary, come on up.

Gary Bunda: I don't want to do it. [runs away]

Satan (Darren): Get your ass up here!

Gary Bunda: I won't do it!

Satan (Darren): Troy!

Troy: I got to get something! [runs away also]

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Troy and I set up the explosives, so they're gonna go off right underneath the plunger. All systems are go, Darren.

Satan (Darren): What?

Gary Bunda: Is it cool with you, Dar, if I call you Dar? Short for Darren.

Satan (Darren): No.

Gary Bunda: 'Cause the real Satan's here. Darren.

Satan (Darren): I'm... [struggling to pull Gary's dick off]

Gary Bunda: No, don't pull it off.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: [to Kip] Hi, I'm Gary. And I don't have a business card but I do have this napkin all covered with honey mustard, and it's got my name on it so you can remember it.

Gary Bunda: And I will take down a rack of ribs right in front of you if you want me to.

Kip: Actually, in Gluttony, we devour our own excrement. Is that something you'd be interested in, or...

Gary Bunda: No.

Kip: Sure?

Gary Bunda: No, it's disgusting.

Kip: I'll call you if you are inter--

Gary Bunda: You know what? Actually, let me just -- I don't have a lot of these. [shows a bunch of napkins smeared with honey mustard] So, thank you.

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added 2 months ago

Satan (Darren): You know what's gonna happen now? You see all this slush? All of this is about to be our circle. We're gonna be swimming in this stuff.

Troy: I'll tell you what you do. You just go kill Eric and you take over his circle. You'd beat Treachery at his own game.

Satan (Darren): I like it. I'm in.

[cuts to next scene where Troy tell Eric that Satan gonna kill him]

Troy: Darren's gonna kill you tonight.

Eric: I knew that. I also knew that you would come blabbing to me about it.

Troy: Still though. Pretty treacherous. Yeah, I just thought I'd show you how I'd be perfect for your inner circle.

Eric: Well, we prize loyalty above all.

Eric: [laughs] I'm kidding. You got a card?

Troy: Oh!

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: [drunk] Well, what are we gonna do, Darren?

Satan (Darren): I said to call me Satan!

Gary Bunda: [drunk] It may be the pee-pee talking, but I'm telling how it is.

Satan (Darren): Shut up. Shut up.

Gary Bunda: And if I'm gonna be sitting all day with a bunch of people who are not who they say they are, then I'm gonna have some appetizers.

Satan (Darren): [to Bartender] Cut him off, alright?

[The Bartender takes Gary's drink away from him]

Gary Bunda: [drunk] Oh, whoa.

Satan (Darren): [to Bartender] Give it back to him. It'll be worse.

Gary Bunda: [drunk] Might as well just order some appetizers.

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added 2 months ago

Troy: So -- So we're just a circle?

Satan (Darren): You know in a public school when they've overflow and they've got those trailers?

Troy: We're the trailer kids?

Satan (Darren): We're the trailer kids.

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added 2 months ago

Troy: All in all, it was a pretty dynamic presentation.

Satan (Darren): Let's not talk about it.

Gary Bunda: I just can't believe your real name's Darren and you're not really Satan. You've been lying this whole time.

Satan (Darren): Hey, you call me Satan. [looks both ways] But not in front of the real Satan, you got it?

Gary Bunda: We got it.

Satan (Darren): Yeah.

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added 2 months ago

Eric: Darren, the pulled pork is gonna get soggy with my slush, man.

Satan (Darren): Uh, slush?

Eric: Oh, when I -- When I take over your circle, we're flooding your entire area with my vile, inescapable slush, D.

Real Satan: We have to streamline. We're folding Miscellaneous into Treachery, and we've appointed Eric to head up that circle.

Satan (Darren): No! [chuckles] Miscellaneous, that's -- Uh, that's my circle.

Eric: Well, it was your circle, but, uh, I had some guys do a 3-D simulation of how the merger's actually gonna go down, so...

Real Satan: Yeah, it's --

Eric: It's behind you.

[the presentation shows a 3-D simulation of Eric blowing up Satan's circle covered in green slush ooze]

Eric: Boom! [laughs] Look at you, Darren, running.

Real Satan: At midnight, we are going to explode the ridge between the two circles, and two will become one!

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added 2 months ago

[Darren tries to do a speech about planning Radical Islam]

Satan (Darren): How are we going to deal with the recent influx of radical jihadists? I have a multi-pronged -- Uh, t-- At least two prongs to the problem, hopefully. W-When I speak, I'm -- I'm --

[Gary and Troy shows up for the Circle]

Satan (Darren): [pretends] How...dare you interrupt my presentation, you lowly imps! But since you did, you should plug in the USB cord into that computer.

[Gary gives the computer to Satan for the presentation of Radical Islam]

Satan (Darren): Here we go. First slide, here we go. Behold.

[the slide shows a presentation of a gay married picture of Radical Islam]

Satan (Darren): The f*** am I looking at?

Gary Bunda: [whispering] We're gonna gay marry them. We're gonna put them all in burqas so they don't know who they're gay married to.

Satan (Darren): We are gonna gay marry them. We're gonna dress them up in burqas --

Gary Bunda: So they don't know who they're gay married --

Satan (Darren): ...they don't know who they've gay married then.

Real Satan: I-I don't -- Do we really want to incite them, Darren?

Troy: Darren? Who's Darren?

Satan (Darren): It's a nickname.

Eric: They are well organized and highly motivated, Darren. They dug a tunnel into purgatory, stoned a bunch of dudes.

Kip: Yeah, and one of them hid a knife under his own leg bone. They are hard core, Darren.

Gary Bunda: [to Satan] But they won't be doing that when they're too busy having gay sex with each other.

Satan (Darren): Next slide. Just go to the next slide.

[Gary clicks the next slide]

Satan (Darren): So, as you can see, we are going to contain these jihadists in a canyon surrounded by brown spikes.

Gary Bunda: Pork. It's pulled pork.

Satan (Darren): [tired] Pulled pork.

Satan (Darren): And -- And it's covered, as you can see, with blood.

Gary Bunda: Barbecue sauce.

Satan (Darren): Barbecue sau-- Barbecue blood sau-- Bloody barbecue sauce.

Gary Bunda: No, it's regular barbecue.

Satan (Darren): No, it's regular barbecue sauce.

Troy: Muslims don't eat pork. And...they don't drink.

Gary Bunda: Which is why what we're gonna do that is put a stream of vodka throughout the whole valley. They'll hate that.

Satan: [to Gary] Hit the next slide.

Gary Bunda: There are no more slides.

Troy: That's our last slide.

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added 2 months ago

Kip: And thanks to the good work of our mascot, Cornelius J. Cornchip, doing snack cake giveaways in third-world countries, I'm glad to say that Gluttony is leading the way to a more diverse path in 2016.

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added 2 months ago

Satan (Darren): [to Troy on phone] I need a PowerPoint presentation on meeting the challenges of radical Islam. I need it 20 minutes and it takes 10 minutes to get here.

Troy: Uh, sure, yeah. No problem. Where are you?

Satan (Darren): North of Diarrhea Lagoon, past Pus Valley.

Troy: Past Pus Valley? Isn't that the edge of Hell?

Satan (Darren): Yeah, there's uh, there's more Hell. I'll explain when you get here. Just don't be late.

Troy: Yes. Yes, sir.

[Troy puts the phone away]

Troy: [to Kamal] Answer your own f***ing phone next time.

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added 2 months ago

[Troy answers Kamal's phone while he still has chop sticks up his nose]

Troy: What?

Satan (Darren): Kamal? Who is this?

Troy: It's Satan! Everybody whip!

[all the demons pretend to do the whip cracking to make it sound like a real whipping]

Troy: Hi, Satan!

Satan (Darren): Kamal.

Troy: No, it's Troy. You're gonna have to talk a little louder because of ALL THE WHIPPING!

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added 2 months ago

Real Satan: Darren, I'm very excited to hear about what we're gonna do about radical Islam.

Satan (Darren): Uh... [chuckles] No, no. I'm -- I'm doing, uh, "Things Up the Ass in 2016." I've got this great --

Eric: No. No, no, no. Terry in Lust is doing "Things Up the Ass." D-D-Did you not get the e-mail?

Satan (Darren): Uh, radical Islam. I can -- Two hours, right?

Eric: Nope. Nope, nope. Moved it up. It's in 20 minutes.

Satan (Darren): [clears throat while doing hand movements]

Eric: You really got to check your e-mail, bud.

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added 2 months ago

Kamal: I have a question. Why do you praise yourself in the third person?

Satan: Well, obvious I'm Satan, so that's uh -- That's a joke.

Kamal: Oh.

Satan: Satan like the ladies. Satan don't play that. You know, that's all.

Kamal: I get. But what about this on the first slide? Why does it say that your name is Darren? [worried] Is that also comedy?

Satan (Darren): Darren's such a ridiculous name. You ever -- Ever use these?

Kamal: Chop sticks? Yeah, you know, d-depending on the cuisine sometimes.

Satan (Darren): Just had some Chinese food. I had some, uh, moo shu pork.

Kamal: Oh, moo shu's a real funny -- Funny name.

Satan: Yeah, it's funny. I can still smell the moo shu. Do you smell that? Yeah?

Kamal: Like soy sauce?

Satan: Mhmm.

Kamal: And I'm getting a little ginger, maybe turmeric?

Satan: Oh, there you go. Yeah.

[Satan forcefully shoves the chop sticks up Kamal's nose]

Satan: Oh, wait, uh, where's the clicker thing? I need the click--

Kamal: [strained muttering while pointing towards the record player]

Satan: Attaboy.

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added 2 months ago

Satan: The newer tablets are portable and thinner than ever, but not so small when being forced inside a human rectum.

Satan: [to Kamal] Slide.

[Kamal slides Satan's card presentations]

Satan: And of course, the classics -- Curling irons, lava, spikes, popcorn. We're shoving the most cutting-edge technology up people's asses, and now with 3-D printers, the only limit is our imagination.

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added 2 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: [to Shark on phone] Hello?

Shark: Did you found my record?

[cuts to next scene where Mouse finds a random severed hand]

Shark: You found it, didn't you?

Shark: Now, spin it.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Roostre: You know radar is spelled backwards is radar. Did you know that?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: [pauses]

Roostre: You're thinkin' about it ain't ya?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald: Maybe.

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added 2 months ago

[Fitz shoots one of Shark's cameras inside his house]

Shark: Now, little guy's cameraphobic. Should have known.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[Gary and Benji watch their last orientation video for over 50 years]

Gary Bunda (as Satan): [rapping] Straight Outta The Alphabet. That's the name of this cassette. Can I buy a vowel? You know you got five. Unless you want to count sometimes "Y". As in the question...

Gary Bunda: [muffled] You know what is most surprising of all?

Benji: [muffled] What?

Gary Bunda: [muffled] I sound black.

Benji: [muffled] You do.

Gary Bunda: I really sound black.

Gary Bunda: [muffled] If I could close my eyes, I would be like, "Is that Harley Davidson Jr.?" I can't think of a black man's name right now, I'm in too much pain.

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added 2 months ago

[Gary and Benji see the final result of the Alphabet video on cinema]

Gary Bunda: You guys are in for a show. [chuckles] Where's everybody else?

Satan: Oh, no, it's just you two. Let's get 'em strapped in.

[Gary and Benji have been strapped into their watching torture chambers to see their video for a long time]

Satan: I've got some, uh, eye drops here in case you guys need a little moisture.

Gary Bunda: [muffled] I can't reach the eye droppers.

Satan: And, uh, we'll see you guys in, like, 50 years.

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added 2 months ago

Benji: No cuts, three cameras -- Like a telethon. [to Gary] And we need to repair your instrument. I need some hot tea with lemon -- ASAP!

Dizzay: We ain't got no lemons down here.

Benji: There's a whole box of lemons over by Paper Cuts.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[Gary makes another letter orientation video in the Hot Liquids]

Gary Bunda: [rapping hoarsely] Two of these and the name Jeff. And that's my rhyme about the letter "F".

Gary Bunda: [hoarsely] Cut! Alright, we nailed it. Okay. Alright, everybody, um...alright, action. We need action on the other set. Quiet on this different set. Action on the other set, though. Alright, so action -- Other set.

VC (as Princess Leia): [rapping] Straight Outta The Letter "C". It sound like the letter "D"

Gary Bunda: Who's rapping incoherently?

VC (as Princess Leia): I'm rapping.

Gary Bunda: Why are you rapping?

VC (as Princess Leia): You called action.

Gary Bunda: I called action on the other set, V.C.!

VC: Oh, I --

Gary Bunda: Alright, yes. You are wrong, I am right. [coughs] Next, we're gonna be doing the letter "G," as in ghost." So...action on the other-other set.

VC (as Princess Leia): [rapping] It sound like the letter "C".

Gary Bunda: I swear to Christ, V.C., I'm gonna split you in half.

VC (as Princess Leia): [rapping] It sound like the letter "D".

Gary Bunda: You are FIRED! YOUR -- YOUR OLD ASS IS FIRED! EVERYBODY'S FIRED! YOU are fired, YOU are fired, YOU are fired, YOU are fired, YOU are fired, YOU are fired -- Everybody's fired! [sobs] I'm fired.

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added 2 months ago

Satan: Hey, listen, Gar, I hate to tell you this, but I badly need more of these videos.

Gary Bunda: Oh, sure thing, B. How many you need? You know I love to work.

Satan: I need a Straight Outta video for every letter of the alphabet.

Gary Bunda: All 20...?

Satan: 26...uh, of the letters.

Gary Bunda: 26.

Satan: Straight Outta A, Straight Outta B...you get it. I want 'em all.

Gary Bunda: Cool -- Cool 'mo B, absolutely.

Satan: Alright.

Gary Bunda: I'm gonna -- Yeah.

Satan: Hit it.

Gary Bunda: Dizzy fo' shizzy, absolutely. Um, what is the deadline on all that?

Satan: Oh, tomorrow. I'm gonna screen them in the auditorium for everyone.

Gary Bunda: Do you mind if I ask, like, why the whole alphabet?

Satan: I mind.

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added 2 months ago

Ted (as Princess Leia): [rapping] Straight Outta Understanding How to Log Into Your E-mail. You don't wanna have an E-mail fail. Are you gonna log onto your E-mail? Here's to logging into E-mail.

Gary Bunda: Okay, hang on. Cut, cut, cut, cut! Did you write these raps?

Ted (as Princess Leia): Yes, these are my rhymes.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, of course they rhyme It's because you're saying the same G.D. word, Ted! "You got to log into your E-mail. You're gonna be forced to eat a whole bunch of kale. Or you're gonna have to have sex with a she-male." You see what I'm saying?

Ted (as Princess Leia): Are we allowed to say "she-male"?

Gary Bunda: No, Ted, you pig! Did you not watch "Straight Outta Workplace Sensitivity Training"? The Force is not with you, my friend. Take the buns off! [as Yoda] A rapper you are not.

Gary Bunda: Y'all too white. E'rybody in this dang room is too white, but me. I'm the blackest man that's ever been. I'm as black as Oprah's pocketbook. Black as 85% Whole Foods dark chocolate!

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added 2 months ago

VC: And the "Straight Outta How to R-Repair the Network" video goes on this whole rigamarole about R2-D2 and C-T3P.

Satan: [pronouncing] C-3PO.

VC: I just didn't find any of that helpful.

Satan: Your fly is down.

VC: Oh. Excuse me. [zip]

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added 2 months ago

Troy: Every one of these is "Straight Outta"?

Mike: [scoffs] That's what I'm saying.

Gary Bunda: What? How do you mean?

Troy: You could have done "Satan's Got Racks"...

Mike: [chuckles]

Troy: ...instead of "Baby's Got" -- like, "Baby's Got Back."

Mike: Yeah, that's -- That's pretty funny.

Troy: Yeah.

Mike: That's good.

Gary Bunda: But it's not.

Gary Bunda: I tell you what's funny, right? Straight Outta Videos! The Straight Outta brand is very simple. It is "Straight Outta" and then a bunch of words about different subjects, right, and the only things that are the same are the words "Straight Outta" and the melody and the rhymes for each song -- And the beat.

Troy: When did you have time to do all these?

Gary Bunda: I did not made any one of these. I just have the boxes.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: I'll tell you out here, this is "Straight Outta Making Walls Bleed." This is the new hot realness.

[Gary makes another orientation video again]

Gary Bunda (as Satan): [rapping] Straight Outta Making Walls Bleed. We're about to paint this joint crimson, indeed. Uh-huh.

Gary Bunda: Now, you're going to digitally add bleeding walls into that, right?

Mike: [tired] Yeah. Yes, I'm gonna do that.

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added 2 months ago

[Gary sees his process of his new orientation video in the editing room]

Gary Bunda (as Satan): [rapping] Staight Outta Summoning Snakes. Ya gotta do what it takes. Gotta raise the stakes when you're summoning snakes.

Gary Bunda: What are you doing? Damn it, Mike. Quit doing the cutaways to the snakes. Alright, I want you to stick to the close-up of me.

Mike: I thought maybe, uh, we should eventually get to the snake.

Gary Bunda: Why don't you turn that telephone cord that I'm playing with, obviously like a snake into some sort of snake?

Mike: I was wondering why...you couldn't just actually summon the snake in the video, uh, instead of having me do that with the phone.

Gary Bunda: I don't have time to watch a video that I haven't made yet to learn how to summon snakes, which I don't know how to do!

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added 2 months ago

[Gary makes another orientation video in the office]

Gary Bunda (as Satan): [rapping] Straight Outta Workplace Conflict Resolution. You better watch my elocution. Or you're gonna be facing workplace execution.

[Troy get bumped by the camera crew]

Troy: Ah, what?! Gary!

Gary Bunda (as Satan): I dropped my flow.

Troy: Gary! We're trying to work here!

Gary Bunda (as Satan): Uh, yeah, so am I, out here. I don't know if maybe you couldn't notice. And maybe if you watch the "Straight Outta Workplace Conflict Resolution" video when I'm done making it, you'll be able to handle these kind of situations.

Troy: Maybe you should make "Straight Outta Stop Being an Asshole and Dress Up Like a Doofus" and let people work.

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added 2 months ago

[After Satan likes the new orientation video Gary made]

Satan: Benji, I want Gary in charge of all internal videos from now on.

Benji: But I run the video department.

Satan: Yeah, not anymore, Benji. You are going to Rapes.

[Benji pulled a interesting expression when he heard "Rapes"]

Satan: Wait a minute. You like Rapes. You're going to Hot Liquids.

[Benji drops down the happy expression]

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added 2 months ago

Satan: I've never seen anything like this, where you -- You take a famous song, and then you -- You spoof it, you know? A spoof?

Troy: "Weird" Al Yankovic.

Satan: I don't know who that is.

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added 2 months ago

[After the demons are done watching the new orientation tape video]

Satan: So, what did everybody think of this?

Gary Bunda: There's like three more minutes of it.

Satan: Okay, we don't -- Yeah, we get -- We get the idea.

Troy: I don't understand at all what Batman...much less, uh, a peripheral villain of his has to do with our organization.

Troy: I can count at least seven or eight different licensing issues we're gonna have -- Music, character usage.

Troy: I also think it's weird that the song is "Straight Outta Hades," and this is directed towards people who are coming into Hades!

Satan: I thought it was really dope.

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added 2 months ago

[Gary plays the new orientation tape video]

Gary Bunda (as Satan): [rapping] Straight Outta Hades. Crazy motherf***er named Satan. Hit your knees and start to felatin'. When you meet me, you best greet me. Or I'll put my horse hoof up your cheap seat.

Gary Bunda (as Satan): [rapping] Paid time off, there is none. Health benefits, you get one. Everyone here gets to live forever. And I'm grating your brain like a block of cheddar.

Caleb: [painfully shredded] Yeah, boyyy.

Gary Bunda (as Satan): Or Gouda!

Benji: I had nothing to do with this.

Satan: You're in it.

Benji: What?

Satan: You're in it.

Benji: Huh?

[the demons sees Benji on the music video]

Benji: [rapping] Straight Outta Hades, dawg. You see any ladies? William and VC's the only ones twerkin'. So the masturbating spider is jerkin' HARD. He's the head of HR.

Gary Bunda: [to Benji] This guy is the dopest motherf***er I've ever met in my life.

Benji: I'm a -- I'm a team player.

Gary Bunda (as Satan): The commode. That's where your face goes. When Satan is waiting to explode with a load. No one can save you, not even Bruce Wayne. And if you don't believe me why don't you ask Bane.

Ted (as Bane): [muffled rapping]

Gary Bunda (as Satan): We got Bane!

Satan: Who is this? Who's this guy with the tubes coming out of his face?

Gary Bunda: That's Bane. That's Batman's bisexual nemesis. Yeah, and he may be a little difficult to understand, but what he's saying is, [deep voice] He'll be bringing the thunder down on Boy Wonder. And then you have permission to die."

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added 2 months ago

[After Mr. Neighbor inhaling his demons he conquered]

Mr. Neighbor: Whoo! [chuckles] So, you see, I don't have any demons or repressions or any of that silly stuff. All I have is good memories.

Mr. Neighbor: I'll see you at my birthday party, Donna the Mystic. Thanks for trying.

[Mr. Neighbor leaves happily like there's nothing happening]

Donna the Mystic: Ugh. That's gonna manifest in a cold sore.

Todd the Demon: I know, right?

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Donna the Mystic: Start answering questions! Listen to your demons!

Mr. Neighbor: There are no demons to talk about!

Donna the Mystic: Set yourself free from the hell within you!

Demon 2: Clearly, the floral purse is about your mo--

[Mr. Neighbor starts go into demon mode]


[Mr. Neighbor inhales the demons into his mouth intensely]

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: Why would I want a pocketbook? There's no reason I'm a man. That would make a man who has a pocketbook?

Donna the Mystic: It mean you have a man with a repressed connection to a pocketbook.

Mr. Neighbor: No. No.

Demon 2: Listen to her.

Demon 1: Look up here, you little bald bitch.

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Todd the Demon: Yo, bros, what's the 411 with our mental landlord here?

Demon 1: [scoffs]

Demon 2: Not now, Todd.

Demon 1: Come on, Todd. Nobody says, "What's the 411?" anymore.

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Donna the Mystic: Hey, Jim, you summoned a demon of your own creation. Deal with it.

Demon 1: Don't even bother. We've been trying to get this guy to deal with us for years. He's a coward.

Demon 2: Let me guess. Floral purse. Floral purse.

Demon 1: Again. [laughs]

Demon 2: Look at him. He won't even look at us.

Demon 1: It's literally the definition of repression.

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Donna the Mystic: [correcting Mr. Neighbor] You have demons inside of you.

Mr. Neighbor: Well, if I have demons inside of me, how come my stomach doesn't hurt?

Donna the Mystic: That's not how demons work. They live in the lungs.

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Donna the Mystic: If you bury painful desires, they will become horrible demons inside you -- INSIDE YOUR MIND!

Mr. Neighbor: Don't be silly mystic, Donna the Mystic.

[looks at the audience]

Mr. Neighbor: When you have bad feelings, the best thing to do is to shove them way down deep inside, that way you -- [pictures a scary face] Ohh!

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Donna the Mystic: Oh, ball of crystal, show us your convex images of Mr. Neighbor's truest wish.

[the Ball of Crystal shows a random purse]

Donna the Mystic: Of course! You want your mother.

Mr. Neighbor: No! No! I don't know what this is!

Donna the Mystic: Firstly, get your hands of my ball.

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: Hello, Donna the Mystic. Today is my bi--

Donna the Mystic: Your birthday. But you don't know what to wish for.

Mr. Neighbor: Wow. You really are mystical.

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Jen: I have to finish delivering Mr. Neighbor's birthday invitations.

Officer Policecop: Well, I hate to slow you down there, Ms. Lady. You were doing 26 in a school zone.

Jen: I'm the only one who can help him.

[Jen grabs Officer's police stick]

Jen: [menacing] I'm the only one who cares.

[Jen beats Office Policecop nearly to death]

Jen: The only one! The only one! The only one! The only one!

Jen: See you at the party, Dad.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: New orientation video.

Satan: Alright. Let's see it.

Gary Bunda: Now, before I play this, I just want you to know that it's not fully finalized. I'm not sure if this TV is color-calibrated or not.

Satan: Alright, cool. Just play it.

Gary Bunda: Um, just so you know, also, before I play it, there's some digital effects I'm waiting on. Um, and so when they come up, what I'm gonna do is I'll came them out and I'll describe them.

Satan: Yeah, I get it.

Gary Bunda: I wasn't sure whether to letterbox it or not. And I know --

[Satan throws the clipboard at Gary]


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added 2 months ago

Caleb: I don't know why we have an orientation video. Seems like it's better if they're disoriented. Why don't we make a disoriental tape?

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added 2 months ago

Benji: By now, you've met with one of our rusty whaling hooks and you have questions like, "What were my sins that landed me here?" "What sort of additional tortures should I expect?" Maybe you're thinking "Is there a way to escape?" Or "Would someone please return my intestines into my gaping stomach wound?"

Tortured Citizen: Is the boring video a part of the torture?

Gary Bunda: Shh. Quiet.

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added 2 months ago

Benji: Hi, I'm Benji, and welcome to Hell. Hey, it could be worse! [laughs] I'm kidding. It could "not" be worse.

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added 2 months ago

Dizzay: Gary! What's up, man?

Gary Bunda: Hey, psyche! I was a double agent the whole time! Yeah, Satan sent me to Heaven because he said I was the only demon that he could trust, so I accepted the burden.

Satan: You were the only one with and anal fissure big enough to hold three dudes and six tons of explosives.

Gary Bunda: That is true, as well.

Ubuntu: A video will explain everything at the end.


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added 2 months ago

[Gary explains why Heaven was destructed]

Gary Bunda: There were demons in my ass that made me do this.

Scott: [happily] It has been very nice to have met you, and I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors.

Gary Bunda: We can maybe pray about this, huh?

[Gary gets sent back to hell]

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Hey, guys. Hey, guys. Stop what you're doing. My stomachache's gone, Wendy.

Scott: Good news, bro.

Gary Bunda: Oh, wow! Jesus-Man! Kicking evil in the... [sees the comic quote has been changed] What's a Golfgroin?

Wendy: Standard wasn't comfortable with golf balls.

Gary Bunda: It's golf balls. They're everywhere around here. My grandmother says golf balls, alright? And she won't even say damn or pussy.

Scott: The groin is still edgy.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Alright. What do I got to do?

Claude: You just get around Heaven, moon some classified stuff. I'll take a few photos and that's it. Let's start with this column.

Gary Bunda: I don't really know why you got to take a picture of a load-bearing column, but --

[As Gary stand close to the column of his butt, Claude putted dynamite instead of taking photos]

Claude: Hey, Gar? What do you think? You think you could get your ass up near that support beam up there?

Gary Bunda: I guess I can just crawl up there and hang my ass off the balcony like I'm Spider-Man.

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added 2 months ago

[Claude, Benji, and Ubuntu punch and stomp Gary's butt to get Gary's attention]

Gary Bunda: I'm really sorry. This pew keep creaking.

Gary Bunda: I got to go golfing. Keep praying!

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added 2 months ago

Dennis: Nice pottery, by the way.

Gary Bunda: Thank you so much. It's a soup tureen.

Dennis: We should have some soup later.

Gary Bunda: [laughs] I'd love that!

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added 2 months ago

[The angel workers sees Gary doing inappropriate stuff to the statue]

Claudius: What are you doing, Gary?

Gary Bunda: I'm just marking my ball.

Claudius: Well, the course is way over there.

Gary Bunda: Oh, must have shanked it.

Claudius: Yeah, that's a term. I mean, it looks like you're taking a poop, so...no one wants to see your butt.

Gary Bunda: I'm made in God's image. Me and God have the same exact perfect butt. You criticizing God's butt?

Angel Employee: [gasps] Are you, Claudius? Are you criticizing God's butt?

Claudius: Of course I'm not criticizing God's butt.

Dennis: Claudius!

Angel Employee: It seemed like you were.

Claudius: I love God's butt.

Gary Bunda: Why don't you go whack some balls around? On the holes.

Claudius: They're called links.

Gary Bunda: So are sausages.

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added 2 months ago

[Gary makes a pottery object for him to take a dump without no one else watching]

Claude: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop! Wait! Wait, wait! Stop! Gary!

Gary Bunda: Claude?

[shows Claude hiding inside of Gary's butt]

Claude: Stop sh***ing me out of your butt.

Gary Bunda: C-Claude, you are not here.

Benji: Hey, Gar!

Gary Bunda: Benji! What are you doing down there?

Benji: I'm here in case something happens to Claude. And this mission is way too important.

Ubuntu: Hey, Gary.

Gary Bunda: Ubuntu? Mission? What are you guys talking about?

Claude: You're a plant. We hacked into St. Peter's book to get you up here so I could spy on their whole operation.

Gary Bunda: I am not gonna do that with you, alright? God loves me. And his love is as pure and as white as Gwyneth Paltrow's belly button. And there's jerky here -- A sh*t ton of it.

Claude: St. Peter!

Ubuntu: St. Peter.

Claude: This Gary is a fraud!

Gary Bunda: Shut your mouth.

[Gary tries to slap his bottoms to shut Claude up]

Gary Bunda: Yeah, how do you like that, huh, Claude? [laughs] Got you, Claude.

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added 2 months ago

[Gary needs to take a dump again]

Gary Bunda: I'm going to go make some pottery.

Scott: With the women? [laughs]

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added 2 months ago

[Gary got pinned from the masturbating spider that appeared out of nowhere]

Wendy: Are you okay? I think he has PTSD.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Hey. Is there any way I can make it snow for this kid? Is there like a button or something?

Wendy: Oh, he can't hear you. The mikes don't work.

Gary Bunda: [laughs] Then, uh, why do we have them?

Wendy: They actually don't sell these without the mouthpieces, so.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: If God has perfect memory, why are writing down the messages?

Wendy: You can take notes or not. You know, it doesn't matter. We're pretty chill. You can work at your own pace.

Gary Bunda: I can do zero pace if I want to?

Wendy: Absolutely.

Gary Bunda: So I can... [takes off the headphones]

Wendy: Yep. Put those back on! I'm just kidding.

Gary Bunda: [laughs]

Wendy: I'm just kidding.

Gary Bunda: You scared me.

Wendy: [laughs] No, it all goes to voicemail. We're really just listening to be nice.

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: Hello, Chef Bread. I -- [chuckles] Sorry. Bonjour, Chef Bread.

Mr. Neighbor: Now...I-I'm sorry to interrupt, Chef Bread. I don't have time for a Francais lesson. You see, today is my 31st annual 5th birthday, and I --

[Mr. Neighbor stops talking, but Chef Bread didn't say a word]


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added 2 months ago

[Mr. Neighbor wakes up from a dream while having a needle in his chest]

Photo Joe: Do you have a memory, Mr. Neighbor?

Mr. Neighbor: [thrilled] I sure did, Photo Joe, and it was a birthday memory!

Photo Joe: Yee-haw! Those are the best dang memories of all!

Mr. Neighbor: They sure are. They're so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, happy! [crazy laugh] But I have to go get one more thing for my birthday party, Photo Joe. I'll see you later!

[Mr. Neighbor crashes into a bunch of objects while sprinting to the exit]

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Where is your bathroom?

Scott: No. There are no bathrooms, Gary. We don't need them. Waste not, want not.

Gary Bunda: But I pretty significantly need to waste much.

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added 2 months ago

Wendy: You guys, we're always saying we want to be more edgy. But we can't say balls? And it's not like we're using the word for guy's hot dog or anything.

Scott: To heck with it! Balls, Dennis!

Dennis: Ball going up. Whoo!

Wendy: Jesus-Man -- Kicking evil in the balls.

Scott: Kicking evil in the golf balls.

Gary Bunda: This man really likes his golf.

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added 2 months ago

Scott: And I know you said you weren't really into golf, but, uh, here's your own set of golf clubs.

Gary Bunda: Thank you. [voice breaking] You know, back where I'm from, down in Hell, uh, the only balls we whacked around were mine.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Jesus-Man has got laser eye beams that can forgive people from a long distance. And he shoots webs.

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added 2 months ago

Dennis: Do you mind spit-balling some ideas with us?

Claudius: Right now, I'm presenting my idea for an internal newsletter called "Angel News".

Gary Bunda: "Angel News".

Claudius: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: Do you mind if I toss in an idea?

Scott: Of course.

Gary Bunda: Don't want to offend you. It's a stupid idea, and it's a waste of time. Instead, what we do is a comic book.

Gary Bunda: Radioactive Jesus Christ bites some dude. He gets Jesus powers. Call him Jesus-Man.

Scott: Genius!

Dennis: Boom! Goes the dynamite.

Wendy: We could have, like, radioactive apostles biting different people. Get like a supergroup.

Claudius: And maybe, since Jesus is a carpenter, maybe you could have like a big hammer or something like that, right?

Gary Bunda: So you're talking about, like, Thor?

Claudius: Not -- I mean, not like Thor.

Gary Bunda: You're just trying to plagiarize Thor? No hammers.

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added 2 months ago

Scott: Hey-oh! Here he is. Gary with one R, everybody.

Angels: [applause]

Scott: Things have a way of working out.

Gary Bunda: Except for old Garry with two R's.

[all the angels paused then laughed]

Scott: [laughter] Edgy. Edgy humor.

Dennis: That's exactly what we need to appeal to the youth.

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added 2 months ago

Photo Joe: Sometimes our brain lights up memories so we can never think about them again. That's called repression.

Mr. Neighbor: Repression! I know what that is. You just need a web cam --

Photo Joe: [interrupts] But old Photo Joseph here knows how to fix repression. Just look into the light right here.

Photo Joe: That's right. You're not epileptic, are you?

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added 2 months ago

Photo Joe: Do you have a happy memory, Mr. Neighbor?

Mr. Neighbor: Hmm, let me think.

[Mr. Neighbor's cloud bubble shows no memories but just a white canvas]

Mr. Neighbor: [happily] I don't think I have any memories, Photo Joe.

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added 2 months ago

Photo Joe: A photo album is full of memories -- Flat, still, unmoving memories.

Mr. Neighbor: Oh! So a memory happens after your birth.

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: [reads book title "Memories"] Oh! "Photo album."

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: Say, Photo Joe, will you come to my 31st annual 5th birthday party today and take photographs?

Photo Joe: Well, I would be honored, but why is it your 31st annual --

Mr. Neighbor: IT JUST IS!

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: "Party Photography." All you need is a web cam and a spoofed I.P address.

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added 2 months ago

Jen: Mr. Neighbor, why are you celebrating your 5th --

Mr. Neighbor: I don't like questions.

Jen: Is it because that's when you mother --

Mr. Neighbor: [interrupts] I see a book.

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: Say, Ms. Lady, will you please come to my 31st annual 5th birthday party?

[Jen sniffs the invitation sexually]

Mr. Neighbor: Great.

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: Hello, Ms. Lady.

Jen: Please, call me Jen, Mr. Neighbor.

Mr. Neighbor: If I called you Jen Mr. Neighbor, then you'd be my wife.

Mr. Neighbor & Jen: [both laugh uncontrollably]

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: Birthday gifts can be anything. Some people want books. Some people want toys. And some people want their mother to return home after walking out on them 31 years ago.

[looks at his family picture as a dramatic sequence]

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: Say, Buddy, what would you like for a birthday gift?

Buddy: To age like a real bo--

[Mr. Neighbor leaves as Buddy lost his movement and no communication to talk to him]

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: Say, Buddy, do you know what RSVP stands for?

Buddy: [happily] No.

Mr. Neighbor: Right! Great work!

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added 2 months ago

Mr. Neighbor: An invitation is a way to invite your friends to your party. It also gives them lots of important information.

[Mr. Neighbor reads and points the invitation that has a bunch of scribbles]

Mr. Neighbor: "Please come to Mr. Neighbor's 31st annual 5th birthday party. Today at later o'clock. RSVP."

Mr. Neighbor's House  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Scott: Over there is shopping and a pottery studio.

Scott: You know, for the women.

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added 2 months ago

Scott: We have over 10,00 different Ben Hogan-designed golf courses up here.

Gary Bunda: Oh, wow. I'm not that really into golf.

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added 2 months ago

[Gary stars to get his wings and a golden ring]


Scott: Isn't this off the chain?

Gary: I'm flying!

Scott: Yeah, that, too. But I was talking about the golf courses.

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added 2 months ago

Satan: I'm gonna need five gallons of boiling oil, some razor wire, and a child molester -- The one with the clown mask from the pit. Thank you.

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added 2 months ago

Satan: [to Gary] How many R's are in your first name? One or two?

Garry: [panicking] It's two, right? You spell it with two!

Gary Bunda: One. G-A-R-Y. It's Gary.

Scott: Oh, goodness. [laughs] We made a bit of a goof.

Satan: Yep. We had a bit of a goof.

Gary Bunda: What the hell's going on here? I'm literally in the middle of sorting some guy's guts.

Satan: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: You know how long it takes.

Satan: Listen to me -- When you died, you were supposed to go to Heaven. Not Hell. Big mistake. Clerical error.

Satan: Garry with two R's is supposed to be here.

Gary Bunda: Are you serious?

Satan: No hard feelings, huh?

[Gary and Satan shake hands]

Satan: Congratulations.

[Gary spits Satan's hands]

Satan: What -- What? Can I gouge his eyes out one more time?

Scott: I'm afraid not. But what you do with Garry with two R's is not really my call.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: I should have spent more time in church. Am I right, Ubuntu?

Ubuntu: There were no missionaries in my village. I only heard of christianity when I got there.

Gary Bunda: Sure.

Ubuntu: Yep.

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added 2 months ago

Claude: Let's pick it up, Gary. Don't make friends. Just yank out the internals and move on.

Gary Bunda: I will cut with the chit-chat, Mr. Claude-with-the-clipboard.

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added 2 months ago

[Gary sees a man hooked up while screaming in torture]

Gary Bunda: Relax. It's okay. You're in hell.

[Gary intensely rips the man intestines out]

Gary Bunda: There's a video explaining everything at the end.

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added 2 months ago

Jonas: Look, daddy! Look, mommy! Look what Santa got me! I got it! I got it!

[Jonas shows the Knights of Nebulon Pocket Marauder Gun]

Geoff's Wife: I told you no, Geoff.

Geoff: I didn't buy it.

Jonas: Pow, pow! Ch-ch! I killed you, mommy! I killed you, daddy! Ch-ch!

Geoff's Wife: I guess it's some kind of christmas miracle, huh, Geoff?

[Geoff sees ruten on the ground knowing Krampus came here]

Geoff: Maybe it is a miracle.

Jonas: I killed everyone!

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added 2 months ago

[Gary gets Krampus out of jail]

Krampus: They said I am to be sentenced on the 17th.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, you don't have to worry about that. We're not gonna be coming back for that court date.

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added 2 months ago

Satan: We had a list with thousands of kids' names. Thousands of names. Are you telling me that he didn't drown one kid?

Gary Bunda: In all fairness, each one of those kids got hit with a shoe. We beat each one of those kids with a full-on shoe tornado.

Satan: Interesting. Was that before or after Krampus went to jail for assaulting a security guard with a giant novelty ax?

Gary Bunda: [pauses]

Satan: Just get him back to the castle, alright? And shut this thing down. Shut the whole thing down! This is the last time I'm taking one of your dumb ideas.

Gary Bunda: Seems like it was your idea.

Satan: What was that, Gar?

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added 2 months ago

Jonas: He said he was tired and he wanted to get his alcohol beer and go home.

Gary Bunda: Claude, that's not his home.

[Claude sees Krampus and the Security Mall Guard fighting]

Claude: This is embarrassing. He used to be able to eat thousands of children in one night.

Krampus: [to the Security Mall Guard] I will sue you so hard!

Gary Bunda: Should we be doing something about this?

Claude: I mean...let's just get out of here.

Gary Bunda: Let's bail.

Krampus: [to the Security Mall Guard] You're hurting me. You're hurting me!

Security Mall Guard: Well, you're not doing me any good, either.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Jonas, Jonas, you okay? You got both eyes? You got your fingers? Jonas, did the hairy man bite you?

Jonas: Uncle Gary? I thought you were dead.

Gary Bunda: What I'm gonna need you to do is not tell your Dad a single thing about this, okay, big guy?

Jonas: I want a Knights of Nebulon Pocket Marauder.

Gary Bunda: Alright, let me get, like, a trash can to bash in this window.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: What if he's still alive but Krampus just has eaten both of his feet? What am I gonna tell his Dad then?

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added 2 months ago

[Gary playing with the gun]

Gary Bunda: Bap! Bap! Got your ass, bitch! Bap! Bap!

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: So, you want me to, like, shoot Krampus?

Claude: Do you want to save your step-nephew or not?

Gary Bunda: I mean, how many times a year do I really see him?

Gary Bunda: Let's just see if he uses the shoe first.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: What should I do?

Claude: Here. I keep one of these around emergencies. [pulls out a gun]


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added 2 months ago

Krampus: Young Jonas looked very plump tonight. I bet the meat is marbled. [giggles]

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: How about we just swat him with the shoe this time? Just give him a couple of swippity-swaps with the shoe, and that will show him who's boss.

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added 2 months ago

Geoff's Wife: It's time to hit the sack.

[shows Krampus looking Geoff's family at the window]

Krampus: Oh, you'll hit the sack, alright. My burlap sack! [giggles]

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added 2 months ago

Claude: Can we agree that it's a coincidence that the first person we're visiting is Gary's step-nephew?

Gary Bunda: Yeah, it seems weird.

Krampus: We pulled names out of a hat.

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added 2 months ago

Jonas: Do you think if I leave out the entire pie, that Santa will bring me a Knights of Nebulon pocket marauder?

Geoff: Oh, kiddo, listen. Hey, your Mom's not a real big fan of the Knights of Nebulon.

Geoff's Wife: Or their war toys.

Geoff: Maybe Santa can make an exception for...

Geoff's Wife: No, Geoff. Santa reads the studies and he knows there's a direct link between fantasy violence and aggression in adults.

Jonas: I promise I won't be an aggressive adult.

Geoff's Wife: I wish that we're true.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: You mean to tell me a kid lies one time and then he is put to death? That is not a way to teach anybody anything.

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added 2 months ago

Security Mall Guard: Um, did y'all get a permit to put up this shed?

Gary Bunda (as Elf Worker): I don't think we did.

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added 2 months ago

[Krampus licking Ethan's arm devilishly]

Gary Bunda: Oh, no, no, no. Krampus is feeling tired.

Krampus: Wait. Wait, Ethan. Take a ruten bundle to remind you that I am always there. Always watching.

Gary Bunda: Okay, Ethan. We're gonna go say hi to your Mom, okay?

Ethan: Mommy!

Ethan's Mom: Ethan?! Come here! Come here, baby.

Krampus: It's too late for Ethan. He's on the list. He's on the list! [giggles]

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added 2 months ago

Ethan's Mom: You closed the door. I can't see my son anymore.

Claude (as Elf Worker): If you pay for the package, you can get a video and you'll see everything going on in there.

Ethan's Mom: Why can't you just leave the door open?

Claude (as Elf Worker): It's gonna freak you out.

Ethan's Mom: It's gonna what?

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added 2 months ago

Krampus: Hello, Ethan Rakestraw.

Ethan: How do you know my last name?

Krampus: I know everything about you, young Ethan. Come here. Sit on my bony, mite-covered lap.

Krampus: I know that you pee in the shower, and I know that you broke your sister's iPad, and you said it fell.

Krampus: [to Gary] Close the shed! Close the shed!

Ethan: Mommy!

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added 2 months ago

Claude (as Elf Worker): For $24.99, you can get a package that includes and 8x10.

Ethan's Mom: We just wanted to see Santa. Right, Ethan? Okay. Go on. Go see Santa. Hey, Ethan. Smile big for mommy.

Claude (as Elf Worker): You're just gonna lie to my face and stand here and take pictures with your cellphone?

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added 2 months ago

Claude: So, what do you say? Are you interested in working with us on this?

Krampus: Fetch my drowning tub. Krampus is back! [does a silly dance]

Gary Bunda: I don't like the dance, but I appreciate why you're doing it.

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added 2 months ago

Krampus: Satan needs me to keep the children in line. The ones that are left.

[Krampus rubs his stomach smoothly while giggling knowing what he did to those kids in the past times]

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added 2 months ago

Krampus: Kids today. Every time they fart, they get a trophy.

Krampus: When they got rid of spanking, that's when the whole world went down the crapper.

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added 2 months ago

Krampus: I tried to get Gumphanickel to follow in my footsteps. [looks at his son deadly] This one isn't interested unless it's a horn to carve.

Gumphanickel: They warn the villagers of avalanches!

Krampus: They cause avalanches, Gumphanickel!

Krampus: Why do you think that the horn blast happens and then the snow falls?! Are you trying to warn them in the future?

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Hey, Claude, how did you beat me here?

Claude: Did you teleport to the bottom of the mountain? Are you that stupid?

Gary Bunda: [sarcastically] Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I teleported at the bottom of the mountain and then I climbed all the way up just to get here, and then I nearly lost my balls because I "made my harness too tight."

Claude: Are you saying what you actually did, but in a sarcastic voice?

Gary Bunda: Yes.

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added 2 months ago

Krampus: Close the door. I'm not paying to heat the whole outdoors.

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added 2 months ago

Krampus: When I press the TV button, it's broken 'cause the volume goes away. And then I press it again and volume comes back.

Claude: Right, that's the mute button.

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added 2 months ago

Gumphanickel: [blows the horn for entrance] Would you like to try to blow the horn?

Gary Bunda: Your lips have been on it, so I don't...

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Are you Krampus?

Gumphanickel: [German accent] No. I'm Gumphanickel. You're looking for my Dad.

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added 2 months ago

Satan: Guten Krampus Nacht! Guten Krampus Nacht, VC! [plays with VC's real belly again] Guten Krampus Nacht, everyone!

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Who's Krampus?

Satan: Friend of mine. We used to hang out in Eastern Europe in the 1800s. Here, I got some pictures. Take a look.

Gary Bunda: Hmm.

Satan: Krampus was intense. Let me tell you. That guy was insane. I'd love to see these helicopter parents today. If Krampus was to stuff their little brats into his drowning tub. Ugh!

Gary Bunda: [concerned] So he drowns the children?

Satan: No, not all of 'em. See, that's Krampus. You know, it's like, no, maybe he'll just hit them with a shoe or he'll put them in his gypsy cart. You never see 'em again. You don't know with this guy.

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added 2 months ago

Claude: What is all this? Is that a stocking?

Gary Bunda: I made it for Satan. It's out of VC's belly meat. VC, you ready?

[Gary plays with VC's real belly while VC screams in pain]

Claude: You do realize that this holiday celebrates the birth of Satan's sworn enemy.

Satan: It's alright, Claude. Christmas has become so commercialized that Jesus doesn't even get the credit anymore.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, we got his ass.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Can -- Can I have some of it?

Claude: [drunk] We'll share it.

Gary Bunda: Okay, cool, so I...I can have my half?

Claude: [drunk] There's a little bit more left of my half, I think.

Gary Bunda: Cool.

[Claude drinks the last Spunk bottle quickly]

Claude: [drunk] I'll tell you this, you're gonna like this when it gets to you.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, I bet. I'd love to have some of it.

Eddie: [far away in the audience] YOU SUCK!

Claude: [drunk] Comrade. [gives the bottle to Gary]

[When Gary drinks the last bottle of Spunk, he notices something odd]

Gary Bunda: You prick! This is mostly backwash!

Claude: [drink] You ain't got to riot. I'm tired.

[Gary and Claude start to hallucinate each other while their heads blow up]

Gary & Claude: I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fin-- [Gary and Claude's heads blows up]

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added 2 months ago

[Gary and Claude try to fight each other while being hanged in The Bone Dome]

Gary Bunda: How am I supposed to fight him?

Claude: [drunk] Yeah, swing over here and say that to my face!

Gary Bunda: I can't even see him! How are we supposed to fight each other, I can't even see him.

Satan: Just lower them down. It's not working. Just lower them down, we'll have them...

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added 2 months ago

[Satan & Claude came to see the incident of what happened to the spider's ejaculation]

Eddie: [sobs] His dick came off in my hand! He had nothing left! He gave us all that he had!

Satan: Look, we're just gonna move our delivery date back. Now, when do we ship?

Claude: [drunk] There's only one bottle left. Production f***ed up.

Satan: One bottle?

Claude: [drunk] Mm-hmm, small batch. Artisanal. We get 'em hooked, we have 'em right where we went them.


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added 2 months ago

[After seeing the "Spunk" commercial in the editing room]

Mike: I -- I don't like it, either.

Satan: What, I --

Mike: It needs a button.

Satan: Why is VC's head in the one cut but not in the next shot?

Mike: His head is gone.

Satan: Yeah, that makes no sense. Why is VC's head gone?

Mike: I don't know. Why would you -- Why is his head gone?

Claude: [drunk] It's a creative decision that I made, and I stand by it 100% but we'll get rid of it 'cause it sucks.

Mike: Yeah, I mean, there's certain things you have to do when you make a commercial.

Claude: Then do them.

Mike: Well, no, I need to get so I can do it.

Claude: "Oh, I need to get." You know who didn't need to get? Stephen Spielberg.

Satan: Can you fix this at all?

Mike: It's gonna take some time. You guys might not even need to be here for it.

Satan: You got time. Guess what, you got time.

Software Demon Employee: You could use that yodeler as a button. I always thought that yodeler was pretty funny.

Satan: I don't understand. Why would the yodeler -- What about yodeling has to do with Spunk?

Software Demon Employee: It has nothing to do with it. That's what's funny about it.

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added 2 months ago

[VC's head starts to inflate]

Gary Bunda: VC, uh, you doin' alright?

VC: I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine.

Gary Bunda: Okay, sure, yeah.

VC: I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, [speaks intensely] I'M FINE, I'M FINE, I'M FINE, I'M FINE, I'M FINE!

[VC's head explodes]

Claude: [drunk] The couch is dirty. Let's 86 the couch.

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added 2 months ago

[The employees begin shooting the "Spunk" commercial]

Benji: Tailgate Tony doesn't know what to bring to the Tailgate.

Ted: Hey, dudes, I brought my Uncle Gunther. He likes to yodel.

Uncle Gunther: [yodeling]

Claude: [drunk] VC, when he yodels, your mug's gonna shatter. It's gonna be a cutaway, but --

VC: What if I say, "Why is there a yodeler at this tailgate?"

Claude: [drunk] No, don't do that. Don't follow your instincts. Those are really bad instincts, alright?

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added 2 months ago

Dizzay: Hey, hey, Claude, I don't have any lines or no seat or anything, man. Wha -- What's -- What do want me to do?

Claude: [drunk] Oh, Dizzay, you're just gonna be there, hanging out, appealing to the urban market, alright?

Claude: [drunk] I know you wouldn't hang with these guys in real life because they're old and weird, but be dope and fresh and hang tough.

Dizzay: [tired] Yeah, man. Yeah.

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added 2 months ago

[Benji shows a storyboard to Satan on how the "Spunk" commercial is played out]

Benji: He's the "Spunk" spider. Out on the town, slinging webs and spinning lies. It's his web, bro, we're just cobs in it.

Satan: Right, now, I thought we were gonna downplay the whole spider angle.

Benji: Well, I mean, we're not showing his dick.

Satan: What is that?

Benji: Well, you know what? We can cut down the --

Satan: Let's just not even acknowledge that this is spider ejaculate.

Benji: Claude was very insistent that it be all about the spider.

Claude: [drunk] That's not what I said, Benji. You f***ed it up. And you're a child molester.

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added 2 months ago

Claude: [drunk] This is a new shirt.

Gary Bunda: No, it's not. It's the same shirt I've been wearing for literally thousands of years.

[Claude looking at his arm to see the time but doesn't while hallucinating]

Claude: [drunk] I'm three hours late for the ad shoot. Everybody, to the ad shoot! The ad shoot.

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added 2 months ago

Claude: Hold on, hold on. Let me inspect this bottle.

[drinks the "Spunk" bottle]

Claude: [drunk] It tastes like spider jizz! And I like it.

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added 2 months ago

Eddie: So it was a Wednesday, you know, and...the spider had me pinned down and was pleasuring itself.

Satan: Get to the point, Eddie.

Eddie: Okay, so, anyway, some of the spider's baby gravy mixed in with the pus on my face and got into my mouth. And before I knew it, I was tripping balls.

Satan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. The -- The wine is...spider ejaculate?

Eddie: No, no, I mean, I ferment it, and then to give it a nice smooth finish, I add human tears.

Satan: And how exactly would you make it, Eddie, if he were dead?

Eddie: I -- I don't follow you.

Satan: [pulls up his demon knife] Excuse me. Just get behind you here.

Eddie: What? No!

Satan: Say goodbye.

Dizzay: No, no, no.

Gary Bunda: Just jerk it off once!

Claude: Don't do it, Satan, don't do it! We need our production. It's not for us, it's for them up there. [talking about the real world]

Demon: Yeah!

Gary Bunda: Amen!

Claude: This stuff is so great, it's like meth, but 10 times better. It just gets up inside of your body real good.

[Gary touches Claude]


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added 2 months ago

[After Satan drinking the wine drug]

Satan: What was in that wine?

Claude: [drunk] The drink we drank?

Satan: Yeah.

Claude: [drunk] It was made of wine that was made of the spider.

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added 2 months ago

Claude: [drunk] It's the wine, Satan. The demons have been drinking the wine.

Satan: What wine?

Claude: [drunk] It's the wine! It's delicious, though I haven't tried it, so I don't know.

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added 2 months ago

[All the employees get drunk from a drug inside the toilet]

Satan: What's so god damn funny?

Gary Bunda: [drunk] Well, why you come to French Italy if you no like the food? You so stupid. [laughs]

[Satan whips Gary with a organ, but Gary didn't budge]

Gary Bunda: [singing] Cinderella dressed in yellow

[what Gary sees Satan in his vision of hitting him]

Satan: [singing] Went upstairs to kiss a fella.

Gary Bunda: [singing] How many doctors will it take.

Satan: Dizzay, stand up when Satan's in the room.

Dizzay: [drunk] I am standing, big dawg!

Satan: Alright, that's it. That's it! Drug test right now. Piss test, everyone, let's go!

[Ted literally pees his pants]

Satan: Ted, not in your pants.

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added 2 months ago

[Ted acts by ripping off someone employee's beard for tears in a mug for a new drug epidemic coming]

Bob: When's it gonna be ready?

Ted: [acting] You and your ridiculous queries! Where do you get these dumb questions?! [looks at the security camera and whispers normal] Should be later today.

Dizzay: [acting] There's my coffee cup. I must have left it in here.

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added 2 months ago

Narrator: But some lives change on a dime.

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added 2 months ago

[After Gary looks at Bertha's snake armpits, Gary turns into stone]

Gary Bunda: [muffled] I got laid.

Claude: What?

Dizzay: What's that?

Gary Bunda: [muffled] I got laid, man.

Dizzay: Hey, everybody, Gary got laid!

[Dizzay pats Gary on the back for getting laid but mistakenly made him break into a bunch of pieces while turned into a stone]

Claude: I have to say, I sort of expect that to happen.

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added 2 months ago

[Bertha hits his own Dad with a shovel]

Bertha: Hurry, 'fore Daddy wakes! We can do it, but you just can't look at my pubic hairs.

Gary Bunda: That's cool, sure! Absolutely!

[Gary & Bertha kisses each other after Gary saws Berth's armpits as Medusa snakes]

Gary Bunda: Oh no...

Bertha: I said don't be looking at my pubes!

Gary Bunda: But those armpit hairs. Do you call those pubes?

Bertha: You get them during puberty!

Gary Bunda: When did you hit puberty?

Bertha: Recently?

Gary Bunda: [sighs] Bertha...

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added 2 months ago

Farmer Demon: Now, you wouldn't happen to be one of them fancy city demons come here to have sex with my daughter, would you?

Gary Bunda: No, sir. I would never dream of something like that.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Am I in slut circle?

Farmer Demon: You plum overshot that, son. This here is Chicken Hell.

Gary Bunda: Chicken Hell?

Bertha: Daddy, can we strip him down and hose off all his chicken sh*t?

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added 2 months ago

[Ted finally got out of Seth's body by going inside the nasal passage with Gary]

Ted: Oh, Gary, you were right. Living inside Seth was no kind of life! [chuckles] Life's too short!

Gary Bunda: Yeah, I mean, in hell, life is forever, but I get what you're saying, yeah, yeah.

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added 2 months ago

Lance the Software Demon: Plan B -- We all cut our penises off.

Russ the Software Demon: We put them in a vat of franks and beans.

Lance the Software Demon: Penises look like what?

Russ the Software Demon: Franks! Very good. Then we pretend to be chefs while Eddie hacks into the mainframe.


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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Come with me, Ted. I know in here, it's easy and simple for you, but out there is a whole, wide world of butts! Come with me...to slut circle.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Look, nothing personal, Ted, but I got to get the hell out of here.

Ted: Why? There's refreshing to saliva to drink...there's soft bowels to bed on.

Gary Bunda: I know.

Ted: Satan doesn't even know you're in here, man! We beat the system!

Gary Bunda: Look, Ted, up over that wall some where outside of this monster, there's a lady's butt and it's got my name on it. I'm one of the names on it.

Gary Bunda: Alright, now please just show me the way to the anus, bud.

Ted: Don't go the anus. Just go to the nasal passage, it's right up there. He'll sneeze you out.

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added 2 months ago

Eddie: I'm at the door.

[Eddie hears a bunch of women giggling]

Eddie: I hear giggling!

Lance the Software Demon: Now, there should be a switch. Pull that switch and it will turn off the penis lasers.

Eddie: I just see a keypad.

Lance the Software Demon: Oh, um, boy...I guess they changed it.


Lance the Software Demon: Calm down, Eddie. I've got this.

Russ the Software Demon: Tell him to try 666.

Lance the Software Demon: It's not going to be 666.

Russ the Software Demon: Try, 666, Eddie!

Lance the Software Demon: Try 666, Eddie!

Eddie: I'm coming back down.

Lance the Software Demon: Why don't you come on back down, Eddie!


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added 2 months ago

[Eddie get his penis cut off to get to the women's entrance]

Lance the Software Demon: Doing good, Eddie, you're almost there, buddy.

Eddie: I'm feeling really dizzy.

Lance the Software Demon: That's just the blood loss talking.

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added 2 months ago

[After what Lance said about cutting someone's penis off to get to the women's maintenance]

Claude: Alright guys, I, um...don't want to be here.

Lance the Software Demon: Cool, bro.

Lance the Software Demon: Eddie, I thought I saw your hand up?

[Eddie shakes his head meaning no, while Benji shook his head meaning yes]

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added 2 months ago

Lance the Software Demon: I need one volunteer to deactivate the penis detector laser on the main gate, but you cannot bring your penis. It would get detected and subsequently lasered.

Lance the Software Demon: So someone's gonna have to slice their penis off.

[Everyone starts to raise their hands up at first, but raise their hands down immediately after the last part of what Lance said]

Russ the Software Demon: Peanut butter doesn't sound so bad now, does it?

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added 2 months ago

[Ted plays ring toss by using his belt while Gary is not amused]

Ted: I get -- I get one more toss 'cause home team. Plus I cleaned you off, so...

[Ted throws the ring but misses]

Ted: Oh, um, that's a gumdrop. I get one more. Not like the candy. But when it hits the gum like that and drops on it, you get a free turn.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've seen those.

[Ted throws the ring again but still misses]

Ted: Oh, home team gets two.

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added 2 months ago

Lance the Software Demon: There she is, guys. It's the only thing standing between us and --

[William runs toward the women's gate after getting instantly killed from the penis lasers]

Lance the Software Demon: I warned him about the penis lasers.

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added 2 months ago

[Ted licks the peanut butter off of Gary's skin]

Gary Bunda: You're a stranger to me.

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added 2 months ago

Lance the Software Demon: You want to see those women? There's a maintenance door halfway up.

Eddie: Guys, I can see the door from here!

Russ the Software Demon: Those hills have thousands of lasers trained on your junk!

Lance the Software Demon: There's one. One! And I have a workaround.

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added 2 months ago

Lance the Software Demon: Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Claude: Tell them what you told me.

Lance the Software Demon: Russ doesn't know what he's talking about. He's riddled with malware.

Russ the Software Demon: La-Lance, this does not concern you at all.

Lance the Software Demon: Did he tell you to rub yourself in peanut butter? I bet he did. That creature loves peanut butter.

Russ the Software Demon: You're just jealous, Lance. Once he spits Gary over the ridge --

Lance the Software Demon: Gary will be dead within the hour.

[cuts to next scene where Gary tries to tell Lance that the Seth monster does not have a nut allergy while being eaten inside of Seth's mouth]

Gary Bunda: He's not allergic to the nuts! Tell Russ he's not allergic to the nuts.

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added 2 months ago

Russ the Software Demon: Eddie, did you hack into the mainframe to disable the penis lasers?

Eddie: I thought I was doing the rope.

Russ the Software Demon: Well, then who is going to hack into the mainframe, Eddie?

Eddie: You're a computer! You do it!

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added 2 months ago

Russ the Software Demon: Dizzay, point that puppy up high so the creature will spit Gary at the proper angle.

Dizzay: Look, he's not even -- He's not even paying attention to it.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Why can't Dizzay be spit over the ridge?

Dizzay: Sorry, Gary, I'm doing the laser pointer.

Eddie: And I'm doing the rope!

Benji: And, uh, William and I are helping Dizzay with the laser pointer.

Russ the Software Demon: We all have a role here, Gary. Did you even listen to my presentation?

Gary Bunda: You know what? I'm not doing it. How about them apples you stupid jerk?

Gary Bunda: Hey, quit playing with the rope.

[cuts to next scene where it shows Seth the Monster is slurping the rope by eating Gary]

Russ the Software Demon: Eddie, I said don't let the monster get the rope!

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: So I cover myself in peanut butter and the women -- They smell the peanut butter, and then they come running?

Russ the Software Demon: No, no. See that stupid monster over there? That's Seth.

Gary Bunda: Okay.

Russ the Software Demon: And Seth has a nut allergy. When Seth swallows you, the nuts hit his system, and he'll spit you over that ridge.

Gary Bunda: He's gonna spit me over the ridge in chunks!

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added 2 months ago

Boss Hoss: Heartshe siblings, I asked you to rack your noodles to come up some long-term strategums to see it to that our Holler remains feared, revered, and supremacy.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Hurlan: Can't get that dang ol' nut meat.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Russ the Software Demon: Sounds like you guys found slut circle.

Gary Bunda: I can't believe -- I didn't think that there was women in hell.

Russ the Software Demon: Satan keeps all the nymphos and adulterers and fornicators over there. They crave the "D," but they can never have it. That's their eternal torment.

Gary Bunda: Guys, we got to get over there!

All: Yeah!

Claude: You're idiots if you think Satan's gonna let us over there.

Russ the Software Demon: You said it, four eyes. [shows an animation of why the demons couldn't get over there] It's a sheer rock wall 10,00 feet up, guarded by a battery of penar-equipped lasers.

Russ the Software Demon: Penar is radar but for penises. Anyway, they shoot dick and ask questions later.

Gary Bunda: Oh, he shot that penis right off the top of his balls.

Russ the Software Demon: It's game over, dudes. Game over! U-Unless you were to--

Gary Bunda: What?

Dizzay: What?

Russ the Software Demon: Nah. No, you guys don't have the stones.

Benji: Come one!

Dizzay: Man, tell us something!

Gary Bunda: I got a whole bag of stones, buddy.

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added 2 months ago

[Eddie sees a secret hole in the tunnel that's filled with sexy girls taking a shower]

Eddie: Guys! They got showers in here! [laughs]

Dizzay: Move, move, move, move, move, let me take a look. Showers? Fool, there's naked ladies up in there! I see a butt! Oh, my god, it's a woman's butt!

Eddie: This is my hole!

Benji: Excuse me gentlemen, I need to put my d*ck in that hole.

Gary Bunda: Boys, boys, there's no butts in there. Alright, there's just a rock in there that looks like a butt. And I know that rock because that rock is my wife.

Eddie: Take a look for yourself.

Gary Bunda: Watch out, Dizzay, let me look at this myself.

[Gary sees the naked girls taking a shower]

Gary Bunda: Get the shovels.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Why is there even a chicken hell?

Claude: Satan agreed to take all the chickens to pad his soul tally.

Gary Bunda: So you mean to say that every chicken finger I ever ate's down here?

Claude: Yep.

Gary Bunda: And every chicken nugget?

Claude: Yes.

Gary Bunda: And every chicken patty?

Claude: Yes.

Gary Bunda: And every chicken pot pie?

Claude: Yes!

Gary Bunda: Every chicken got hit by a train?

Claude: YES!

Dizzay: [to Gary] Pick up a damn shovel.

Gary Bunda: What I'm really afraid of is that chickens are gonna all remember who eat them, and then there's gonna be a bunch of chicken revenge like in that movie "Oldboy".

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added 2 months ago

[The BYLE Group gets sent down to hell playing the Velvet Lurker that trigger Satan for eternity]

Gary Bunda: Hey, Satan! You busy? I don't mean to interrupt! The Giant Spider Monkey -- It came down, and it bit off Rudy's fingers, so he's trying to play the guitar with the nubs, but you can hear it in his solo!

Gary Bunda: These guys are tired! Frankly, we all need a break from hearing the song!

[Satan pulls his earplugs out for what Gary just said]

Satan: I'm sorry. What?

Gary Bunda: I think that BYLE should take a break!

Satan: Keep it going. One more.

Gary Bunda: Alright! [to the BYLE Group] We're doing it again. [to Satan] Oh, Dean is just a skeleton now. Is that alright? We'll make his bones -- [to the BYLE Group] Make his bones rattle at the microphone!

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added 2 months ago

Satan: I got two dozen black roses, and you, uh -- You hand these to the hot talent out there, and you say, "Byle requests your presence backstage."

Satan: And I think I speak for the guys when I say I like them skinny with big breasts, alright?

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added 2 months ago

[Dean sees Satan showing up]

Dean: Lurker alert.

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added 2 months ago

[Gary shows Blaze a different chair that looks like a long glassed cylinder]

Blaze: Bro, how is this even a chair?

Gary Bunda: You see, it's clear, right? This is so you can sit and relax, and from the seats, it looks like you're standing.

Blaze: Alright. See, now, my feet aren't even gonna touch the ground.

Gary Bunda: Let your natural gravity coast you forward.

Blaze: No. Oh, now it's got my scrotum.

Gary Bunda: Good.

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added 2 months ago

[Claude plays Satan's song backwards on a Mp3 player]

Satan's Song: [distorted voice] Satan is pussy...

Dean: Satan is a pussy? [laughs]

The Byle Group: [laughter]

Satan: You think that's what it said?

Gary Bunda: It kind of does sound like you were calling yourself a pussy.

Satan: [to Claude] Re-cue it. Re-cue it.

Claude: Well, then I have to render it again to do that.

Satan: Okay. This is what it said. It says, uh, "Satan is proceeding with diabolical plan."

[Claude plays the song again]

Satan's Song: Satan is pussy...

Claude: It sounds like --

Satan: Proceeding! It's a diabolical -- [to Claude] Why does my -- Why is my voice so low in there? That's the problem.

Claude: Because you were distorting the mike. The P's weren't popping, S's were --

Satan: No, I understand. Okay. Okay, Claude. But maybe now's the time to turn it up.

Claude: I have to side with Gary here. It's like --

Gary Bunda: And I have bad ears, and you know that because I grew up next to the airport.

Satan: [to Claude] Can I just -- Have it for one second?

Claude: Yeah, sure, it's still rendering.

[Satan plays his song on what he hears on his point of view]

Satan's Song: Satan is pussy...

Gary Bunda: Satan is a pussy.

Satan: F*** it!

[Satan smashed the computer rapidly]

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added 2 months ago

Dean: How do you play an Mp3 backwards?

Claude: Well, you have to have people download a piece of software that renders the file so then you can play the song.

Dean: I'm not interested.

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added 2 months ago

Dean: Look at this poster. Velvet is f***ing huge in it.

Chase: Yeah, and his hair's covering my face, man.

Gary Bunda: Who is Velvet?

Chase: The Velvet Lurker. Who do you think?

Gary Bunda: The Velvet Lurker?

Dean: We had several nicknames for him. Style-Cramper...Cock-Blocker...Lord of Dorkness.

Dean: Everytime you'd turn around, he'd be doing that dorky dance.

Blaze: Hey, you remember we used to always put that fog machine in his face?

Dean: I told him Rudy lost his favorite pick in the toilet, and then he went right in for it.

Chase: And somehow he came out of there with a pick.

Dean: We had to fake our breakup. It's the only way we could get him to leave.

Gary Bunda: You guys need to start whispering about this stuff. He hears everything. He could be a bee in a room. He could be me. I could be him.

Chase: What's he gonna do?

Gary Bunda: He's gonna rip your brains out through your faces! He did it to me. Twice! On my birthday as a present.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: And Dean, could I get a smidgen of your time? Uh, take a look at this. What's wrong with this microphone stand? One scarf. Is that gonna cut the mustard?

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: And Blaze, you cannot sit.

Blaze: They let me sit on the cruise.

Rudy: If he sits, can I sit?

Gary Bunda: No. No. No. The only person who gets to sit is the drummer.

Chase: I can't sit. I got a bad back, man.

Gary Bunda: Also, Satan specifically said only ripped jeans. Looking at you, Rudy. Pristine jeans. Slash them with a razor.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: First of all, Chase, this drum setup is sparse. We need like 90 more drums on this with water on them so when you bop them and you bip them, water comes out, and it's like Blue Man Group. Everyone likes Blue Man Group.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[Satan meets the Byle band group]

Satan: Good to see you guys.

Dean: Our management said this was some sort of corporate gig.

Satan: Uh, here's the deal, fellas. Millennials are pussies. They're not going to hell in large enough numbers. So, Byle is gonna change all that.

Satan: You guys are gonna headline that thing -- That -- That us festival. What -- What is it, Claude?

Claude: Bonnaroo? South By?

Satan: [to the Byle band group] You're gonna headline Bonnaroo South By, final night. It's happening!

Dean: That's two different festivals, numb nuts.

[Satan gets triggered]

Satan: Claude, you lied to me.

[Satan beats Claude several times]

Claude: You're right. He's right. He wants you to headline both of those festivals.

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added 2 months ago

[Satan sets cocaine for the Byle group]

Satan: We're gonna lay this double-wide rail here for Dean. And Chase and Blaze are gonna want to blow these skinnies up each other's asses, so, uh...

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Satan: We're gonna get BYLE back together.

Claude: Um, Byle's still together. They're doing cruises now. See?

Satan: The Byle Barge? Told me they broke up.

Claude: When I died, rap was sort of big. We take one of these BYLE songs and we sample it. Then we have some rappers rap over it.

Satan: No, no, no, no.

Claude: [rapping] Imp in The Furnace. We gotta earn this. Look at my hair. You know you got to perm this. Hey, everybody.

Claude: I'll work on the lyrics. I was a DJ, not a lyricist. But we -- It's an option.

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added 2 months ago

[After listening to Satan's song "Imp in The Furnace"]

Gary Bunda: My Dad used to listen to that song all the time instead of taking me to school.

Satan: Oh, that's it! That's what these millennials need -- A swift steel-toed kick in their hairless crotches. That's gonna be our new social media strategy.

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added 2 months ago

[Satan throws his TV as a party animal that accidentally hit a worker]

Satan: Ah, throw this L.E.D. bullsh*t like a frisbee. See, back in the old days, they were built into cabinets, you know? To make the pool was an accomplishment.

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added 2 months ago

Satan: I had hypodermic needle full of adrenaline. Had its own holster. They called me Dr. Party, PhD.

Satan: PhD stood for "Party hard, dipsh*t."

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Satan: God, I looked good. Look at those abs, huh? You know, I used to...you know, just to stay thin.

Gary Bunda: You looked like a Steven Tyler scarecrow.

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added 2 months ago

Gary Bunda: Oh, BYLE! I remember BYLE. My Dad was, like, way into BYLE. Like, way more than he was into Ol' Gary.

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added 2 months ago

Satan's Record Player: [distorted voice] Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself.

Satan: Yeah. That's me on the mike. Kid committed suicide 'cause of that. With a lawn mower. Go figure. Yeah, he's still knocking around here somewhere.

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added 2 months ago

Satan: Back in my day, a groupie didn't follow you with a click. She followed you back to the hotel room after the show, and then the only thing that would go viral was your dong [chuckles] from herpes.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Claude: Satan, I could head this up. I died way more recently than Caleb.

Caleb: Mr. Vernon, I've been here since the War of Northern Aggression. I have seniority.

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added 2 months ago

Caleb: There are these abacus boxes called com-pu-tairs, and they are filled with ghost spirits. And people have these boxes on an intercontinental line on which everyone is on the line, hence "online" being the vernacular.

Claude: We all know what social media is, Caleb, okay? What's your plan to get more eyeballs?

Caleb: In my day, if we wanted eyeballs, we would just pluck them out of little indian babies.

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added 2 months ago

[After Gary accidentally kills Satan's dog Cerberus with chocolate, Gary tries to find a new pet that looks exactly like it with a few extra changes]

Gary Bunda: Hey, uh, Claude! Can you give me a second pair of eyes on this? Okay, do you buy this?

Claude: Buy it as what?

Gary Bunda: What does it look like to you, first impression?

Claude: It looks like a pony and then two dead dog heads.

Gary Bunda: I know it does. Okay, I get it. I feel like if you squint and, like, look at it, you'd think, like "Oh, Cerberus is home."

Claude: Yeah, because, uh, Satan squints now. He's just squinting and looking out of the corner of his eye, right?

Gary Bunda: Do you have a spell, like, some kind of wizdry to turn it from a horse into a dog?

Claude: Um... [blows air] No. That's a dumbass question.

Gary Bunda: Man, do you understand how much sh*t I'm in? Do you understand? Do you see the situation?

Claude: Can I just -- You killed Cerberus, though. Because that -- Those are the real heads.

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #1: We're in a room full of himeys, not one doctor.

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added 3 months ago

Judge: Well, since this is the only of its breed in the competition. I think I could give a special participation ribbon.

Cerberus #1: Yes!

Gary Bunda: Booyakasha!

Cerberus #2: How delightful.

Cerberus #3: Alright. Thank you.

Judge: However, I will have to deduct points for the mouth stains.

Judge: [to Cerberus #3] Is this chocolate?

Cerberus #3: Yeah, Gary bought me an easter bunny.

Cerberus #2: What did I tell you? Chocolate bad, chocolate bad.

Gary Bunda: No, no! It's an easter bunny! [shows a candy product] It's like 90% air!

Cerberus #1: You idiot! Chocolate will kill us all!

[Cerberus #3 having a seizure]

Gary Bunda: He's seizing up! He's seizing up! Somebody get a spoon!

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added 3 months ago

[The dog judge touches Cerberus's balls]

Judge: Hmm, above average testicular plumpness.

Gary Bunda: Thank you.

Cerberus #1: Sir, you have very soft hands. Not that the Jews are known or their manual labor.

Cerberus #1: Not that I'm racist. No, no. Some of out finest entertainers are, in fact, Jewish.

Gary Bunda: Most of them.

Judge: William Shatner's Jewish.

Gary Bunda: [to Cerberus #1] The Holocaust certainly was real, wasn't it?

Cerberus #1: I totally believe The Holocaust...happened.

Gary Bunda: We all do. The whole family does, yeah.

Cerberus #1: Maybe not in the numbers they say -- You know the Jewish mass media -- But I believe that it -- It happened. To an extant.

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added 3 months ago

Judge: What kind of dog is this?

Gary Bunda: It's a poo-chin.

Judge: Hmm. It's my experience that poo-chins are small dogs.

Gary Bunda: You must not have much experience, because this is a very rare three-headed elephant poo-chin.

Judge: I suppose it'll have three scrotums I'll have to clench.

Gary Bunda: [laughs] You go right ahead, you pervert.

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #1: Look at these dogs. I bet every single one of them's Jewish. Huh, what do you think? There's no way we win.

Cerberus #1: The dog-show world is infested with Jews. He'll give the ribbon to one of these himey dogs.

Gary Bunda: Stop it. Stop that. Stop with the Jew stuff, okay? The Jews are wonderful people. I mean, you got Williams Shatner, and then --

Cerberus #1: Yeah, Captain Kirk beamed down to kill Jesus, right.

Gary Bunda: Or it's the guy who played Picard.

Cerberus #2: No, he's from England.

Gary Bunda: He -- One of the people from "Star Trek" is Jewish.

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added 3 months ago

Announcer: Next up is Cerberus!

Gary Bunda: [to Cerberus] Are you nervous? I'm nervous!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [to Cerberus] Let's go out there and show these guys that three heads are better than one. Except when you're putting on a shirt.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary dresses up Cerberus for a beauty pageant show]

Cerberus #1: Gary, I love it. I love it. Can we make it puffier up top? Does this read that I'm a pretty dog? And more bows. I'm a bigger dog, you know. I think we need more bows. Judges like bows.

Cerberus #2: I feel like a technicolor trollop.

Cerberus #1: I'm not gonna lose points because of your sh*tty temperament!

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #1: That's what a siren sounds like?

Cerberus #3: Fire truck!

Cerberus #2: They're more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.

[cuts to the next scene where Cerberus are looking at a house burning down by Gary that also explains Cerberus's experience what a siren sounds like]

[Gary and Cerberus laughing]

Gary Bunda: [concerned] Are there kids in there?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: If I let you do this stuff, do you promise that you will let me tie you to the gate when we get back down to hell?

Cerberus #2: Most definitely.

Cerberus #1: Well, maybe.

Cerberus #3: You bet. Anything.

Cerberus #1: We'll discuss it.

Gary Bunda: Aw, to hell with it. I mean, he's gonna cut my feet off and make me eat them anyway, so let's make a day of it.

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #1: Look, Gary, speaking for me, I would l-- I want to...be pretty. Okay, I -- I said it. I want to be pretty.

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #3: Ooh! I want to try chocolate.

Cerberus #1: [to Cerberus #3] No, chocolate bad!

Cerberus #3: Chocolate, yeah!

Cerberus #1: [to Cerberus #3] Chocolate bad. Bad chocolate.

Cerberus #2: [to Cerberus #3] Bad chocolate. Are you daft?

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #2: Where are the fire trucks? I should very much like to hear some sirens.

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #3: I want to bark at the doggie in the water.

Cerberus #1: It's a reflection. It's you, you idiot.

Cerberus #3: We look very similar. I could see how you'd make that mistake.

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #1: I'm gonna pee on everything. Earth is my territory now.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Satan is, like, pretty strict about this kind of stuff. Like, he's gonna rip off all my skin, and he's gonna pour a bunch of vinegar, like, into my muscles.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary realizes he brought Cerberus to Earth in the real world]

Gary Bunda: Oh, sh*t. Oh, sh*t. We got to go back down.

Cerberus #2: Do you feel this grass? This is grass, right?

Gary Bunda: Yes, it is grass. Yes.

Cerberus #3: The ceiling is blue.

Gary Bunda: That is true.

Cerberus #1: Hey, look over there. There's a dog with one head. FREAKING NERD!

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #3: Hey, what's this fence all about anyway?

Gary Bunda: This is just the gate between hell and earth. Ma, though, earth is pretty bitchin'. You'd love it.

Gary Bunda: You don't even have to open up this gate. You probably just crash right through it, you're so huge, you know.

[cuts to next scene where Cerberus rush through the gate to head to Earth while Gary holds on to the 3-headed dog's leash while going through many treacherous hazards]

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #2: [to Gary] You chewed us. You hornswoggled us.

Cerberus #1: [to Gary] I can't believe I let you lick my butthole with that lyin' tongue of yours!

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #3: Where's Dad? Where did he go?

Cerberus #2: Wherever is Dad?

Cerberus #1: He's gone, and he told you to tie us to the gate again, didn't he? Didn't he?!

Gary Bunda: I'm not gonna do that to you, buddy, okay?

[cuts to the next scene where Gary literally ties Cerberus to the gate]

Gary Bunda: Let me just tie you to this gate over here.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: [to Gary] You got some dog sh*t on your teeth.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Come on! Go! Go get it!

Cerberus #2: Ah, ah, you didn't throw a ball.

Satan: I did not. But it's over there!

Cerberus #1: I'm getting the ball.

Cerberus #3: I want that ball.

Cerberus #2: There isn't a ball!

Satan: Find it. I could do this all day long. [laughs]

Satan: Tie him to the gate when he comes back.

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #1: We couldn't find the ball, Dad. I guess that shifty heeb over there sold it. Yeah, right out from underneath our noses. Check his pockets. What are you scheming, himey?

Satan: Sorry, Claude. This one's a little anti-semetic.

Claude: I was scheming, but it has nothing to do with my rich, proud heritage.

Gary Bunda: Key word -- Rich.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: [talks about Cerberus] I'll take care of him, Satan.

Gary Bunda: A dog is a big responsibility, Claude.

Claude: I'll just feed him some broken glass.

Gary Bunda: [pauses] ...What is your problem?

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added 3 months ago

Satan: You know, I wanted a dog, but I don't think I like dogs. I'm more of a cat person, I think.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Who wants to play a game? Oh, go get it! Ooh! Go get it.

Cerberus #2: Stop! I don't believe he threw a ball.

Cerberus #1: I saw a ball, and we're getting the ball.

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added 3 months ago

Cerberus #1: [to Satan] You left me shackled to that gate for 30 long years. No one ever comes to that gate.

Cerberus #3: I come to the gate. I'm there every day.

Cerberus #1: [to Cerberus #3] And I would've chewed through your throat if we didn't share the same circulatory system!

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added 3 months ago

Satan: [to Cerberus] He's so smart. Aren't you? Aren't you smart?

Cerberus #1: Yes. Yes, yes, I'm smart.

Cerberus #2: Yes, I'm smart.

Cerberus #3: I'm smart, too, I bet.

Satan: Aren't you smart?!

Cerberus #1: Stop asking me rhetorical questions.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: [to Cerberus] You want to kiss Gary? You want to -- Give him a kiss.

Gary Bunda: Give me it. Give me it.

Cerberus #1: [to Gary] No, no, you've been licking my asshole. Your beard reeks.

Cerberus #3: Give me a kiss. I'll kiss you.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary licks Cerberus's butt]

Gary Bunda: What breed is he?

Satan: Oh, he's mixed. He's half me and half some poor, unlucky labradoodle.

Gary Bunda: That's disgusting.

[Gary goes back to licking Cerberus's butt again]

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added 3 months ago

Satan: [to Cerberus the 3-Headed Dog] Oh, you need a bath. Wow.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, you can smell it.

Satan: Smell that, right?

Gary Bunda: It's like rancid.

Satan: Go back there and lick his butthole.

Gary Bunda: Alright.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary comes back to Hell's HQ after getting bruised up from the witches]

Satan: How's your orgy?

Gary Bunda: [muffled] It was pretty good.

Satan: What happened to your tongue?

Gary Bunda: Oh, it's sore.

Satan: Oh. Oh! I know what that's about. Once you dive in, you are down there for hours, right? [chuckles]

Satan: Hey, you up for next year?

Gary Bunda: Hmm?

Satan: Next year? The orgy? Thumbs up. Give me a thumbs up. Yeah. Let's go. Thumbs up.

[Gary tries to use his middle finger as a thumb by actually giving him a thumbs up]

Satan: Hey. Did you just flip me off?

Gary Bunda: No.

Satan: No, you sure?

Gary Bunda: Oh, no. Unh-unh. No.

Satan: Hey, you know what? Why don't you sweep up around here, huh? Thanks, buddy.

[Gary then actually give him the middle finger afterwards when Satan walked away]

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added 3 months ago

Witch Leader: You are going to provide every ingredient for every beauty spell in this book. And then, later tonight, we gonna fly our brooms up all of your asses.

Witch Leader: We'll see if that doesn't bring your precious Satan.

Gary Bunda: It won't.

[cuts to the next scene where every demon crashing themselves while riding a broom stuck to their asses]

Witch Leader: He's not coming, is he?

Witch Woman: No.

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added 3 months ago

[All the witches got tricked by Claude's fake facts on the Witchipedia site]

Witch Leader: What the hell is going on here? You let one get away?

Witch Woman #2: We did The Trial of The Judgening.

Witch Leader: Well, it -- It's in the Witchipedia. This was added an hour ago by that demon.

Witch Woman: So, we shouldn't "Take all demons named Gary, pull out his fingernails. Bababooey."

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added 3 months ago

Claude: I demand a Trial of The Judgening!

Witch Woman: The Trial of The Judgening? What is that again?

Claude: It's on my phone on, uh, Witchpedia, The Wiccan wiki, right there. It's faved.

Witch Woman: "One demon can choose to compete in three challenges of his choosing. If he wins, all the demons get to go free."

Claude: I know.

Gary Bunda: Could you maybe have figured that out before they CUT MY BALLS OFF?!

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added 3 months ago

Madison: I need to cut off your testicles.

Gary Bunda: What was that?

Witch Woman: Relax. We're not gonna eat it. We're just gonna grind it into a powder for a potion.

Witch Woman #2: It'll make out hair look lustrous and shiny.

Gary Bunda: Hey, you know what else does that? Conditioner does that. It's $3 at the pharmacy.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Madison, I know you're hurt, but I just want to make it clear that I'm legit. Claude has a phone between his legs. You got to get it.

Dizzay: Man, what the hell --

Claude: Why?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Witch Leader: Here is a spell of succubus seduction. Yeah, this should get Satan back. Not that I care.

Witch Woman #2: But this requires the testicle of a minotaur.

Witch Leader: A demon's testicle should work.

Witch Woman #2: Could we maybe substitute a cherry tomato? Some of us are vegan.

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added 3 months ago

Witch Leader: You know what I'm gonna do, Satan, honey? I am going to make these woods echo with the screams of your little demon friends! [crying] You jerk!

[The Witch Leader sobs on her way back to the witch base]

Gary, Claude, Dizzay, and Benji: Yikes!

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added 3 months ago

Witch Leader: Okay, so where is he, huh?

Claude: Um...Satan had an injury with his back and an important meeting.

Witch Leader: [sighs] Oh, god! Oh, bullsh*t! Oh! I should have known!

Witch Leader: He was so distant last year -- On the phone the entire time I was tonguing his asshole.

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added 3 months ago

Madison: I'm only into bad boys.

Gary Bunda: I can be a bad boy! Watch this! You're a bitch! You bitch! I'll kill a dog for you!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: No. No. Don't seize me. I am Satan. Isn't that right, Madison?

Madison: He told me he took that form.

Witch Leader: Dear, sweet, naive Madison. Why would anybody choose to look like that? Hmm?

Gary Bunda: It's to lower people's expectations, and then you can surprise them.

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added 3 months ago

Benji: Guys, I just ripped the head off this squirrel, and I'm thinking maybe if we could just, you know, like a-a -- I don't know.

Dizzay: What the hell is wrong with you?

Benji: I-I was blue skyin' this thing, and it seemed right at the time, but --

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added 3 months ago

Witch Leader: Satan, honey! [singing voice] I'm not wearing panties!

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added 3 months ago

Madison: You looked...better in the bible.

Gary Bunda: I mean, there was no pictures, so how would you know?

Madison: But there's portraits.

Gary Bunda: I chose...this sort of, like, approachable, doughy, commercial-husband form just to not terrify you.

Madison: Could I maybe see something taller? Or grow some thorns on your penis?

Gary Bunda: Uh, Madison, okay, um, hypothetical -- If I wasn't Satan WHO I TOTALLY AM! [chuckles] We would still what we have, right?

Madison: Mm..no. Why would you ask me that?

Gary Bunda: [deep voice] 'Cause I was testing you! Now you will make out with me again! I command it! [normal voice] And then we can get ice cream.

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added 3 months ago

Gloria: Yoo-hoo.

Gary Bunda: GLORIA! YOU STOP CUTTING IN LINE! You already got some. You don't get a double dickin'.

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added 3 months ago

Madison: What is hell like?

Gary Bunda: It's way less cool than kissing each other.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I've never made out with somebody with a tongue ring before and...I give it 5 out of 5 toaster strudels.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary Bunda does witch orgy]

Gary Bunda: [Satan accent] Now, are you prepared for my diabolical seed?

Madison: Can I take your codpiece off?

Gary Bunda: [Satan accent] You probably should.

Madison: Okay.

Gary Bunda: [normal voice] Oh, it's happening.

[Before Madison was about to take Gary's codpiece off, Gary realizes he already jizzed himself]

Gary Bunda: [normal voice] The juice is loose!

Madison: It's okay. It's okay. Really.

Gary Bunda: [Satan accent] Ah, Satan wanted to do that, so that we could have a conversation first.

Gary Bunda: [normal voice] So, are you in from out of town, or did you -- You live near the orgy?

Madison: Well, I came in from San Diego, but --

Gayr Bunda: [Satan accent] San Diego is a beautiful and temperate city.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I have finally had sex with as many women as I've lied about.

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added 3 months ago

Dizzay: Who got next?

[Claude and Benji point at each other who's doing the next witch orgy except for Gary]

Dizzay: I done already did three in a row, man, I ain't doing another one!

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added 3 months ago

Gloria: Look, I made you something. I made it myself. It's for you.

Dizzay: So sweet, another wind chime. Can you please tell whoever's next to bring me something like a sweet tea. Maybe a lemonade or something like that. You did a great job, baby!

[Dizzay comes back after the witch orgy]

Claude: What's happening, guys?

Dizzay: Got some more witch crap. Damn, this head stinks!

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added 3 months ago

[Dizzay disguises himself with a creature's head doing witches orgy]

Dizzay: Ah, my knees, baby. Damn, we should've got an air mattress or something down here.

Gloria: Well, we can do it closer to mother earth.

Dizzay: What the pine needles? Oh, no, no, no. Oh, no, we done, girl.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Hey, Satan, are you gonna need help with those gold clubs, 'cause of your back? He hurt his back.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I'm gonna be up to my eyebrows in some hot wiccan tail tonight.

Satan: Oh, yeah, It's mostly aging lesbians with wind chimes. But you guys have fun!

Satan: Hey, mosquito repellent. Those things will eat you alive out there.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: I'm supposed to go topside this weekend for The Annual Wiccan Orgy. I don't think I can do it now 'cause of my back. Threw my back out.

Satan: What am I going to do? I...have somebody take my place? And have sex with all those women disguise as me? That's crazy.

Dizzay: Pick me. I'll do it.

Gary Bunda: I'll do it, I'll do it.

Satan: Oh, you guys. Oh, I can't ask you do that. You should all go. You should all go, 'cause, listen, you guys are gonna have to plow these broads in shifts. They have to think you're me.

Satan: So, whoever's slinging the yogurt has got to be wearing this head.

[pulls up a big creature mascot head]

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Oh, my back. I think I threw out my back.

Gary Bunda: Satan, are you okay?

Satan: No, no. I threw out my back.

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added 3 months ago

Witch Leader: [summoning] When solstice lights and fire burns, the devil's dong on earth returns, and like drunk redskins tomahawk, splitting witches on altar rock --

Witch Woman: Drunk redskins tomahawk? Are you kidding?

Witch Leader: This spell was obviously written in a different time.

Witch Woman: And you wonder why we have trouble attracting witches of color.

Witch Leader: Do you guys want me to summon the devil for an orgy or not?

All: Yes.

Witch Leader: [summoning] Splitting witches throughout the weekend...sweating like a bunch of...Puerto Ricans.

Witch Woman: "Sweating like a bunch of Puerto Ricans"? Come on!

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added 3 months ago

Wolfgang Ragekiss: Someone's about to read chapter 13.

Gary Bunda: We can all get out on Wolfgang's back. Anna, grab my hand!

Wolfgang Ragekiss: Oh, sure. Everyone wants to be with me now. Where were you in seventh grade?

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added 3 months ago

Anna: Why are you wearing Jax's leatherjacket?

Gary Bunda: [deep voice] Uh, because I was chilly and he's a cool guy. And also, the Estrogoths abducted him.

Anna: We must go save him from the Estrogoths.

Gary Bunda: [deep voice] No, no, no. I'm sorry. I meant to say that he's dead. He's dead. His body's over there.

Anna: Jax!

Gary Bunda: No, no, no, no. Wait, no. Wait. Anna, no. [deep voice] He's under leaves. He's -- He's asleep with the flower babies. But he said right before he died that, uh, I'm supposed to make out with you.

Anna: But the prophecy said that we would be together for--

Gary Bunda: [deep voice] I know, I know. That's the old prophecy. And it's dumb.

Anna: I just don't know, I have all these young-adult, yet still teenage mixed-up emotions.

Gary Bunda: [deep voice] Hey, it's gonna be alright.

Gary Bunda: [whispers to Wolfgang] What happens next in the book that I should do?

Wolfgang Ragekiss: It's ruined at this point.

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added 3 months ago

Jax: Came as fast as I--

[Jax gets hit by a log from Modok]

Gary Bunda: Modok. Modok, Modok! That's Jax Longstraw! That's Jax Longstraw. He's the hero.

Modok: Jax?

Gary Bunda: Yeah, it's Jax.

Modok: No. [cries out]

Wolfgang Ragekiss: Jax was supposed to meet Anna right here tonight at The Apex of The Two Moons of Gondor.

Gary Bunda: When is that exactly?

Anna: [echoing] Jax? Jax, where are you?

Gary Bunda: Aw, sh*t.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Oh, so we're in Necro-merica right now?

Wolfgang Ragekiss: Mm-hmm.

Gary Bunda: So that's where the teenage girls are sent when they are made illegal?

Wolfgang Ragekiss: Yes.

Gary Bunda: [surprised] What the...

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added 3 months ago

[Modok and Wolfgang scream at each other]

Gary Bunda: Alright! Okay, okay! We all work for the same people. Here take a look at my badge.

[Wolfgang sees Gary's badge that he realizes he works for the same crew]

Wolfgang Ragekiss: Oh, why did you read the book? Didn't they explicitly state not to read the book?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [to Claude on phone] Claude, thank god I caught you. I got sucked into the book --

Claude: I don't care. [hangs up]

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added 3 months ago

[Claude reading the New-Cronomicon book]

Claude (as Maid): [reads] "Jax and Anna laid together in the straw of their naked limbs intertwined." What are they talking about? You lie together. You don't lay together. Who proofed this thing?

Eddie (as Maid #2): Well, I took "Lay" to mean they both got laid, you know?

Claude (as Maid): No man is gonna read this, it's just gonna be a bunch of middle-aged housewives in hell now.

Eddie (as Maid #2): And that's a bad thing?

Claude (as Maid): He told me I wouldn't be able to put it down. I'm literally putting it down.

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added 3 months ago

Modok: What happen next?

Gary Bunda: No.

Modok: What happen next, Gary?

Gary Bunda: No, Modok. We have been over this.

Modok: What happen next?

Gary Bunda: No!

Mdook: What happen next?

Gary Bunda: I will not be pushed again.

Modok: What happen next? What happen next?! What happen next?! WHAT HAPPEN NEXT?!

Gary Bunda: I do not appreciate your tone.


Gary Bunda: No, Modok, I need you to calm down before we can have a conversation.

Modok: [rips and grabs the bench] What happen next?!

Gary Bunda: Modok, Modok -- Okay, you know what? Alright. Okay. We will read up until this fish monster would come out, okay, and that's it, alright?

Gary Bunda: [laughs] That makes you happy. I want to read it, too, anyway.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary continues reading the New-Cronomicon book]

Gary Bunda: "The sign loomed over her lithe frame. It read 'Banishment Island straight ahead' in bold, block letters. Anna Francelica sighed. She knew today, she was to turn 18 -- The day that she'd become an enemy of the state."

Modok: Clarissa mean. Jack's made with Anna. No Clarissa.

Gary Bunda: I know, but, what are you gonna do? Jax is a vampire. Anna's father hunts vampires. We learned that in chapter six.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [reads the New-Cronomicon book] "Meet Anna Francelica, a girl on the verge of here 18th birthday, when teenage girls are made illegal, and love is on the run.

Gary Bunda: That's a hell of a hook.

Big N' Wide (as a book): Hey, bro, Big red -- He don't like you reading that book, man.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, we're not gonna read it. We might skim it.

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added 3 months ago

Modok: Modok read book.

Gary Bunda: No! No, no, no. Modok, it's bad. Book is bad, okay?

Modok: Modok, no read book?

Gary Bunda: That's right. Now you're getting it.

Modok: Gary read book. Gary read book.

Gary Bunda: No.

Modok: Read book, Gary.

Gary Bunda: No. Specifically we were told --

Modok: [smashes Gary with a book] READ BOOK! READ BOOK! READ BOOK!

Gary Bunda: No! [sobs] Stop it! Stop hitting me, alright?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [to Modok] Listen, I just need you not to do anything. I need you not to say anything. I need you to take that necktie off your head and put it around your neck like a Mormon, alright?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda (as Teen Saint): Hi. We're from the Church of Latter Day Saints, and I wanted to see if you'd be interested in the Mormon bible.

Neighbor Woman: Is that hair?

Gary Bunda (as Teen Saint): Y-Yeah. That's a scrotum. I'm so sorry. Here's a fresh copy.

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added 3 months ago

[The Necronomicon book vomits on Benji]

Vomiting Necronomicon: Sorry. [vomits] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Oh, I'm afraid of heights.

Vomiting Necronomicon: Hey, this is a really high shelf.

Benji: I found what I needed. Thank you.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Do not open the book. 'Cause once you start reading it, you cannot stop. It literally sucks you in.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: How's that Sun God working out for you, Modok?

[Modok smashing a fax machine]

Satan: I said how's that Sun -- [laughing] He can't understand a thing I'm saying. He's great.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Oh, uh, looks like Modok doesn't have a partner.

Modok: [yells] Modok! Modoook! Modok!

Satan: Gary, why don't you, uh, partner up with Modok, alright? But don't look at him in the eye. It's a sign of aggression.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Modok can't read!

Satan: You wanted some diversity down here. I brought some of these cave people.

Gary Bunda: We wanted women.

Satan: It's not his fault he died a million years before Jesus Christ was born.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Now partner up, demons! You're going topside in 20!

Gary Bunda: Claude, you and me?

Claude: Uh, sorry, Gar. I'm already paired up with...Eddie, do you have a partner?

Eddie: No.

Claude: I'm already paired up with Eddie.

Eddie: We're together.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Behold. "The Bad Book is back.

Claude: So, we're trotting out the Necronomicon again.

Satan: No, Claude. This is the New-Cronomicon. What I did is is spiced up the ancient text a little bit, and, I, uh -- I added a teenage-romance angle, and then I just sprinkled in some werewolves, some vampires. It's --

Claude: So, is it available on iPad and Kindle?

Satan: No, just flesh.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Big N' Wide! Need you down at publishing asap. Having a book drive.

Satan: Shane, Leo, you're booked, too.

Big N' Wide: Aw, sh*t.

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added 3 months ago

[Joanna came back to bring Claude back to hell again]

Joanna: Claude, honey! Where are you, babe?

Claude: Oh, crap.

Satan: Oh, looks like true love has found you again, Claude.

Joanna: Oh, I see your ass under that table. Get up here!

Claude: I think we need some time apart!

Joanna: I swam through a river of sh*t for you!

Gary Bunda: Joanna! Joanna! I'm over here! I love you!

Claude: Yeah, he's great!

Joanna: No! True love is forever Claude!

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Satan, let me just start off by saying I am so sorry, okay?

Satan: You know, I was really pulling for you guys, Claude.

Claude: I had no say in the matter. You know I would never do anything to hurt you.

Satan: No, I know. 'Cause she made you flip me off and say "See ya, dicks."

Claude: She made me say "See ya, dicks."

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added 3 months ago

Joanna: After this, you are gonna get hard and give me a baby.

Claude: I'm just gonna turn up the volume on the tv so we can hear all the spots where we're supposed to laugh.

Joanna: Wait, but, sweetie, I have the remote right here.

[Claude smashes through window killing himself to get back to his headquarters]

Joanna: Get back here!

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added 3 months ago

Joanna: Hello, my love. How was your day?

Claude: Help.

Joanna: Help you? I'm the one who needs help with all those groceries, you silly lazy bones.

Joanna: [serious tone] Uh-oh. Looks like somebody had an accident.

[cuts to the next scene Claude is trapped in an animal cage as a slave]

Claude: [sobbing] You we're gone so long! I couldn't hold it in!

Joanna: [uses bottle spray on Claude] You shut up! You shut up!

Claude: Ow! It burns!

Joanna: Do you wanna watch "How I Met Your Mother"?

Claude: Yes, dear!

Joanna: Do you even play with your toys? I bought you those toys, and you don't even play with them!

Claude: I'm playing with it! I'm playing with it!

Joanna: You don't appreciate anything I do for you!

Claude: [sobbing] I love you.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: I told that bat you better eat your Wheaties this week. Oh, and I have a live video feed from that tree in Germany.

[Sees the video of the troll sleeping with tranquilizer darts]

Satan: Oh, boy. Doesn't look like the troll's been too busy, huh? Taking a little nap.

Claude: Or...he was drugged.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Mom, I got you an oven mitt, I got you a knife, I got you a snorkel for the river of vomit, I got you nunchucks for the troll, and I got you this cool karate stick.

Geoff: It's a Kabotu war staff, and it's mine. Mom is at church. She asked me to come talk to you.

Gary Bunda: Geoff, this has nothing to do with you, man.

Geoff: You asked a 70-year-old woman to dig into hell...

Gary Bunda: -Yeah.

Geoff: ...to fight a troll. If she falls again, we could be talking hospice.

Gary Bunda: Wait, wait, wait. What about a brother's love, Geoff?

Geoff: It's step-brother. What's happening to your legs?

Gary Bunda: Nothing, nothing. No big deal. I love you.

Geoff: Look, you're a neat guy, Gary.

Gary Bunda: I'm taking your stupid bow staff, It's a curtain rod. You suck, Geoff!

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added 3 months ago

[Claude pretends by using Eddie to grab him inside the Hellmouth, making a dramatic sequence to her wife, Joanna]

Claude: Oh, it's pulling. I love you! Ohh!

Joanna: Oh, god, no!

Claude: [weakly] Aah!

Claude: Tranquilizer darts. For the troll. Just in case you decide to. No pressure, but...

[Claude gets back to the pretending]

Claude: Aah! The fire burns through my heart!

Eddie: I'm dragging you to hell!

Joanna: Oh, Claude! [sobbing]

Claude: That was great, Eddie!

Eddie: I felt good! I think the roars really sold it.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Joanna. I have to go, but I...love you.

Joanna: Oh!

Claude: And I would walk 500 miles for your weird body.

Claude: But Hell's even further away than that, baby.

Joanna: Wait. But you said there's a tree in Germany, and I have -- True love comes to get you out...

Claude: Don't try to come after me. It's too damn dangerous. But at the same time, the troll you'd have to attack is very easily defeatable. It's very old.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Okay, Mom, one more time -- There's a tree stump in Germany.

Gary's Mom: In Europe.

Gary Bunda: Yeah. Yes. Yes. 'Cause Germany is in Europe. You remember!

Gary Bunda: And you have to get to this tree stump, and it is guarded by a very aggressive troll.

Gary's Mom: Do I have to drive on the wrong side of the road?

Gary Bunda: Yes. Yes! Yes! Of course you will. Yes!

Gary Bunda: What are you doing?

Gary's Mom: I e-mailed Father Benson, and...and he said this was not a good idea to go to hell.

Gary Bunda: Why did you do that? That's a surprise.

Gary's Mom: You could be the devil now.

Gary Bunda: Down there, Mom, they make a knife come alive, and it crawls up inside of me, alright? For days. And it goes in and out, in and out, okay? But your love will get me out of there. [smooches Gary's Mom's hand]

Gary's Mom: Okay, dear.

Gary Bunda: Yeah! Gary! Alright. Come on! Let's do this! We got to get you a gun.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: It's not a physical thing with me, you know? It's emotional. I'm listening to you. I'm interested! I'm interested in you! I want to know -- Hey, I want to know --

Bar Woman: I have a rape whistle.

Gary Bunda: Well, I have a whole rape guitar at my apartment.

Bar Woman: I don't put tater tots in my ears, and I'm not a lesbian.

[Gary sees a reflection of himself as a woman disguised by using a scarf]

Gary Bunda: I thought it was a man scarf! Men are wearing scarves now!

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added 3 months ago

[Joanna tries to get dirty with Claude]

Claude: No. No, leave it. Leave it.

Joanna: No, no. Take your shirt off. Get dirty. Get dirty.

[Joanna takes off Claude's shirt which reveal Claude's former self as a devil]

Claude: Okay, now, there's something I should tell you.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary Bunda tries attract a woman by using Greg's hat to blend in but failed miserably]

Gary Bunda (as Greg): Hey. What's up?

Bar Woman #2: Hey.

Gary Bunda (as Greg): Your breath stinks like shit.

Gary Bunda (as Greg): Yeah. And you got orange teeth like you've been chewing on those cut-rate corn chips, huh? What, are you too poor to afford the good ones?

Bar Woman #2: Oh f*** you. [slaps Gary]

Greg: What did my twin brother just tell you? He is so rude. Let me get you away from this man.

Gary Bunda (as Greg): You made me insult a woman.

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added 3 months ago

Greg: I want you to go over there and crush her self-esteem so she feels like garbage, and then she'll think you're the champ.

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Greg: You got your peacock on?

Gary Bunda: Yeah! Um...I was gonna do, um...I'm Tater-Tots-In-My-Ears guy.

Greg: No.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [to Eddie] Okay, listen, alright? You're talking too much about yourself. Ask her questions about herself.

Gary Bunda: Hey, lady, you want some tater tots?

Bar Woman: Alright. Okay.

[The Bar Woman leaves]

Gary Bunda: See?

Eddie: Don't.

Gary Bunda: She said no.

Eddie: What are you doing?

Gary Bunda: But I learned something about her.

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added 3 months ago

Eddie: There, uh...there aren't many, uh, women where I'm from.

Bar Woman: Oh, that's weird.

Eddie: [chuckles] What do you do?

Bar Woman: Um, retail.

Eddie: Oh, You know who's got a tail?

Bar Woman: No.

Eddie: [whines] The Devil!

Gary Bunda: Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.

Eddie: I'm from hell. I'm doing very good, okay?

Gary Bunda: No, you're not. I can see from across the room.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: I remember a lot of things about that night, and...I'd like them not to be memories anymore. I'd like them to be present-tense happenings.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Hey. How's it going, Joanne?

Joanna: A -- Joanna.

Claude: Joanna. That's what I said. Remember me?

Joanna: Yeah, Claude, I-I remember.

Claude: You don't have a limp, do you?

Joanna: You got all those those texts I sent from the hospital, right?

Claude: My phone had a virus. Malware. But I tried to send you texts for the last eight years, Joanna.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary uses one of Greg's supplies to disguise himself for true love]

Gary Bunda: Okay, am I handsome? Am I handsome? How do I look?

[Gary turns into a kid]

Benji: Hey, partner. I got some pogs here in my pocket. You guys still like pogs?

Gary Bunda (as kid): Gross, Benji! It's Gary!

Benji: Oh, sorry, Gary. Didn't know you were in there. [chuckles] I just was feeling a connection.

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added 3 months ago

[Joanna tries to kill herself by falling off her window]

Claude: Oh. Are you -- Are you okay?

Joanna: [groans]

Claude: You're good. She's good.

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added 3 months ago

Joanna: Want to go get breakfast or something?

Claude: Uh...

Joanna: Wait, did you just look at her?

Claude: Who?

Joanna: Oh, you think she's prettier than me.

Claude: There's literally no one here.


Claude: What? We didn't even hook up!


Claude: No. Don't do that, Joanne.

Joanna: JOANNA!

Claude: I-I was gonna say that. You cut me off. That's rude on your part. I know I might be wrong to leave, but that's rude.

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added 3 months ago

Joanna: Where are you going?

Claude: Oh, um, hey, did you see my other penny loafer up there?

Joanna: I hid it in the ceiling so you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: You pathetic sh*ts actually think that there's someone up there that loves you, truly loves you? Alright.

Satan: I'm gonna give you assholes 48 hours at the surface.

Gary Bunda: Yeah! Go to the top.

Satan: See how much true love there is for you up there. Go find it!

Gary Bunda: Gentleman's weekend in Thailand!

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added 3 months ago

[The employees saw William get snatch by her wife, Sheila on a demon bird sending them to the real world]

Satan: Alright, alright. Nothing to see. It's over.

Gary Bunda: What just happened?!

Satan: True love, alright? So, everyone just, uh, go back to your sloppy todds.

Gary Bunda: Is he gone? Like, gone gone.

Claude: True love can get us out of here?

Satan: Yeah.

[The employees were surprised and excited]

Satan: It's a big deal, okay? 'Cause they've got to, like, crawl through a tree stump and beat up a troll and then, like, swim through a bunch of throw-up. It's --

Gary Bunda: I had a girlfriend who said that she truly loved me, um, but that she wasn't, like, in truly, love with me. And then she had complications with her car. And the steering wheel was all wonky.

Satan: She was f***ing your brother, Jeff?

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Satan: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, I found out about the later.

[Benji raises his hand]

Satan: Uh, no, Benji. A boy that you raped doesn't count. Nice try, though.

Benji: Aw.

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added 3 months ago

Todd: Gary!

Gary Bunda: Todd?

Todd: Oh, you got to get me out of here, man!

Gary Bunda: Alright! Sloppy Todd Tuesday.

Todd: [crying] Gary!

Gary Bunda: [singing] Sloppy Todd Tuesday, Gary's favorite day.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Pretty certain somebody farted in the lemonade, which is actually a relief 'cause it wasn't straight pee-pee.

Gary Bunda: You know, the fart kind of added a sort of spicy end to it, which is pretty good.

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added 3 months ago

[The Cleaning Woman reveals to be Jett Copperhead the whole time]

Gary Bunda: Oh, sh*t! What happened to her?! What did you do to her?! What did you do?! Rosalina?!

[Gary screams in surprisement and fear]

Satan: Press the down button, please.

Gary Bunda: I can't stop screaming I can't stop screaming! Who am I gonna be? Who am I -- Who am I gonna be? [Gary tries to rips his face to see if he's a different person] Who am I gonna -- I think I'm me.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [to Cleaning Woman] So, yo quiero -- Like, you -- Yo quiero...to, um, you know what I'm trying to say? You quier -- Do you like to clean, eh? Do you like to clean, eh?

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead: Hey, beelzeboob. I never wanted kids in the first place!

Gary Bunda: We still have his precious cleaning woman.

Cleaning Woman: Que Sucio.

Satan: Oh, god. Get her ass out of here.

Gary Bunda: [to Cleaning Woman] Alright, quit it. Quit it. It's supposed to be dirty.

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added 3 months ago

[Claude throws Jett's wife and kids into the lava]

Claude: Watch your step. Come on, guys. Don't worry. It's fake. Just go. Alright, buddy. Life's an illusion. Alright. [South Dakota whips Claude] Hey! Come on, South Dakota. There you go.

[Claude comes back to tell Satan that Jett's family are gone]

Satan: You watch.

Jett Copperhead: Do it.

Satan: It's gonna happen.

Claude: I, uh, murdered the boys and the mother.

Satan: Why?

Claude: You just told me to.

Satan: I got nothing! I was bluffing!

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Alright, Jett! You leave me no choice! Claude --

Jett Copperhead: Okay, alright! Fine!

Satan: What?

Jett Copperhead: Do it.

Satan: Oh, we -- We are doing it.

Jett Copperhead: Do it.

Satan: We're doing it.

Jett Copperhead: I hope you do.

Satan: We are!

Jett Copperhead: Good!

Satan: Gonna happen.

Jett Copperhead: Do it.

Satan: We're gonna do it.

Jett Copperhead: Okay.

Satan: We're doing it.

Jett Copperhead: Yeah, do it.

Satan: We're -- We're doing it!

Jett Copperhead: Do it.

Satan: Claude --

Jett Copperhead: Do it.

Satan: We -- We're doing it.

Jett Copperhead: Good.

Satan: We're already doing it.

Jett Copperhead: Do it.

Satan: [to Claude] Don't do it.

Satan: We're doing it! I just -- We got to --

Jett Copperhead: Do you want me to do it?

Satan: We're doing it! Do it.

Claude: Do it?

Satan: Do it.

Jett Copperhead: Do it.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Alright, Jett! I've got your wife and both your kids. I am gonna dump your family in the lava --

Gary Bunda: We also have your cleaning woman. And you're gonna need to get another. Your house is gonna get all dirty, and you're gonna --

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added 3 months ago

[Satan's tongue magically pulls out colored scarves]

Gary Bunda: Do you want me to go get the nurse? So many scarves! [laughs]

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added 3 months ago

Claude: It says he'll possess ultimate powers of through death.

Satan: No, no, no. No, no. "Until death." The clause always says until death.

Claude: Yeah, "Until" was crossed out and changed to "Through." It's initialed.

Satan: Are you telling me this backwoods idiot has powers equal to mine, and there's nothing I can do about it?

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added 3 months ago

[Satan shows up and sees Gary trapped in a box of swords]

Satan: What's up?

Gary Bunda: Oh, we had him. We had him for a little bit, but then...

Satan: He asked you to volunteer, didn't he?

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Satan: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: And I did. I wanted to be in the show. You know, but then I don't think he's coming back. I don't think he's gonna finish this trick.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Satan wants us to skin you...and turn you inside out...and add a bunch of nerve endings to you, so you're gonna feel what we're about to do to you even more.

Jett Copperhead: Yeah, I understand. That makes sense. Sure.

Gary Bunda: But can I ask you one question before I stick this in your penis? How did you put boobies on a man?

[Jett magically stand next to Gary in back of him]

Jett Copperhead: Just a little thing called misdirection.

Gary Bunda: What?! How did you do that?

[Gary saw Claude that got magically transported to a torture machine that Jett was in]

Claude: Doesn't matter how he did it! Fix it! Do something!

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added 3 months ago

[Satan and his employees tries to flip the christian cross cage sending them free]

Satan: Jett! Now the cross are upside down.

Jett Copperhead: Sh*t. I didn't know that that was a thing.

Satan: Yeah. It's a thing.

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead on TV: Now, some big-city liberals, they'll tell you, "Hey, he ain't real." But I'm here to tell you that he is.

Gary Bunda: I think it's gonna be a dragon.

Jett Copperhead on TV: And I think y'all know who I'm talking about...

Gary Bunda: Or a gorilla. That'd be sweet.

Satan: No, no. Jett, don't do it. Don't!

Jett Copperhead: Speak of the devil! Whoo! I got me Satan and two of his little goblins in a cage!

Jett Copperhead: Do not be alarmed, for this cage is lined with christian crosses to help us double cross the ultimate double crosser.

Jett Copperhead: I need you to say with me. "Give Jett his soul back."

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead: Looks like junior's got Dad's phone. Oh, and he's sending Mama a text. Check your phone, Mama. Are you receiving a text?

Pregnant Woman: Yes. "Goo, goo, gah, gah. Can I borrow the keys to the car?

Husband: Get that f***ing cellphone out of my wife.

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead: ...If they have a lactation room! Whoo-wee!

[Jett pulls off the citizen's shirt wearing ladies' bra]

Gary Bunda: Oh, snap! Oh, snap!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: He's gonna end racism.

Satan: What?

Gary Bunda: He can make you any color, man. So, you don't like to be chinese anymore? Boom, boom, boom. He makes you white.

Claude: That's racist.

Gary Bunda: It ends racism. He makes everybody the same.

Claude: No.

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead: Now, sir, you hate black people. Is that correct?

Citizen: No, no, no. No, that's not true. No, no, no.

Jett Copperhead: [laughing] Oh. Come on, sir. You flying with the Jett now. Do you hate black people?

Citizen: Just a little. I mean, you know, the bad ones.

Jett Copperhead: Just the bad ones.

Jett Copperhead: I guess you're gonna have to learn how to hate yourself. Copperhead!

[Jett puts a KKK mask on the citizen's head which transforms his face into a black guy]

Jett Copperhead: It looks like you just found yourself some rhythm.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Uh, who's got a pen?

Jett Copperhead: Anybody got a pen?

Gary Bunda: I don't have a pen.

Jett Copperhead: Pen? No? Oh, I think I know where one is.

[Jett magically pulls the pen out of Gary's butt]

Jett Copperhead: Dipstick! [laughs] Whoa. Looks like you're a quart low.

[Gary sniffs the pen]

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added 3 months ago

[Jett gives one of his kid's souls to sign for the devil on backstage]

Jett Copperhead: Alright, sign here, Dakota.

North Dakota: Right here?

Jett Copperhead: Alright. I just want you to initial there. Yeah.

South Dakota: I want to sign.

Jett Copperhead: No. Not you, South Dakota. You're good, you understand me? You're not signing anything, baby. You're my precious, little boy.

Jett Copperhead: [to North Dakota] Did you sign that?

North Dakota: Yeah.

Jett Copperhead: Okay. [to South Dakota] My precious, precious boy --

Jett's Wife: Honey? Why does this talk about our immortal soul?

Jett Copperhead: Baby, don't read that. It's just life insurance. You know how them pinheaded lawyers are. "In the known universe," "In perpetuity," blah, blah, blah.

Jett's Wife: It just says that the cleaning lady has to sign, so I just didn't --

Jett Copperhead: Hey, what can I say? She's like family to me.

Jett's Wife: Right? She is.

Jett Copperhead: I want to have an umbrella of safety for everyone.

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead: I just need one more month of magic. That's it. Just one more month. I got to leave something for my kids!

Satan: One more month. I want one more soul. One of your kids.

Jett Copperhead: Come on! I only got the two!

Claude: And your wife. Price just went up.

Gary Bunda: Oh, yeah. And your cleaning woman, as well. And I'd also like some merch because I'm really starting to think that bobbleheads is a cool collection.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: It's time to come home, Jett. Maybe you got some sleeping pills to take with that booze.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Did you put your savings in a low-cost index fund as I had suggested?

Jett Copperhead: [crying] I bet it all on a basketball game!

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead: I made an old gal disappear, and I can't get her back. I mean, did you have to make my powers go away in the middle of a ding-dang show?

Satan: Four years was the ding-dang deal, Jett. Should've kept a day planner.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Jett. Wake up.

Jett Copperhead: Oh, hey!

[Gary kicks Jett's hand for Satan's protection]

Gary Bunda: Just don't go anywhere near him!

Satan: Don't touch me.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: I'm such an asshole.

Gary Bunda: [laughs] You are a f***ing asshole.

[Satan gets offended again]

Gary Bunda: I respect you.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I know what a computer is, Claude.

Claude: Do you, Gary? Then what is it?

Gary Bunda: It's a typewriter with porn in it.

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead: For all that you have done for this country, Copperhead!

[Jett puts the disarmed arms from the park woman and put the parts as legs for the retired veteran]

Jett Copperhead: Now, I want you to stand up.

Jimmy: I can't stand so good.

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead: Ma'am! Ma'am! You support the troops, don't you?

Park Woman: Well, yeah, but I'm just here running.

Jett Copperhead: Hey. It's only gonna take a second, okay? You stand right there. And I need you to relax.

Park Woman: Okay.

Jett Copperhead: This is only gonna take a second. Ooh! Breathe in for me, Amy.

[Jett rips both of the park woman's arms]

Jett Copperhead: Kapoohame!

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added 3 months ago

Jett Copperhead: What's your name, son?

Jimmy: Jimmy.

Jett Copperhead: Jimmy. And how'd you lose your legs, Jimmy? Gulf War? Vietnam?

Jimmy: Diabetes.

Jett Copperhead: Diabetes. The most american disease there is.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: You know how they say that all dogs go to heaven? They don't. Sometimes they go to hell.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: You like dogs, Gary?

Gary Bunda: Puppies!

[cuts to next scene where Gary has a hard time trying to communicate with a dog]

Gary Bunda: Lick your balls. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if that's a problem with your moral compass.

Gary Bunda: I'm still waiting on an angel. It feels like I've been here 45 minutes waiting on an angel, unless they don't waste one on stupid dogs!

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added 3 months ago

Satan: You know, Gar, I don't think I can trust you on shoulders.

Gary Bunda: That's cool 'cause uh, I have been meaning to say this to you for a while, but I think you're a good guy, but I don't think I've had the best management. And I don't think you're the best manager.

Gary Bunda: I just felt like I needed to say that.

Satan: Hmm.

Gary Bunda: Give you some feedback. I'm glad this is an open work environment.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: My work order said that my guy had been annoyed for months.

Gary Bunda: How'd you get a work order?

Claude: I just asked for one.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary finally killed the Angel's domain and shows the Satan and employees how he does it]

Gary Bunda: I guess I'll be sleeping on a goose-down pillow tonight. Hey, let's put it up on the screen. I want to see it. I want all you guys to see how I made a guy jump off a building because of what I said to him.

[shows the first part of the video where Gary drops Satan's Angel slayer]

Gary Bunda: Just fast-forward past this part.

[shows another part of the video where there's another guy having Claude on his shoulder standing next to the man who spits on people]

Claude: Come on. Push him. They'll think he slipped.

[the Man pushes spitting guy off the building]

Erick: Stop spitting loogies on people!

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added 3 months ago

[Gary tries to kill the angel by grabbing the Angel's ring]

Gary Bunda: I just wanted to say thank you so much for teaching me about the righteous path. It really worked out for me...while I was down in hell!

Angel #2: Happy to help. Stay on your side, Gary.

Gary Bunda: No! I want to pray together, Ollie...Tabooger. What kind of name is that? Is it Scotch Irish?

Gary Bunda: You know, I was thinking maybe you could change your name to You'll-Eat-A-Damn-Booger!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Alright, jump! Don't jump. Don't jump...till I'm gone. Then you can jump. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Angel #2: He's not going to jump. He just comes up here to spit loogies on people. Don't do that by the way. It's gross.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: This is the Angel Slayer, Gary.

Gary Bunda: Whoa. It's like anime.

Satan: My own personal weapon for armageddon. You are going to take this and ram it into that feathery f***. You got me? No talk. No discussion. You just ram it into his spine!

Gary Bunda: That's a really intense prank, but I can do that.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: You haven't got a soul to give to christ, you ham-headed f***.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, well, isn't my soul in one of those big jars that you got? I think it would be super-cool if maybe --

Satan: No, no, no, no! They are laughing at us up in heaven, Gary. You got punked.

Gary Bunda: Ollie says that angels never lie.

Satan: What -- What was his name?

Gary Bunda: Ollie.

Satan: What's his last name?

Gary Bunda: Tabooger.

Satan: S-Say -- Say his name again.

Gary Bunda: Ollie Tabooger.

Satan: Again.

Gary Bunda: Ollie Tabooger. Well, his name's Oliver, but he goes by Ollie...Tabooger.

Claude: I'll...eat...a...booger, Gary?

Gary Bunda: That's disgusting, Claude. The fact that you eat your boogers and then publicly announce that you eat your...[realizes Ollie's name was a joke]

Gary Bunda: Eff this! Eff it! Eff you, Ollie, If that's even your name!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Have you heard the good news today? Jesus Christ has a plan for all of us.

Dizzay: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh.

Gary Bunda: I gave my soul to Jesus Christ. I've never been happier.

Dizzay: Gary, you -- You a demon, man.

Gary Bunda: Come, pray with me. It's okay. It's okay.

Dizzay: Gary. Gary, Gary, I don't feel comfortable.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [crying] People have been cutting people's heads off. And then they go -- And they're kissing them like they're a make-out buddy. And then I was gonna talk to him about messing a up mannequin.

Gary Bunda: And the guy -- You went down to talk to him about not stopping, and I don't know which way up or down is!

Angel #2: I know someone who knows what's up and down. Can I tell you a story about how I allowed Jesus Christ into my life?

Gary Bunda: That sounds boring, but sure.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Ah, okay, teleport. Done. "E" -- Evaluate. Okay, dark crawl space. Ah. Take that headless mannequin and throw it in the puddle over there and ruin it.

Gary Bunda: Yeah. Just drag it over to the...[sees a dead body] Is that blood? Is that straight blood?

Angel #2: There's always time to ask God's forgiveness.

Gary Bunda: Oh, my...what are you -- What are you doing with that? No, dude, what are you...?

Angel #2: Mnh. Put the head down.

Gary Bunda: Put the head down!

[the Officer kisses the severed head]


Angel #2: [happily] I cannot get through to this one.

Gary Bunda: What is he...get me out of here!

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Claude is ready for premium shoulders. You got no fire!

Gary Bunda: I got fire!

Satan: I want you in their ears telling them what to do and how to do it!

Gary Bunda: Hot fire! I tell people what to do, and they do it well!

Satan: Get up there.

Gary Bunda: Whoo!

Satan: I want you to show me!

Gary Bunda: Why don't you come here? Why don't you turn on my belt? And I'm gonna go down there, and I'm gonna crush this.

[One of Satan's fingernails got clipped when he touches Gary's belt to transport him for another chance]

Satan: Damn it. I lost a nail. Everyone look around. I lost a nail.

Claude: Guys, find it! Now! Find it!

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Gary thinks that angel is better than him.

Gary Bunda: No. It's -- I mean, that angel went to heaven, and he didn't commit some horrible sin that sent them all here, but --

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Your buddy Claude here has been crushing it. Got somebody to throw a dog off a bridge.

Claude: I did.

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added 3 months ago

Demon Teacher: She's going to the dermatologist now. That monstrosity was precancerous. You might have saved her life, you chubnut.

Gary Bunda: Maybe she'll go on to live and kill a bunch of priests.

Satan: You were up there yakking it up with that f***ing angel, weren't you?

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added 3 months ago

Angel #2: Also, don't steal that money.

Gary Bunda: Do steal the money from the plate a-a-and spit in the plate so when the priest touches it, he gets it all over his hands.

Angel #2: Geez, that's a recipe for hepatitis.

Gary Bunda: Pull out your long boobies, and I want you swing 'em around like a bunch of maces.

Angel #2: Oh, groovy.

Gary Bunda: Wave your boobies around!

[Gary gets transported back to office while still making a plan from shoulder working]

Gary Bunda: Go over and make that kid hard. Go touch his penis. Go touch that kid's pe-- [realizes he's already in the office]

Gary Bunda: I've, like, been in this room for a while, right?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Okay, um, um, evaluate. Um, oh. Hmm. That mole really should be looked at. You should get that checked out.

Angel #2: Boy, he's right. It looks irregular.

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added 3 months ago

Demon Teacher: Did you do the up-sell?

Gary Bunda: He's gonna go over there, and he's gonna touch that, uh -- That kid's, uh, wiener.

Demon Teacher: No, he's not. You didn't evaluate, mister.

Angel #2: Can you help him? He needs help.

Gary Bunda: He got a work order.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: What is that? What is that, Pirate Vampires?

Angel #2: Call it "Vampirates."

Gary Bunda: That's a great idea.

Angel #2: I took a class.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: That looks like a $9 tip.

Gary Bunda: It's less than 20%.

Claude: It's 23%.

Gary Bunda: That's what I said. It's less than 25%.

Claude: You're supposed to tip 20%.

Gary Bunda: It used to be 20%.

Claude: It used to be 15%.

Gary Bunda: It used to be 15% and then it used to be 20%, and now it's 25%, right? And it keeps getting higher and higher. Next week, I'm gonna be serving food to a waiter.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: My guy's about to dine and dash, so...but you got to make sure she voids that credit-card transaction, and then you dash.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Spit in that guy's food. He looks like a dick.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Um, okay. Make a plan. We are in a...restaurant. Pull your wiener out. Um, pull your wiener out! And when you got your -- When your -- Wave it -- Wave it around like a helicopter.

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added 3 months ago

Angel #2: You've been here for two hours working on your screenplay, and you're just going to round up on the tip?

Gary Bunda: Two hours? How do you know that?

Angel #2: Work order. Why don't you make that 1 into a 9?

Gary Bunda: Why don't you take that 9 and make it into a...gross wiener?

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added 3 months ago

Demon Teacher: How did it go? Did you evaluate? Do the up-sell?

Gary Bunda: I got to get back to her. She had already stolen a bunch of fresh peaches and put them under her shirt...from a cantaloupe store.

Demon Teacher: [demon voice] YOU LIAAAAAAAAR!

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added 3 months ago

Demon Teacher: Now, I know you're all pumped up, but don't go turning your belts on just yet.

Gary Bunda: Mine's a little snug.

Demon Teacher: I said don't turn it on!

Gary Bunda: Is it on? Ooh.

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added 3 months ago

Benji: It's easy when you remember these simple steps. Just use the acronym "T.E.M.P.T.U.R.D.T.S." "T" -- Teleport. "E" -- Evaluate. This guys wants that jerky, but he doesn't have the money.

Benji: M.P. -- Make a plan. I'm gonna tell this guy to put that jerky in his pants. "T" again -- Tell the plan. Put that jerky in your pants.

Benji: "U" -- Up-Sell. Hey, wouldn't it be fun to bind, torture, and kill that guy? That way, you have all the jerky you want and that beer.

[the teenager disagrees of doing it]

Benji: We'll get him next time.

Benji: "R" -- Remember to always stay on the right shoulder, which is the left shoulder. The correct shoulder is the left. The right shoulder is the angel's domain.

Angel #1: But you're on the right shoulder.

Benji: Ah, ah, ah. D.T. -- Do not talk to the angel.

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added 3 months ago

Benji: It's like taking beef jerky from a baby, or in this a convenience store. And you're in and out before that pesky angel even got a word in edgewise.

Angel #1: What did I miss?

Benji: Too little, too late, goody two shoes.

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added 3 months ago

Benji: Mmm! That beef jerky sure looks good, doesn't it, Jimmy? Look at that filthy immigrant fiddling with his herbal cigarettes. Why not just slip it in your pants? Who's going to know?

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Why do I have to go to the bathroom all of a sudden?

Gary Bunda: I went. I just wanted to see if our dicks were attached, and...

Claude: They are.

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I didn't really expect him to do this. With the, you know, putting the fingertips and toes, merging them. Did you expect him to do this when he took his shoes, he said "Hey, take your shoes off"?

Claude: Yes. Just pick up the pace, okay?

Gary Bunda: Okay. You know, it could be, like, mad worse. He could do that "Human Centipede" thing to us.

Kamal: No! No, Gary! Satan doesn't know about the [sees Satan] mo-mo-movie.

Satan: "Human Centipede." What is that?

Gary Bunda: Ohh, "Human Centipede".

Claude: No.

Gary Bunda: It's this crazy documentary I saw...

Claude: No, No.

Gary Bunda: ...that's got a German scientist, and he takes this Asian and these two naked chicks, right, and he sews up their mouths to their buttholes, right, and then they eat each other's dookies.

Gary Bunda: The thing is, like, scientifically, you could eat somebody else's dookies for like two months 'cause there's enough nutrients.

Satan: Dookie.

Gary Bunda: It's pretty good. You'll like it.

Satan: Butthole to mouth, huh? Check that out.

Gary Bunda: Yeah. [realizes] Oh, no. We're gonna be eating dookies.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Satan, I think I can take on a bigger role, do more of the hands-on stuff.

Satan: Hm. Yeah, Claude, I like that. Little more hands-on with Gary. And a little more feets-on with Gary.

Claude: I don't understand.

Gary Bunda: What is feets on?

[cuts to the next scene where Gary and Claude got merged with their hands and feet]

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Psyklone and the Thin Twins were having a little bit of trouble.

Thin Twin #2: Oh, please.

Thin Twin #1: That is not how I remember it.

Claude: I just came in and managed it a bit more.

Psyklone: Managed my ass.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I really like the beard.

Satan: Really?

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Satan: I like it, man.

Gary Bunda: It's a really great way to hide a weak chin.

[Satan gets offended]

Gary Bunda: [gasps] I don't think you have a weak chin. I have it -- One. I do. You know?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Hey, why don't you use another voice in your repertoire? Because that sexy-woman voice is getting real old.

Thin Twin #1: You think I sound like a woman?

Psyklone: Come on, now, that's his regular voice.

Claude: Geez, Gary, that's his regular voice.

Gary Bunda: At least I said it was a sexy voice.

Claude: Shut up, Gary.

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added 3 months ago

[Claude saves Gary from the bounty hunters with a twist]

Claude: Come on! Come on! Hurry up!

Gary Bunda: It's you! It's you, buddy! Thank god you came!

Claude: Buckle up.

Gary Bunda: Oh, man, that's a lot of buckles. But good. I feel safe. Oh, they're coming, man! They're coming! Just gun it! Get it! Gun it!

Claude: No, we still got to wait on them.

Gary Bunda: [realizes] Oh, come on, man!

Psyklone: I'll take the middle.

Thin Twin #1: There's no room. There's no leg room.

Claude: You guys need some more room? You guys okay back there?

Thin Twin #1: Do you mind inching your seat up a little bit? I got Sciatica.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary gets caught by Psyklone & The Thin Twins at Geoff's house]

Thin Twin #1: [happily] Gary, get in here! [laughs]

Gary Bunda: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. You think I'm Gary? That's insulting.

Gary Bunda: [laughs] Gary's in Hawaii having a great time. Right, Geoff? 'Cause we got all those postcards that you put up from Gary from Hawaii, right?

Gary Bunda: Let me introduce myself. Uhhh, I am Geoff's human friend.

Psyklone: Let's go, Gary.

Gary Bunda: I'm ready to go, yes. But, uh, make sure, I got to give these pie pans back to Geoff, 'cause they belong to him. He owns them. Here's some garlic in your eye! Yeah! Take that! Yeah! You stupid bitches!

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added 3 months ago

[Gary gets called by an unnamed woman speaker person which actually turns out to be one of the Thin Twins that has a sultry woman voice]

Thin Twin #1: Hi, Gary. I'm a local venture capitalist, and your Chili Cone Gary really captured my imagination.

Gary Bunda: Yeah. Yes, yeah. I was, uh -- You know, I wanted to eat some chili, but I didn't have any crackers, right? but I did have a whole sleeve of ice-cream cones.

Thin Twin #1: Yeah, yeah. Listen, I'm very wealthy, and I want to buy your stupid idea. I do. Just text me your address, and I'll zip by with $1 million.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay. This is the thing, though, $1 million is only gonna get 51% in Chili Cone. 'Cause lots of food can go in cones. You got stews...

Thin Twin #1: Oh, yeah.

Gary Bunda: ...You got soups.

Thin Twin#1: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: You could put corn in a cone.

Thin Twin #1: You're so smart. I can't wait to just pick your brains.

Gary Bunda: One thing is non-negotiable. I will be designing the t-shirts.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: [to Gary on phone] Gary, listen carefully --

Gary Bunda: Claude? How do you get this number? I just got this phone!

Claude: You're advertising your stupid chili cone idea everywhere.

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added 3 months ago

Geoff: Chili-Cone Gary.

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Geoff: Is that chili in an ice-cream cone?

Gary Bunda: First you get that crunch, then you get that sweet, then you get that savory chili-powder taste. It's gonna be the next ice cream!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [voice breaking] Life gave me a second chance, alright? And I'm gonna do it better this time.

Geoff: Are you gonna be religious? Huh? Now that you know what you know about how he died for your sins?

Gary Bunda: Maybe. Sure. But do you remember that food-cart idea I had? This is my new religion.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I love Karen. I love that you love Karen. And I love Karen. I love Karen. But she's kind of a steamrolling bitch.

Geoff: Excuse me?

Gary Bunda: I mean -- No, I mean she's cool. She's cool. She's never believed in me, but she's cool. She's sweet, in her way. She's very mean in a fun way.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Look, everybody knows that we don't get along, right?

Geoff: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: So no one's gonna come looking for me if I'm staying with my step-brother...

Geoff: No.

Gary Bunda: ...on his futon in his basement.

Geoff: No. No, no, no, Gary.

Gary Bunda: Hear me out. Hear me out. Hear me out. Look, look, look, look, right? Postcards. Take this postcard, put it up on the fridge, right? It all says I'm in Hawaii.

Geoff: Yeah, this says Atlanta, Gary. They all say Atlanta.

Gary Bunda: I know that. It's 'cause they don't sell Hawaii postcards in Atlanta, and I went and I told them, "You need something from every state, because you don't know where you're gonna be, and where you're gonna need to tell people that you are at."

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I got bible pages taped to my legs, I put garlic in my shoes, and I've got pie pans on my feet because Satan can't see through lead.

Geoff: Isn't that Superman? Superman can't see through lead?

Gary Bunda: I'm pretty sure that Satan has it, as well.

Geoff: Are those even lead?

Gary Bunda: It's close enough.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Geoff! Gary's back in tow-ow-ow-ow-ow-n.

[Geoff concerned]

Gary Bunda: They can't find me, dude, alright? They don't know their ass from their elbow down there.

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added 3 months ago

[Dizzay sees Kamal's hand-burnt dicks]

Dizzay: Is that my dick on your hand?

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Is that Psyklone?

Kamal: And the Thin Twins, yes.

Claude: I'm gonna go introduce myself.

Dizzay: Man, are you crazy? Sit your ass down.

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added 3 months ago

[One of the Thin Twins burning the rock]

Kamal: He's burning that rock. That rock was already on fire!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I've had the Sherbet, I've had the Cherry-Chocolate Chip, I've had the Black Raspberry, I've had the Rum Raisin, I've had the Vanilla, I've had the Caramel Swirl, I've had the Strawberry Pistachio. It's like the nut, right? Does it have any nuts in it? I don't remember.

Ice Cream Man: You've burned through all of our sample spoons.

Gary Bunda: Why don't you just, uh, rinse a couple of these off, huh? How hard is that?

Gary Bunda: The samples are free, though, right?

Ice Cream Man: Yes.

Gary Bunda: See, that's where I got you legally. Please bear with me, and let me get just one more run of all of them.

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added 3 months ago

[Satan tries to bring back Gary by using Gary's Summon word]

Satan: Schmickler83. Schmickler83! Nothing.

Kamal: [nervously] Maybe his file is corrupt.

Satan: Only your buddy, Gary? Only his files are corrupted?

Kamal: Yeah.

Satan: Why don't I believe you, Kamal?

Kamal: Please, don't turn my hands into dicks, whatever you do. I just don't want -- Please --

[Satan turns Kamal's hands into dicks]

Satan: I turned them into flaming dicks, but the dicks are burning already. And...I'm distracted. I'm sorry. That -- They should've just been regular dicks. I'm sorry they're burnt.

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added 3 months ago

Dizzay: Well, don't piss on me. That's wide open over there.

Kamal: I'm sorry, but I really can't piss unless someone is watching.

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added 3 months ago

Benji: Yeah, the Gary's completely M.I.A. They dredged the lake of lost souls for him.

Spider: Lagooooon...[laughs]

Benji: Nope. He's not in The Diarrhea Lagoon, either. I'm telling you, I'm worried about the guy. [chuckles] Hey, what are doing back there?

Spider: Eggs. [laughs]

Benji: [laughs] Laying eggs? Okay, then.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: What the hell! You're eyes should've been ripped out hours ago!

Eddie: I know, I know. I was able to chew my legs off by myself, but I-I can't get my teeth around my eyes.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Grand-prize winner of Soul-apalooza is...Gary.

Satan: I'm f***ing with you. It's Claude. Yeah, baby.

Claude: It's all for you, Satan.

Satan: Come get the water, man. All the water you can take. I mean drink. Have you ever been waterboarded?

Claude: What?

[Claude starts to get waterboarded in the office]

Satan: Yeah. Has anyone done this before? Wikipedia keeps taking the instructions down.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary's voice mail on Kamal's phone]

Gary Bunda: I'm sorry, K-dawg. I couldn't steal Claude's souls. They were right there for me to take, like a bunch of innocent young girls, alright, but it's just not the Gary Way.

Gary Bunda: I'm back up top. I've still got a couple of hours left. Satan never specified they had to be human souls, so this guy's going to the pet store. Booyah-ka-sha!

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added 3 months ago

[Kamal gives Gary a USB hard drive of a severed thumb version]

Gary: [screams] No! What did you do to him? What did you do?

Kamal: [laughs] It's a thumb drive. Get it? Like thumb? Like, look.

Gary Bunda: That's so cute.

Kamal: It is a real thumb, though.

[Gary drops the thumb drive]

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added 3 months ago

Kamal: I came here, and somebody helped me, showed me around, cushioned the blow, and that person was you, Gary.

Gary Bunda: It was me.

Kamal: Yeah, it was you, and that's the problem. You're too damn nice.

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added 3 months ago

Kamal: Remember me when I got here? I was Muslim. No virgin, no date tree, no river of milk.

Gary Bunda: Just a bunch of dirty milk in the field.

Kamal: It's not -- It's clean milk, Gary.

Gary Bunda: Fish just flopping around --

Kamal: There's no fish in the milk, Gary. You're overlooking the virgins and dates.

Gary Bunda: Virgins aren't good in bed. Dates are dumb apples.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Well, I still got four more hours left, and this gonna be one hell of a horse race, boy, 'cause I'm riding a cheetah.

[cuts to the next scene where Gary lays down on the floor in misery in Kamal's office]

Kamal: Okay, so what? Claude has a few thousand souls.

Gary Bunda: 680,000 souls. He's so much better than me. He's so much more traditionally handsome.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: "Gary -- I farted, " And that's multiple times throughout the day out loud to various people you didn't know. It's also written in there, just "Pfft."

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Someone named Gary Coolboobs signed up for our service. I wonder who that could be.

Gary Bunda: I'm not Gary Coolboobs, but if I was, then I wouldn't want someone to be reading my private thoughts.

[The Swaggerchat website literally copy Gary's words while he talks]

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Swaggerchat.com. I created it. It tweets transcripts of your conversations in exchange for your soul. You see, no one ever reads the terms and conditions.

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added 3 months ago

Kyle: How do I get to earth?

Kamal: I can take care of that.

[Kyle transported]

Gary Bunda: Just like I felt a gust of wind.

Kamal: Yeah. Look, I just send him to the middle of China.

Gary & Kamal: [laughter]

Gary Bunda: Seriously, though, keep track of him because he seemed pretty into it.

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added 3 months ago

Kamal: Gary, you know you're not supposed to bring mortals down here.

Gary Bunda: Ah, this is Kyle. He is a definite maybe. What do you say, my big boy? Huh, you like it?

Kyle: I'll think about it.

Gary Bunda: [menacing] That's not what you said at the Slipknot show.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Right over here is where Jeffery Dahmer used to sit until they made him crawl up inside own penis.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: And with your signature, there's gonna be loads of things that become available, like the fun zone!

[shows the Fun Zone as a broken place]

Gary Bunda: With the cellphone pictures, I'm gonna have to say no. It's the one rule we got. I said it before, and I can --

Kyle: What's that?

[cuts to the scene where an employee is tied up with a giant spider]

Gary Bunda: We better go.

[The Spider then masturbates as he watches them]

Gary Bunda: And we're walking.

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added 3 months ago

Lucas: You're telling me I'm gonna get $100,000 and all I have to do is burn in hell for an eternity?

Gary Bunda: That's all you have to do.

Lucas: Where do I sign?

Gary Bunda: Oh, thank you! Thank you so much! Oh, yes. Just sign right there.

Lucas: No, dumbass. Do you understand I have a chance to win $1 million, and all I have to do is click on this ad for swaggerchat.com?

Gary Bunda: Swaggerchat.com? What does that do?

Lucas: It tweets transcripts of all your conversations. [reads on computer] "Lucas -- It tweets transcripts of all your conversations." Boom. That just blasted on the worldwide web.

Gary Bunda: Dude, that sounds, uh, awesome. What is a tweet?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I got you triple sec. They only had coconut, but -- [sees Dizzay selling a soul from a homeless man] Diz! Come on, man. You saw me talking to him.

Dizzay: I didn't see your name on him.

Gary Bunda: It's rude to write your name on a human.

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added 3 months ago

Young Wife: Don't you want juicy? Yes, you do.

Gary Bunda (as Baby): You know, actually, I'm good on juice. You know, Satan loves kids, and not just to eat. And if you could maybe hit my ass with that wet wipe over there, we could talk about if Hell's right for you.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary Bunda tries to convince old people at a retirement home]

Gary Bunda: Who wants to be young again? Imagine all night at the club, drinking and dancing, pretty, tight, young people grinding against you, you know? I mean, not so much him, but there's a clipboard going around.

[cuts to next scene where he get kicked out at the retirement home showing the security guard that the old people have tried to sign they're souls]

Gary Bunda: You can tell a lot about a person by their handwriting. I'm sorry. I'll give you your space.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda (as Jeff Smith): Young lady! Young lady! Have you considered selling your soul to the devil?

Dizzay (as Young Woman): Yo, I was gonna ask you the same thing. Come on, man.

Gary Bunda (as Jeff Smith): Diz, I'm working undercover, too. Oh, hey, guy. Hey, guy. What if I could make you're wildest dreams come true? And you're Benji.

Dizzay: We already got this mall staked out, playa.

Gary Bunda: You serious about that?

Dizzay: Ay, you better watch your tone with me.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Knock knock.

Claude: Can I help you?

Gary Bunda: The Hellmouth's open.

Claude: Yeah. I'll get up there this afternoon. I got to go talk to H.R.

Gary Bunda: Oh, is it sexual-harassment claim?

Claude: No.

Gary Bunda: I had to do that with the masturbating spider from...and then guess who they sent to interview me.

Claude: The masturbating spider.

Gary Bunda: Then he held me down, and he, like, masturbated all over me. And I was like, "Guys, this is a conflict of interest."

[Gary then steals Claude's stapler]

Claude: Bring that back.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: You all have 24 hours up on earth to harvest as many souls as you can.

Satan: First place -- All the sweet, sweet water you can drink. And for the rest of you, a slumber party in the break room.

Gary Bunda: Break room sucks.

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added 3 months ago

[Satan sees the water dispenser has been drank half of it]

Satan: Looks about a gallon low there, Eddie.

Eddie: Oh, no, it's, uh, it's hot down here, sir. It's probably evaporation.

[Satan gives Eddie the dead eyes]

Eddie: Okay. Maybe I took a tiny, tiny sip.

[Eddie explodes through disappointment]

Satan: I'm sorry, where was I?

Claude: Positive reinforcement.

Satan: Positive reinforcement. Thank you, Claude.

Claude: You're very welcome.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: I'm sure you've all heard the rumors by now about the possible layoffs. They're not true.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: You guys want the inside line on what's going on in today's meeting?

Dizzay: What?

Gary Bunda: Layoffs.

Dizzay: Man, be for real. Ain't no layoffs coming.

Gary Bunda: Layoffs, and they're doing it by weight. So I think I'm gonna be the first one. That's what Claude said. I've been eating dirt and rocks like a chicken does for, like, digestion 'cause it's making me heavier.

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added 3 months ago

[Gary torturing by cooking Eddie]

Gary Bunda: God, you smell awful. Cooking you. Who's gonna eat you? That's my question. It's gonna f***ing be me, isn't it?

Gary Bunda: "Here, Gary. Have a whole bunch of Eddie, covered in stinky, old jalapeno mayonnaise and big chunks of black bread from the viking era."

Gary Bunda: Mmm. Actually, you know what? Now that I'm, like, talking about it -- With a good, whole-grain mustard.

Gary Bunda: I knew we should've put some rosemary underneath your tits.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [to Claude on phone] I wish you could've been there for the thing that you made me write, choreograph, and rehearse for three weeks.

Claude: Sorry, guy. Dinner ran late. [hangs up]

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added 3 months ago

Satan: "Hail Stan"?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [to Claude on phone] Yeah, you guys missed a whale of a show.

Eddie: Is that Claude? Tell him I said hi!

Gary Bunda: Shh! Shut up! Shut up! Cook!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Okay, this is what we're gonna do. You're gonna stall them, alright? Make them think we're doing "Grease" or something. And then -- Oh, we're gonna show them a show unlike they ain't never seen before!

Lance: Is that a shotgun?

Gary Bunda: Yeah. Alright. Now, in act three, after the rumble thing at the boardwalk...

Lance: Mm-hmm.

Gary Bunda: ...you're gonna take this shotgun, you're gonna say, "Satan, it's all for you!" Then you're gonna blow your brains out!

Lance: I-I'm not gonna do that.

Gary Bunda: Yes, you are.

Lance: No, that's not in "Grease."

Gary Bunda: You're not gonna -- You don't want to do this?

Lance: No. Who are you?

Gary Bunda: [groans]

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added 3 months ago

Chorus Student #1: What key we doing "Beauty School Drop-Out" in?

Coach Lindsay: Sweet pea, the only key I'm concerned with is the key to the equipment cage.

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added 3 months ago

Coach Lindsay: Now, this Friday, we are doing "Grease." So, for homework, y'all need to memorize this dvd.

Josh: How are we supposed to know who's playing what character?

Coach Lindasy: Good eye. You're Travolta. You're the slut. You're the mousy one turns into a slut at the end.

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added 3 months ago

[Tiffany shows the principal a satanic themed play]

Principal Jerry: May I ask what this is?

Tiffany: It's my new musical.

Principal Jerry: Tiffany, I cannot allow you to stage a satanic-themed musical in a public high school. I'm sorry.

Tiffany: You don't like what I have to say, Jerry?

Principal Jerry: What's wrong with doing "Grease"? People like "Grease."

Tiffany: Oh, I have had it with you noncreatives! I am out of here, and you can suspend me with pay.

[Principal Jerry was not amused that Tiffany was acting out leaving the room begging to accept her play]

Principal Jerry: Okay. Let's do that.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Think you can comp us some tickets?

Gary Bunda: Absolutely, yeah. You want, uh, plus-one? Plus-two?

Claude: Plus-202.

Gary Bunda: I'm not really sure if the media room can hold all that. Do you think you guys can, like, double it up?

Claude: What do you mean, like, two to a set? What does that...how would that work?

Gary Bunda: It's easy you know? You sit on top of each other.

Claude: Are...what the f*** are you talking about?

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added 3 months ago

Josh: Baby, I don't think I'm gonna be able to sneak out tonight. I've..I've got that science-fair project, and Mom and Dad keep asking me about all that jewelry you bought me.

Tiffany: Fine. You know what? Just stay home. Be a little boy. Because what I need is a man.

Josh: Okay. Alright. Later.

Tiffany: Oh, you know what? Just f***ing go! Now!

Josh: I am. I-I'm going.

Tiffany: No, wait! Do you need a ride? Wait, no! I think I'm pregnant!

[Tiffany sees a man looking at her confused]

Tiffany: What the f*** are you looking at?!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Actually, you know, I always thought that, like, demon and reamin' were a good rhyme scheme.

Tiffany: Okay.

Gary Bunda: Do you know, getting, like, reamed? Like, up your ass? You know, when you get reamed by three demons -- When it's a triple-team reamin'?

Gary Bunda: [singing while playing piano] I'm screamin' from my triple demon reamin'

Gary Bunda: It's..It's a thing. I just get reamed a lot in hell, so it's -- I guess "Write what you know." That's what they say.

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added 3 months ago

Tiffany: It's just that I know that I can do so much more than ads for Stool Softener.

Gary Bunda: And that's why you have been chosen to take Satan's life story to the stage.

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added 3 months ago

Tiffany: When I sold my soul for a career in basic cable, Satan promised me a big break. For 12 years, people have yelled "Getting soft down there!" at me.

Gary Bunda: Well, it's closer to 20, but --

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Boogety-boogety!

Tiffany: I saw you crouching in the back.

Gary Bunda: I suck at this!

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added 3 months ago

Tiffany: If makeup is applying fake blood to your breasts and your buttocks, you can bet your bottom dollar that both of those will appear in the shot.

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added 3 months ago

Chrous Student #1: Were you ever in any movies?

Tiffany: That wasn't really my trip. My breasts did appear in "Aerobicide 2," though I was told that they would be framed out.

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added 3 months ago

Tiffany: I took eight Intestillax supporters, because acting is not pretend.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: So, you mean to tell me that this this..."musical" is gonna open up on... [singing] broadwaaaaaaaaay?

Claude: No. Didn't say that.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Gary, you know what dazzles? Broadway...musical.

Gary Bunda: You know what we could do is we could talk to those "rent" guys, 'cause they're down here, right? 'Cause they died of AIDS.

[Claude not amused]

Gary Bunda: I didn't really want to say it out loud, 'cause AIDS will come find you.

Claude: AIDS won't...find you if you say it.

Gary Bunda: It's like "Nightmare on Elm Street."

Claude: No.

Gary Bunda: Finds you in your dreams. AIDS comes.

Claude: What are you talking about?

Gary Bunda: Can't go to sleep.

Claude: It's a disease.

Gary Bunda: Oh, okay. I thought it was, like, a body insect.

Claude: You're a f***ing moron, and you're annoying me right now, okay?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: You know how Satan says that I need to ramp it up a bit? Well, you follow hockey, right?

Claude: No.

Gary Bunda: Check it out. Look at this.

Claude: "Hail Satin"? You mean, like, the material?

Gary Bunda: I take this to the hockey playoffs. The camera cuts to me, right? And I'm like [grunting] showing the sign, right? Got my shirt off, right? Then I blow my brains out with a shotgun. Start a whole chain of people thinking that that is a cool thing to do.

Claude: Gary...please. Um, don't take this personally. But nobody wants to imitate a doughy, ugly...dumb, 33-year old...loser. It's just not aspirational.

Gary Bunda: Well, the thing is, is that I don't think I can return this wig.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: What can I do for you? I'm very, very busy.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: I've been having these weird dreams recently. Uh-huh. No, it's like I'm in my high school, but it's it is my high school, and that's the weird thing, 'cause it's --

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added 3 months ago

Claude: What part of "I want those testicles crushed" do you not understand? And I want it done with an anvil this time.

Claude: What do you mean you can't find an anvil? They have them in cartoons all the time. Just get it done, or I'm gonna crush your nuts with an anvil. And I'll be able to get that signed off by the big guy. Don't you worry.

Claude: By the way, how's your wife, man? Yeah, she's gorgeous. Tig ol' bitties.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Turns out that there was one real name on your soul sheet.

Gary Bunda: Sweet.

Satan: This is your mother's maiden name right?

[Satan shows the password "Schmickler38" which shows that Gary's Mom would used so Satan can summon his Mom with her password]

Gary Bunda: Mom?

Gary's Mom: Aaaaaaah!

Gary Bunda: Mama, no!

Gary's Mom: Aaaaaaah!

Gary Bunda: Stop yelling! Stop yelling! You're embarrassing me!

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added 3 months ago

[Gary transports to a supremacist cult]

Gary Bunda: Please, do you have an aspirin?

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Did you lose your summon word again?

Gary Bunda: No. Absolutely not. I would never do that.

Claude: It sure looks like it.

Gary Bunda: Claude, you Judas --

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added 3 months ago

[Gary Bunda randomly teleports to a church]

Gary Bunda: Oh, no.

[The Preist shakes holy water onto Gary]

Priest: Dominus Santi!

Gary Bunda: Ow! Ow!

Priest: Christi Crux Est Mea Lux!

Gary Bunda: Ow! Ow! Stop it! How did you get my summonword?

Priest: Leftover Salmon message boards!

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added 3 months ago

Satan: It's ripped. There's a piece missing. Where is it?

Gary Bunda: Oh, no sorry. I got that.

[Gary realizes he left his card again while teleporting back from the teenager's house]

Gary Bunda: There's a hole in my pants.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: Foghorn Leghorn and Stewie from "Family Guy."

Gary Bunda: Big gets.

Satan: You stupid f***.

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added 3 months ago

Spencer: Demon, I command thee to get me a Ferrari Enzo filled with $2 million dollars in small bills.

Gary Bunda: I changed my summon word. And you're condemned to hell, 'cause this wasn't about pandas at all. [laughs] Boo-yah.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Gary, I did it. I changed you summon word.

Gary Bunda: Yeah! Yeah! Claude, you're the man! Yeah!

Claude: I made it simple. It's your mother's maiden name and the year you were born.

Gary Bunda: Alright, so...Schmickler83. Got it. Let me just write that down.

Claude: You shouldn't really write that down. It's...It's maiden name and year you were born.

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added 3 months ago

Justin: What is your clipboard for?

Gary Bunda: What? Huh?

Justin: The clipboard! Why?

Gary Bunda: Oh, um it's a...petition against the drilling of pandas for...oil.

Spencer & Justin: Oh yeah.

Justin: We heard about that.

Gary Bunda: Good, because the media's really trying to cover it up -- The drilling of bears. So you should give that a sign.

Spencer: Oh, yeah, absolutely.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, keep signing it. Yeah, both of you.

Justin: Hey, wait a minute, dude.

Spencer: Save the pandas!

Justin: That's not paper. It's skin.

Gary Bunda: Oh, don't worry about it. You have to use the, uh, skin -- The skin from the bears in the paper.

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added 3 months ago

Spencer: I wanted to give you back your wallet.

Gary Bunda: What?

Spencer: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: With the S-word, too?

Spencer: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: Dude!

Spencer: Yeah. I thought I'd forget it so I got it tattooed right there. [chuckles]

Gary Bunda: [thinking] Take the leg. Take the leg. Take the leg!

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added 3 months ago

Spencer: Yo! Moose knuckle! Where have you been?

Justin: Yeah, bro. And explain to me what's wrong with this essay. "The Poems of Maya Ange...lou"?

Gary Bunda: You said you wanted to be 12 pages.

Justin: Not in 72-point font, bro! I can't turn this in!

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Just chill out nerds! And check out what the G-man's brought to the party, bros. Yeah! It's a bong.

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added 3 months ago

Claude: Get the kid to smoke this weed. It will erase his mind. Then you steal back your summon word.

Gary Bunda: Oh, hell, yeah. There's some stinky-ass nugs in this bong.

Claude: Get him to fork over his soul in the bargain.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I lost my S-word, man. I just got to change my S-word. Just change my S-word.

Claude: I can't change your S-word without manager approval.

Gary Bunda: Manager approval? That is -- Satan is our manager!

Claude: Okay. Relax. Relax.

Gary Bunda: I'm trying to relax!

Claude: Bro!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: What are you d -- You're drinking beer? Satan's been up and down the hall asking about you.

Satan: Gary, where the f*** are you?! I'll find you, you little sh*t.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Yeah, I'll spin your head. Spin your head clean off your shoulders.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Okay, the word you have is a very powerful thing, and I will get in some for real trouble at my work.

Spencer: Demon, I command thee, get us beer, as your ruler, bitch.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Spencer: Spin your head around.

[Gary spins his head around]

Spencer: Whoa!

Gary Bunda: Fine, we happy? You done here? Because you're gonna get it!

Spencer: Justin, check this out! Spin your head again. Just keep doing it until I say when.

Gary Bunda: [sarcastically laughs] What fun! Everyone loves a show. Alright, we've all seen it. Can we shut it down?

Justin: Whoa. Spin your butt, dude.

Gary Bunda: I cannot spin my butt.

Justin: Well, what can you do?

Gary Bunda: You spin you're butt.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Spencer: So, I think I know what "Summonword" means.

Gary Bunda: How about this? You give me my card back, or you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna eat your firstborn.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Listen! Hurry up! I need you to go to my desk. I need you to log in as me, okay? I need you to change my summon word to anything else than "Summonword"!

Dizzay: You summon word is "Summonword"?

Gary Bunda: Shut up.

Claude: You're supposed to change that every six weeks, Gary.

Gary Bunda: Hurry up, already! What, did you drink a gallon of milk?!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Dizzay watching Claude doing a wrong style of peeing]

Dizzay: You're clinching. Got to rela --

Claude: Dude, you do your job. I'll do mine, alright?

Dizzay: I'm just trying to help you out.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Spencer: So, what does the summon word mean?

Gary Bunda: Nothing, you know? You can just toss it. I mean, you could say it, but it doesn't uh...it doesn't matter, you know? But I could just toss it for you if you want.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Gary gets transported into someone's house]

Gary Bunda: I am Gary of the 17th circle of the Hades Annex, associate incubus in training. Your wish is my pleasure. Now, how the f*** did you summon me?!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: "Crawling hitchhiker"! Yeah! Yeah!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Um, my guy is pointing a crossbow at the world leader of prog-fusion washboard as we speak, so...

Claude: Crossbow?

Gary Bunda: Yeah, crossbow, yeah. Silent killer.

Claude: It's not done yet?

Gary Bunda: Oh, well, the chess pieces are all in place, my friend, and this guys about to be Bobby Fischer up in this Bi-i--aaaaaah!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: When I did that Metallica thing, it was a logistical nightmare.

Gary Bunda: What Metallica thing?

Claude: Oh, man, Pyro set the bleachers on fire. The stage collapsed. 10,000 souls for the big man. It was off the hizzy, for shizzy, my nizzy! No offense to black people.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I don't want to jinx it, but, uh...I think I'm gonna get some finger lightning.

Claude: That leftover tuna deal must have put you over the top, huh?

Gary Bunda: You talking about Leftover Salmon? Yeah, they're like top two hippie jam bands named after a fish.

[Eddie screams in agony still trying to get a snack out of the vending machine]

Gary Bunda: We're trying to have a conversation.

Eddie: [screams]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Eddie tries to get a snack from the vending machine]

Gary Bunda: Eddie, hey, it's been three days. It's my turn, alright?

Eddie: This is mine!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Moon Rabbit: I love Vince Herman. We're just, like, destined to be together, man.

Gary Bunda: Yes, and people keep trying to tear you apart. Yeah. If only Vince Herman could maybe get to know you, you know? The real you.

Moon Rabbit: I've got to kill Vince Herman so no one else can have him.

Gary Bunda: That's my girl! Yes! Yes!

Moon Rabbit: Oh, the show starting!

Gary Bunda: No, no, no, look. Here, use this, use this!

[Gary gives Moon Rabbit a bow and arrows to kill Vince Herman]

Gary Bunda: Alright, so you get out there, alright?

Moon Rabbit: Yeah, I got to go watch.

Gary Bunda: Just remember, when Salmon kicks into "Steam Powered Aereoplane," you show Vincent Herman your love is real.

Moon Rabbit: Who?

Gary Bunda: He's the guy with the microphone. Just go get'em, girl! I'm proud of you!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Moon Rabbit: Who are you?

Gary Bunda: I'm Gary. You don't remember me? Crazy Gary? You worshipped me at the Wiccan festival?

Moon Rabbit: Oh, Gary! [laughs]

Gary Bunda: Yeah! Jesus Christ. How many brownies did you eat?

Moon Rabbit: I love Leftover Salmon.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I mean, you could save the earth, but you could still look pretty. Maybe wear a push-up bra.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: You know what you could use in this hair? Mayonnaise. Yeah, get some life back into it.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Alex is about to put the bowling ball in Gary's butt]

Alex: Um, are you gonna pull down your pants or do I stick it --

Gary Bunda: No, you can push it through. I don't care about these pants.

Alex: Am I just supposed to shove it?

Gary Bunda: Oh, yeah, just shove it right in there.

Alex: It doesn't seem like it's gonna fit.

Gary Bunda: Oh, yeah. It never does.

Eddie: Are you doing it the Gary Way?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: Why don't we flip a coin? Gary, you call.

Gary Bunda: Tails.

[The nickel shows heads of the Satan]

Gary Bunda: Oh, wow, is that new? It's actually really good.

Satan: Came out nice.

Gary Bunda: I can't believe we got all the detail on that.

Satan: Yeah. It's franklin mint.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Hey, man! What's up? What you doing?

Alex: I'm being put in hell. Hey, I was told I'm supposed to shove this up your ass or you're supposed to shove it up mine or something.

Gary Bunda: You first.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Eddie: Hey, are you shoveling the Gary Way? Shovel the Gary Way! [laughs]

Gary Bunda: [sarcastically] Yeah, that is funny.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: You could take your original manuscript and every single copy of the book and burn it.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: Let me show you the cool way to masturbate, Hollywood-style. You know what I mean? Everybody is doing this.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Satan just had a couple of notes about a second revision before you go in there. He really would like you to mention what a badass he is. And also, could you put something in there about how cut he is? He's just got waterfall abs.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Gary feels the need to poop]

Gary Bunda: Where's your can?

Alex: If you gotta drop anchor, man, half bath.

Gary Bunda: Man, this place is crazy big.

Alex: Courtesy flush, too?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: You have my horn, and you told people that I cried at the bottom of the ravine.

Alex: Gary, my editor said that makes you more sympathetic, so it really worked.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Hey, um...what if I kill you and I make it look like a suicide?

Alex: No. No. That's not the Gary Way, man.

Gary Bunda: I'm Gary, asshole!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: No one's gonna read this stupid book.

Claude: It's a best seller. People are reading it on the beach.

Satan: Yeah. He's doing seminars. "Do it the Gary Way".

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: Look what I got here. It's a book. And look who wrote it.

Claude: The buddy of yours from the ravine?

Satan: "Take Life by The Horns: How A Demon Taught Me to Raise Hell Without Going There."

Claude: It's got the secret hell handshake. It's got the finger lightening. It's got everything, Gary.

Satan: Blah, blah, blah. "Minions, behind his back, have been known to call him Beelzleboobs."

Gary Bunda: [laughs]

Satan: You're laughing?

Gary Bunda: I never heard that before.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Eddie: You know all this coal we're shoveling?

Gary Bunda: Yeah.

Eddie: I carved an "X" on a piece of coal. I put it in there, and it just came out and fell in front of us.

Gary Bunda: No, no, no, no, then that would mean that this whole thing is a waste of time.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Satan watches porn before Gary comes in]

Satan: Oh, Gary, you were gone a while. We were, uh, getting worried.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: But, you remember what I said. Take life by the horns.

Alex: I don't remember you saying anything like that, Gary, but you, too, man.

[Alex leaves in a ambulance]

Gary Bunda: That guy... [realizes] My f***ing horn. My horn! You got my horn! Guys!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Alex: Let's meet again, brother. This very same spot a year from now.

Gary Bunda: Let's do it on top of the ravine next time.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Do you have any Pepto in your bag?

Alex: No, man. What the hell do you have in your bag? It's filled with crap. You have bottle rockets?!

Gary Bunda: Yeah, I was saving them for the fourth.

Alex: They're wet or something. We gotta use your horn, man.

Gary Bunda: Use your horn. That's gonna hurt me.

Alex: I don't have a horn.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Alex: Hey, I got a lot of yogurt raisins, and you can have 1.

Gary Bunda: You know what? No. I'm gonna eat these berries.

Alex: No, no, no. Don't eat that. Those are poisonous, man.

Gary Bunda: Nice try. These are mine. Mmm. If you want some, go get your own.

[cuts to the next scene where Gary vomits out the poisonous berries]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: But on that note, you're leg is not looking good, so I think we could tuck into that pretty soon.

Alex: No, man. We're not eating my leg.

Gary Bunda: Are you chewing something? That's a granola wrapper! What do you got in that bag?

Alex: Hey!

Gary Bunda: What do you got in that bag?

Alex: Hey! That..that's private!

Gary Bunda: Yeah?! Well, fine! Fine! 'Cause you know what? 'Cause if I want food, I can just go out and I can hunt with these two guys. I don't even need this knife. Just -- [Gary tries to bent his broken leg which ended up worse] Gaaaaah!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: How's your spear coming along? Better be sharp because when that squirrel comes by, I think we're only gonna get one more shot at him.

Alex: Mm-hmm.

Gary Bunda: Yeah. He really wants to live.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Alex: My boss is a total dickhead.

Gary Bunda: My boss is the living embodiment of all evil.

Alex: Yeah, mine too. He's always looking for a way to tear me a new asshole, literally.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, mine too! Like, literally tears me a new asshole.

Alex: Yeah, literally! Mine literally, too.

Gary Bunda: Mine literally tore me a new asshole. It's in my armpit. Where's yours? I would show you mine, but it's got the runs right now.

Alex: Oh, mine's not like literally.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, I mean like literally.

Alex: Okay.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, yeah.

Alex: A lot of people misuse that word.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: [to Alex] Ohh, do you have any aspirin?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Claude, thank god! Thank god. Don't tell Satan this, but I am trapped in a ravine.

Claude: Don't tell Satan?

Gary Bunda: I don't know where I am!

Claude: What?

Gary Bunda: Alright, I'm bleeding.

Claude: Yeah, man. I can hardly hear you, but it sounds like you're having a great time, bro. Why don't you give me a call back tomorrow when I'm back in the office?

Gary Bunda: This is your office line, Claude.

Claude: Right, whatever.

Gary Bunda: Claude!

Claude: [hangs up] Dick.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Is there any chance that you are United States Senator Lassiter Jenkins?

Alex: No.

Gary Bunda: Can I have some of this?

Alex: Oh, no. That's urine. I've been pissing in that for two days.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: You want a briquette?

[Claude slaps the briquette out of Gary's hand]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Senator's Receptionist: Senator Jenkins' Office.

Gary Bunda: [high-pitched] Hi. Yes, this is the...this is the voter from before, and I was calling to see if you had a, uh, oh, no, an exact location or a phone number for the Senator.

Senator's Receptionist: No, I cannot give you that.

Gary Bunda: [quietly grunts in rage]

Senator's Receptionist: Okay?

Gary Bunda: Okay, thank you. Goodbye.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Senator's Receptionist: Senator Jenkins' Office.

Gary Bunda: [high-pitched] Yes, hi. I am a registered voter, and I was calling to speak with Senator Jenkins.

Senator's Receptionist: The Senator's not here right now. He's on vacation.

Gary Bunda: Oh, I didn't know that. But, I do now! Thank you! Boo-yah!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: Also, uh, Gary, why don't you go ahead and eat these, too.

Gary Bunda: Oh, okay. Does this have anything to do with the mission?

Satan: What? No, that's just for my amusement. Bon Appétit.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: So who wants this one?

Gary Bunda: Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! I call it! I called it!

Satan: Claude, I think saw your hand go up first.

Claude: It's all for you, Satan. I won't let you down.

Gary Bunda: Whoa. Hey. Claude's my intern. He is great and all, and I appreciate his energy. But, I just feel that my talents are being wasted just sitting here on this red-hot iron spike.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: Now, what I need is an emissary to go find the esteemed senator, present him with these glamour shots, and persuade him to put me on the nickel.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: Lassiter Jenkins, senator from the State of Tennessee...family man...lead of the pray for oil faith initiative...and a secret peter tweeter.

Gary Bunda: Ah, there's just no reason to see one of those.

Satan: Yeah. Man likes to show his junk.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Satan sends Gary to the Break Room]

Satan: [sighs] Long day.

Gary Bunda: You know, I think I'm good. I don't think I need to go for a break.

Satan: No, no, no. No, no. Gary, Gary, this is why we have a break room, for moments like this.

Gary Bunda: I just feel that my passion is my work and that taking a break is like taking a break from my passion.

Gary Bunda: Wait, let me just say hello to my friend Jason over in rapes.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: Sex is good, but she talks afterwards. I'm so bored. I'm so bored. So I f***ing burned the house down.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Lucas: Where's my dong?

Gary Bunda: Oh, my god. Here. Gimmie the maggots.

Lucas: Is this supposed to magically attach or something?

Gary Bunda: I don't know, man. Why don't you read the instructions? They're written in sh*t on the side. Alright? I got to go. We'll talk about this later.

Lucas: These are the instructions on how to make the box!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Gary and Lucas trying to make maggots in a tutorial commercial]

Lucas: Maggot happen.

Gary Bunda: Maggot happen.

Lucas: Maggot happen.

Gary Bunda: He's doing something weird with his wrist. Wait.

Lucas: He's, like, flipping his arm or something.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Benji: Maggot disgusting. Maggot terrifying. One, two, three... [ding] Maggot happen!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Yeah, I'll make some maggots. I'm-a make it rain some maggots on a...on a lady that I used to love.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: Now what happened to the maggots, huh?

Gary Bunda: I just think maggots are cliché. Is that your voice? You know? Do they --

Satan: Let me show you how to make maggots. Pull out your dick.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: So...Claude tells me that, uh, you, took possession gel so that you could go visit my girlfriend.

Gary Bunda: Well, that...that is a...lie.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Now, repeat after me. "Denise, this is Gary, possessing the body of Lucas, and I think we need to give us another chance."

Lucas (possessed): Naah tach ach! Glaaah!

Gary Bunda: Come on!

Lucas (possessed): Gaaaaaah!


Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Gary possessed Lucas with possession gel to get inside Lucas's body while they control the body movements and talking inside Lucas's mind]

Gary Bunda: Just keep it chill.

Lucas: Yeah, this is chill. I can't even walk up the steps.

Gary Bunda: Lift your knees.

Lucas: So, the plan is, you're gonna tell Denise that you possessed my body so you can take her to go play miniature golf?

Gary Bunda: I told you, I don't know if the course is gonna be open, alright?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Lucas: My manager took today off, so, uh, I guess that makes me the boss.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Lucas: I want a 3-foot dong.

Gary Bunda: Fine. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I mean, you'll destroy a woman, but, uh, I'll see what I can do.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: Here's some possession gel, okay? But you didn't get it from me.

Gary Bunda: Where did you get it from?

Claude: This was in your office.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: You could demonically possess another person and talk to her that way, but that's some serious level-5 sh*t.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: You are my intern, so you just need to find a loophole in whatever these so-called...papers are.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: They put an offer on the condo?

Gary Bunda: But you can tell, just by looking at her, that we still have, like, it's a heat. It's the hot fire!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: The upstairs is very bad for entertaining. Four little girls were dismembered in that upstairs room.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Gary tries to scare the people away out of the house which he forgot to guard]

Gary Bunda: Boogady bang! [holds a sink faucet holder] Look! It's blood! It's blood! It's blood! It's drippy blood. Why aren't you blood? You got floating refrigerator magnets!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Benji: Bam! Boom! And just like that, he's inside the TV. So easy, a child could do it. Just make sure you don't put him inside the TV you're watching right now. [chuckles] That would be stupid.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: She's here. Oh. Um, how do I look? Do I look good?

Satan: You look invisible, dumbass.

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added 3 months ago

Satan: No one is allowed to live here. No one, you understand me? Can buy this place. 'Cause I'm gonna keep banging your ex-girlfriend here on this polished granite.

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added 3 months ago

[After Gary notices that Satan was banging into Gary's girlfriend, Denise]

Gary Bunda: [sobbing] I'm so happy that you're happy that you found someone who makes you happy.

Satan: Who? Crab meat? Nah, she's just a piece of ass.

Gary Bunda: Yeah, crab meat's just a piece of ass.

Satan: But you know what I love? This house. The sex is incredible!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: How's your panini?

Denise: It's, uh...it's gross. I'm actually gonna dump it.

Gary Bunda: No, no, no, no. Don't..don't, uh, don't throw it out. You should open the bun.

Denise: Um...

Gary Bunda: Look under the bun.

Denise: ...okay.

Gary Bunda: Just check under the bun. Look under the bun.

Denise: Okay. Okay. There we go.

Gary Bunda: Maybe, see...

Denise: What?

Gary Bunda: Just dig around the crab meat, like, a little bit. Just dig around in the crab meat. Do you see it?

Denise: Oh, no.

Gary Bunda: Denise...

Denise: Gary, don't do it.

Gary: ...will you make me the..I'm sorry.

[Gary licks the marriage ring noticing a bunch of food particles in it]

Gary Bunda: Will you make me the world's happiest man?

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: And then it turns out it wasn't him. It wasn't Dave Matthews. Yeah, it was just...a Mexican.

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added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Where are we?

Satan: This is where my girlfriend works.

Gary Bunda: Oh, so you're dating a earth girl, huh? Nice!

Satan: Yeah, Gary. I "date" her. Right here every Tuesday, I date her like a big bass drum. I date here over and over again.

Gary Bunda: Slam it down! Slam it down!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: So, for example, like, why is that bone in this box?

Claude: It's the tibia.

Gary Bunda: It's a thighbone.

Claude: Either way, it starts with "T."

Gary Bunda: I'm just trying to stress this 'cause I know, like, it seems simple.

Gary Bunda: If you see a bone out that's not in one of the bone cartons, put it in the appropriate bone carton. Okay?

[Shane coming by with bones in cartons]

Gary Bunda: Oh, good. Shane's here. Here they are.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: So, what I'm gonna need you to do is...alphabetize all these bones. Alright?

Gary Bunda: So, you take a bone when it's away from its home, 'cause you see that bone over by my keyboard over there...

Claude: Yeah.

Gary Bunda: That's not home. That bone...

Claude: This is the home.

Gary Bunda: ...feels lost.

Claude: Yep.

Gary Bunda: It needs to go in its home, which is one of these different, distinct cartons. One is an "N-T" carton. One is a "U-Z" carton. I have an "A-M" one that's more in the works right now. If you could just go ahead and grab a carton and just write "A-M" on the carton...

Claude: Right.

Gary Bunda: And then go through the "N-T" and the "U-Z" cartons. Look for the bones that should be in the "A-M."

Claude: I -- Yeah.

Gary Bunda: Every bone has its home. You know what I'm saying?

Claude: You don't need a pneumonic device to remember to put the bones...

Gary Bunda: Put the bone...in its home.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: They do the cream pie when they win, Gary. Don't you watch sports?

Gary Bunda: You think you're gonna be a while? 'Cause I could go get you some magazines, or --

Satan: Oh, no, I'm good. Just sit tight in the bowl, huh?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda (as Hobo): Cream pie!

[After Gary smashes cream pie to Cortez's face, it was revealed that Claude was in disguise ruining the mission]

Claude: What the hell are you doing?! You're gonna expose the whole operation!

Gary Bunda (as Hobo): What baseball guys do! Hail Satan!

Claude: Dude, Satan, it wasn't my fault! It's Gary! Look at him! He's a fat idiot!

Gary Bunda: I just want to say Hail Satan, everybody. I hope everybody's doing good, and Merry Christmas!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Cortez Cruz: I was having a little trouble getting around on his fast ball. But, uh, also, uh, dearest Satan, I pray that the earth will crack open and you will reign over man for 1,000 years. Hey, Mira, Satan. Mwah. It's all for you, baby, okay?

Newswoman on TV: What a...weird thing to say.

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added 3 months ago

Newswoman on TV: Cortez, forgive me for saying so, but you looked a little lost out there at the plate.

Satan: 'Cause he swung the bat like a f***ing girl.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I'm gonna use a spell. I'm gonna bump up your hand-eye coordination, but you remember, you do the "El Diablo", point-o down-o, smoochy, smoochy.

Cortez Cruz: [speaking spanish]

Gary Bunda: I don't understand what you're saying. So...okay.

[Gary chants a spell in a forbidden language]

Gary Bunda: Now, Cortez, I think that last bit here will tingle like --

[Cortez explodes into cockroaches]

Claude: What did you just do?!

Gary Bunda: I think I did it...wrong.

Claude: Watch out! You're stepping on him! Get a cup or something!

Gary Bunda: Dude, it's a roach! [steps on many roaches]

Claude: No, that's him! Stop!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Cortez Cruz: I'll do it. But now I want to bat .500.

Claude: How about I just dissolve your face in acid right now?!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Claude gives Cortez the necklace, the Star of David]

Claude: Everytime you get on base, we want you to kiss this and thank the man that made it all possible.

Cortez Cruz: A Star of David?

Claude: It's a pentagram, you wetback.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: Nice ink, Cortez. Did you forget who pulled you out of the slums of Venezuela and made this possible?

Cortez Cruz: [speaking spanish] I already sold my soul to the people. What more do you want?

Claude: How about you stop using Jesus as a beard?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Gary tries to disguise himself as a different person]

Gary Bunda: Yeah, you want to see what the expert does? Sure thing, buddy. I'll give you a thrill.

[Gary wears a piece of underwear that turns him into hobo man]

Gary Bunda (as Hobo): Claude! Claude, what am I? Who am I? Am I handsome? Am I somebody really cool? Who am --

Officer: Hold on, hold on. You're not allowed back here, sir.

Gary Bunda (as Hobo): No, no, hang on, man. I'm with him!

Officer: Who?

Gary Bunda (as Hobo): You don't understand! I..hey, Claude! Wait up!

Officer: Who the hell are you talking to about?

Gary Bunda: That there red glasses in the glasses! I got to get in there, man!

[Gary starts to get beaten up by a officer while disguised as a hobo]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Hey, pop quiz. How did you do that thing, you know that old lady thing? I-I mean I know how you did it, but can you explain to me how you did it?

Claude: It's easy. You just grab an article of Clothing from that person, and you can appear as them.

Gary Bunda: Oh, I knew that. I was testing you, and you got an a-plus.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Claude uses a sheet to disguise himself as an old woman]

Claude (as old woman): Lucas...can you give me directions to the baseball stadium?

Lucas: Nana? B...But you're dead!

Claude (as old woman): [deep voice] WHERE IS THE STADIUM?!

Lucas: It's off the interstate! Take route 17, go down about 4 blocks, and make a right!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: "I'm Claude, and I'm here to devour your soul."

Lucas: [yelps] Who the hell are you?!

Claude: Claude! I just said that. It works.

[Gary surprised how Claude did the visible effect, but thinks of himself he's actually visible or not]

Gary Bunda: Can you seriously not see me, Lucas, or..you're jerking me around!

Claude: It says in the manual that you have to see it in your mind's eye.

Gary Bunda: I'm doing that, alright? I guess my cloak mode must be stuck on. Sometimes it gets stuck when I'm doing high-profile sh*t.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: I can see you moved my futon into the living room.

Lucas: I converted your room into a humidor.

Gary Bunda: Oh, that's so cool! That's so cool! I can't wait to see that! Yeah!

Lucas: Shut the door behind you. It's perfectly humidified in there!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: See that guy over there? That is my old roomie, Lucas, back from my old earth days. You can relax. We can do this all day long, 'cause he can't see us.

Lucas: I can see the floating beer in my kitchen, though.

Gary Bunda: Oh, man. Well he can't hear us, so boo-yah! Ha! You dick head! You're a dick head!

Lucas: Actually I can hear you, because I just responded to you, dick head!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Gary and Claude at Gary's apartment]

Claude: Pretty dumpy digs for a pro ball player.

Gary Bunda: Stop talking smack about my old apartment, bro.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: I mean, Cortez Cruz is the worst. Always kissing that humongous cross. What's the point? He got the Jesus neck tattoo. Am I right?

Satan: Yeah. Yeah, that's a good point.

Claude: He should be kissing a pentagram and pointing down...to you!

Satan: You know what? That's an excellent idea. Gary, are you listening to this?

Gary Bunda: [Gary still gargling from Satan's piss] Uh, you're cutting in and out! I can't..I can't hear you.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: Were you talking about Cortez Cruz, the baseball player?

Satan: Who the f*** are you?

Claude: My name's Claude. It's all for you, Satan.

Gary Bunda: That's just my intern! You can ignore him!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[After Claude messes up meeting with Satan in bathroom, Satan was about to pee on Claude but pees on Gary instead]

Gary Bunda: [to Claude] Blowing another first day! Good thing you're wearing glasses, man. Here it comes for you, buddy.

Satan: Gary.

[Satan pisses on Gary]

Gary Bunda: No!

Satan: You know what?

Gary Bunda: Oww, it's hot.

Satan: Let's do the gargle. Do the gargle.

Gary Bunda: [gargling]

Satan: [chuckling] That's it!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: Hey, Satan.

[Satan stares at Claude of disappointment]

Gary Bunda: [to Claude] Why would you say that?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: Cruz kisses his fist and points to heaven every freaking time he gets hit by a bitch! I mean, what is that?

Satan: You know, I mean, I'm the one that gives him all those seeing-eye singles, right?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Oh, it's Satan! Uh, play dead.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Ooh, bathroom break. Let's do this!

Claude: Good. I was gonna ask, are there water fountains?

Gary Bunda: It's not a "water" fountain.

[cuts to the next scene where their heads are putted inside the wall-mounted restroom]

Claude: This is terrible. This is horrible!

Gary Bunda: Just gotta chill out, buddy, all right? At least we're not in the stalls. That's when things get ugly.

[Jason farts in the stalls in a worse kind of way]

Jason: [farts] Oh! My eye!

Gary Bunda: Been there, done that, Jason.

Claude: I can't hack it here, man!

Gary Bunda: There's nothing you can do about it, so just be a professional.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: There's got to be a mistake! I'm not supposed to be here!

Gary Bunda: [chuckles] Yeah. All the noobs get pwned saying stuff like that. Just like the calendar says. [high-pitched] "There's a mistake! I'm not supposed to be here!"

Gary Bunda: [laughs] It's pretty good. Every day? You catch that yet?

Claude: They're all Mondays.

Gary Bunda: Man, the guys who made this really nailed it! [laughs]

Claude: It's..It's clever. It is clever.

Gary Bunda: It is! It's really good! I love it! Talks about life, you know, what's really going on. [chuckles]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Gary Bunda: Now this I.D. is gonna get you access to...nothing. Absolutely nothing. It doesn't work.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Claude: Execuse me, sir?

Gary Bunda: Yeah?

Claude: I can't seem to find my bunk.

Gary Bunda: Oh! No, no, no. They give you bed sheets to get you thinking about sleep. But sleep -- it, uh, -- [laughs] It never comes.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Gary watches two guys fighting on a thin mountain over a pack of cigarettes]

Gary Bunda: You're getting close, Toby!

[The two guys fall to their doom when the mountain crashed]

Gary Bunda: You guys ever think about quitting?! [laughs]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Gary getting tired from all the whipping]

Gary Bunda: God. I don't know who's getting tortured here more, you or me.

Eddie: What do you say we take a little break?

Gary Bunda: That's..no. You know? No, because they got to hear the screams.

Eddie: Well, I can pretend!

Gary Bunda: No.

Eddie: I could do that!

Gary Bunda: That's a really nice idea though.

Eddie: I can crack the whip. Just put it up in my hand, right here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Put it up! I'm a multi-tasker! Put it up!

Gary Bunda: Okay.

Eddie: Yeah!

Gary Bunda: Alright.

Eddie: Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

[Eddie pretends to try to whip himself]

Eddie: Look. I'm cracking it. See? I'm cracking it!

Gary Bunda: But you got to scream, too, while you do it.

Eddie: Oh, okay. Aah!

Gary Bunda: There you go that's good. I like that, but you got to sync it up, because if you scream before the whip crack, it's gonna ruin the effect.

Eddie: Oh, okay.

Gary Bunda: They're gonna know we're hot-dogging them.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Satan: Hell is going to be a safer place for all eternity.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

The Reverend: Pull your puppet hand out of the ass of his heart strings!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Xavier: Listen up. This is not an ordinary explosion. It's alive.

Citizen #1: That weirdo's got a hard-on for the explosion!

Xavier: Please. You're making it angry. Your making its soul angry.

Citizen #2: Angry? Explosion's too stupid to get angry.

Citizens: [laughs]

Citizen #1: That thing has no more soul than an exploding monkey!

[The everlasting explosion starts to grow angrier]

Citizen #1: [laughs then realizes] Oh, my god. It's alive!

Citizen #2: I knew it!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Old Man: Would you mind taking a photo of me and my wife with the ever-explosion?

T-Shirts Seller: T-shirts! Get your ever-explosion t-shirts!

Onion Seller: Red-hot ever-booming exploding-onion on a stick!

Chili Corn Egg Seller: Chili corn cone egg! Ever-explosion of flavor!

Chili Cone Egg Seller: Don't get a chili corn cone egg! Get a chili cone corn egg!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Meemaw: He's cursed with innocence.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: If you listen to the words, I think you'll hear the cry of a Mexican. A-one, a-two, a-one, two, hmm... mmf...uhh. [passes out]

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Computers can't sneak into your country, and I know one Mexican you can trust, and he's here tonight. He's a big, fat, pussy, and his name's Don Sanchez.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: A lot of people say there's one thing wrong with this country, and it's Mexicans and computers.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: I'd handcuff you, Amigo, but you're mostly liquid.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

DiLorenzo: Good news. We got an officer in pursuit of Coyote. Bad news, it's McGee.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Sanchez! I got to ask you something. Why would you have a party in your driveway when you have a gorgeous backyard?

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Sanchez: [dazed out] Mexicans. Falling from the from the sky. They're entering the country illegally in cheesy mexican knickknacks.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: [to Sanchez] Heart attack at a kid's birthday party. You pussy.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: How is he?

Doctor: Who?

Assy McGee: Sanchez.

Doctor: Oh, he's terrible.

Assy McGee: Dying?

Doctor: Totally. [laughs]

Assy McGee: How long has he got?

Doctor: 4 or 5 minutes. Finally got him to shut up.

Assy McGee: Wh--What do you mean?

Doctor: Oh, he's going on and on about Mexicans. I was this close to putting a pillow over his face and killing him myself.

Doctor: Mexicans falling from the sky, Mexicans this, Mexicans that. The guy is totally wasted. I wonder where I put my shoe.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Chief: I got to ask you, Assy, why the baby?

Assy McGee: I thought it would be funny to see a baby shoot an Archbishop.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Archbishop: What are you going to do McGee, shoot an Archbishop? I don't think so.

Assy McGee: No, but this baby will.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: The God I believe in doesn't sell cologne that doubles as a drug.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Forgive me, Father, for you have sinned.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: I'm looking for the Archbishop. Tell me where he is, and all the babies get christened, I promise.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Sanchez: Assy, just don't do anything crazy.

Assy McGee: Crazy's is my maiden name.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Sanchez, did I smoke cologne?

Sanchez: Yes, you did, Assy.

Assy McGee: Ooh! That was good.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Chief: McGee! That's Lamont Dakota, The flirty black man!

Assy McGee: It was an inside job.

Chief: Damn it, Assy, No. It was a self-portrait. That's why his fingerprints were on it.

Chief: That paint chip that you thought was from the van-- It was from the f*cking painting, you idiot!

Assy McGee: Um, wait. The van killed the painting.

Chief: Have another drink, McGee.

Assy McGee: I intend to.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Sanchez: Here it is, Chief! You gotta see what he's done.

Chief: Who?

Assy McGee: Me.

Sanchez: It's totally incredible! He took that fingerprint and reconstructed a full scale model of the portrait theif.

Chief: McGee, the case was closed 3 days ago. Don't you check your e-mail?

Assy McGee: E-mail's for nerds.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Chief: Yeah. Then drop your load in a dumper. Well, you can't get her pregnant if you--

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

DiLorenzo: What's he doing in there?

Sanchez: He's recreating the finger from the print.

DiLorenzo: How come you're not in there with him?

Sanchez: Assy works alone on molds.

DiLorenzo: Whatever. Guy's still a douchebag, huh? [laughs]

Sanchez: The kid's a diamond.

DiLorenzo: Yeah, how about a diamond with rough edges, huh? [laughs]

Sanchez: But isn't that the most valuable kind?

DiLorenzo: I don't know.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: I got a lead.

Chief: Lead? What lead?

Assy McGee: One of my bullets snipped a paint chip off the perp's van. I gotta tumbleweed this over to forensics.

Chief: When?

Assy McGee: Soon as I'm done wasting my ears here.

Chief: Well, what do you expect me to tell the Mayor?

Assy McGee: Tell him we need more black cops.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: $1,400, right here.

Sanchez: $1,400? That's a lot of money!

Assy McGee: Pride never goes on sale, Sanchez.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Space Drifter: Don't worry dude, they can't see you. You're divisible.

Dr. Wang: Excuse me, do you mean invisible? Ass.

Space Drifter: Yeah, whatever.

Minoriteam  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Producer: This is all just part of our nested marketing strategy, penetrate the millennial demo, remember?

Jacket: Oh, it might have started out that way, but this just rings too true!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Hurlan: Doc, my Mommy's sick!

[My Mommy The Crow vomits on the Doc's face]

Doc: I'll be the judge of that.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Hurshe: I got my sights on some big cheese, and as soon as I clean it out of me, I'm gonna land me a hotter, richer, fish to fry up in my [sprays her perfume below in her vagina] fishin' hole.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Saul: Personally, I prefer the soulful sounds of doo-wop to that crackerjack pap.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Bertrum: Uh fellas, say, you heard the one about the evil mole man who distracts the two sentries? Good joke. It's long, but it has a good ending. You know, anecdote, really.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Bertrum: Don't mention it. Seriously... [deep tone] Don't mention it.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Saul: We need a plan!

Johnny Tambourine: I've got it! When I was a boy, I had a neighbor named Terry Trickles. Terry liked lily pads. He called them toad floats.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Robot: Now, slow down, son. I'm just an old man who checked the organ-donor box on his driver's license.

Robot: I didn't know some government agency was going to harvest my brain and stick it in an iron widget. So just slow down, damn it.

Saul: Okay...

Robot: Now that's too slow!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Undercover Person: It's tough to find good shoe leather.

Assy McGee: Then you should try the striped belt.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Sanchez: I'm just saying that you look like you're tired.

Assy McGee: I'm just saying you're fat.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Sanchez: You sure clean up nice, Assy. You look like you're going to a prom.

Assy McGee: I can barely breathe in this penguin suit.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Sanchez: My daughter could paint better than that. She's 4 years old.

Assy McGee: Don't make me laugh, Sanchez. She couldn't do this.

Sanchez: Well, she pretty good at art. She's ambidextrous.

Assy McGee: Does that mean she has both a pod and a hose?

Sanchez: That is not what I'm saying.

Assy McGee: Wow. She could make love with herself. I envy that, Sanchez.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: After you, DeRetardo.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Chief: You're chained to your desk 'til your urine comes back clean.

Assy McGee: I got a hot batch right here, Chief.

[literally pees his urine in front of the whole meeting]

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Art Gallery Tour Guide: I present to you the late, great, Lamont Dakota's history altering self-portrait, "The Flirty Black Man."

[shows the portrait's gone]

Art Gallery Tour Guide: What the fuck! It's gone! Someone has stolen "The Flirty Black Man!"

Children: [laughing]

Art Gallery Tour Guide: There is no longer a reason to live.

[The Art Gallery Tour Guide shoots himself]

Children: [gasps and screams]

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Look, kid, Chief told me to do this by the book. Trouble is...I'm illiterate!

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Ok, I'm gonna count to 3. Then we go in, all right?

Assy McGee: 3--Aah!

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Shut your taco hole.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Doctor Assy's making a house call.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: I swear on your ugly kid, Sanchez. This guy's going to jail or the morgue, whichever comes first.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

[Assy saws Sanchez's picture of his daughter]

Assy McGee: Is that your old lady?

Sanchez: That's my daughter.

Assy McGee: Right. I recognize the moustache.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Hey, Chief, you got a bat in the cave.

Chief: What?

Assy McGee: You got a bat in the cave.

Sanchez: What's a bat in the cave?

Assy McGee: There's a snot in your nose.

Chief: Get the fuck out of my office, McGee!

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Bus Robber #2: Where you goin', asshole?

Assy McGee: I'm goin'...to shoot you.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Father: Oh, my goodness. What happened to you?

Referee: Some whack job shot me. That's what happened to me.

Assy McGee: Well, there was no offsides, Ref.

Referee: The doctor says I'll never walk right again.

Assy McGee: Here's $10.

Referee: You know what? I'm gonna kick your ass.

Assy McGee: Not with that leg.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

Assy McGee: Adios...blimp.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 4 months ago

[after blowing up the blimp in the stadium]

Chief: Assy, I want your shield and your weapon on my desk first thing tomorrow morning.

Assy McGee: Why don't you bring your desk here, and I'll put them on it...I'll put them on it here.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Assy McGee: Uh-oh. We got company.

Sanchez: What? It's a blimp.

Assy McGee: It's an aerial attack.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Sanchez: Oh, look at that! Streaker on the field! That guy's in his birthday suit.

Assy McGee: Disgusting. [shoots the guy in a birthday suit]

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Assy McGee: I'm scared [indistinct]

Father: I'm sorry. I didn't get that. What?

Assy McGee: Father, I'm scared to die.

Father: Did you want to make a confession?

Assy McGee: That's a good idea.

Father: Go right ahead. We can do this right here.

Assy McGee: I stole wi-fi from my neighbor.

Father: Uh-huh. Ok.

Assy McGee: I borrowed my partner's car without asking, Father.

Father: It's no problem there.

Assy McGee: Then I drove it into a retirement community and killed a lot of old people.

Father: Oh, my god, Assy.

Assy McGee: On purpose.

Father: Cheese and rice. Why would do that, Assy?

Assy McGee: Because I can't drive well. I never could.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Hooker: Come here often?

Assy McGee: No. Glen, cold one for the slut with the sloppy cans.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Paco: [speaking Spanish unintelligible]

Assy McGee: Shut this guy up, Sanchez.

Sanchez: Give me a break, Assy. He's our guest.

Assy McGee: Hey, Paco, how about next time you wear some deodorant?

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Chief: What the hell is going on, Assy? You don't look right.

Assy McGee: It pains me to think about my childhood.

Chief: What the hell are you talking about?

Assy McGee: I'm Cuban, Chief. My family, we came here on rafts.

Chief: What a bunch of horsesh*t.

Assy McGee: In cuba, there are only two ways out for a child terrorist or soccer player. Soccer was my only way out.

Chief: Listen, Assy --

Assy McGee: Or music.

Chief: Fine.

Assy McGee: Chess was also a way out.

Chief: I get it.

Assy McGee: We weren't even escaping. Just relaxing at the beach. Got caught in a riptide.

Chief: Enough! Now, knock off the shenanigans and stop this assassination. Do I make myself clear?!

Assy McGee: ...As a cowbell, sir.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Assy McGee: There was no offsides. He's a crooked ref.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: You need to move on from losing your father back there. You need closure.

Robby: Closure?! The explosion hasn't even ended yet!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby: If my dad found out I was using science to help him with his Christian Science, he'd be crushed.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby's Dad: All that is real is annihilation!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: Good hang, but I got to motor. Got to take a float on a gloat boat in lake just desserts.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby's Dad: So, Robby was controlling everything. It's all lies!

Xavier: Now he's playing the ultimate liar. He's playing God right underneath your nose.

[shows the close up to Robby's nose]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby's Dad: I'd swim through a "lake full of water" for these cakes.

Robby's Dad: That's the only thing that would put out the "raging fire in my belly" for these cakes.

Bakery Woman: That's an "ODD" thing to say.

[Xavier runs in]

Xavier: Doc, your son showed me his private places, and now I'm going to show them to you.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Unknown Voice: Your heart feels like exploding.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: It's not just my heart that's hardening.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: Don't talk down to me from down there on your sparkling high horse.

Xavier: You are just as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.

Robby: I feel I'm reasonably attractive.

Xavier: Oh, yeah? Stand up and say that to my face. Oh, yeah, I forgot. You can't stand. So maybe I have a memory problem, but at least I can --

Xavier: Uh, I can do the...

Robby: Stand?

Xavier: No, thanks, guy. I'm beat. Now where was I? Oh, yeah, I was walking out of here. Your thurrito-hating ego-tude just turned your guardian angel into your guardian enemy.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby: I didn't mean to make you jealous, I just --

Xavier: Condescension -- The last refuge of the different abled. "Crypical."

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby: I just think this is pretty significant.

Xavier: You're not better than me, okay?! Just 'cause you created life doesn't make you some kind of God. There's more to life than life.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: One time I created something, called a "thurrito." It's a burrito within a burrito within the heart of that same burrito.

Xavier: It's a total mind-blinder, but you don't hear me bragging about it all over your face.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: Don't do any weird stuff like that. [tastes the inert chemicals]

Robby: That's dangerous.

Xavier: Needs coconut.

Robby: What?

Xavier: Tastes a little bitter. It could use some coconut.

Robby: Maybe a fibrous protein is just what it needs. A coconut wouldn't work. But coco-nut, my artificial coconut spread, might.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby: This is spreadable bread. And it's self-eating.

Xavier: Amazing. I feel so full. I got to use the bathroom.

Robby: I got that covered.

[presses the self-portable toilet button]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby: Daddy can't ever know about my lab. He thinks science is evil, and the Lord heals all.

Xavier: How does he explain the fact that his own son's legs make me want to puke all over them?

Robby: Um, he never says that.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby: How much did you see?

Xavier: How much did YOU see?

Robby: It's just Christian science. That's all. Okay, you caught me.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby's Dad: You're gonna live. Stay off that knee for a week.

[following after they did the man's chest surgery]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby's Dad: Wipe, Lord? Hoagie, Lord?

Xavier: This guy's pretty good. Of course, I would have gone with the grinder.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: [thinking] I'd like to see this guy pray an abortion.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby's Dad: Okay, this is gonna be a routine double bypass. Bow your heads, please. Dear Lord, We just want to thank you for your guiding touch. Let's get on with it.

Robby's Dad: Scalpel, Lord. And oh, Lord, we just pray you can make a lateral incision in the "chestical" cavity.

Robby's Dad: And in this time of need, oh, Lord, we just pray you replace the arterial valice with a synthetic flange grappler. I said arterial valice, Lord. What, did you switch to decaf? Come on!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[button ringing]

Xavier: Peep show.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby: I got to go make water.

Xavier: Spray it. Don't say it. Poor kid's nervous around his new life mystic.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby: Come on. My dad's a doctor. His office is right over here.

Xavier: This is your pop's chop shop, huh?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: I'm the answer to all your prayers, blown into your dead lap by the winds of fortune to be your life crutch.

Robby: Let me get those facial abrasions sutured.

Xavier: Cute. You want to help me. The pupil emulates the master.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Kid #2: Get your hand off his leg, you perv!

[Take that. Taste the pain. Take that. Taste the pain.]

[Robby taste the food from his leg]

Robby: It's cranberry sauce.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Kid #1: You apologize right now.

Xavier: I'll never apologize for defending the weak, the meek, and the useless. Plus I'm a board-certified Wahakamana healer, and the winds of fate sent me here to...

[Xavier does the Indian chant enhancing Robby]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: Look. I'm not 'tarded like Robby here, so I know that a group of strapping bucks as cool as you would never waste your time with a boy whose legs are as dead as a Thanksgiving turkey with all the trimmings.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: Hey, you ruffians, leave that poor gimp alone.

Kid #1: Who you calling "gimp," weirdo?

Xavier: He probably can't tell you're mocking him. He's obviously slow.

Kid #2: Robby's not slow. He's a genius.

Xavier: Well, he's got a funny way of showing it.

[Xavier kicks Robby's wheelchair]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Robby: ...and so the Rabbi said, "No, you have chicken mouth."

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Xavier: My heart's beating to heal the suffering. I want to spread that beating around to those less fortunate than...

[an XRA logo appears out of thin air]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Hurshe: Ugh! My water broke!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

The Reverend: When I was a boy, my preacher walked me into the woods and taught me the proud gaybegone Indian rituals developed by Chief Strongwrist.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

The Reverend: Mayor, I understand you've been having some dark thoughts and stormy visions.

Hurlan: Yeah.

The Reverend: Am I in them? What am I wearing? Oh, this is exciting! It's like being in the movies!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Hurlan: Meemaw, could I borrow a cup of your immortality juice?

Meemaw: You'll have to milk it out of me.

[Meemaw shows her back of a bunch of immortal juice which looked like a cow's udder]

Meemaw: You might need to mouth-prime the goo pump.

[Hurlan swallows Meemaw's juice udder to make it squirt faster]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Hambrosia: If you made the people sin like this, they're all gonna burn in hell!

Meemaw: Aw, I guess you better save them from the burning.

Meemaw: Bye.

Hambrosia: Okay, bye.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Boss Hoss's Tapes: "I refuze to do whut you assed."

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Boss Hoss's Tapes: "Sad boy got dumb question."

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Boss Hoss's Tapes: "When do I get my period?"

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Hurlan: I want, uh, chocolate.

[Hambrosia's brain squeezes hard poop from its butt, but making it look like its chocolate flavored]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Chief: How did you know that guy was wanted in 28 states?

Assy McGee: I had a hunch, Chief.

Chief: Well, your hunches are gonna get me fired, McGee.

Assy McGee: My hunches make you look good, heh heh.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Assy shoots fake John Adams]

Assy McGee: Looks like your inbox just got some new mail.

Fake John Adams: I'm just an actor.

Assy McGee: Can you play dead?

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Assy McGee: Well, well, well. If it isn't everyone's favorite whore killer, John Adams.

Fake John Adams: Uh..I..

Assy McGee: I've got 1 bullet, and it's got your e-mail address on it.

Fake John Adams: I..I..

Assy McGee: Don't make me hit send.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Massage Lady shows a picture of John Adams in the 1700s]

Assy McGee: Hmm, that's John Adams. We gotta get to the parade.

Sanchez: Assy, I don't think that this is the guy.

Assy McGee: Sanchez, don't think, just run.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Assy calls a different John Adams on phone]

John Adams: Hello?

Assy McGee: Is John Adams there?

John Adams: Yeah, speaking.

Assy McGee: How does it feel to kill a hooker, John?

John Adams: What?

Assy McGee: I said, how does it feel to kill a hooker?

John Adams: It's 4 in the morning. Who is this?

Assy McGee: Did you kill a hooker?

John Adams: No.

Assy McGee: Oh.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Assy McGee: We need to get into the database, Charlie.

Charlie: I'm sorry, Assy, I can't do that. You know you're officially suspended.

Assy McGee: Well, maybe this will help.

[Assy pulls out 2 dog show tickets]

Charlie: I'm sorry, Assy, I don't think so.

Assy McGee: Don't like the dog show, huh?

Charlie: Thank you, no.

Assy McGee: How about this? [shoots Charlie in the leg]

Charlie: Ow, my leg! Oh, ho, ho!

Sanchez: Assy.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Assy calls Sanchez on phone]

Sanchez: Hello?

Assy McGee: Sanchez?

Sanchez: Yeah?

Assy McGee: Meet me at the Hall of Record in 20 minutes.

Sanchez: It's 4 in the morning.

Assy McGee: I got a hunch about this dead hooker.

Sanchez's Wife: Who is it?

Sanchez: No one, honey. Go back to bed.

Sanchez: I'll meet you there in 5 minutes.

Assy McGee: 5...I said 20.

Sanchez: Ok, 20 minutes, fine.

Assy McGee: Yeah, that means you're gonna be waiting there for 15 minutes.

Sanchez: Right, 4:20, I'll see you there.

Assy McGee: All right.

[Assy calls Sanchez again]

Sanchez: Hello?

Assy McGee: I'm running late. Make it 25. You haven't left yet?

Sanchez: I'm just leaving now.

Assy McGee: All right.

[Assy calls Sanchez again the 3rd time]

Sanchez: Assy, what it is now?

Assy McGee: Hey.

Sanchez: Yeah?

Assy McGee: Should we just blow this off?

Sanchez: Assy, if it was important enough for you to call me at 4 in the morning--

Assy McGee: I know, I know. But you know what, I've been up all night.

Sanchez: I'll meet you over there.

Assy McGee: You're a good cop, Sanchez [farts]

Sanchez: Thanks, Assy.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Mayor: So, you been to that Korean hand job place yet?

Chief: No.

Mayor: You haven't?

Chief: Yeah, I got to get over there.

Mayor: Oh, my god, Greg, run, don't walk.

Chief: Yeah.

Mayor: Me and the wife love it. Mm, mm, mm. You gotta keep it fresh.

Mayor: Some people read the bible, and some people put a donkey mask on.

Chief: Yes, they do.

Mayor: So listen, Greg, I can't have this hooker murder mucking up this year's festival. I mean, we've got the parade, right?

Chief: Mayor, I don't want that either.

Mayor: Yeah. You got to nip this in the bud, Greg.

Chief: Right, sure.

Mayor: I mean, who goes out and kills a hooker on the eve of America's treasured celebration?

Chief: Well, we're trying to figure that out.

Mayor: Sometimes I feel like flushing this whole rotten city down the toilet. Hmm? That'd be one big toilet. We need to wrap up this case tonight, Greg.

Chief: We don't have a suspect, sir.

Mayor: Well, arrest someone, right?

Chief: Right.

Mayor: There you go. Now you go run and get me an arrest, huh?

Chief: Arrest someone. Right.

Mayor: All right.

Chief: Thanks. F*ck you, Mayor. Damn it, Assy.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Sanchez: I mean, female hookers, they get killed all the time. It's practically part of what they do.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Assy Mcgee: Well, what have we got, Chief?

Cheif: What do we got? We had 1 dead girl. Now we got 5 cops dead, and a freakin' forensics expert.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Bar Redneck: Look what happened to my finger!

[points out his swollen eye]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Hurlan's thoughts while getting bruised by townsfolks]

Hurlan: And that's when I decided I didn't want to be a doctor no more.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Hurlan: Is somebody barbecuing chump chops?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Hurshe: Doc! Pull my pearly whites so I can get covered in pearly whi--

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Jacket: Here's a song I wrote 10 years ago today. It's about my truck.

Jacket: [singsong] The first time that I saw you, girl with your long red hair, I always secretly wished you'd be the on for me, I'm laying my love bare.

Jacket: [singsong] I love you butterfly necklace and your frilly clothes, the way you shut your eyes and rub your nose.

Jacket: [singsong] And if 10 years in the future, I marry something else, it can't be real, I always feel I cherish you the best.

Jacket: [singsong] You're born without parts, and that's lovely, I could die so happily, if only I could f'ing be...your manbrosia.

Jacket: [singsong] You're a good truck.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Boss Hoss: All the folks in town are gonna be desperate to bribe your vote, so you can just sit back and "rape" in the "rearwards" of your doggie-tastical position.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Court Judge #2: [talks to Boss Hoss & Boss Hoss's dead body] I find you both guilty, and I sentence you to re-death!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Cutter the Vet: I don't go to where you work and kick your pecker out of the slushy machine.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Hurshe: Where is he? Where's my baby?

Doctor: He's probably the number-four lunch special at Vittleton by now.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Cutter the Vet: I'm gonna be a granddaddy?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Hambrosia's Mirror: [talking in valley girl accent] Hey! You won't believe what Hambrosia's doing right now! She's so evil and two-faced.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Narrator: Some children are just naturally talented. We'll never know why.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Clancy: Father, I can't stand to see you like this.

Bertrum: He's revolting! We should just put him out of his misery.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Saul: Charley horse!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Mr. President: Need I remind you we are bound together but the most powerful of all bonds?

STRATA Operator #1: Well, yes, I know that, sir.

Mr. President: Bonds that link us.

STRATA Operator #1: Uh, yes, I-I'm well aware of that the bonds, sir.

Mr. President: Secret bonds.

STRATA Operator #2: Uh...blood bonds?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Saul: These cockeyed copulators are drunk on fornication and cheap pineapple wine.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Saul: Hedonistic, orgiastic intercourse mongers! What carnal assault will they unleash on each other next?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Robot: What the hell are those -- Mongoloids or something?

Saul: I thought that at first, but chinamen they are not.

Robot: I meant retarded.

Johnny Tambourine: My twin sister's retarded. Or was she chinese? Oh, that's right -- She was stillborn.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Saul: Who knows what hot, dirty, little methane-filled crack that might shaft may have fallen into?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

[Saul screaming while falling]

Saul: It's a STRATA communication atenna.

[Saul goes back to screaming]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Announcer: Meet Saul Malone. Some people are people. Other's geologoists.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Jim: The fate of the world is in your hands, Todd Rogers.

Saul: It's me -- Malone. Saul Malone.

Jim: Then what are you doing with Todd Rogers' cold sore?

Saul: It's a mustache.

Jim: The coldest sore of all., Todd Rogers. The coldest sore of all.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Grinder: I ain't askin' for much, Lord, I just want dinner jeans, I want lunch jeans, I want taco jeans.

Sheriff: I want purple jeans, I want candy jeans, I want little jeans, the tiniest jeans you've ever seen in your life.

Hick Townfolk #3: [singsong] Jeans, a blue jeans, a red jeans, green jeans, too.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Hurshe: [moans] Oh, God. Oh, your lack of existence.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Hurshe: Damn you, Lord. You proved to me you exist! And now I'm weighed down by the damn morals that come with belief. Now I can't wish my brother dead, you dirty trickster.

Hurshe: You've won this round, O Lord, but I will get you in the next life, right after I finish devoting the rest of my days to the christian church!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Hurlan: We gonna have to make some drastic cuts until I'm housebroken.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Hurlan: Well, that's only because my diaper expenditures is just a hair astronomical.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Hurlan: Y'all sell lotion for chafed chafe?

Direne: What flavor you like? Beef or fish?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Sheriff: Here I sit, broken hearted, tried to love, but she departed.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

[After Dustin gets stuck in floating glass mirror he's trapped in]

Dustin: I'm trapped in infinity! I can't breath! Get me outta here! Get me out of everywhere!

Narrator: He just needed someone, anyone from the empty world to let him out.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: But Dustin felt so sorry for his captives he made it his mission to explore the outer edges of his freedom so their suffering wouldn't be in his vain.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: It gave them the knowledge and skills to grow acres of vibrant crops to sustain their community.

Narrator: It became a voidtopia, their lives rich with revelry, and they never thought of the outside world again.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: It made the 27th letter look like a jelly bean doing tricks to impress and ultimately seduce a peanut.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: His prisoners stumbled, wailing through the black of his chasm until one of the discovered the thing that changed the game -- the 28th letter of the alphabet.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: It tickled as his prisoners pounded and scratched for release, but he didn't let their negative energy drag him down to their level.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He was tortured by the visions of the fun his pit was having without him.

Narrator: He had to accept that his void was avoiding him.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The pickings were so thick the chasm grew portly. Then it got finicky.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: It gorged on the happy, the healthy, and any other suckers it could trick into the lips of its gape.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: An inner abyss out on its own for the first time often feels nervous. But when you're forced to sleep in the park...

Narrator: ...wonderful things happen.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: His emptiness was finally fed up with the depth of Dustin's dumbth and went looking for a better life.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: One day, Dustin realized he needed to give a name to his nameless ache -- he dubbed it Bry-Bry.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: No matter how much numbing perversion Dustin shoved in, his ravenous yearn only grew emptier, abyssier.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dustin: Now I've gone missing. For the life of me I can't track myself down. If you can still see me, can you ask me if I know if I'm me or not?

Grace: There's gotta be one thing that separates man from his meat.

Dustin: You mean this pit of misery burning in my chest? Is it so strong you can see it? [sobbing] Hello? Can you? Hello?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Both haunted by the same queasy thought -- what if I'm really him and he's really me?

Narrator: What if I not the man? What if I'm the meat?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: One day, he looked up and realized he couldn't tell himselves apart. Lost track which me he was.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Every screech of agony was proof someone cared.

Narrator: We All. Love. To. Feel. Loved.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He couldn't get enough of the meat's generosity.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The sweet meat lapped up every twitch of suffering like a biscuit sops gravy at sauce camp.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: When it martyrously obliged, Dustin went on a pain spree abusing himself with the gusto of a teenage girl at shy camp.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: And the winsome gobs stoked Dustin's hope they'd be kind enough to absorb his too.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Show business filled its destiny as the true savior of planet Earth.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The animals were thrilled -- this non-sentient meat was their Jesus.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: A magician who discovered a new and nobler meat, derived from ether not beast. So the world had no more need to raise animals merely to suffer and slaughter like beef.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[After the kids got splattered in blood from the balloon]

Girl: It's here! A new meat! We did it!

Children: Fresh meat! Fresh meat! Fresh meat! Fresh meat!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Toddler Prodigy, Trudy Glimmer was the greatest peek-a-boo player had ever known.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Doc: You best get you a Mexorcism!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: It made the Holocaust look like a children's party magician...

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: It made Hiroshima look like a tap dancing pill bug...

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: There is no way to describe the horror visited upon Dustin without using words that contain the letter.

Narrator: The closest we can safely say is that it made the Black Plague look like a jazz festival.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dustin: I believe this letter will lead to new words. Words for things we've here to fore had no way of expressing. Which could lead to new ideas, new emotions.

Dustin: Perhaps man will develop a new organ, a new lobe of the brain capable of perceiving a new magnitude of reality, one that contains a new state of grace.

Dustin: At the very least, there'll be new foods, or at minimum -- new meats. Which would naturally lead man to new gravies. This to say nothing of new sides. Or mayhaps a whole new specie, an advanced creature 1/27th more conscious than us.

Dustin: It'd be a gradual--

[Dustin gets eaten by a one eyed monster]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: In the middle of his first serious relationship, Dustin made a major discovery behind a stone -- the 27th letter of the alphabet.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: No one knew another letter existed, but there it was -- plain as pudding on your stupid face.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Lenyrrt: Don't worry, baby boy! All marriages hurt at first. You're doing so great! So hot. [moans]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Lenyrrt: [whispering] Look, you almost got me in trouble.

Creepy Voice: Don't be so uptight. Come on, one quick smooch and I leave you alone.

Dr. Lenyrrt: [chuckles] Don't be cray right now. Shh!

Creepy Voice: At least send down the fresh meat.

Dr. Lenyrrt: Don't you ever get enough?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Lenyrrt: I told you not to bug me at work.

Creepy Voice: But...I missed you.

Dustin: [muttering] Is everything okay?

Dr. Lenyrrt: Yes. Yes, fine.

Dustin: It sounded like you were talking.

Dr. Lenyrrt: It's a...a new technique. Uh, we talk to the teeth. Cutting-edge dental-ry.

Dustin: Ohh! Okay, sounds cool.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: It comes in all shapes and sizes.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Dustin Okus assumed his father was just distant, or didn't love him, until the day he discovered the man actually had a medical condition.

Narrator: It's called Being A Dick.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dustin: Have you seen him?

Grave: I have.

Dustin: Where? What was he doing?

Grave: He was putting up fliers that say "have you seen this man?" with pictures of himself on it.

Dustin: How did he look? Did he seem fulfilled in his life?

Grave: Not really.

Dustin: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! [crying] Damn it!

Grave: But I followed him for a few hours.

Dustin: You did? What did he do?

Grave: You walked into the woods, pretty deep, and crawled into a hole.

Dustin: I did? Am I in there now?

Grave: You're just sitting there thinking.

Dustin: What am I thinking about?

Grave: How am I supposed to know?

Dustin: Oh, come on! Use your eyes!

Grave: He's thinking about...about when he was a kid. [echoes]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: On the other hand, there are ears who see too much.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: As long as they remained in Eban's healing gaze, held whole in the stitch of his sight, they felt they could do absolutely anything at all.

Horizon: So that's exactly what they did.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: They had too much pride to get back together. But one afternoon, when they had both moped off to brood in a meadow, they inexplicably felt the re-connection they had longed for. They savored the sensation.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Each side snuck to the other one's house to creep on their other side sleeping.

Narrator: Both were horrified to discover their other side not home but probably out having real fun.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: They developed a sick fixation upon each other.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Both sides grew up utterly happy and secretly miserable because each suspected the other was actually happy and not utterly pretending.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Horizon: His Alpha side breezed through life, grabbing whatever its half-heart desired. Tragically, his beta half was forced to develop a personality and sharpen his intellect to survive.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Nerd's Tough Side: Now dat I done helped you truly know yerself fer free, why doncha cough up that lunch money as payment?

[Nerd's Soft Side coughs up lunch money]

Nerd's Tough Side: I know who I am, I'm rich!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Horizon: It requires great strength to analytically octosect ourselves into sub-sets of neuroticism, agreeableness, extroversion, openness, conscientiousness, warmth, and assertiveness.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Nerd's Tough Side: What you looking at, lil half bitch?

Nerd's Soft Side: Nothing. I just..

Nerd's Tough Side: [mocking] Nothing, I just... -- Nothing, I just...I just...

Nerd's Tough Side: Shut up. Gimme yer lunch money, now.

Nerd's Soft Side: But, like, isn't our lunch money?

Nerd's Tough Side: You gonna be a little bitch, you bitch?

Nerd's Soft Side: That's not a simple question. You know, It'd be erroneous to adhere to one broad label when Jungian scholars agree a personality comprises infinite gradations of 7 archetypical traits.

Nerd's Tough Side: Here's your 7 component archetypes right here.

[Nerd's Tough Side slices his soft side in pieces in karate style]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Bully: What you looking at, twerp? You a tough guy? Huh? You a tough guy?

Nerd Kid: I don't know.

Bully: Whatchu mean? Are you a tough guy?

Nerd Kid: I mean, it's complicated, I'm not sure I can categorize myself.

Bully: Okay, well her, let me help you figure it out.

[Bully gives the nerd a wedgie]

Bully: Now, are you a tough guy?

Nerd Kid: I mean, we all have different facets to facets to ourselves. One part may be tough, aggressive, dominant, while another side is introspective and hesitant. If I'm being honest, I'm a complex amalgam of both.

Bully: Ok then, I'll separate it for ya.

[Bully splits the Nerd kid into two personalities]

Bully: Now the both of yous can hash it out amongst yourselves. Losers!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: When something scrumptious blindsides our senses, we can see the seam of sight speak its peace. To warn us --

Horizon: Vision is violence.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Gil's Wife: What happened?

Gil: You were in a terrible accident.

Gil's Wife: What are you, like, eating?

Gil: It's seriously the most delicious thing I've ever had. Here try a bite.

Gil's Wife: I don't understand what's going on.

Gil: What's going on is I grabbed life by the scruff of that ass.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

EMT Surgeon: Order up! She's gonna make a full recovery. It's kinda my fun take on saving your wife's life, that's all. Up top!

[EMT Surgeon avoid the high five and slaps Gil's wife instead]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

EMT Surgeon: Order up!

[Gil tastes the feelawfel]

Gil: Mmm! Incredible! How'd you get the edges so, uh...

EMT Surgeon: Crispy on the outside? I flash fry 'em before broiling.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Gil: Can you tell me about the feelawfel?

EMT Surgeon: Okay, that one is our take on the falafel, obviously. We do it raw onions since you're crying, anyway. And if your loved one dies, you get to keep the cup. So you walk away a winner no matter what happens.

Gil: I'll...I'll do one of those.

EMT Surgeon: Okay. Gotta say it through the window there.

Gil: One feel-awfel.

[EMT Surgeon appears in the food truck]

EMT Surgeon: Okay, you're gonna want to get the grief sauce on this, I assume.

Gil: You're gonna cook it, too?

EMT Surgeon: I focus best when I'm doing two things at once.

Gil: This is the most impressive thing I've ever witnessed. [happily] Slab! Slab! Slab!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

EMT Surgeon: Do you want her to die?!

Gil: No! No! It's just, I don't know..

EMT Surgeon: Make a decision! Grab life by the scruff of the ass!

Gil: Okay. Do it. Do it!

EMT Surgeon: Good now stand back, pray, and cheer me on. "Slab, Slab, Slab!" They called me 'Slab" in med school, and I don't have time to tell you this story. C'mon, motivate me!

Gil: Umm, Slab...Slab...Slab...Slab...Slab...Slab...

EMT Surgeon: So did you have lunch yet?

Gil: Um, uh, no. Slab...Slab...Slab...Slab...

EMT Surgeon: Well get yourself something, menu's on the side.

Gil: Wait, this...this ambulance is a food truck, too?

EMT Surgeon: I told you -- hybrids. Now I recommend the Chi-Loco-Lo-Mein-Vein Dragon Bowl. They're little burritos rolled all the way into noodles! It's a pretty fun Mexican take on a traditional Chinese lo mein. Isn't that a clever lil combo. Kinda how your wife's gonna end up if she pulls through! [chuckles] Get used to combos!

Gil: I really don't have an appetite right now!

EMT Surgeon: Well, family of patients get 10% off.

Gil: I don't know. [whispering] Scruff of ass.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

EMT Surgeon: You! Are you a relative of the victim?

Gil: That, uh, gunk there is my wife.

EMT Surgeon: The only way these folks survive is if I sew them together right now.

Gil: Can you do that?

EMT Surgeon: I trained a surgeon specializing in hybrids. Lousy job market means that I gotta drive a goddamn ambulance to make ends meet.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: After their first fight, a couple can slow its faux bumble and finally hold each other in its gaze, forever safe, invincible.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Gil: Wasn't that a lovely ceremony?

Gil's Wife: Sometimes I think you're falling on purpose to avoid grappling with life's real challenges.

Gil: What? No. I just happen to be falling. Whoa, whoops. See?

Gil's Wife: When you say that it diminishes validity from people who are really falling, like me.

Gil: You're not really falling any more than I am.

Gil's Wife: We're both just going through the motions.

Gil: Whoa, whoa!

Gil's Wife: I need to be with someone who can grab life by the scruff of the ass.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He managed to meet and injure fun, new people. He fell into a relationship with a girl who he could express his pride up in every position, from dignified doggy to respectful cowgirl. Even butt stuff.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: So when Gil Minugm got tripped by a bully, he just kept falling as if he meant to do it. As long as he pretended to tumble, he kept his self-respect.

Narrator: He committed to his pride all thru life. Dignity flowed from him like body water. He slipsy-won the city marathon and became the first man to fall up Mt. Everest.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Having true pride is never letting anyone know they got to you.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: There is no survival skill greater than man's ability to save face.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: A Dr's sacred mission is to do everything in his power to avoid losing his job.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: After he fingered the seam of sight, Eban managed to escape into the realm that lives behind vision.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Bntu: I'm sorry, but this is the world.

Eban Dylfyl: Well, you need to fix it now or I'm gonna get you fired! You'll be on the streets eating cardboard dirt! No sauce. No beverage. Like I ate!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Bntu: Well, maybe try nature.

Eban Dylfyl: Lame. Ugh. My eyes are gonna puke. [retching]

[Eban tries to puke from his eyes aggressively]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Eban Dylfyl: You gotta be kidding me. That's it?

Dr. Bntu: Can you see?

Eban Dylfyl: Yeah, but I just always pictured the world was gonna be, like, beautiful, ya know?

Dr. Bntu: You need more time to get used to it...?

Eban Dylfyl: I don't wanna get used to this. It's worser than trash. It's freakin' common.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: And yet, Dr. Ton Bntu extracted a lateral infarction in the optic chiasm so Eban Dylfyl blind since birth, could see the world for the first time.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Humiliated, Huan threw itself off the edge of the earth. But Fjuurn was taping that, too, so they'd always have proof of Huan's love -- something to give Fjuurn the confidence to finally love itself.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The next morning as the sun scorched off the fog of abandon, Huan awoke alone to discover that Fjuurn had secretly taped the whole thing.

Narrator: It was all over the net.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: After the carnage of penetration, each subsequent municipal pump was hotter than that which preceded it.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: One night Science got drunk and decided to force fate to happen.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: They folded one over other using cranes and a finger of skylube.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: It was from this vintage that astro-matchmakers noticed the skyline of these two locales, every mountain & valley, tower & well, house & hole were a perfect interlocking fit, a precise inverse of one another like a hot dog slipped snugly into a set of human buns.

Narrator: Meant to be.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Following this finding, Fjuurn became shy. Every citizen blushed so much, the temperature rose 9 degrees. A soft, red glow could be seen from space.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: One Fjuurnian for each single Huanian. Compatible ages, interests, fetishes, peccadilli.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Recent computers have discovered a town in Vietnam Huan whose populace is also romantically unattached.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: And as we know, there is a town in Finland called Fjuurn comprised entirely of lonely people.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: When Fred arrived, he finally understood what his father had been trying to tell him his whole life.

Fred's Father: Freddy...Freddy...Freddy Forgetti.

[Fred's Father died with a hand gesture]

Fred Lombadi: I'm ashamed of mine, too, Dad. I'm ashamed of mine, too.

Narrator: He was teaching his son that it's always better to grow your own.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Woman: What's happening? Where am I? I'm supposed to be in my mind. Let me out of here! I'm out of my mind!

Fred Lomabdi: Jump! I'll catch you, dream girl.

[After Fred caught the woman, she turns into a monster]

Monster: You've released me you fool! [evil laughs]

Fred Lombadi: You can't scare me off that easy.

[Fred sexually kisses the monster]

Monster: [thinking] Why do I always get myself into these suffocating relationships? Am I punishing myself for some perceived guilt?

Fred Lombadi: [thinking] Mm, I'm tearing her up inside.

Woman: [thinking] Sometimes I feel like he's just in love with the idea of me.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: After he licked out the last few gigs of sci-fi from inside a Kindle, he had imbibed everything ever written.

Narrator: That's when he began breaking into houses and smoking dreams right out of people's heads as they slept.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Mornings, he would Wake & Blake, roll up a Frued and cook some Baldwin brownies. Soon he started mainlining the Beasts. At his rock bottom, he sucked the Oxford English Dictionary until he nearly OD'd on the subtext.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Soon he moved on to the hard stuff. He filled his lungs with brilliance and became chemically dependent on profundity. Nothing was dense enough.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He did lines of prose all night. Then he smoked every self-help book he could get his hands on, the sublime power of the written word coursing through his system.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He carpe'd his demons and sucked the black marrow of misery's milk from the bone of grief's teat, horfing in the pleasures of misery.

Narrator: It was the best three minutes of his life. Luckily, his brother intervened to stop him.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Fred quit leaning on quick fixes and turned to a life of substance.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The instant he snorted his first line of pure gloom, his life was darked.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: But when Fred found his brainchild mired in the same cycle of abuse, he spiraled, swallowed in wallow.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: When woe is your only companion, you hanker to clutch its titillations.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: They got off on nursing the warrior back to help so it could ravage on their behalf again and again. They sold its seed to breeders.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: They didn't understand why the machine they treated so brutally would fight to keep them flush which was just what excited them.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: When the detector's digital kin charged in to defend it, the couple weren't intimidated.

Narrator: In fact, they sicced theirs upon the invader and savored the battle that ensued.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The moment he was discovered, the butterflies in his stomach turned back into caterpillars.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He worried. He could develop a fatal bowel disorder turning her to a lonely bowel widow, but he didn't know what else to do.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He kept his revelation inside, couldn't bear to break her heart. They made it work together, and luckily she never found out what he really thought of her.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: One day after a rigorous session, they were on their lunch break when it happened.

Narrator: It was that moment he knew he could never respect or love a whore whose emotion could be bought.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: She grabbed her soul by the scruff of the ass, but she couldn't force it to mate with his.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Desperately in debt and hobbled by health problems, Sheila Sherma decided to give it a sincere shot.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: For months, they struggled valiantly to pry open the petals of her heart.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He told her he was willing to pay millions if she'd reciprocate his feelings, not have sex or kiss, but actualize digitally adjudicated eternal passion.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: When Roman Mungol submitted to a love detector, he was surprised to see his results come back positive.

Narrator: He knew he harbored affection for the woman who delivered his mail, but it was a shock to have it electronically confirmed as eternal love.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He spent his brainglow developing new technology to ensure no one ever had to wonder what someone is feeling.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: As a token of goditude, the Lord made Fred's dum-dum go bye-bye.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Fred's Father: This last year has been very good to us, right now. I never told you this before, but I am proud to say that you are...Freddy Forgetti! I can't believe you forgot the matches that time, you ding-dong! [laughter]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Every denomination got in on the action, and Fred's one true God eviscerated all the other one true Gods, plus they cleaned up selling His Holy Seed to breeders.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: When underground God fighting took off, oceans burned, skies sharted, heaven pees its pants...

Narrator: ...and over $100 in wagers changed hands.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Fred Lombadi: I remember the monkey said about how God is inside us all.

Thug: What, even up in me? Get out of me, you mook! Out, out!

[Another God also came out of the thug's body]

Fred's Father: If this is God, what's that? One of these a phony!

Thug: We better have them duke it out.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Fred's Father: Did you get it?

Fred Lombadi: He's in here.

Fred's Father: Let me see that. Hmm. I -- I can't see him.

Fred Lombadi: That's the idea. The monk guy, he says the trick to nabbing him is patience.

Fred's Father: I got a better trick. [pulls up a gun] You come out of there or I stab you with a knife. Get! Easy, now. Easy!

[God came out of the flower]

Fred Lombadi: You proud of me now, Pop?

Fred's Father: Did you remember to pick up a pack of matches for me, too?

Fred Lombadi: Oh.

Fred's Father: Aw, Freddy Forgetti!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Fred Lombadi tried to remain calm, but he knew this chance might never come again, the chance to make his father proud, the score of a lifetime.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Monk: Every object in the physical realm has been infinitely born in every moment. God is inside this flower.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The procedure was a success, so his wife celebrated with jolly glee.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The most advanced madcap treatments flopped. He was informed he had only 2 months left to goof. His final hope was a siliectomy to surgically remove all his malignant kook.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: When they discovered his funny bone was riddled with a cancerous humor, it causes Mirv to cross his eyes with such whimsy he was forced to confront every hijink jinking the depths of his psyche.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Tests revealed Mirvyn's turds were riding up and down inside his butt in what oncologists described as a wack-a-doodie poorade, and then his dookie came flying out his mouth across town, smacking into an old lady's face.

Narrator: Mirv and his doctor, shared a guffaw over that one.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The clinician explained his vital organs were a Silly Billy.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: After nearly overdosing on fun, his doctor became concerned he might be medically wacky and soon Mirv was diagnosed with stage IV goof-em-ups.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: He disseminated frivolous cheer with his zany wacknanigans. The man was a true nut.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: But Mirvyn Blanchyrd was one of the kookiest goofballs on planet Earth.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Once all existence was gone, no one could tell if her nothingness was still there or if it never was. If she was there, then it wasn't, but if she was there, then it wasn't.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: And after she murdered the devil, Lily felt empowered to share her victory snack with the world.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Bodgey: Erasing your identity was a tragic act of pure selflessness. Blame the mom.

Amy: [laughs]

Satan: Noooo! [Satan explodes]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: And Dr. Bodgey was thrilled to have some sweet misery to solve once again.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Clive getting bounced by many cars]

Clive: I'm taking a little me time.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Clive stayed in his trap for all eternity. But once your worst fear comes true, your paranoia can fly back home which might give you the courage to emancipate your own heart from its abusive cycle of love.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Bodgey: Have you ever even peaked in there to see what she looks like?

Clive: No need. All that matters is on the inside. She could blow us both to smithereens at any second.

Dr. Bodgey: You know what I think? You're afraid to look, because what if nobody is in there? You're worried it's empty. You are paranoid!

Clive: No way. My girl wouldn't not exist. She bees. Tell him you bee, boo. Boo? Boo?

Karry: I'm sorry! I...It's not my fault! My mom gave me an eating disorder, so I committed celery-cide. I un-ed myself.

Clive: The--the--the--th-- Then what's in there? Nothing? Are you just an empty portal? You zilchor! Boo. Boo!

Karry: But isn't it beautiful. Don't you remember how happy we were then?

Clive: You tricked me into having a fulfilling relationship with a manifestation of nostalgia for the relationship I got tricked into?

Clive: You know I hate when I get trapped in a self-collapsing emotional prison. I've told you that over and over and over!

Karry: But what are you going to do?!

Clive: I'm pulling myself out of there.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Atoms orgied. The Sun and Moon got a room. Daises did the Dougie. Birds stopped having constant racist thoughts against Asians. Even Jews began to get along with other Jews. Everyone was happy.

Narrator: It was a mental health professional's worst nightmare.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The way they spat love in the ass of death was an inspiration to the world.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Bliss ripped hope a new joy hole.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Clive: I could live in this moment forever and ever and ever. [echoing]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Every second they didn't explode made the couple savor life more. Then can the moment. It was the first time Clive felt truly held.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Clive: This thing is going to blow any second! If you could grab hold of my arm, I'll try and pull you out.

Karry: Uh, excuse me?

Clive: If I hold this up, I can get you out through this hole here.

Karry: Yeah, can you not mansplain to me right now? I know how a rescue works.

Clive: I just...I just...

Karry: [mocking] I just...I just...Why don't you try to say that again, only this time, pretend you consider me your intellectual equal? Huh? Just for fun, let's try that.

Clive: Uh, sorry. We should hurry. There's gas leaking, and it could explode any second.

Karry: Okay! Thank you for telling me how fossil fuels work. I don't know what I would've done.

Clive: There's a lot of blood dripping.

Karry: You mean my blood as in my business. Maybe spend a little less time worrying about my natural bodily functions and a little more time not worrying about my natural bodily functions!

Clive: If this thing blows, we'll be badly burned.

Karry: How's this for a burn? Why are you so dumb? Ha!

Clive: Uh, it's because I just...[sighs] It's because I think you're pretty, all right?

Karry: There it is. Typical.

Clive: And I'm hoping if we survive this, I can get your phone number.

Karry: You do realize how inappropriate this is, right?

Clive: I know. I'm sick.

Karry: Can you unpack that for me a little bit?

Clive: Well, I guess I'm haunted by inferiority born of my jealousy over the female body's capacity to carry life into this world which is why I secretly put nails in the road to cause a wreck so I can play out my twisted savior complex and feel superior.

Karry: But that's why I cut the brakes on my car, to catch jerks acting superior.

Clive: You did? That's so funny.

Karry: Oh, my god. Weird. No, like, we're actually not so different. We both wanted the same thing, just from...

Clive & Karry: [unison] Different Angles.

Karry: This is no accident.

Clive: We're like partners in some cryptic dance.

Karry: Oh, god. What are we doing?

Clive: We're doing this.

[Clive kissed Karry inside the car wreckage while doing a makeout]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Denial makes your life a wreck.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Clive: I don't know, Doc. People tell me I should be paranoid, but I got nothing to be afraid of.

Dr. Bodgey: Do you think it's because of those?

Clive: Those what? What's the problem?

Dr. Bodgey: Can you see how your refusal to be terrified is infuriating to me?

Clive: Why is everyone conspiring me to make me paranoid? I'm not falling for it. I'm going to be happy and devout my life to actually helping people!

Dr. Bodgey: Noooooooo!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The perk of Dr. Bodgey's job was front-row seats to the ding-dong show like his patient this morning.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Lily: I know it sounds crazy, but since I was a kid, I couldn't shake the feeling that my mom wants to eat me.

Dr. Bodgey: And did you ever consider the possibility that she did that so that she could stay in you life?

Amy: [sobbing]

Lily: Did you really want to be there for me, mom, or were you just trying to stay out of hell?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: But our secrets consume us.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Amy: Can you help me get out of here?

Rosa: Oh...oh, yeah. O...of course. Sorry. Move forth, gentle. Make your first left. You'll see a door. Go right through there.

Amy: Oh! I think this is hell! Oh!

Rosa: Oh, I'm sorry. Is that not what you wanted?

Amy: No!

Rosa: Oh, well you didn't specify.

Amy: Oh, it burns! My skin is burning!

Rosa: Can't you just scrape it off?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Rosa: Don't be afraid. Just surrender. You are loved. Go towards the light. The light is love. Go to it. Beautiful! You are at peace now.

Amy: [echoing] Hello? Where am I? What's happening?

Rosa: I can finally dig into this sammy! Mmm, pretty nummy! [coughs] Wait! Ugh! Is there mayo in this sam-sam?

Amy: Yeah. It was a ham and mayonaise.

Rosa: Dang! Why didn't you tell me? I hate mayo!

Amy: You didn't specify! Can't you just scrape it off?

Rosa: Like, actual ew! I would know it used to be there.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Amy: What can you do for me?

Rosa: Well, I used to be a nurse. I was a hospice nurse. I could do that. It'll only take a sec. Lay down. Here we go.

Rosa: Slip away. Let go. You don't have to hold on. Slip into glory.

Amy: I can't...I'm not going to just die.

Rosa: Oh, because I can't earn my own meals? I've have never been so insulted!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Amy: Here. It's only half a sandwich.

Rosa: Thanks, ma'am, but I'm not a charity case. It says, "Work for food."

Amy: Really, it's fine.

Rosa: I'd rather starve than be degraded.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: But no matter how hard they try, some women are too weak to ignore the suffering of others.

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added 9 months ago

Narrator: She wondered where her shyness went, but it didn't matter because she was happy and forever free.

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added 9 months ago

Narrator: Once she disappeared completely, she finally felt seen. After achieving every girl's dream of negative weight, no one could take their eyes off her.

Narrator: She turned every head. The camera loved her, but one day, she looked up and found herself full of pity for the clunky losers of the world. Now that she had all of the attention. She danced like no one was watching. It was.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Therefore, Kally Gluntle spent life wondering if she was invisible. After searching for a diet that would earn her the love she deserved, Kally discovered eating celery burns more calories than it contains.

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added 9 months ago

Narrator: Holly Inglet had quite enough messes.

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added 9 months ago

Narrator: So the day he finally felt rain on his face after a 1,000-year drought, Reese raised her the whole world, and no matter how hard his old friends begged him to visit them for tea, he never set foot on the ground again, not after tonight.

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added 9 months ago

Narrator: The first time he brought a woman to completion, his heart throbbed to life. His coffin worms were thrilled for their brunch, but Reese missed the warmth of his little friends as they ate away at all things death, chomping a path he'd be crazy enough to follow.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: As her health deteriorated, he was strangely grateful for the chance to care for the person who had nurtured him when he was helpless.

Narrator: He couldn't help but see an elegance to the full circle shape our lives take. He was with her at the end when she slipped into infinity.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: This gave him confidence that he was ready to find a real partner, maybe even get married.

Narrator: Unfortunately, at that exact moment, the queen mother just happened to grow old as a total coincidence and not as an emotional manipulation.

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added 9 months ago

Narrator: He realized these sweet creatures could help so many others not lucky enough to know a mother's touch.

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added 9 months ago

Reese's Dad: Now you put a tiny Bible here for bait. They crawl in, and snap goes their nagging neck.

Reese: I don't want to hurt them.

Reese's Dad: [begging] Aw, let me just do a couple of them, please, please.

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added 9 months ago

Reese's Dad: Exterminator.

Reese: Uh, I didn't call anyone.

Reese's Dad: Exterminator!

Reese: Dad, what are you doing here?

Reese's Dad: I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just a regular exterminator, okay?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: If he dared to help them in any way, they'd break into cute little riots.

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added 9 months ago

Grub: My wolf brothel has been success for...7, 8 generations. All within the past 2 months [holds up 4 fingers]. And I owe that success for one thing... [holds up 2 fingers].Heartshe Wolf And Whore Chow.

Grub: For the first time, it's commercially available for the home brothel, comically called marriage. I guarantee your wife's last sister, she'll lap it up while you make your own gravy...in your pants.

Grub: Heartshe Wolf And Whore Chow has secret sedatives to keep your wife nasal and buck it up into your new wife. Look into your heart...[voice breaking] it's the right thing to do...just feed the meat! Alright, just feed the meat! Feed the meat!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The baby moms scampered everywhere, dispensing kind advice and leaving tiny casseroles around the house.

Narrator: They were competitive critters who did favors and tricks to prove their love without asking for anything in return and spent all day making squeaks that meant, " I don't need anything, so don't worry about me because I don't want to make trouble, and you can ignore me if you like because all I want is for you to be happy. Even though my leg hurts, it's not a big deal, and I don't matter because I'm just a mom."

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: And when he finally woke, of course, she laid quite a humongous egg.

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added 9 months ago

[Reese's Mom reading the bible]

Reese's Mom: Oh, God, oh, yeah, God. Oh, God. oh, yeah, God, baby. Oh, yeah, God, baby. Oh, God, yeah, God, baby.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The original mother simply couldn't imagine what she had done to make her child reject her so coldly, but his doll was determined not to feel guilty.

Narrator: It wasn't her fault that woman couldn't manage to keep her own son loyal, so they settled into a cozy companionship -- long afternoons connecting over tea with an ease between them, although her prayers often kept him up at night.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: After that, Reese was too ashamed to see his real mom again, so he began to lean on this one.

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added 9 months ago

Narrator: Reese knew, every time he got a girl, his mom would find a way to ruin it.

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added 9 months ago

Reese: Why do you have her making noises like that?

Body Model Manager: Oh, yeah, she's programmed to say all the real stuff your mom says.

Reese's Mom: Oh, yeah, honey. Can I make you an egg-salad sandwich, baby? [moans] That'll put some meat on your bones. [moans] Ugh, god! When are you going to give me some grandchildren? Ugh, yeah, give it to me! Give me grandchildren! Make me a grandma! Do it!

Reese: No, no, no, no, no, no! I can't hear this! Make her stop!

Body Model Manager: Of course. I've got something for that.

[The manager puts a ball gag on the model of Reese's Mom which makes it worse and more sexier]

Reese: Cancel the whole thing! It's all ruined!

Body Model Manager: Uh, Mike, uh, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Tell you what, take it. The mom is free.

Reese: It's not about the money. I'm going.

Body Model Manager: No, I mean, it's free. It has free will. It wants to come with you!

Reese's Mom: Oh, I'm coming! Oh, yeah! I'm coming. [moans]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Body Model Manager: And your in luck. We're running a special prom this month. Every custom love doll you buy, we throw in a free doll of your mother.

Body Model Manager: Bring out the mom on the Reese job! It's Eudora Reese!

Reese: No, I don't want...

Body Model Manager: Looks just like her, huh? Our team really does their research. You can do anything you want with her. Get me? Anything.

Reese: Ew. I don't want to do sex with Mommy.

Body Model Manager: Who said anything about sex? What's wrong with you?

Reese: Sorry. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this.

Body Model Manager: Punch her, strangling, whatever you're into! Go on! Sock her in the teeth. Break her in. Vroom, vroom, right, like how you said.

Reese: I'm not...I would never hurt my mom.

Body Model Manager: Not true. You're breaking her heart right now. See? Her eyes are totally wet for you. Oh, she's a squirter!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Body Model Manager: And, uh, did you want dignity with that?

Reese: Like, what?

Body Model Manager: Dignity, do you want any dignity? We can put a look of dignity in her eyes or just keep the blank stare.

Reese: Uh, is the, um, dignity extra?

Body Model Manager: Fifty cents more.

Reese: Uh, I'm on a philosopher's salary.

Body Model Manager: I understand. This guy doesn't want any dignity. No dignity for Jay Reese!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Body Model Manager: We took her out for a test spin, put up a couple few miles on her, right?

Reese: Oh, okay. Thanks.

Body Model Manager: Vroom, vroom, right, Mr. Reese?

Reese: Yeah, I guess.

Body Model Manager: You guess what?

Reese: Uh, uh, I, um...Vroom, vroom.

Body Model Manager: If you say so.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Reese had no photos, so they had to construct her from his description.

Narrator: All they told him was to imagine a desert choked dead by a 1,000-year drought and that she was the first spring rain.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Reese: I'm here for a pick-up. Reese.

Body Model Manager: Reese. Reese. [clicks tongue] You had us recreate your old high-school crush, right?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Native American Kid: Grandpa, what is that knocking sound from the edge of the world?

Cutter the Vet: There is a whole civilization out there, a realm beyond these walls, a place I lived. Feels like 10 lifetimes ago.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Hurshe: If you ever manage to get out of me, I'm gonna bleach the pit of my peach and burn off every morseled memory of your stupid face!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Sheriff: You think this is my fault?! My poor dong's probably being pulled into some quicksand of rancid pud in your sad chasm, 'cause the only emotion you know how to express is "Hop on!"

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Cutter the Vet: A Savage! She's a ravishing as she looked on the package!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Hurshe: I knew one a these days your greedy bananerfish would get up in me and gobble so many of my rotten eggs, it'd get too fat to yank out!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Cutter the Vet: "Step 58 -- Sprinkle water on tomato plant and enjoy your sustainable sanctuary, guaranteed to last 100 lifetimes or your money back."

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Sheriff: I can't get it out. It's stuck!

Hurshe: Oh, come on. My head is wet for a clockin'.

Sheriff: I'm telling you, you're clenching your ladyfist too tight.

Hurshe: I'm loose as a moose, dumbbone. Come on now -- Stop prickin' around and pecker-deck me into next bruiseday.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Hambrosia: Now, is there anything that you want to say?

Sheriff: I love...your sister...

Hambrosia: Okay.

Sheriff: ...And I hate you...

Hambrosia: Okay.

Sheriff: ...So much!

Hambrosia: Okay.

Sheriff: [laughs] It feels electric! I hate...

Hambrosia: Okay.

Sheriff: ...Hate...

Hambrosia: Okay.

Sheriff: ...Hate...

Hambrosia: Okay.

Sheriff: ...You!

Hambrosia: Okay.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Hurshe: This is making my hoohah happier than a hog in snot. Pull your dink out and bonk me in the noggin with it.

Sheriff: I love a happy smack!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Hambrosia: I can't let this go too far. I don't have parts.

Hambrosia's Mirror: Oh, that's okay. I do. Why don't you snorkel up and diver down a licky-loo?

[Hambrosia does a make out with herself inside the mirror licking her private parts into some way of doing it to the mirror]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Hambrosia: He's thinks it's so bad being stuck with me? I'd like to see how he'd like to be stuck with that disgusting tramp.

Hambrosia's Mirror: Oh, you're taking a real kick-tushy stance. It's making me hard as a wet rock.

[Hambrosia tries to kiss her reflection to the mirror]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Meemaw: Time gushes its sand from the open wound of life, yet no one heed my ominous hollers of comening.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Court Judge: I've heard all the evidence, but Miss Heartshe, I'm just not convinced you did it. I'ma have to find you innocent unless you can look me in the eye and admit for the 55th and final time, did you kill Doc?

[Hambrosia's teeth were rotten and sealed shut as she token a bite out of Hurshe's disgusting sandwich]

Court Judge: Ma'am, I can't understand what you're saying. We'll I'm afraid I'm just gonna have to let you go free. You could've been a great martyr.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Hurlan: I'm gonna save you for a rainy day. [echoes]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Hambrosia: I killed him good. And I want all the glory. If found guilty, which I am, I like to be crucifried on a electric cross.

All: [applause]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: To bust with life was Jay Reese's thickest wish, but he felt so dead in his heart. His chest was swarmed by coffin worms desperate to wriggle in for the feast of their lives.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: And at that moment, Ms. Gwang realized how she too could be literal.

Narrator: She was ready for brunch.

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added 9 months ago

Teenager: But it's like I don't even know if I like brunch, but I wish you and me could brunch sometime.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Once given the chance to speak, Ms. Gwang wondered if any language was rich enough to convey her depth of appreciation for this fellowship.

Narrator: She hoped silence would suffice.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Li Quin Gwang was desperate to say how lucky she felt to gab with a new gal pal, but she couldn't get a word in edgewise, so she used the new app.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Teenager: So at lunch today, Hannah said she couldn't have brunch with me tomorrow because she's having brunch with Bethany, but Bethany said she couldn't brunch with me she's brunching with Hannah, so then when I confronted them, they said they don't think so, but other people think I'm pissy trash, but, like, you don't think that, do you? 'Cause if you say, "Yes," then literally I will die because this is already, like, the most literal day of my life!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: That being said, humans have an animal need to connect.

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added 9 months ago

Narrator: Hunky Messiah renowned us. We're all beef in our souls where it counts.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: Eyes once blind saw glory, ears once deaf now pounded. Even gun owners had their problem fixed.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Narrator: The crippled came from the world over to be healed. Indeed, each time he showed them his chiseled beef, miraculously, they died psyched.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Muscular Guy: I just...I don't understand how I got so huge! I mean, check my 'bliques. They shredded. Father? Father?

Father: You are the new Christ.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Muscular Guy: I don't consider myself a hero. I just did what any ripped specimen of jacked man-meat would've done in that situation.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Muscular Guy: I held a pretty sweet pose until the coroner arrived to throw the boy in the trash and ask for my autograph.

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added 9 months ago

Muscular Guy: Two days ago, I witnessed an auto accident. A taxi flipped over, and there was a 3-year-old pinned underneath. I don't know where the power came from, but I got down on the cement, and I managed to do 900 push-ups.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Muscular Guy: I've never really believed in God, but recently I managed to summon almost superhuman strength.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Girl: Now in lieu of the doing of doing good things, they'd feel just good feelings of good the goo brings.

Girl: The goo was pure goodness. It had to be. They spread good like angels, left good for free.

Girl: We stepped out for such truth. What's this nub thing, where, how? He is the proof that it's real.

Narrator: I'm rubbing mine now.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Girl: This goo was the cure for their spirits' diseases. He lifted all hearts, out-gooded all geez-s.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Girl: Proud Ike could no longer make folks seem inferior. They each plunged a pointer through their own head's interior.

Girl: The same goo that had once made folks feel so bad, that goo became good. Oh, the gush that was had.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Girl: This morality test made them vow to do nice, so they plugged up his gush and gave true sacrifice.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Girl: The worst knee to the groin of the heart the world has seen was envious green as Ike flicked his brain's bean.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Girl: For the treasure God bakes and makes you a man, his pleasure, he takes when he feels better than.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Girl: So though just a nub, he continued to rub. He rubbed in the tub, and he rubbed in the pub. He rubbed on the run, all over the place. he rubbed just for fun in everyone's face.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Girl: Once the spurt of his rightness, it gushed and unfurled, he knew he must share his gift with the world.

Yoga Cashier: How can I help you today, brother?

Ike: Oh, I'm so much better than you, oh, me so better.

[Ike starts to spurts righteousness goo in the Yoga cashier's face]

Yoga Cashier: Oh, oh, brother! Why? Ooh!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Girl: Ike's finger discovered and Ike then was shown the path of his brain where righteousness lives.

Ike: [panting] Oh, yeah, I'm so right. Oh, I'm so right!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Girl: The force of Ike's scratch made Ike's face to turn red as his fidgeting finger plunged deep in his head.

Girl: When your giggling digit grows a mind of its own, who knows who controls the wriggles it gives.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Ike: Pfft. Really? Just soup, nothing solid? Pfft. Oh-ho-ho, great, number sevens.

Ike: Folks need spiritual nourishment to fill their souls...

Ike: ...and a place to crash.

[cuts to next scene in the house where Hank Alto managed to bring enough people for spirit nourishment exactly what Ike said]

Ike: Oh, blessings, that's all you got, no ascending to a glorious realm? Pfft.

[Hank Alto finally prayed outside his eyelids and ascended the people to the realm]

Ike: Pfft. How do I even know you really transcended our material plane and merged harmoniously with the cosmos?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Ike: Add more plastic to the landfill? Why don't you just strangle a dolphin, too, sicko. My planet is gasping her death because of you.

[Ike angrily slams his fist down while accidently smashing a random cricket on the counter that he didn't notice]

Hank Alto: Oh, right, I'll just hold everything in my arm worms.

Ike: [blows air through teeth] And waste the energy that you could have used to help poor people.

Hank Alto: Okay, I'll go do that.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Ike: Paper or plastic?

Hank Alto: Uh, paper, please.

All: [gasp]

Ike: You scum. You don't care about trees. You murder trees.

Hank Alto: No, no, sorry, yeah, no I'll go with plastic.

All: [gasp]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: After a health scare, we are reminded what's important -- [echoing] Shopping.

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added 10 months ago

Doctor: Yep, these are all Twin Towers.

Hank Alto: How did this happen?

Doctor: You must have got pretty arrogant lately. They call them cocky pox.

Hank Alto: Can you pop them?

Doctor: Oh, absolutely not. They're fully functional places of work. Got a robust little economy going, see?

Doctor: Oop, we got a jumper. Don't do it, you little cutie! [chuckles] Best way to cheer them up is jumper mint.

Hank Alto: He's scratching me!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: After all fear escaped his body, Hank's confidence broke out.

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added 10 months ago

TV Employer: We got us a bubble pop. It got away. And we're off.

Hank Alto: How do we stop it?

TV Employer: With the fear itself. Nothing to be afraid of. Tech rep will work out the kinks for you.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: When you push your fear away, it will emerge from somewhere else stronger, angrier, strangle-y-er.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hank Alto: What does that part say?

BGGBBR: It wants that I'm to kill you for what you've done to poor Gretchen!

Hank Alto: What did I do?

BGGBBR: It says, "You know, that you must pay in pain."

TV Employer: And how did you want to pay for that?

Hank Alto: No! Those bumps are a liar!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

TV Employer: I'll just go ahead and sign you up for the BGGBBR program at 300 smacks a month.

Hank Alto: Wait, what's that?

TV Employer: Gretchen is designed to creep with such precision, hidden messages pop.

Young Girl: I died for you. It's all I do. I died.

TV Employer: The Blind Girl Goose Bumps Braille Reading System will decrypt them.

[BGGBBR feels Hank's goosebumps]

BGGBBR: I died for me. This much is true. So ring me up with extended service protection plan, too.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

TV Employer: Go on. Ask her for something.

Hank Alto: No.

TV Employer: She died so you could have luxury, and you won't even give her a chance?

Hank Alto: What do -- What do I ask? What does she do?

TV Employer: Anything people want from a TV.

Hank Alto: Okay. Gretchen, make me feel better about my life.

Young Girl: I'm stuck in here filled with fear.

Hank Alto: Huh, that does make me feel better. I'll take it.

TV Employer: Great!

[does another flip the 3rd time]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hank Alto: Who is she?

TV Employer: It's you, the part of you that died the day you learned the truth.

Hank Alto: What truth?

TV Employer: Her name is Gretchen. It's on all the latest models. Pretty neat what they can do these days.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hank Alto: You're trying to sell me a TV with a spirit of a dead little girl trapped inside it!

TV Employer: Yes! That's the feature. [serious tone] Do you not recognize her?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

TV Employer: Look, I'm not supposed to do this. I'm going to be honest with you. Why do you want a TV?

Hank Alto: Just to watch stuff, to relax.

[TV Employer whisper backwards to the young girl in the TV]

Young Girl: I can't really be dead. This is all in my head.

Hank Alto: Is it not relaxing? It's the newest high-tech feature.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Young Girl: Help me! I can't see! Where am I? Did I die?

TV Employer: See? It looks great, right? Shall we ring you up, tacky boy?

Hank Alto: What's that noise?

TV Employer: That's me yelling about ringing you up.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hank Alto: I'd like to speak with a manager.

TV Employer: Hold on. Shut your dirty mouth. I'm getting a text. Ah, I just made manager!

[does a flip]

TV Employer: Up top!

Hank Alto: Okay, then I...C-can I talk to the owner?

TV Employer: Hold on. Shh, quiet, quiet, let me...Yo, I just bought this place.

[does a flip again]

TV Employer: Up tip, yo!

Hank Alto: I'm not purchasing this TV until I see how it plays!

TV Employer: Fine. [scoffs] Golly.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hank Alto: How can I know if I like it?

[TV Employer puts his finger in hank's mouth in a sexualize way]

TV Employer: Because you trust me implicitly, baby. Don't we got a good thing going?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

TV Employer: Ah, this is a nice model. Shall I ring it up? Let me get your wallet.

Hank Alto: Well, I'd like to try it first, see how it looks.

TV Employer: No, no, no, no, no. That's considered tacky behavior. Are you a tacky boy?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: At that moment, Hank realized all he ever wanted in life was his hands back so he could pray for his hands back.

Narrator: ...because without prayer, you have to work for your goals, and the hardest part of improving yourself is deciding which purchase will make you worthy of love.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: So Hank Alto experienced a medical issue each time he tried to pray.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: There was only one way to make things right. Everyone agreed to drop all faith and forever believe nothing on the count of three.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: The second someone got God, they were prayer- jacked. Madness reigned.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Citizens grew used to having all they desired -- a number eight with cheese...

Narrator: ...number four, hold the bun. They began to yearn for the one thing that had eluded them --

Narrator: Spiritual faith, number 19 with a side of hot soup.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Everyone cursed with belief in their creator was finally useful.

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added 10 months ago

Religious Guy: Pardon me, sir. Have you accepted the Lord into your heart?

Homeless Man: Yeah, matter of fact, I have.

[Religious Guy pulls up a knife to the Homeless Man's throat to pray him a favor]

Religious Guy: Pray me a hoagie. Make it snappy. I'm starving a number seven with pimento!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Then again, after humans discovered that prayer actually works...

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added 10 months ago

Cutter the Vet: A poor black child.

All: [laughter]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: So whoever beholds the hardest can make the sky insecure once again...

Narrator: ...make it break out in a disgusting rash of zits across the greasy face of the endless night.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

[Big Guy uses the telescope by zooming the eyepiece up and down that hardly looks like he's jacking himself]

Big Guy: [thinking] I'm beholding. I'm beholding. I'm beholding. I'm beholding. I'm beholding.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And as his old friend and sudden savior reared her face, Harry's gaze glimmered and glormed with the realization that beauty glistens in the eye of the beholder. [echoing]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: The secret to love was lost forever that day, but Harry hung on for weeks, refusing to eat any of the murderous sauce that took his lady wife.

Narrator: Tragically, he didn't like to get out of his chair, so he began to waste, to starve, to die to death.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Harry: Gloria, go get me a beer!

Harry: What's takin' you so long in there?! I don't see no beer in my hand. Do you see a beer in my hand? My hand wants that beer, Glor! It's gettin' antsy. My hand's itchin' for that beer we discussed, Glor.

[Harry suddenly bleeds sauce out of his hand]

Harry: The hell? It's makin' sauce, Glor.

Gloria: Here's your damn beer.

Harry: Don't bring me a beer right now, woman! My hand's making sauce.

Gloria: The hell's comin' outta there?

Harry: My mom's famous boogigabatch sauce.

Gloria: And you're makin' a mess all over the floor, Harry.

Harry: Glor, you know how good my mom's secret goojedubatchi sauce is? We're gonna be rich.

Gloria: Ah, geez. Is another money-grubbin' scheme?

Harry: Just taste it.

[Gloria tastes Harry's Mom sauce]

Gloria: Oh, my God. It's the most incredible thing I've ever known. It can't be comin' from you. It's better than you.

Harry: Do you see it coming out of there?

Gloria: Yeah. From your hand there.

Harry: So I am makin' it, see? Now go get the money bucket.

Gloria: You gonna let me touch the money bucket? Ooh la la! Chu-cha-cha!

Harry: You catch it in the bucket, sell it in town, we're in the gravy, baby. You married right, I tell ya,

Gloria: I'm gonna call my mother an' tell her. She always said you'd never amount to nothing.

Harry: Don't call her now! Handle it first.

Gloria: This is my chance to patch things up with my ma. Now that I'm finally proud of ya.

Harry: Glor, all this sauce is gettin' wasted, ya ding-dong!

Gloria: You know what? Mother was right about you. All ya ever do is sit on yer ass gushin' sauce out of ya hand.

Harry: Glor, the bucket. Please.

Gloria: Hello? Yeah. Hey, Ma. I was just callin' to say you were right about the bum.

Harry: Come on, Gloria.

Gloria: Get it yourself! I'm on the phone, Harry.

Harry: You know I don't like to get outta my chair. Money's dumpin here. C'mon.

Gloria: You don't have control over me no more, Harry. I'm a wealthy woman now. I'm through with you.

Harry: Please tell me you're gettin' the bucket. Or at least a beer?

Gloria: I'm leavin' you, Harry. I'm gonna travel the world with my big riches.

Harry: And where'd you get them riches?

Gloria: I happen to be partner in a very lucrative new sauce organization of some kind. So long!

[Gloria trips on the rug to the table and can't move]

Harry: Gloria! Baby! Are you okay?

Gloria: Harry, Harry...I'm not gonna make it.

Harry: Oh, God! I wish I could save you, but I-I don't like to get outta my chair.

Gloria: At least I'm gonna die a wealthy woman. Finally I can afford to be sorry, Harry. Sorry I got so selfish after I got rich. Maybe that's the secret that the secret sauce was trying to teach us...that love is a...

[Gloria drowns to death from sauce when Harry's hand stops bleeding]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Like how, after 35 years, even the healthiest couples must find ways to keep the love fresh and exciting.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Beauty got blood on its hands that night, which revealed one thing.

Narrator: That we drink to drown the darkness that's been punishing us ever since that mysterious day when all the stars packed up and left the sky.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Big Guy: When I ponder the infinite expanse of the universe, I realize just how insignificant we humans truly are.

[Big Guy pulls up the knife to the telescope]

Big Guy: I don't like feeling insignificant, see?! How you do you like it?!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Caller: Hello? 911? God, please come quick! He's choking! He's choking! This beautiful monster came in, flaunting her ravishing good looks...

Caller: [chokes] ...and her exquisite allure murdered the only man she'll ever love! He's dead!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Now everyone who gazed upon her was captivated by her comeliness.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Once her mouth was taped up, people began to see Violet's beauty.

Narrator: And after others see your beauty, you may actually become beautiful. Possibly even blond.

Narrator: Violet became so beautiful, she grew beauty marks. So many that soon you could no longer see her face -- just the beautiful beauty marks.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Surgeon: Scalpel. Bone saw. Slam poet.

Slam Poet: Oh, say can you scream, by the con's burly plight? In God we thrust, in butts we nut. Uncle Sambo and Agent Orenje Julieass used mustard gas and ketchup gas to relish truth, justice, and the American't waste.

Violet: Oh, that was lovely. Did you write it?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: It is often said that witnessing the warmth of true love, even from a distance, can transform the loneliest heart into a burning pile of garbage.

Narrator: Thankfully, the local hospital was well versed in modern medicalia.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Once all alone, Violet swore if her Insecurity would only return, she'd never take it for granted again.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And just when the world looks most bleak, love rears its face. It rears and rears and rears and rears...

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: She was so grateful for all the attention, even the air around her learned how to vomit.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: From that day forth, it controlled her every move with its steady man hands.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And then, there was Violet Galuhwaye, whose insecurity climbed through her window on the night of her 19th birthday.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Selling Guy: Excuse me. Would anybody like to purchase a hand? I have a human hand for sale. Is...is anyone interested in buying a man's hand?

Big Guy: How much for just two fingers?

Selling Guy: Buy me a whiskey and we'll call it even.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

[Hurlan touches and rubs the penis of a voodoo doll of himself which controls him to touch his own penis in real life]

Hurlan: I've finally found a cyberfriend...in me.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sheriff: I'm a real boy!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Doc: What are you doing, Sheriff?

Hurshe's Private Hair: A fourfer. I'm saving four hearts. That's 16 chambers of love.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

The Reverend: [singsong] But what about m--

[As The Reverend was about to sing, he was interrupted by the next scene]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hambrosia: No! Don't fight over me! I'm not worth two men battling nobly for my tender hand.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

The Reverend: Shove your piece down my golden pipes and blast me through them pearly gates.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: I only whack the weeds off my mound 'cause I'm scared of one thing -- crotch crabs and dentistry. [shudders]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

The Reverend: It's clear what's going on here.

Hambrosia: How dare you imply my husband's having sex with my sister right now?! I mean it's impossible. He's -- He's -- He's -- He's

[Hambrosia does the Nazi hand sign while stuttering the word, he's]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hambrosia: Spot check! Makin' sure you ain't selling no tobacco!

Direne: Y'all just push my business into the underground darky market.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: To this day, he remains at vigilant arms. None of us know it, but he stays there for us.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: But after being robbed for ages, the sea had taken its sound back from all the shells that had stolen it.

Narrator: And the ocean's throat was finally free to share its innermost reflections.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: So little Pauly solidified his face and did what a good boy would do.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And that was the moment, Pauly Dindin first came out of his shell.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Pauly could hear it knowing. He became the greatest hero the world has ever not known.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: But when a boy girds his hatches for a wolf attack, he lowers his guard against the true threat.

[The seashell bites Pauly's shoulder]

Narrator: Because certain fangs inject into the child a recognition that every object in the physical realm is shell for something, faintly sounding its source into the ear of the air.

Narrator: He could hear the embarrassment of things around him. He could sense how one particular pen knew somewhere inside...

Narrator: ...that, due to certain circumstances, it would one day be responsible for more deaths than eight Nazi Holocausts with a side of Nagasaki.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Operator: 911. What is your emergency?

Lyle: I'm trapped upside down in my car. Losing blood. Please, send someone quick. I'm...I'm rich. I'll pay whatever.

Operator: What's that?

Lyle: I-If you can get someone here faster, money is no object.

Operator: Oh. I didn't realize you were wealthy. You should have said something. I'll transfer you to our luxury line.

Lyle: Luxury line?

Operator: One moment, please.

[the operator leaves and plays classical music when the next operator shows up]

Charleston: [British accent] Good evening. 9-1-1 Deluxe. My name is Charleston. To whom do I have speaking?

Lyle: My name is Lyle Darpi. Please help.

Charleston: Right away, Mr. Darpi. What is the nature of our emergency this afternoon?

Lyle: I'm trapped in my car. I think my leg is gone.

Charleston: Oh, wonderful. Well, we have a superb fleet of ambuli for you to choose from --

Lyle: Anything!

Charleston: Would you prefer standard stretch, that comes with a stocked wet bar; superstretch with hotted tub...

Lyle: Whatever's fastest!

Charleston: ...super-duper-duper-double-decker, which comes with a personal blood butler --

Lyle: It doesn't matter! Just hurry! Wolves are closing in!

Charleston: Oh, excellent, sir. And what is your Platinum Elite Plus member number?

Lyle: I don't have one! Oh, God, there are wolves coming!

Charleston: It's perfectly fine, sir. No need to yell. This is the luxury service. I can just give you a new account.

Lyle: Losing blood. I'm losing blood and...losing blood. losing blood. losing blood. losing blood.

Lyle: This is all that kid Pauly's fault -- Solid Face.

Charleston: Uh-huh, and...yeah. There we go. And your confirmation number on the new account is YTR583836839027FRTH85779. Dash B. Now go ahead and give me that confirmation number, and we'll be good to go.

Lyle: I-I don't remember it!

Charleston: You've lost your confirmation number?

Lyle: Please send help. The wolves are licking blood off the hood.

Charleston: Mm. You know what, sir? I'm really not supposed to do this, but I'm going to get you an ambulance without the confirmation number.

Lyle: Thank you!

Charleston: Absolutely. So, would you prefer standard stretch, which, again, comes complete with a fully stocked wet bar; superstretch with hotted tub; super-dupra-double-dog-lupra --

Lyle: Please! The wolves! Aah! Aaahhh!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Lyle Darpi suddenly wondered if he had wasted his life teaching for a reason. Perhaps this miracle was finally the treasure he deserved.

Narrator: Now that he was rich, he was free to live life to fullest possible -- Oh. Oh, oh. Oh.

[When the narrator was about to finish his sentence, he heard the noise of the teacher's car crashed off screen and was flabbergasted when he thought if that's suppose to happen to Lyle]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Elderly Woman: How are you? Are you seeing anyone, dear?

Operator: I'm married.

Elderly Woman: Oh, that's nice. D-Does he hit you?

Operator: No. Not at all. Is that what happened to you? Did your husband hit you?

Elderly Woman: Oh, no. I'm never married. I didn't want any trouble anyone. It's just me and the cats.

Operator: Okay, if you're lonely, I can transfer you to elderly services --

Elderly Woman: Elderly?! Good heavens! I'm 24! Do I sound elderly to you?

Operator: No! I just thought with the cats --

Elderly Woman: Oh, a young woman can't keep a few dozen cats. I get it. Good one. You got me. Really tore me down good.

Operator: No, I didn't mean to --

Elderly Woman: [voice breaking] If you're done having your fun, then why don' you go back to your fancy husband, who doesn't hit you for some strange reason?

Operator: Ma'am.

Elderly Woman: It's fine. The cats have eaten most of my body now. I didn't want to be any trouble, and I don't have the heart to shoo them off, so...they're really digging in.

Operator: Okay, I'm sending animal control out now.

Elderly Woman: But what will the kitties eat?

Operator: Someone will be there within the hour.

Elderly Woman: They've eaten up to my throat. I'm inside them now. I live through them. One in flesh, one in soul, one in -- Meow.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Operator: 911. What's your emergency?

Elderly Woman: Oh, I don't want to be any trouble. Never mind.

Operator: Ma'am? If you need some help --

Elderly Woman: No, I shouldn't be bothered you. I shouldn't have.

Operator: No, no, no! It's no trouble. What is it?

Elderly Woman: It's nothing. I'm sure you're too bust to save a little lady's life. Bye-bye.

Operator: Ma'am, wait! You can tell me what is wrong, and I will help you.

Elderly Woman: Don't waste your time worrying about me and my unfolding personal emergency.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Operator: Anyway, I'm sending an emergency vehicle to you right away, so --

Angus: Oh, the body! It's -- It's not dead! She's got my gun. A gun. She must have found it. I-I don't have a gun. Please, honey. Okay just put that down.

[The woman shoots Angus]

Operator: Hello? Hello?! Oh, God, something terrible happened. This job sucks. Every call tragedy after tragedy.

Operator: Calm down, Sheryl. It's the only job you got. At least you're not an absolute turd like that kid Solid Face. What a turd. Take it easy. Take the next call. I can't save 'em all.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

[Angus calls the Operator]

Angus: Okay, ready? You can do this. Here we go.

Operator: 911. What's your emergency?

Angus: I was jogging on the beach, and I found the body of a stranger who I've never seen before in my life!

Operator: Is the person dead?

Angus: Oh, she better be. I-I mean, she looks like she's been shot by a lover.

Operator: Can you describe the victim?

Angus: Uh, let's see. Uh, well, she's not the kind of woman that I would be attracted to. Just not my type. Besides, I'm married. I got a kid, too, but that wouldn't be a deal breaker 'cause he's such a chode.

Angus: In fact, when I dropped my kid off at school today, he's whining at me, like, "Oh, I hope don't embarrass myself at show and tell today." I seriously had to stop myself form blasting a snot rocket in his frickin' mouth just to see the tweaked-out look on his stupid puss.

Operator: This kid of yours sounds like a real piece of garbage.

Angus: [laughs] Yeah. Sounds like you've met the boy.

Operator: No, but I hope when he's in front of the class today he wets his pants.

Angus: Oh, yeah, lady? Well, I hope he solids his face.

Operator: [laughs] His classmates oughta call him "Solid Face." Seriously. They should start doing that today.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

[Angus shoots his other wife]

Angus: You did it, Angus. Your problems are over. [laughs] I mean, you still got a crap-ass son with crap all over his face. Well, ya can't have everything.

Angus: All right, let me just see if she's got any cash in her wallet. Ooh! Grape gum!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Woman: Oh, just take in that salt air. The sunset is radiant today.

Angus: Not as radiant as you, my love.

Woman: Oh, Angus! What if your wife finds out about us? And your kid?

Angus: Little Pauly and his mother will never find out about us.

Woman: How can you be sure?

Angus: This is how. [gun cocks]

Woman: Angus. Where did you get that gun? Put that down.

Angus: I'm sorry, but I can't risk losing my wife. I don't mind losing Pauly, but that's neither here nor there.

Woman: What are you gonna do?!

Angus: Nothing I haven't fantasized about a thousand times. Only, usually it wasn't you. It was my kid, Pauly.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And then. For show and tell, Pauly Dindin showed and told his class that if you hold a seashell to your ear, you hear the roar of the very ocean itself.

Narrator: But some seashells work too well. Some children hear too much of what is happening on that fated shore.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Operator: 911. What's your emergency?

Lyle: Oh, God! An intruder. This guy -- He broke into my house, and he tied me up, and -- oh, God -- he made sure I had to watch as he woke up my -- my wife! And he -- he charmed her. Made her laugh. Then he made it so they found little similarities...ways their world views coalesced, and, over time, he made her fall in love with him.

Operator: In love?

Lyle: And now they're in a committed relationship where they look out for each others' emotional needs with a maturity I'll never be capable of achieving.

Operator: Okay, sir, I'm going to tell you what to do. But you have to remain calm.

Lyle: Please, hurry.

Operator: Now. You're not going to be able to compete with this guy on fulfilling her needs. So you have to make a drastic show of indifference, play on her insecurity. Stoke her latent desire to have her inner sense of worthlessness reinforced. Can you do that for me?

Lyle: I don't know how!

Operator: Just ignore her, sir. Then when she looks for you for validation, treat her like dirt.

Lyle: Oh, God.

Operator: Degrade her.

Lyle: It's -- It's working.

Operator: Don't let up. keep it going. It worked. We're back together.

Lyle: Ah, thank you so much.

Operator: No need to thank me, sir. I'm just doing my job.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Not to mention the fact that lies attract bunnies.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Wound: Baba wan chili. Gimmee chili. Chili!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And that is how one boy discovered where wounds go when they heal.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Black Slavery Guy: [thinking] "You are the father I never had"...

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: He passed the test and found the love his home had long withheld.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: At that moment, Benny became a man in his pants.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Wound: You want me to die? Are you a murderer? Cut me, murderer!

Benny: Okay, okay.

[Benny cuts his wound again but only making it worse]

Wound: Aah! What the bloody hell are you doing?!

Benny: You told me to cut you.

Wound: I did no such thing! This means you're the one dying. You better sign the contract quick.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Wound: [weakly] You've got to help me! I'm dying!

Benny: No, it's just your healing.

Wound: What do you think happens when I'm all healed? I'm dead, gone!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Some claimed that cop meat is brain food.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Wound: Mmm. Yummy cop in my tum-tum.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Wound: Waaaah! Chili too hot! Wow! Baba need wawa!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: It is often the neglected children who are most willing to go to the extra mile for their own young.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Cutter the Vet: What do you get when you cross JFK with KFC?

All: What?

[Cutter's PTSD flashback intensifies]

Cutter's the Vet: John Fitzgerald Chicken!

[everyone is silenced]

Cutter the Vet: Too soon?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Pain's palate matures quickly.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Benny told the wound he was not technically its mother. But maternal instincts kick hard, and he found himself breastfeeding the little fellow.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: In that moment, Benny realized his pain had something important to say. Something vital to our nation.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: They struggled valiantly to degrade and remain let down by him. They're love fed on his misery.

Narrator: And for every atom of agony they caused the boy, they were rewarded with 10 pounds of passion.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Sam and Iris Beekoh found that a shared disappointment in their son, Benny, brought them close together.

Narrator: So they vowed to stay ashamed of the kid for the sake of the marriage.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: One way to keep the romance alive in marriage is to unite against a common enemy.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Maintaining long-term relationships can be difficult work.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Mr. Lawson: I met someone.

Mrs. Lawson: How? Who is it?

Mr. Lawson: Would you like to meet her? I'll get her right now.

[Mr. Lawson turns into Mary who's been loving inside him this entire time]

Mrs. Lawson: You stay away from my man!

Mary: Wait. It's not what you think. I was just using your husband to get to you. I need you to sign this -- quick!

Mrs. Lawson: What? What is this?

Mary: No time to think. Sign now or die!

[Mrs. Lawson turns into Abraham Lincoln]

Abraham: Oh, Mary, my dearest. There you are. Why do you toy with me like this?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Though only together 3 seconds per year, the Lawsons were like any other couple.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Mrs. Lawson: Bears don't eat dears, liar! What's going on here? I want to speak to my real husband -- now! [pulls up a knife] Where is he?!

Mr. Lawson: [voice breaking] I don't think I can bring him back.

Audience: [groans]

[turns into a cat]

Audience: [loving]

Mr. Lawson: But I'll try.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Mrs. Lawson: What are you thinking for dinner?

Mr. Lawson (as a parrot): You know what sounds good, is just a plate of birdseed.

[turns into a koala]

Mr. Lawson: Actually, scratch that. I think I'll just have some eucalyptus leaves.

[turns into a bear]

Mr. Lawson: Or you know what? I'm really craving a deer carcass tonight.

[turns into deer]

Mr. Lawson: Whoa, bear! Hold your horses now.

[turns into a horse]

Mr. Lawson: Hey, leave me out of this.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Chinese Woman in Machine: After 10 generations, I first person in family to get very own life crank. What secret to my success? Always turn life crank. Never let the crank of life turn the 'u' of 'you' in 'u.' That a million-dollar slotto. Just got to call over to corporate and have them crunch number. But don't let a number crunch a-you.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Cutter the Vet: Before I ascend to the next level, I suppose I ought to reward myself extra nice for knowing the way.

[He sucks his own penis making his body implode to the same place he experienced after war where the woman was dead and the Vet was the baby]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Britchard: So what's next for you?

Cutter the Vet: Nothing left to do. I'm going to a better place -- Where those who have cracked the code on this world go. It's not a physical place.

Cutter the vet: Now, I want you to know that your father and I love you very much, but I just can't live inside your hollow book anymore. It's too full of empty platitudes.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Chinese Woman in Machine: Order up! Doc suey, just how you like.

Doc: No beverage? Hmm?

Chinese Woman in Machine: So sorry.

[The woman in machine squirts brown pee into Doc's mouth]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Doc: [singsong] I'm dumb.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Cutter the Vet: Now to stroke out a meward for a job well done. You mind if I 'gradtulate myself in the groin with my hand?

The Reverend: Do you mind if I join you?

Cutter the Vet: [gasps in a sexualize way]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Cutter the Vet: Since I started this sentence, we've stopped selling the actual Muffnuts. It's about the brand. Muffnuts is an attitude, a way of life, a state of mind, a stay of attilife, a watay of lifeatudenut.

The Reverend: Do you think it would be okay to work Muffnuts into the bible? Of course, the church would split the royalties.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Cutter the Vet: I'm telling you, Parde, Muffnuts haven't even hit the market. We already got a cartoon show, fashion label, hotel chain, and a line of jacking creams.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Chinese Woman in Machine: I sorry for I sleep! Please, no fire me. This best job in all China. Please, I do anything, and long time. But no substitution!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: Oh, me so absorbed Vet's demons, I got to go take care of his unfinished psychebusiness before I can return to my asskissulations without a threat of asphyxiations.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Cutter the Vet: I'm proud of myself. Let me give myself a pat on the back for giving myself a hug. "Treat yourself when you reward yourself" ain't just my slotto, it's my creedifesto,. That's a cross between a creedaphorism and a philosofesto.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: Oh, my meal ticket to eternity!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: How 'bout a littles tit for your immortalit-- What?

[flashback intensifies and starts to strangle Meemaw]

Hurshe: Ohh! Oh, shoot! Vet's demon cream really stuck to my emotional ribs.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: You know, that ain't the only hole I can fill with muff. I'll make the little old man in your sloppy boat choke on my fish sandwich, girl. I'll make you feel like you're 300 again.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: You fill the hole with the muffin. I call 'em "Donuffins."

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Cutter the Vet: Muffins and doughnuts? They ought to make a combo -- Call 'em "Muffnuts." That's a million dollar idea. Let me get it up on blocks, see if it's got legs. Just got to call the coast -- Have the boys in corporate crunch the numbers.

Cutter the Vet: Guys, Muffnuts! I know, right?!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: Mm! Ahoy vey! That was a whale of a demon, seaman! Look like you got a load off more than your mind.

Cutter the Vet: This is a fine how-do-you-doozy! I feel like a million bucks' worth of new leafs, like my whole issue went down your drain.

Hurshe: You went from nuts to normal in two pumps and a squirt!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: Whatever's bungholin' your soulbritches, I'ma suck it out of you.

Hurshe: Hmm! Your in-and-out-surance requires a 5-buck copay.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: What can I do you for?!

Cutter the Vet: Well, see, years ago I was on this mission --

Hurshe: I mean back door, mouth door, or doggy door? Don't got time for your sob story.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: I'ma get ahold of that dyin' bag's eternal life if it kills me.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: I'm gonna get my nose so far up Meemaw's tushy, it'll be coming out of her nose!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: I must have watched a hundred of these tapes! They're all just bore-o-cratic orders.

Hurshe: Which tape gonna tell me how to get my perks -- My key to the sexecutive outhouse? I thought I'd be showering in gold.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Doc: Science has made great advancements in the slurpitive powers of the modern mouth.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Cutter the Vet: This one mission, me and the guys had to torch a village. No choice -- It was for our own protection.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Doctor: Sorry for the wait, Mr. Lawson. We got your results and I'd better be quick because you only have about 34 seconds to live.

Mr. Lawson: So I was --

Doctor: Excuse me.

Mr. Lawson: Did you say --

Doctor: 34 seconds. Starting...now!

Mr. Lawson: Are you saying I'm gonna die?

Doctor: Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, what you have is much worse than death. It's sorta like...death squared. It's called "Consta-Death."

Mr. Lawson: Consta-Death?

Doctor: Oh, you've heard of it.

Mr. Lawson: Not really.

Doctor: Oh. Well, Consta-Death, you'll be dying once every few seconds for the rest of your life.

Mr. Lawson: So I will be alive?

Doctor: Not exactly. The only treatment is to pledge eternal division to my proprietary genetic hybrid of Hinduism and cheese. It's medicinal reincarnation therapy.

Mr. Lawson: I'm lactose intolerant.

Doctor: It doesn't matter. Just pled eternal devotion to it -- Quick!

Mr. Lawson: Okay, okay! How?

Doctor: Sign here. Hurry! Chim, chim! Chop-chop! Now!

[After signing the contract for his death, Mr. Lawson's head turns into a cheetah and many other kind of animals]

Mr. Lawson: Uh...wow. Uh, uh...

Doctor: Well, your new faith is up and running. How do you feel?

Mr. Lawson: It feels a little weird, but --

[turns into a duck]

Mr. Lawson: It beats being white.

[laugh track that comes out of nowhere]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And that for those who have been dreamed into being, the only escape is to premember a happy moment that will happen many lifetimes from now.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Boy: [thinking] Please don't make me do this to me.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: But the bibles teach that dreams are lies and lies are sins...

Narrator: ...that, thus, all imagined boys must collect penance for their existence.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: It is imperative he divert his mind from the unthinkable suffering...agony...anguish.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And there's nothing more desperately chipper than the escapist daydreams of a man in bondage fantasizing he is another person in another place.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And that was the day the man never remembered to stop ogling the Earth.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Armed Rebel: You really taught me something today. How did you get so wise?

Goth Dale: I've had a lot of lonely time to think of a lot of very wise, um, [echoes] thoughts.

Armed Rebel: Oh, that's so cool.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Goth Dale: Oh my god, this is amazing.

Armed Rebel: I know, it's incredible, you're such a good poet.

Goth Dale: I always secretly hoped this would happen.

Armed Rebel: Oh, it's happening. Let's go!

Goth Dale: This is so inspiring. Hang on, I've got to write about this.

Armed Rebel: But we need you!

Goth Dale: Hold on. Words are coming. Slowly, but oh, they're coming.

Armed Rebel: Sir, we don't have time!

Goth Dale: You know, you're kind of in my space right now. Lagging my flow. Not sure if you've heard, but I recently been acknowledged by the military as a pretty important poet. So I can probably get you fired.

Armed Rebel: No. Please don't sir. I need this job. I have 52 children.

Goth Dale: Well, now you know there are some things more important than sex with a whole bunch of stupid, beautiful women.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Armed Rebel: Sir, we need you to come with us immediately.

Goth Dale: Excuse me? I don't --

Armed Rebel: We need your poetry. It's the only thing that can save the world. Your poetry really matters.

Goth Dale: It does?

Armed Rebel: Totally. The world needs your poetry right away!

Goth Dale: For real?

Armed Rebel: Yes, and the amazing thing, we're not making fun of you at all. The government personally requested that you, the best poet on Earth, come read his super not boring, not lame, not solipsistic, indulgent, narcissistic, vapid, deluded twaddle. Come on, let's move!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Goth Dale: The sun-dappled lark crouched on a branch, admiring the brilliance of the poet. [sees a bird on branch] No. That's ridiculous.

Goth Dale: The chipmunk crouched on a branch, in awe of the poet. No, no, no.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Boss Hoss: Now, you remember when you was just a little seedlin' back before you even had any peach fuzz to shave, how I pried open the bud of your flower before it was ready to blossom, forcing you to bloom into broken slut I see before me?

Hurshe: That's me -- Only capable of human connection through selling my snooze! U.S.A!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Witnessing such carnage gave Dale a deep desire to create his own fate. But tragically, the urge to conjure a better new world can turn even a decent human being into a poet.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Weeks later, when his chum got a 3-legged dog, Dale was jealous because he could only afford a pet leg.

Narrator: It spent all day humping itself, happy as a lark's arm, and even gave birth to a litter of toe-lets...until the day it got hit by a wheel.

Narrator: Doctors had to amputate his whole body and replace him with a wooden one. Other dogs mistook Sock for a stick, so he contracted rabies and went on a rampage.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Life flashes forced Officer Dale to recall his first disappointment...how, since the age of 6, he yearned for a puppy but his parents were allergic...to making him happy.

Narrator: So, instead, they had his grandma move in, and Dale taught her some tricks. He trained Nana to sit up and beg for her meds. She could shake...

Narrator: ...catch a Frisbee in her teeth. When she messed the rug, he rubbed her nose in it until the foul of her unpleasantness was gone.

Narrator: But when Dale took Nana to the vet to get fixed, they discovered she had mange, and he had to put her out of her misery and into his ecstasy.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Officer Dale: No, put that down! Please, n-not poetry!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: The only way to escape the prison of reality is turn your life into a lie so you are not you.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: You're a different person making all this up in his journal of fantastical fiction, a lonely loser as pathetic as a poet.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Nurse: Mr. Lem, you're up. Great. All's back to normal. You're free to go.

Neil Lem: But the ogling?

Nurse: Turns out that was a hoax. You're totally fine. Exit's through there.

[Neil Lem walks out the exit door sending him to an apocalyptic place]

Neil Lem: This is the worst hoax I've ever been a part of! [looks at the audience] And I was in the camps.

Random Voice: Oi.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Neil Lem: Where am I? What happened?

Nurse: The mutants consider you their God...

Neil Lem: Ahh. What?

Nurse: ...presuming this was all your grand plan to remake civilization with their kind as our overlords.

Neil Lem: Ohh. Ohh.

Nurse: But we normals beseech you -- Stand with us. Declare allegiance to our resistance! Will you wave our flag?

Neil Lem: I swear I'll never ogle anyone again.

Nurse: Forget about that! You're the only fertile male left -- We need your help to repopulate.

Neil Lem: What?

Nurse: Come. Give me some semen. Hurry. Come on. Hit me, stat!

Neil Lem: Do you have, like, a-a dirty magazine?

Nurse: Haven't you ogled enough?! We got medical extraction procedures.

[Nurse pulls up a knife and kills Neil Lem]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Neil Lem: What...happened?

Nurse: You said some offensive things to a woman, and the media got wind of everything you've done.

Neil Lem: Mm-hmm.

Nurse: There's been riots across the state. The whole country's in chaos.

Neil Lem: Oh.

Nurse: But before it got out of control, the police were destroyed to maintain the peace...

Neil Lem: Thank Christ for --

Nurse: ...which means thousands of innocent citizens have been shot quite dead.

Neil Lem: That's awful.

Nurse: The human animal will take only so much before they rise up to tear down governments that oppress.

Neil Lem: Ohh.

Nurse: Sensing weakness, the North Koreans launched the first nuke.

Neil Lem: Ohh!

Nurse: But after we retailed, Iran, Russia, China, Japan, India, Brazil unleashed all they had. Most of Earth's population is dead. Of the survivors 90% are mutant-ed.

Nurse: The only thing the globe agrees on is that this is all your fault, and you must pay.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Neil Lem: Do I look all right?

Nurse: Sure. Lila! Come on in, honey.

[shows Lila's appearance as an old woman]

Neil Lem: Wait. When did the accident happen?

Nurse: It was about three hours ago. Why?

Neil Lem: She's just...older than I --

Nurse: I'm sorry, is she not your type?

Neil Lem: No! I didn't -- I didn't mean...

Nurse: She's really vulnerable right now.

[Lila passes out]

Nurse: She's gone. I hope you're happy.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Jim: Listen, this is important. I need you to reach into my chest pocket, take out that terry cloth, and, ever so delicately cover up my genitals.

Saul: I can't sir! I'm just a geologist.

[Jim slaps Saul]

Jim: You're a STRATA geologist.

Jim: Those aren't my genitals. They belonged to Keiko. My genitals are over there.

[cuts to the next scene where Jim's other body was cut in half with his genitals sticking out]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Neil Lem: I don't know who I am, but I'm sure I did not mean to ogle a girl.

Nurse: Woman. Woman. She wants to meet you.

Neil Lem: Meet me? Why?

Nurse: It's the least you could do. I mean, it seems like you like her so much.

Nurse: We thought, maybe you two meet under these tragic circumstances, it bonds you into an unlikely romance wherein you help each other heal. Could be an amazing love story.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Neil Lem: I...was ogling?

Nurse: The good thing is you managed to swerve back onto the road.

Neil Lem: Thank God.

Nurse: Straight into a school bus.

Neil Lem: Ohh!

Nurse: None of those kids survived. The parents are devastated. Understandably, many have bought guns...

Neil Lem: Ohh!

Nurse: ...and are going on shooting sprees all over town.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Neil Lem: Where am I? Who am I?

Nurse: Your name is Neil Lem. You've been in an accident. You were driving, and a woman was on the sidewalk without a bra.

Nurse: You took your eyes off the road to ogle her breasts.

Neil Lem: Oh.

Nurse: You hopped the curb and ran over a dog.

Neil Lem: Oh!

Nurse: And its owner.

Neil Lem: Oh, God.

Nurse: And his kids.

Neil Lem: Ohh!

Nurse: And their friends.

Neil: Oh.

Nurse: And their pet hamster. But, miraculously, we were able to save...only the hamster.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Grub: Sheriff, they gone -- All my prostitutes and I know she set 'em free!

Hurshe: Naw! Those poor things probably ran away, they had such a sad life.

Grub: Ah, your just jealous of my fine brothel 'cause we cut into your sleazy beeswax.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: But some accidents are even worse...when the victim doesn't deserve it.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Doctor: One last push, ma'am. It's a boy! Oh! Oh, God.

Woman: What?

Doctor: Oh, no!

Woman: What is it?!

Doctor: I'm sorry, ma'am -- he's a dirty pig.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And some days, your whole life flashes before your eyes, in real time, staring with Day One.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Then again, some people are born victims -- all of them.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Prisoner 72301: Guard, bars! Do it now, or I say something so profound, it'll blow every mind in this joint.

Prison Guard: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy. Let's not get heavy here. I-I'm -- I'm bringing it.

Prisoner 72301: You -- Your head here.

Prison Guard: J-J-Just don't say anything to upend my world view, all right? I got kids. I got kids.

Prisoner 72301: You know what I always wondered -- like, what's the deal with society, bruh?

Prison guard: Oh, man, that's a trip.

[The prison guard's head also explodes]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Prison Guard: Damn it, we supposed to be on break. I mean, where's our rest? It's as though, despite the fact that we are the jailers, in a sense, we are in our own prison...of the mind.

Prisoner: Oh, man. What a thought!

[The prisoner's head explodes]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: But the other thing about this jail was...it could only afford one wall of bars.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: I got so desperate, I was talking sane -- Damn near descended down the brown abyss of emotional maturity.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sheriff: Toot-toot! All aboard! The gravy train's running express to your chest, and the dining car's got a number-2 class ticket to your face.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sheriff: Officer Nasty's back, reporting for dirt duty, and my desire-rhea's rising, so strap on your crap on, 'cause my booty 'bout to make it chocolate-rain scats and snausages, and they plump when you dook em.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: [laughs] Look at that sad old slut. [realizes] Huh? Why, it's me!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: I don't need no man to fill my needs. I self-sufficientated. This is feminism at its finest.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sheriff: I can't believe I walk in on you dancing with the corpse of your desire! The only way I can make this right is to seek solace in your sister!

Sheriff: You did this! You drove me into her arms retroactively!

[Sheriff's stomach gurgles until he noticed that he can poop again in Hurshe's mouth]

Sheriff: Hold on, baby! Daddy's coming! It's running down my legs for you!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Grub: Chronic Flaccidity affects 99.110% of gun owners. It is why men carry rifles. Their peckers is useless, you know, so why else would they own a piece?

Sheriff: Are you saying there's a problem that guns can't solve?

Grub: I don't know much -- Now, I'm just an average american gun salesman with blood all over his evil hands -- But sounds to me like your trouble stems from the fact that a part of y'all feels guilty for cheating on such a loving wife.

Grub: Your body is revolting against you 'cause you know you done wrong! Suck it up and try to make it work with your old lady.

Sheriff: Suck it, huh?

Grub: Suck it.

Sheriff: Just suck it.

Grub: Suck it.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Grub: Welcome to Grub's Guns. Who can I help you tragically shoot down in their prime?

Sheriff: Myself. But everything I touch goes limp as a Redneck's noodle.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sheriff: Only move now is to flush this life.

[Sheriff was about to end himself until his gun deflated in a sexy way making it hard for him to straighten it up]

Sheriff: Oh, come on! Come on. Get hard for me, baby. Come on, now! Nooooooooooooooooooo!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

[Constance grabs Josiah's gun and shoots herself after seeing what horribly things she saw what Hambrosia wrote in that letter]

Josiah: Ohh! oh, no, my sweet! I was order to woo your skanky yankee sister as an undercover-spy mission for our confederate army!

Josiah: And now, thanks to some meddling future hag, the south won't ever rise again. We'll become fat on our own ignorance and fast food.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hambrosia: He's two-timing you! It's not your fault! Ugh! I wish you could hear me!

Hambrosia's Voice: Your Husband doesn't love you!

Hambrosia: Who said that? Please be quiet. I'm trying to tell this poor woman...don't trust him!

Hambrosia's Voice: He's being unfaithful!

Hambrosia: Stop that! I'm trying to tell this sad pushover that her husband is being unfaithful and that he doesn't love her! I'll deal with you unexplained phenomenon, later!

Hambrosia's Voice: Write her a letter!

Hambrosia: Finally, something helpful.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Josiah: My repulsive wife, your sucker sis has no inkling that we're the ones who are truly in love behind her back, although sometimes I think deep down inside, part of her is on to us.

Josiah: But she's so determined not to believe it that her brain has created a fiction, a freudian schizo-delusionial projection.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Doc: After feeding you eight cans of erotic laxative and 10 bottles of fecal intimacy pills, I got to conclude this impootence tain't physical.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: Come on! Chop, chop with the plop, plop!

Sheriff: This has never happened before. I'm sorry. Maybe it's just performance anxiety.

Sheriff: I used to go four or five times a night. I had tantric flow. I-I could do it in my sleep.

Hurshe: You don't find me attractive anymore?

Sheriff: I need an assflodesiac.

Hurshe: Am I no longer young and degradable? I've never felt so undirty in my life!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: Now that I'm finally grand wizard of the Holler, I want to be pampered -- Literally! Treat me like Pampers. Dump on my lumps. Smear on my queers. Bury my bazooms in brownie batter.

Sheriff: Order up! Bums away, baby!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Josiah: I know, I hollered at Sarge. I said, ''I will count if I want!" and then our position was discovered and he was killed, so I rushed back here to ravish you.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Constance: Mildred, my dear slave, bring the creampuffs! Oh, I do hope my love arrives home in haste and still finds me fit after fighting for the noble right to continue dehumanizing and torturing our fellow man.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hambrosia: "Dearest Constance, On ye battlefield today one thought kept me alive -- Memories fluttering like a butterfly of your sweet slobber sluicing down the shaft of my Bushrod Johnson. I do so long to redong ye olde buttock hole."

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hambrosia: Soon as I get these creases out of this carpet, my hubby will start to love me.

Hambrosia: Silly I didn't realize that was what was preventing him from caring before.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Meemaw: The prophecy has been self-fulfilled.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Hurshe: Come on, Sheriff. Let's get you out of that knit snit and back up into me. You broke it. You bought it.

Sheriff: [pulls down his shades] What grade you give that, bingo?

[Sheriff look down at his penis who also pulls down it's shades and agrees with it]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

[The Reverend sees Toader hanged up]

The Reverend: [happily] Now he belongs to the ages.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: And if you spend your life praying for the light of love... -...you magnify it in your head until it can caress the stuff between your atoms... -...that gunk in there that makes them all stick together as one whole.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: It is often said you should never give a man's pure consciousness a clear shot to exact vengeance.

Narrator: But the yucks was on the sergeant again because, when you're tormented by the itch of guilt, there is only one path to relief.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Contrite, Private Pontle prostrated before his high power begging for holiness to bright his life.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Sergeant Mounder was thrown into war after war until every shred of his flesh was blooooown up. They managed to keep his essence alive, though he was stripped down to pure consciousness energy -- the perfect killing machine.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Insecurity System Machine: Attention. You have activated our automated insecurity system.

Private Pontle: I didn't take anything. Go on -- check. There's nothing missing.

Private Pontle: Oh. I see. You're saying that there's something missing in me, is that it? Like there's a hole in my soul or something?

Private Pontle: How dare this thing attack me! Trying to make me feel guilty? Judge me? I'm a good guy. So maybe I'm not perfect. But I'm expected to what -- search inside of myself and confront the bad things I've done?

[The Insecurity System Machine has no response but just honking]

Private Pontle: Okay, fine! I made him suffer in a really bad war! I'm a monster! How can I pay for what I've done?!

Insecurity System Machine: You can be forgiven for how you treated Sergeant Pat Mounder if you seek absolution from above.

[Private Pontle randomly has poo stains in one of his eyebags]

Private Pontle: And Sarge is probably fine, right? [echoes]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Tessa Doinel: Truth is, I-I don't actually have husband.

Business Saleswoman: Not a problem. We carry a wide selection of wifebeaters.

Tessa Doinel: I knew I'd find love if o--

[The wifebeater beats up Tessa Doinel for the baby]

Tessa Doinel: He dumped me! I'll never bask in the light of love... [echoes]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Business Saleswoman: Oooh, these would look sexy on you.

[The underwear starts bleeding blood]

Tessa Doinel: No, I-I don't like it.

Business Saleswoman: Not your color?

Tessa Doinel: No, it's the blood.

Business Saleswoman: Oh. Well, there are other fluids. These ones here are self-snotting.

[The self-snotting underwear coughs up mucus]

Business Saleswoman: Ooh, that's hot on you. You looking to spice up your marriage?

[The saleswoman wipes the snot off of Tessa's face and ate it]

Tessa Doinel: Well, I'd like to have kids, so...

Business Saleswoman: You should've said so. These ones are crotchless for easy...you know. Go on, push.

Tessa Doinel: Huh?

[The Saleswoman pulls up a knife to force Tessa to push]

Business Saleswomen: Push! Don't be shy.

[Tessa and the Saleswoman moans by making the underwear magically push out a baby]

Business Saleswoman: Here it comes. Harder. Harder!

Business Saleswoman: Ooh, that's sexy. You broke it, you bought it.

Tessa Doinel: I don't know how to take care of it.

Business Saleswoman: Gotcha covered. Just feed the goddamn thing till it moves out or goes to jail.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Business Saleswoman: Find what you're looking for?

Tessa Doinel: Did you see these underwear? T-They...

Business Saleswoman: Yes, all the panties on this rack are self-bleeding.

Tessa Doinel: But why?

Business Saleswoman: They bleed so you don't have to.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Never the yet, Tessa Doinel have wasted enough of her life doing whatever men wanted her do. She decided to take stand and buy the blue ones this time.

[Shows Tessa buying a blue pair of underwear]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

The Reverend: When two families open their hearts, their warmth will spray us all.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Boss Hoss: We'll be a Yokeltopia, a hill-aside to end all billy-opolies.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Student #2: I am Christopher Columbus, and this seems like a nice place to drop a deuce. I think I'll call it America.

Student #2: Oh, no -- An Immi-grunt!

Student #3: How. I am Injin. You're welcome to share our nature's bounty.

Student #2: Go back to Mexico!

[Christopher Columbus stabs the Injin]

Student #2: You all saw him. He was coming at me. I was just standing my ground.

Student #2: Who's going to take out this trash.

Student #4: Lordy me! I'm a slave. I'm happy to do all your work. I like a do it with a funky dance.

Student #2: Back to work, lazy mongrel! I am your master, George Washington, the first white president of the united states!

Student #2: Now go chop down my cherry tree to make me my teeth, slave. I cannot tell a lie.

Student #5: I am the cherry tree of truth, and I vow to cut taxes on the rich!

All: U.S.A! U.S.A.!

Hurshe: I put America on the rag. I am Betsy Ross, and the blood got everywhere.

Student #6: I'm the 2nd Amendment y'all.

[starts to gunfire]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

The Reverend: I want to thank y'all for coming to the Heartshe Academy Tri-Anal Pageant. I don't know who's excited -- the kids or me or the kids...

[The Reverend once again repeats the same question throughout his entire lecture until the show starts]

The Reverend: ...or me. Well, that's the end of my speech.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

[The Reverend sees Sheriff threatening Toader]

The Reverend: I think the hunky youngun is squealin' to the pigs, Lord. Speak to me in your mysterious ways and tell me how to get out of what I got coming to me.

[The Reverend then comes back to whipping Toader again]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sheriff: I'm gonna go gash in that crotch favor your soiled sis owes me!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sheriff: I'm trying to pretend to work here.

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added 10 months ago

[The Reverend sees Hurshe staring in love with Toader]

The Reverend: Stop gawking at Toader like that!

[The Reverend accidentally bumps his globe and breaks into pieces]

The Reverend: Toader, how dare you?! Y'all saw it -- He shattered my world!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Student: Teacher, have you come up with the idea for the class pageant yet?

The Reverend: The Lord is shooting blanks in my head.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

The Reverend: I think our new school uniforms are working out. They make everyone equal, so pupils will no longer be judged like that ugly troll, Pete Havelin...

[cuts to Pete Havelin who's KKK's uniform is all filthy]

The Reverend: Or for being a stunning, alluring, erotic...

[then cuts to Toader which the Reverend is flirting over him]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Boss Hoss: Crabulations, Hurshe. The Holler is in your whorey hands!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

The Reverend: The air is a-buzzin' with the question, "Which Heartshe gonna take over now?"

The Reverend: Will it be Hurshe or Hambrosia or Hurshe or Hambrosia?

[The Reverend repeats the names throughout the whole funeral until someone is chosen]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

The Reverend: The tragic passing of our deloved prictator, Hurlan Heartshe has brought out more grievers than I ever knew cared.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Boss Hoss: Get your bone out...

Hurlan: [thinking] Bone out...

Boss Hoss: ...and zone out.

Hurlan: [thinking] ...and zone out. What are you nattering about?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sheriff: The truth is gonna come out somehow. What awful things I've probably done to that poor boy.

Sheriff: Well, best kill everyone in town so I can't get caught.

[Sheriff rips out his list of suspects and turns it into a murder list that he had all along]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Meemaw: Forget the bribe. Make the wrong decision and these American animals will rape ya to death!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Boss Hoss: Oh, boy. I ain't touching that emotional can of mommy worms with my 10-foot daddy wriggler.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [robotic voice] I'll kill you! I'll kill everyone!

General: Congratulations! You pass your cyborg warrior training. You're ready!

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [robotic voice] What an honor.

[Sgt. Pat Mounder gets sended back to war again while being injured]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

General: Sergeant Pat Mounder, on behalf of the U.S. Armed Forces, it's my duty to inform you that we're gonna have to let you go.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [robotic voice] You are firing me?

General: It's not your fault. It's just you're not a good fit for our organization. You're more like a piece of meat that just keeps on living.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [robotic voice] But your war made me like this.

General: Now we can get into all that "he said, meat said'' stuff, but you'd be better off trying for a job as a raisin or a maggot.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: He knew Sarge would be fine.

[cuts to the General laying injured in a hospital bed]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Narrator: Private Ray Pontle simply did what was required to get out of his dangerous combat obligations.

Narrator: Now he was free to pursue his true calling -- a life of secretly watching women purchase underwear.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Private Pontle: Great! You're ready!

Sgt. Pat Mounder: What?

Private Pontle: This was all a part of a covert elite psychic training program. You are now the perfect soldier.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: Really? Thanks. W-What an honor.

Private Pontle: Yep. Go on now, The big war is right through there.

[Pontle sends him to a random door to war]

Private Pontle: Well, that takes care of that dildo.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 10 months ago

Sheriff: Hursh, I'm trying to tell y'all I know how to cure you! Get y'all new parts! Just gotta find a dog!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurlan: I'm gon' go do do that! I'm gon' do-do all over everything!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Sgt. Pat Mounder: Are you playin' mental games with me, maggot?

Private Pontle: No, sir!

Sgt. Pat Mounder: Am I playing mental games with you, maggot?

Private Pontle: I really don't know. I-I really don't know, sir! [sobbing]

Sgt. Pat Mounder: Do I look like I'm playing mental games? Look me in the eye. What do you see in there?

[Pontle and Sgt. Pat Mounder look at each other while talking in their own minds]

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] God, I hope he can't really see inside me -- how fragile I am...how I can only fell big by belittling others...how I'd crumble were I not held whole by his fear of me. Can he tell that I'm the real maggot?

Private Pontle: [thinking] Hey, now I'm not gonna let you beat yourself up like that.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] Wait. How did -- I can hear your voi--

Private Pontle: [thinking] Shh! it's okay. I genuinely respect you, not because of your performance of masculinity, but in spite of it.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] But...I'm toxic trash.

Private Pontle: [thinking] You know, what I see behind all your emotional armor? A real cool cookie.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] For real?

Private Pontle: [thinking] Triple sugar shine real, real.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] I've waited my whole life to hear someone tell me that. Now that it happened, why do I still feel so alone inside?

Private Pontle: [thinking] You're not alone. I'm in there with you. You're my tough little guy, okay? Who's my tough little guy?

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] I am.

Private Pontle: [thinking] I can't hear you.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] I-I'm your tough little guy!

Private Pontle: [thinking] Louder!

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] I'm your tough little guy! God, I feel so appreciated for the first time. How can I ever thank you, guy?

Private Pontle: [thinking] How 'bout, uh, maybe...I don't know...a...a little kiss?

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] Oh. That's not what I...that -- That would make me uncomfortable.

Private Pontle: [thinking] After all I've done for you? One quick little kiss inside of our minds? No one has to know.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] Um, okay. Um, well, o-okay, just...just one.


Private Pontle: [thinking] That wasn't so bad, was it?

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] I guess not.

Private Pontle: [thinking] Gimme a little more. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] This is all happening so fast.


Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] What was that?

Private Pontle: [thinking] Be still, my cookie. This'll be over quick.

[Pontle consciously eats the General's face]

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] Where'd I go? Where am I?

Private Pontle: [thinking] You're in the realm of love eternal. Isn't it beautiful?

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] I-I don't know.

Private Pontle: [thinking] Just kidding. You're in my tummy.

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] It's beautiful.

Private Pontle: [thinking] Oh, boy. I gotta go to the bathroom.

[Pontle then bring back his face by consciously pooping him out]

Sgt. Pat Mounder: [thinking] I feel like you're taking advantage of me, Private.

Private Pontle: [thinking] Aw, that's all in your head. Which reminds me -- I-I forgot to wipe. Hang on.

[Pontle wipes his own butt of poop which transfers to Sergeant's eybags]

Private Pontle: [thinking] Well, we better get back to it before the guys notice anything. And don't you dare squeal about what I done did to you.

[Pontle and Sgt. Pat Mounder came back to reality after the whole mind conversation]

Sgt. Pat Mounder: Well, do I look like I'm playing mental games, maggot?!

Private Pontle: No, sir! You're not, I swear!

Sgt. Pat Mounder: Then answer this question, maggot -- why do you treat me like dirt when all I ever wanted was to bask in the light of your love?! [sobbing]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Sgt. Pat Mounder: What are you?

Private Pontle: I'm a maggot, sir!

Sgt. Pat Mounder: I can't hear you!

Private Pontle: I'm a maggot, sir!!

Sgt. Pat Mounder: I don't understand!

Private Pontle: Sir! I am...I'm saying I...I'm saying I'm a maggot!

Sgt. Pat Mounder: But I'm confused -- how are you a maggot of some kind?!

Private Pontle: Just 'cause you told me I was, so I'm a maggot, sir!

Sgt. Pat Mounder: But how is that physiologically possible?! Huh, maggot?!

Private Pontle: [voice breaking] It just is! I can't explain the biology of it, but I am a maggot, I swear!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: But as man evolves, war itself must become increasingly sophisticated.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

[Ryan's parents scratch the church for the Pastor]

Pastor: That's good. A little to the left. Right there. Ah, don't stop. Yes. Ahh, ahh. Yes! Oh! Ohhhhh!

[Pastor transformed into an ant]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: His grieving parents were grateful for the tragic loss of their beloved boy, as gave them the perfect place to mourn the tragic loss of their beloved boy.

Narrator: Luckily, the church pastor taught them how to repent for this perverse pleasure.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: Ryan Regrt scratched so religiously that the sore on his arm grew into the shape of a small church.

Narrator: The more fanatic he scratched, the deeper the itch became, until Ryan was more church than child, wholly swallowed by the swell, gone.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: Nevertheless, if you mashed together every soul on Earth, it would weigh less than one flea.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Boss: Christ, Dwyer! Those things are loud. Buddy, these are disruptive. This is not appropriate for a workspace environment.

Doug Dwyer: I'm sorry. I could strap a pillow to my head. Muffle it.

Boss: I can't hear you, Dwyer! It's too loud!

Doug Dwyer: Or could you fill it with water and drown them? Or piss?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Jacket: How can I condemn my wife cheating on me when I did something worse? I cheated my audience.

Jacket: The only righteous thing for me to do is to rededicate myself and this show to the integrity and moral purpose that white people deserve. I'll see you next week.

Jacket: [talks to Direne who's still tied up] Get over here. No, you stay there. I'll come to you.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurlan: [talks about Meemaw] Her cursed presence is a caucasian cancer on the continent.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: ...And our lives are filled with meaning forever, as long as the screams don't get so loud that they wake the ants that are dreaming us.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: But alas, someone always get hurt in love. And when one raw-dogs it with a mirror, the fruit of your vain comes home to roost...

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Doug Dwyer: [panting] You're killing me. Killing me. Kill me. Kill me harder. Kill me harder. Kill me deeper. Kill me harder. Kill me harder, kill me deeper, kill me harder.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: And Doug got to experience every man's fantasy -- a two-way with himself.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: It got so steamy, even his vanity became aroused.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: When he reflected on his strengths, Doug finally began to love himself. And when a man finds self-esteem, he can coax himself to go all the way.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Doug Dwyer: [thinking] And the noble prize for the Most Random Series of Numbers of All Time goes to...Dougie Dwyer!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: When he realized that no one believed in him, Doug rushed home to see if he was there.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Doug Dwyer: You can fire me, but one day I'll show you. I'll show you all.

[Doug suddenly pulls out his guns taped from his muscles and gunfires the building]

Boss: Christ, Dwyer! It's too loud.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Boss: Feisty little bastard. Oh, wait. That's what going on. Feisty little bitch, I should say -- protecting her eggs.

Doug Dwyer: Eggs? I'm a little scared.

Boss: It's okay. She got the little things hatching right now.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurlan: I understand every atom of information in the universe, not least of which are the secrets of this Holler!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Doug Dwyer: What the heck-fire?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Boss: We are so freaking disappointed in your output, Dwyer. Everyone else in this department types at lest 10,000 random numbers a day. Your average is 19.

Doug Dwyer: Sorry, sir. It's just --

Boss: What's so hard about it? Just type random numbers as fast as you can. See? Ding, ding, ding, ding. That's it. Easy peasy. Now you try. Go!

[Doug Dwyer still gets confused which number to type]

Boss: Just hit numbers! Faster! Faster!

Doug Dwyer: But I can never decide which number to choose.

Boss: Don't think about it. Just type. It's random.

Doug Dwyer: I know, but I still want it to be good.

Boss: Well, it isn't good.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Meemaw: You have proved your intelligence! Sorry we manipulated you!

Hurlan: Manipulated me? When?

Meemaw: Doesn't matter. Sometimes, delusion is more true than the truth.

[Meemaw showed him the stitches that Hurlan made after he fixed up the TV version of Meemaw that transfers her to the original Meemaw]

Hurlan: Wait, uh, you mean that you're saying the opposite of what you mean, and I'm not smart?

TV Meemaw: No!

Meemaw: Yes!

TV Meemaw: No!

Meemaw: Yes!

TV Meemaw: No!

Meemaw: Yes!

TV Meemaw: No!

Meemaw: Yes!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurshe: Hot dog!

Hurlan: You speakum hot dog?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Indian Mobster: Why will you not die already?

Severed Head: Uh, why don't you brush your teeth already?

Audience: [laughs]

Indian Mobster: I'm warning you -- keep it up and I'll stop this holy war right now.

Severed Head: Bawk-bawk, honey. A-bawk-bawk. [slide whistle plays]

Severed Head: Mm, check the hottie in the front row. Hey, uh, missy, you care for a three-way? or at least a 2 1/4-way?

Audience: [laughs]

Severed Head: Hey, I'm not severed where it counts.

Indian Mobster: Please die, for the love of Allah.

Severed Head: Tell you what, I'll die if you answer one question.

Indian Mobster: You have a deal. Fire away.

Severed Head: Why does your faith glorify hate?

Audience: [gasping]

Indian Mobster: You really want to know? For me, it's -- s-see, I never had a mother. [sniffles]

Audience: [boos]

Severed Head: Wait, wait, if you never had a mom, then how do you exist at all?

Indian Mobster: Jumpin' Jihad, you're right.

[The Indian Mobster disappeared out of existence]

Audience: [cheered and applause]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: When their healing work is done, our wounds begin to heal themselves.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurshe: Let's chop-chop this boot knock! I got poon to peddle!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hambrosia: Look at that vase over there. Now focus all your lack of coitus into it.

[Hurshe breaks the vase with her mind powers]

Hambrosia: Being worthless can be pretty useful huh, sis?

Hurshe: Teach me how to hone the power of my crotchular zilch, and together we can take over the Holler for good.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurlan: I hereby call to order the biweekly Lonely Boy's Wishing Club. I guess I'll go first. Uh, I never told nobody this, but I always wished I had a little brother.

Hurlan: Boy, I would -- I swear, I'd take real good care of him, too. You know, I'd -- I'd -- I'd feed him -- I'd feed him every day. Hell, I feed him every hour! I'd feed him eight or nine times an hour!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurlan: This is a suicide pill.

Hurlette: That just looks like a raisin.

Hurlan: Well, I'm gonna take it.

Hurlette: No, my sweet! I'll save you!

[Hurlette snorts the suicide pill in one of her nostrils, then exploded]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurlette: Are you sure you don't want to give me another chance?

Hurlan: I can't be with Ashley. I'd rather be dead than be with you.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurlan: Don't I do it!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Boss Hoss: Today, you're gonna commit your first murder.

Hurlan: Mu-- mu-- mu--

Boss Hoss: I envy you, getting to sup your first taste of sweet savagery, become a man.

Hurlan: Meatier?!

Boss Hoss: My ex-henchbaby, he got himself a widdle guilty conscience. Now we can't have his old dirty work coming back to bite the Heartshe name in the butt that fed him. You go rub him out while I go rub one out.

Hurlan: No, Daddy!

Boss Hoss: Are you refusing to do what I ask you the first time?! Well, fine! You just go put in the tape of first refusal.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Cutter the Vet: Violence.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurshe: Meemaw, if you're voodoodoo dolls are collect-calling my life, then I'm about to reverse the charges!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

The Reverend (as Hurshe): The next person to walk through this door will be Preacher again!

[The Reverend as Hurshe closes the door, then opens it back as the original Reverend he is with whip marks on his face]

The Reverend: Hurshe said that you had something to say to my face.

Sheriff: Preacher, what happened to your face?!

The Reverend: Helen. She hit me!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

[After Sheriff's vision saw Hambrosia as Hurshe with delusional serum]

Sheriff: I was looking at you, hon, but I'm seeing someone sexy. What say we skip dinner and do whatever sick stuff you can think up?

Hambrosia (as Hurshe): Really? I can let my mind run wild?

Sheriff: Like a dog at the dump.

Hambrosia (as Hurshe): Well, I've got this whip...and this. [pulls up a barber razor blade] And I could do this.

[Hambrosia whispers indistinctly into Sheriff's ear]

Sheriff: Oh, that is so sick!

[Hambrosia then starts slurping his ear seductively]

Sheriff: [panting] Would I even survive that?!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: Innoncent bystanders were so amused, they took the act on the road.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Indian Mobster: This is what western infidels get!

Severed Head: Is that all you got, cha-cha? [laughs and yawns]

Indian Mobster: Shut up and die, you infidel pig dog.

Severed Head: Uh, correction -- chicken dog. Bawk-bawk. [smooches]

Indian Mobster: You are making me angry.

Severed Head: And you have schmutz on your dress. Bonk! Gotcha! Bawk-bawk, playa!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: On the eve of their 50th anniversary, the simple Balinese maiden revealed her deepest shame to her husband -- that she was a corpse herself filled with bees, who sent her there on a mission to prove to butterflies once and for all that the true nature of the universe is chaos and is beautiful and must never be defiled again.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: He even began to enjoy seasoning his food with butterfly skulls and dance to the disco forged from the screams of his kind.

Narrator: Naturally, his butterfly brethren were devastated by the betrayal.

[The butterfly shoots himself]

Narrator: And Highbury, he never was able to find the love that seemed to come so effortlessly to others.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: They needed Highbury to create a Butterfly Man -- a human puppet secretly controlled by butterflies, sent to ingratiate himself to the Balinese and then slowly take over the country until he was in a position to crush it from within.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: After months of having his every twisted whim sated just to feel anything at all. Highbury required increasingly exotic pleasures, a sickness culminating in the most perverse craving of all time -- The desire to experience true love.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: The welt that developed on her back represented the price of justice, a gnarled and righteous cause, the lunch lady was happy to correct.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Narrator: And yet. At Shivering Middle School, whenever a scoundrel snaps the blind girl's bra, Principal Gail Alonka makes everyone line up and pop a snap until the culprit can be, recognized, identified, found.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

The Reverend: I will put the fear of God into you!

[cuts to the next scene where The Reverend dressing up as God]

The Reverend: Some real fear of God.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hambrosia: You poor people are being manhandled into evil!

[Jacket gets up after getting shot]

Jacket: Is she part of this, too? Oh, this is getting saucy.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

[after Meemaw's hands were blown up from Hurshe's suicide]

Meemaw: This is finally getting interesting!

[cuts to the next scene in Direne's liquor]

Direne: When are things gonna get interesting?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hambrosia: I've got to go tell the poor, innocent, depraved preverts in town.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Sheriff: I wanted to be the one to defile her till death do us part. [crying]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurshe: You done run out of pud. You were shooting some 3-alarm-chili-type funk.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurshe: We used to be a fairy tale. You were my dapper crapper and I your steamy bowl. But I'm a proud, liberated human toilet and I deserve more disrespect than your can can unload unto my heart.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Preacher: Hang on. One moment. I'm being handed a note. I have breaking news. I hate to be the one to report this, but according to many verified sources, it appears that God is dead.

Dr. Highbury: [quietly] Yes!

Preacher: He was placed in a choke hold by police as he slept.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Jacket: Give me all your money, whitey!

Direne: What're you gonna do with it?

Jacket: I'm gonna buy a piece of ass.

Direne: I can cracker you off a piece of something sweet...right here.

Jacket: I'm a negro, I'm warning you.

Sheriff: You get your big black lips off of that slerrpiwench!

[Sheriff shoots Jacket]

Direne: No! Wait! You idjit! That was my hubby! We was just playing our sick little sex game! He's dead!

Sheriff: I'm sorry! Perhaps you and I could seek solace in the comfort of one another's respective orafi?

[Direne betrayed his husband and fell in love with Sheriff]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurshe: [sobbing] I'm disgusting! I'm so dirty! Oh, I'm so...dirty. Mmm, yeah...

[cuts to the Sheriff jerking off while seeing Hurshe seducing herself inside his gun, then cuts to Meemaw controlling him to jerk off with her voodoo doll of Sheriff]

Meemaw: See? He's a philandermonkey.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

[Random confetti shows up in Hurshe's room after Hurshe snatching Clem's money]

Clem: Wow! Am I your millionth customer?

Hurshe: [thinking] Has it been that many? I thought I was gonna do it just one time to pay for college. I could've graduated by now. But instead, I'm the vagidictorian.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Clem: I just lucked into some pocket scratch, and you're the itch I want to spew it on!

Hurshe: Well, my crotch filet may not be rare, but it does come with a side of "succatush."

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hurshe: Entre you!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Sheriff: What's it do?

Doc: Let's turn it on and find out.

[Doc turns on the machine]

Machine: Power on. [whirring]

Sheriff: Some kind of drawing machine.

[The machine drawed poop, while Hurlan sniffs the drawing]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Doc's Heart: When you press your lips on mine, run your fingers through my hair.

Doc: Hair? Man, sometimes I don't know if relationships are worth the hassle.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Doc: My god! You're dying!

Clem: I am?

Doc: I got to remove your eyes now or you won't live! Here's $50 bucks. [pulls up $5 bucks]

[after putting Clem's eyes on his talking heart]

Doc's Heart: You're more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. Kiss my lips.

Doc: You, uh...You don't have any lips.

[Doc walks back to the bar to Clem to remove his lips]

Doc: You got lip cancer. You can't see it, but I better remove them.

Clem: Give me another $50?

Doc: I can do $40.

[After walking back to Doc's office, putting Clem's lips onto his talking heart again]

Doc's Heart: I am quivering with anticipation.

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added 11 months ago

Doc's Heart: Our love and will span the ages. How I long to gaze at your handsome face.

Doc: Aw, my face is no big whoop.

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added 11 months ago

Doc: This is what the poets meant when they said, "I'm hard as a dried worm right now."

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added 11 months ago

Ross Headhe: The Heartshes and The Headhes shall become one! [sniffs]

[Ross checks and sniff his finger to see if he still have dook on it]

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added 11 months ago

Hurlan: It's a warning, I just know it!

Sheriff: Cool your pud and just describe what this thing looked like. I'll draw.

Hurlan: It was a thin column with these weight-bearing arches and a spiral of wires poking out of a...I guess it's a tooth attached to a crescent.

[Sheriff shows Hurlan the drawing of a random machine]

Sheriff: Is this the general idea?

Hurlan: That's exactly what I saw!

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added 11 months ago

Hurlan: I can't even read. That was the most incredible story. We got to get it published.

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added 11 months ago

Hurlan: Oh, that's one of them ding-dang-dang-bang-bang metaphors right there.

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added 11 months ago

[Hurlan typing on the typewriter to a friend that he loves it]

Hurlan: "I love you." Okay.

Typewriter: I'm gonna pound your pussyass, queerbait.

Hurlan: I'm being cyberbullied!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Meemaw: Oh, why do you disturb me, boy? I'm busy!

Hurlan: I don't know. I...I guess I'm lonely.

Meemaw: Want a friend? [laughing]

[Meemaw turns into a typewriter]

Hurlan: A computer!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Sheriff: I'm here to end Helen's cycle of abuse, even if I have to beat it out of her.

Doc: Who's Hel -- Oh, Helen. She's not here no more.

Sheriff: Don't cover for her! You stand in the way of my peace mission, you're gonna get popped!

[Doc flinches after Sheriff was about to punch him]

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added 11 months ago

Doc: As long as Sheriff never finds his real wife in my closet, I'll milk the man cow and drink his cream for free.

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added 11 months ago

Sheriff: That's it! Confront this bully! ...Soon as I get hard. [growls]

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added 11 months ago

The Reverend (as Hurshe): Sheriff...Just out of curiosity, and as a matter of insignificant small talk, what do people say about the Preacher behind his back again when he's not around? I forget.

Sheriff: Come on. You know this! Now, everyone says Preacher's a sad, lonely deviant who'll suck anything that squirts, and eats floaters with a knife and fork.

The Reverend (as Hurshe): They say that about me -- Him?

Sheriff: Of course! Oh, why you crying, Hursh? I mean Psycho Mike?

The Reverend (as Hurshe): [crying] Nothing. Just hit me.

Sheriff: All right. Give me a minute to get hard.

The Reverend (as Hurshe): You wouldn't say that stuff to Preacher's face!

Sheriff: [scoffs] Bet I would!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

The Reverend (as Hurshe): Preacher 'taint' around. I always wanted to gobble some knob on his desk.

Sheriff: Isn't that technically a sin?

The Reverend (as Hurshe): Oh. Well, then, dole out the punishment. Hit me with this, and call me Psycho Mike.

Sheriff: You're a special lady, Hur-- I mean...Psycho Mike.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

The Reverend: Hey, Lord. Just checking in. Uh, I've left you a message every day for the last -- My whole life! Maybe you could get back to me! You know, I'm thinking about ending it all. I'm pretty lonely. Okay. Cool, man. Talk to you later. Bye.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Hambrosia: [thinking] Where am I? I must have been knocked out. I probably tried more sick perversity against my poor husband, so he restrained me to protect me from my urges. Oh, what a sweet man.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 11 months ago

Doc: Hey, I got that kidney you wanted. 300 bucks!

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added 12 months ago

TV Meemaw: Do not tell Hurlan I need him to get me...one of these!

Hurlan: Were would I not get one of those?

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added 12 months ago

Hurlan: Urethra! Who's the idjit now?! I'm one step closer to finding him -- That's who!

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added 12 months ago

Doc: Well, this right here is delusional serum. I can inject it into your eye's balls.

Sheriff: Is this real?

Doc: The doctor who sold it to me gave me a free trial first, then convinced me it was, so it has to be!

Doc: And that doctor and I fell in love. Ain't that right, Helen? [quietly] God, just say -- No, you say you're sorry!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

Doc: You know about truth serum, right?

Sheriff: I'd be lying if I said I do.

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added 12 months ago

Sheriff: The truth is, I'm in love with another woman. But I can't get out of my marriage!

Doc: Well, that's simple! Just fantasize your wife is this other you love!

Sheriff: Does that work?

Doc: Works for Helen and me. [quietly] What?! Just stand there!

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added 12 months ago

Doc: Your rape kit is coming up negative.

Sheriff: Oh, I know rape ain't real, Doc. "Rape, schmape" is the policeman's motto.

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added 12 months ago

Hambrosia: Lord, cleanse me from my sins.

[Hambrosia pulls out a whip from the book]

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added 12 months ago

Hambrosia: I thought later tonight, maybe I could give you a kiss on the cheek.

Sheriff: I'm not a piece of meat. I've never felt so degraded! Your sick sexual urges are starting to scare me! You get off on that, you sick deviant?! You know, I don't feel safe here. I don't know when I'll be back!

Hambrosia: [exhales] Why am I so dirty?!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

Boss Hoss: If we harness his flub-uppery, we reap the fruits of his bungle.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

TV Meemaw: There's nothing mysterious to see here, Hurlan!

Hurlan: I ain't tater-brained, Meemaw!

TV Meemaw: If you really weren't tater-brained, you'd ignore my plea begging you to don't go to my house to find my secret stash of tapes and follow the vital directive upon them!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

Boss Hoss: He's to idjit too be trusted.

Hurlan: What? Trusted with what?

Boss Hoss: Nothing! I wasn't talking to anybody! I certainly wasn't having a serious discussion about a matter of great import with your Meemaw!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

Boss Hoss: I am telling you, It is the most significant task in Holler history, only we can't tell Hurlan! He'll just "fustercluck" it up the buttock.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

Hambrosia: My brain is back. All it's powers! My rage.

Sheriff: Hot cookies! Blow Hurlan into bits!

Hambrosia: [growling] It won't work. My brain can't bear to see Hurlan get hurt.

Hambrosia's Brain: Oh no!

Hambrosia: Ugh! But I've got to put my anger somewhere!

[Hambrosia psychically puts her anger directly into Sheriff's crotch]

Sheriff: Don't look at me there like that! Ohh!

[Sheriff's penis squirts out semen all over his face]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

Jordy: Time to make the ketchup.

[cuts to the next scene, Jordy pooping in the toilet]

Jordy: [singsong] I'm makin' ketchup. Freedom ketchup. So there!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

Jordy: I'm gonna ride your mama like a bike.

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added 12 months ago

Jordy: I'd like to hear the punchline of the joke you were telling the night they pulling me in. I missed that one.

Jacket: S-S-S-Sure, Jordy. Uh, um, I believe it was, uh, "6 Million Jews."

[Jordy breathes heavily then laughs maniacally]

Jordy: 6 million jews! You hear him?! [laughs] Laugh! Oh, that was a good one, Jacket! Oh, in the hole for 5 years and that was worth it!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

Sheriff: What kind of pie is this?

Hambrosia: It's just something I put in the oven to make someone care.

[Sheriff leaves out the room quickly before saying her response]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

The Reverend: When did you get out, Jordy?

Jordy: You mean, when did I finish serving time because you didn't kill the Sheriff who fingered me in court?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 12 months ago

Hurlan: I tried to be a good leader, but I blew it! What do I do now, Daddy?!

[Hurlan unpause the tv]

Boss Hoss: Stab your friends in the back. I repeat -- Do not --

[Hurlan pauses the tv again]

Hurlan: Got it! No need to repeat it!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Don't you people get it? This is, like, the first thing ever that makes sense. You complain about the wind? What have you done with your life?

Hambrosia: Ever made a bird soar? Not just in his butt but in his mind? I wrote a poem about it.

Hambrosia: "Wind is just air taking a joy in a freedom Lamborghini with the top down, letting the wind blow through its hair. But you want to put that wind in jail, put air in electric chair? What are we to breathe the constitution? What does that even mean, man? Isn't man mean, man?"

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Oh, everything's gone to hell since that Mexican come to town. He's ruined my life! He's probably the one who stole my self-respect!

Hurshe: Look at me! I'm disgusting! I used to be special. Now my hoohaw just makes beans. He did this! [sobbing]

[Hurshe's butt spills out massive bean sounds inside of her clothes]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You know, this Mexican's probably the one who stole your wallet!

[Hurshe literally snatched the Sheriff's wallet without even noticing]

Sheriff: My wallet's gone, too?!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: What kind of diabolical schemes you got going on in that head of yours?

[Hurlan daydreaming in front of the camera again]

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: If it's a Mexican, I ain't seen one.

Sheriff: I didn't say nothing about no Mexican.

Hurlan: Good. 'Cause I certainly wouldn't invite one to town to do everything for me just 'cause they're so sweet and cuddly.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Now I want a real honkin' hoohaw.


Hurlan: Honkier.


Hurlan: Honkier!

[Hambrosia's brain squirts out brain semen all over Hurlan's face]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Focus! Where could your brain go?

Hambrosia: What is "go," man? A thing can't go anywhere 'cause if it arrives, it's still there. It's like...this poem I wrote.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: "Dear whoever finds my body, I don't want to live in a world where I have to clean my own room, so I am going to eat 1,000 pieces of candy so I explode to bits and die."

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I just said that I'm in love with your sister. Well, he said.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Say this is Hurshe. He said I'd be like..."Hurshe, I cherish every second that we're together away from that crazy wife of mine."

Sheriff: God, I wish this was really you right now.

Sheriff: Can you believe he said that?!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Let's rile my sis up so furious at Hurlan, she explodes him with with her mind! With him dead and her in stir for first-degree brain-blowing, I'm left to take over, you at my side, humping me into the sunset.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Oh, I'll have her brain beside itself with... [echoes] rage. Soon, her wingnut noodle will be eating out the palm of my... [echoes] plan. Hurlan is a formidable foe, but we got his ass in our teeth now! [laughs]

[cuts to the next scene where Hurlan still daydreaming]

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added 1 year ago

Meemaw: I like myself. I'm not so feeble-minded I must retreat into fantasy.

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added 1 year ago

[Mystery Man (Xavier) ascended through the air]

All: Oh, Meemaw!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Hey, I need your help with something.

Cutter The Vet: You want me to strangle someone to death? Rape 'em back into life? [laughs] Let me at 'em!

Hurlan: No, I just need you bring me a Mexican.

Cutter The Vet: GET OUT! How dare you even consider bringing a Mexican into Heartshe?!

[spits Hurlan]

Cutter The Vet: Have some respect for my home. I got dead children here, sicko. It's all right, little ones. The bad man was just leaving.

Hurlan: I ain't never gonna get my own personal Mexican!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Wait, I just mustard up a doozy.

Sheriff: Eww! Smear it on my face!

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: What's a Mexican?

Boss Hoss: Well, that's just somebody that does the work and don't get none of the reward.

Hurlan: That's what I need -- A Mexican to clean my room!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I get your point, Daddy. I'll clean my room.

Boss Hoss: Think leadership.

Hurlan: The only reason I didn't clean my room was I forgot 'cause it was too messy.

Boss Hoss: Shut up about your room! Your room don't matter.

Hurlan: Good, 'cause, to be honest, I wasn't really gonna clean my room.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: How you gonna fool these rubes into believing that you're a great leader?

[Hurlan daydreaming in front of the camera]

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Hurlan Heartshe. You are the potentate of this entire boonieverse, but your approval ratings are down to 2.3 donkeys.

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I've restrained every natural impulse in my life, and now that I'm in charge, I can finally cut loose.

[big band music plays while it changes to heavy metal music in a second]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Miss Heartshe, will you kindly look in here and tell me what you see.

Hambrosia: I see a noble murderer.

The Reverend: I don't see no murderer in here. Possibly a guy who's done some very bad things, but murder? Not technically.

The Reverend: See, I got out of there before any of that could be determined.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Could you shut your pie hole and pinch off your word loaf?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Hold on! Just a sec! There's a...a bunch of gnomes in here!

Doc (imitating gnomes): "Yeah, we're just getting in our mushroom cars." Vroom! Vroom!

Doc: Hey, cool cars, guys!

Doc (imitating gnomes): We think you're cool, too. And cute. Want to get busy? Oh, yeah, Doc! Oh, yeah, Doc! Your unit is so big! "I'm gonna pop!" Pwwffssh!

Doc: Man, you popped "cause my thing was so big?

Doc (imitating gnomes): Yeah, we're dead now.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Townsfolk: "Hey, Doc, A snake bit me in the pecker, and I had to suck out the poison! Soon as I was done, I rushed over here."

Doc: "What kind of snake was it?"

Townsfolk: "Well, I can't remember. It was 9 months ago."

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Mystery Man (Xavier) suddenly burn smoke out of his head]

Hambrosia: This guy stinks like a colostomy tampon.

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Oh! Just a second! Don't come in!

Hambrosia's Mirror: She just has her leg stuck in a bear trap!

Hambrosia: I just have to chew off my leg! Raar, raar! Raar, raar! Just got to wait for my leg to grow back! [grunting]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Chow Mein: Hey, man, you better get rid of us. We're the bodies, man. You got to get rid of the evidence!

Cutter The Vet: Relax. I got this. [pulls up two chopsticks getting ready to eat]

Chow Mein: You're gonna get caught, man. We're a lot of Mein, man. You didn't order a beverage, man -- To wash us down?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I thought her heart would spread its legs just for me, but that affection hussy'll maternalize anything that moves.

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I was born gumming my way out of a Heartshe, and I'll die with a Heartshe gumming into me!

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added 1 year ago

My Mommy The Crow: Yeah! Run away! That's what your best at!

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: A clue! "Ham" is short for "Hambrosia and Cheese," but who loves cheese sandwhiches?

Sheriff: It's Hambrosia!

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Don't come in!

[imitates monkey screeching]

Sheriff: There's a monkey loose in here! I just got to get rid of it in my meat grinder.

[imitates motor whirring]

Sheriff: It's totally gone now.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Mystery Man (Xavier) spins his head]

Cutter the Vet: Oh, that's Sheriff! He does that crazy head-turn trick at parties all the time.

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added 1 year ago

Cutter the Vet: Just a sec! I just got to process some pretty heavy feelings. Why?! Why?!

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added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Don't open that door! Just give me a second! Taking a poo! It's sort of halfway out, so maybe I should try to push it back in!


The Reverend: Okay, it's out.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Who's talking about me? My bootyhole is burning!

Boss Hoss: Hurshe! A omen has foretold the Holler's demise unless we can find the identity of this portentous nimrod.

Hurshe: Well, my peckerdar ain't hard.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: I don't like being put in this kind of position.

Mystery Man (Xavier): We all have positions we don't like. Up the butt.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mystery Man (Xavier): That all depends on who I am. I assure you, I am a proud member of this community. But if I tell you, you'll kill me.

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: I admit, you got me by the meatiest and most tumorous part of my nads.

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added 1 year ago

Mystery Man (Xavier): Sir, I purchased your Heartshe-Brand Chaw and was disabused upon something untoward therein.

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss's Tapes: "Guess what?"

Boss Hoss: Chicken butt?

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Damn, Hambrosia. In your desperate suckin' at the teat of sanctitty, you killed my one way ticket to sleazy street.

Hurshe: Just wait till she sinks her church-lovin' chompers into my revengewich...one cement on rye, hold the decency.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Sheriff got stabbed with a knife by Boss Hoss]

Sheriff: I need back-up...to put a booby-trappin' bastard on trial for murder!

Sheriff: T-Two counts.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: What is the secret? You dig it up yet? I just gotta know.

Reporter: Ooh, no I'm really not interested. I-I just need some gas.

Direne: Then piss off!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Reporter: Hey, there. I just need some gas.

Direne: Well, you better get your honky ass to a gas station.

Reporter: Oh, I, uh, I thought I was at a gas station.

Direne: Ooh, you thought. Smart-ass stranger sashay into town thinking...telling us what to thinks. Well I think you come into town to laugh at us like we your dancin' monkey.

Direne: Wanna see me dance like a monkey, huh?

Reporter: No, no. I just need gas.

Direne: Oh, now you're too good to watch me dance like a monkey, huh?!

Reporter: No. I-I'll watch you dance.

[Direne imitates like a monkey]

Direne: I've never been so humiliated in my life.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: The world's butterflies are merely fighting back against those who seek to harm their kind by using their natural ability to bend the force of chaos to deliver fierce justice.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: His research has revealed that the Balinese use crushed butterfly skulls as a table seasoning, and a common beverage is Bali in butterfly tears, traditionally guzzled listening to Balinese disco, made from the screams of butterflies whose genitals are being rhytmically electrocuted.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: The war between butterflies and Bali dates back to prehistoric times, when Cave Balinese would eat the beating hearts of cave butterflies for good luck in their primitive butterfly insulting contests.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: When asked to comment, the entire population of Bali pretended to be asleep for six years to avoid discussing the issue.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: But Dr. Derrick Highbury has just discovered it is actually because all butterflies hate Bali.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: Benny thought to himself about himself.

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added 1 year ago

Wound: Now choose a number between 1 and 13, but not 2 and 4. Now double it, add 16, multiply by 3 and subtract half. Now what was your original number?

Benny: I never chose a number.

Wound: And this is just as I have foreseen. So. Do you feel maturated now?

Benny: I guess.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Wound: I hereby agree to be your Spirit Guide.

Benny: But I don't want a spirit guide.

Wound: Excellent! That is the first step of your soul journey.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Benny: I think I'm going crazy.

Wound: Nonsense. I would contend that you are...going sane.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Officer: Chili Police! Open up! You have 30 seconds or we'll do this!

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: Our sores are sources of wisdom. Which won't be silenced by any man.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: And there's nothing more desperately chipper than the escapist daydreams of a man in bondage.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: Of course, dreams can come true.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Hambrosia humping Jordy inside of The Reverend's body in his butt]

Hambrosia: This is how I always imagined sex to be!

Jordy: Oh, this feels incredible! You tell the Sheriff if I can marry his wife, he can have my skank woman (referring to Hurshe) and he can live.

The Reverend: I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but you're kind of putting me in an awkward position here.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: You know, I can set you up with a makeshift part. Get his salami smiling from ear-to-ear.

Hambrosia: Really?

Direne: Yeah! You just jump on that counter and let me get my staple gun.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Tooth: Why you do what you do?

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: As a tribute to my tar-baby, I hereby ban all tobacco from Heartshe Holler!

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added 1 year ago

Stromulous Gaundor: Why?! Why?! Why-y-y-y-y-y?!

Bertrum: Because you shot her that's why -- Your own daughter, with your own gun!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Princessa: I always pictured myself having a traditional birdbat wedding... the beautiful ceremony, the mating dance, and then we choose one person... [deep voice] WHO WE EAT ALIVE!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Stromulus Guandor: I did not say you were a slut. I said you were acting like a slut.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Why can't I pay the price?!

Hurlan: Why can't I make him pay the price?!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlette: My Father only wants into this family because the truth is...well, he's dying.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: You girls ready for round deuce?

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You have something of mine, Preach!

The Reverend: If you're talking about your hymen, I ain't seen that old thing since raccoons broke in here.

The Reverend: I think they're living in the bushes behind the Suck N' Bite off route 38.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Peck-Him and Peck-Her staring at the wall]

Peck-Him: Isn't the outside world beautiful?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Female Advert Speaker: Are you the manifestation of a decimated native peoples in wolf form looking to spurt away centuries of oppression?

Female Advert Speaker: Hurlan's mouth is open for your business.

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: [speaking foreign language] I bring-em bone for truce. Please make-em Injun curse go away.

Wereslut: You are speaking gibberish. Which is in fact the language of the proud Native Crazywolf Tribe.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Don't y'all hot dog, hot dog, injun hot dog?!

Hurlan: I'll make fun of you, too! I'll make fun of you, too! Lookit. Lookit.

Hurlan: Hot dog. Hot dog. Hot dog?

Sheriff: [crying] Hot dog.

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added 1 year ago

Jacket: Hot dog Mexican, Hot dog Jew.

Clem: Hot dog.

Jacket: Uh, hot dog. Big hot dog black guy!

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Hey, guys, it's wing nickel night at the bar! Give 'em a wing and get all the nickles you can eat!

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Well, why do prostitutes do what they do? To put themselves through college! So if I start a free wolf college, they'll come runnin'! I best get to work fast. This could be the last smart idea I ever have.

Hurlan: [scoffs]

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I got to solve this crisis quick, before my mind become hurla-fried by the werelan transformation.

Hurlan: Oh, it's the Injun Curse. I told you.

Sheriff: Quit talking malarkey, boy. You got flim in your flam, clap in your trap, and hog in your wash.

Hurlan: What are you nattering about?

Sheriff: Oh, no. My mind is fading fast.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: You got diarrhea of the poppycock, 'cause that gobbledygook's all Chinese to me, turkey.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I got wolf-titutes loose in town. And if they bite someone we could have a wereslut in our hands.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Oh, you're speaking jibber-jabber, boy. I'm not from Jibberslavia. I don't speak Jabbernese.

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: I was forced to install a surveillance system all around town to make sure that none of the citizens around here were engaging in any depraved sexual activities without me watching, engorged.

Boss Hoss: It was the '70s!

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Night terrors, huh? Well, that's what TV's for. You just pop the tube's boob into the pie hole of your eye hole. Get your bone out and zone out! [echoes]

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I'm having nightmares, Daddy. I wet and solided the bed...and ceiling.

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I bite harder, I yowl louder, and I don't charge extra to eat my own poo.

Sheriff: Cha-ching.

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added 1 year ago

Female Advert Speaker: Looking for a discreet, sophisticated place to drain your balls? Heartshe Brothel.

Female Advert Speaker: Is your wife, cousin, and sister a woman who is no longer putting out? Tape a treat to your meat and let rover take over.

Female Advert Speaker: All our prostitutes are cage-raised wolves so they can't talk back, say no, or laugh at your slender nub.

Female Advert Speaker: There's Trixie. She's not potty-trained -- She's naughty-trained. She can roll over and shake...dat ass. And if you make a mess, she'll rub your nose in it.

Female Advert Speaker: Or Lobolita. She's legal -- In dog years. And she's shaved as the day she was born. We call her Vagina "Denny's" 'cause it's always open.

Female Advert Speaker: Or "Sick Grandma" -- This big bad wolf will give you some fairy tail. She's nothin' but gums, and, hubba-hubba, does she bite.

Female Advert Speaker: Or Candy -- Her snout is members only, and she just got back from Singapore, where she learned ancient Chinese suckit. Her gag reflex was surgically removed -- from her rectum.

Female Advert Speaker: Or do you desire a deeper, more emotionally fulfilling experience? Then scram, creep. We don't serve Jews.

Female Advert Speaker: Come teety-freak these shaggy she-beast all night.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Come on! Where's it at! Tell me where it is!

Doc: Don't you remember, Hursh. I used your hymen for the surgery when I gave you a nosejob. You see, it was within you all along.

Hurshe: You know I thought I smell garbage.

Doc: Mhmm.

Hurshe: I guess I can let Ross Headhe know my virginified nostrils are open for his business.

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: There won't be a wedding after all.

[zipper unzips]

Hurlan: There will be a wedding after all...

[all gasp]

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: There ain't gonna be no wedding after all!

All: [cheers and applause]

Hurshe: There will be a wedding after all!

All: [groan]

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added 1 year ago

Ross Headhe: That Meemaw milk is a miracle! I'm 83.4% healed!

Ross Headhe: If you can give me some more of that health pucky, I won't make you marry my hideous daughter.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Is something wrong?

Sheriff: I, uh, was just thinking of a joke I once heard.

[laughs nervously]

Hambrosia: Tell me the joke while I make her more ugly, more hideous!

Sheriff: Aah! Okay. A Mexican, A Jew, An Arab...

[few minutes later]

Sheriff: ...A Coon, A Wog, A Wetneck...

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You best cough up my hymen! I need that rascal back tout de suite!

Cutter the Vet: I sold it to Preacher. He said he ran out of sacrament crackers and needed something real crumbly and salty. [chuckles]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: You look crappin' mad, Hursh. Tell you what -- I'll clear a spot for you to take a load off.

[Jacket starts to harass Hurshe by smoothing his goatee]

Jacket: There it is. Mmm!

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I can arrange a revirgination.

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added 1 year ago

[Ross coughs up blood]

Ross Headhe: I think I'll, uh, take a raincheck.

Hurshe: A golden raincheck with chunks of beef stew in it.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: But, Daddy, I ain't never even kissed an alive girl before.

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added 1 year ago

The Reverend: The ugliness that was inside of me... is cleansed.

Sheriff: I have presumed ugliness inside me, Preacher. It's quite likely I did bad things to a boy.

The Reverend: You've come to the right tribe.

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Hurltopia is a botched abortion!

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I've spent all my time off condemning the world. I should have been right here at home...condemning you.

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Day 178. Or could it be Day 3. I don't know I never learned to count. I named my new civilization, Hurltopia.

Hurlan: I'm not searching for serious relationship, I'm just and Adam looking for his Eve.

Hurlan: My hobbies include attempting to repopulate a planet that collapsed under its moral decay.

Hurlan: I'm kind of a gym rat. Everyday I do 50 push-ups [snoring], 50 pull-ups... [snoring] ...and 50 jumping jacks.

[Hurlan only did 1 because the frame is 1 per second]

Hurlan: The only law of this eden -- No meat, for meat destroys society by bringing about him-ay-sexual predators.

Hurlan: If there's anyone out there, somewhere in the universe, please find me. Oh, and no fatties.

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added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Now, God made Adam and Eve. He did not made Adam and Beef --

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added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Tain't nothing fruitier than beef. That is why I have gone on a strict banana and big nut diet.

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Yes. Restraint... Oh, restraint!

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: How 'bout I pay you in justice?!

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added 1 year ago

Jordy: Next time you try and kill a man and hide him in your rump, you better make sure he's really dead.

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added 1 year ago

[Peck-Him laughs]

Peck-Him: What was that?

Hurshe: It's called laughter.

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added 1 year ago

[Hambrosia ready to hug Sheriff]

Sheriff: We'll finish this hug up later.

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Doc, I think I may have a problem with cutting myself.

My Mommy the Crow (Doc's Body): You're just cutting your way to the truth -- that you're the most special Heartshe ever and all other Heartshes are ugly and run like monkeys.

Hurlan: I hate you, My Mommy, you betraitor!

[Hurlan runs away chattering like a monkey]

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Yeah! Ruin her beautiful, sensuous face, those "come suck me" lips, and sexy nose that makes you wanna betray your creepy wife and be with her always.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I just consummated my arm with our love. Let's freak!

Hurshe: Why the hell would you get a tattoo of your secret mistress who's also your wife's sister and who's also breaking up with you right now?

Sheriff: You can't break up with me! We just got tattoos of each other!

Hurshe: No, you just got tattoos of each other.

[Sheriff sees his left arm tattoo of his face in it]

Sheriff: Aw, shucky duck! I thought that was your arm.

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: This family, they have exactly what we need to help bail us out the fiscal hole we in -- A credit card!

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: He is so excited, he may wipe the dog dook off his finger.

[cuts to Hurlan starting to smell the dog dook off his finger]

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I'm lookin' for somethin' and I ain't saying "What."

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: I told you she's a can of whore worms! She sucks you in, and then she gets lit and flooziess off with every tom, dick and penis in town.

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Doc! I'm having an identity crisis! I don't know who I am anymore!

My Mommy the Crow (Doc's Body): A great place to look for yourself is in the bottom of a bottle.

Hurshe: Thanks, Doc. You're a genius!

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I hate to cream on your charade, but I'm afraid I'm excited to tell you that you ain't a Heartshe!

Hambrosia: What?

Hurlan: Remember how I just told you that you ain't a Heartshe and your whole life is a lie?

Hambrosia: I do. But that's impossible. I can feel my heartshe blood burning my veins.

Hurlan: Well, better not bother trying to get the heartshe discount on that carpet cleaning. Whoo!

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You wanna squirt on my dirt next or dirt on my squirter?

[Sheriff pulls out a hole slot puncher]

Sheriff: Let's open them cans of yours.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I popped so many times, it's just dust and backwash shooting out now.

Sheriff: I ran out of coital pud some 30-odd squirts ago.

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added 1 year ago

My Mommy the Crow: Stick your pecker in my cage. Maybe I'll make it my cuttlebone.

Doc: I don't know. This relationship is moving so fast.

My Mommy the Crow: Don't wanna flip the bird? What are you chicken? Bok-bok!

Doc: Now you're speaking my language.

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added 1 year ago

Doc: I recommend using a lube with sand in it. It's a nice way to exfoliate your goat's nostrils.

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Doesn't seem so long ago I was a lonely boy with a heart full of wishes. Now that I'm a man, I've learned myself, it ain't so bad being a monkey.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff's Record Player: Uh-huh. That's interesting.

Hambrosia: What do you mean, honey? I'm not saying anything.

Sheriff's Record Player: Uh-huh. That's really interesting.

Hambrosia: What's interesting? I'm not talking. Being silly. I mean, how could that be interesting if I'm not saying anything?

[Sheriff finally came home outside the window to turn his record player off to tell here why it's interesting]

Sheriff: I know, baby doll. That's what so interesting.

Hambrosia: Ohh. I suppose that is interesting.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Everyone knows I got Daddy's lips.

Hurlan: Yeah, well, they can pucker up and kiss my ass, 'cause you ain't got a Heartshe bone in your body.

Hurshe: I got more Heartshe bones in my body than you can count to 20!

Hurlan: Ah! That proves it, 'cause I can't count! Hoo hoo hoo!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Mama, is that true? Are I am a idjit?

My Mommy the Crow: No! You're the finest man in the Holler and the only Heartshe alive.

My Mommy the Crow: Your dumb sisters ain't real kin.

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Why, just last night she didn't get totally dookie faced and go down on seven truckers. Or was it 10?

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added 1 year ago

My Mommy the Crow: And when I killed myself, it wasn't 'cause of you, it was 'cause of some other stuff, like...gum.

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Where are you taking me, boy?

Hurlan: Third base, Daddy, in the games of lovesketball.

Hurlan: It's Mommy, and she wants you back!

Boss Hoss: I'm having roasted squab with a damn "boid"?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Maybe I can play cupid and rekindle the night of his love log.

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added 1 year ago

Meemaw: Whatever person is most near, speak only words they most long to hear.

My Mommy the Crow: [mimicking] What a clever curse. You're the sharpest piece of ass in town.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: Recently, embedded Mideast war reporters have been dosing with huge infusions of chicken blood to frustrate their terrorist beheaders.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: We have long known that chickens can live for years with their heads cut off.

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added 1 year ago

Mr. Glimmer: If I don't see my child again soon, I'm gonna do this!

[Mr. Glimmer explodes himself]

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added 1 year ago

Mrs. Glimmer: Last year, I let your brothers sandwich my business.

Mr. Glimmer: Ah, yeah, so did I, Chaci. So did I.

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added 1 year ago

Narrator: Police rounded up every pervert in the area, torturing them for information, which, naturally, the perverts loved.

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added 1 year ago

Mr. Glimmer: If he hurt a hair on her head, I swear, I'm gonna rip God's face off and ram it down his tip.

Officer: I promise I will find your daughter, even if I have to kill her to do it.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doug Dwyer: Why are you so good to me?

Roommate: [whispered] Because you have such tight, pretty ears.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doug Dwyer: Stop this! What did you do? Get up!

Roommate: What's happening? Why are you hitting me? What have you done to me while I was sleeping?

[Roommate pulled his thing out of his ear]

Roommate: What did you do to me?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doug Dwyer: What did you do to me?!

[Doug saw his roommate snoring]

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added 1 year ago

Roommate: What are you accusing me of? I didn't shove anything all up in your ear.

[Doug shows him the thing that's been in his ear]

Roommate: I never seen that thing before in my life. I don't even know what it is. Besides, my thing would need one twice that size.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Roommate: I was just sleeping, and I heard troubled breath.

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added 1 year ago

Narrator: Our best minds have determined that the whole universe is a dream of one ant.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Are you a "My Mommy?"

My Mommy the Crow: Of course, I'm your Mommy! And I love you and I'll always be you, and you're not a rancid goon.

My Mommy the Crow: And that dream you had about a horse with a crab head would make a great movie!

Hurlan: I know right?!

My Mommy the Crow: And you're not drooling like a simp right now.

Hurlan: [literally drooling] Wow. you mean it?

My Mommy the Crow: Yeah! And you didn't just pop a happy squirt of diarrhea into your slacks right...

[Hurlan starts to squirt diarrhea into his pants]

My Mommy the Crow: ...now!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jordy: You see, your conscience always mules in to get you in the end. Of course...If all that's true [chuckles] Well, that means I'm not real. and that, uh, 9 inches of beef was really 9 inches of --

[Jordy vanishes out of existence]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Hey, Doc, can you switch out my back bottom pooper, too, while you're down there?

Doc: Sorry. I already switched out this dog's butthole for Preacher's brain.

[cuts to the next scene where The Reverend is praying while having the dog's butthole in his brain]

The Reverend: My faith has been restored, Lord. Religion makes perfect sense.


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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: No! That's my husband!

Hurshe: He's just threatened by female uselessness.

Hambrosia: He's liberated!

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You treat that boy like a dog..

Hambrosia: We turn him into a dog!

[Callyou turns into a goat]

Hurshe: And you -- You ain't nothing' but Hoss's dancing monkey!

[Hurlan turns into a chicken]

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Tain't nothin' stronger than the love between sexless sisters!

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added 1 year ago

Callyou: Hoss be danged.

Hurlan: Hoss be damned!

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added 1 year ago

Callyou: I have something to say!

Hurlan: A talking dog?

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I'm the baby of this town! I'm the baby!

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Embarassing me at the bar. Think you're so cute, huh? Want a doggy treat? Nope! Can't have it!

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added 1 year ago

Doc: My dog, she's always been a good dog. Sweet girl. She is a good girl dog. Ever since she was a lady puppy girl dog. So female.

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added 1 year ago

Doc: I'm back, baby! It's back in business!

Jacket: What the hell are you talking about?

Doc: I was tinkering in my lab, and I removed my dog's genitals, and I put the parts on me.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[while The Reverend and Sheriff's penises make out each other, they act like it was no big deal and started to have a conversation about themselves]

Sheriff: So, how you been, Preach?

The Reverend: Well, I recently realized that God is just a cruel joke on man and we're all alone in the universe.

The Reverend: And so I'm giving up the preacherhood. But enough about me. How are you holding up?

Sheriff: I'm good. I just wish that, you know, this whole situation could get back on its normal diet of hurshbush. But there --

[The Reverend snoring]

Sheriff: Yeah, that's cool, bro.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Please don't tell Doc. Please! It'll do anything. It'll...gobble your turkey neck.

The Reverend: Well...bawk bawk.

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added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Why you making that thing puke? Get your finger out of its throat!

Sheriff: It's too fat!

The Reverend: Sheriff, you're peckerexic.

Sheriff: It's just influenced by unrealistic imagisms from the Jewrotic media.

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Your mind is becoming a woman.

Hurshe: Do I need to get some brainpons?

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: How do you do it? How do you stay happy? Where does all that frisky fire go? That peckerthirst that can never be slaked?

Hambrosia: I bottle it up.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: He is just a little angel is what he is. Which means he's dead.

Jacket: If I ever find the son of a bitch what murdered him... was it you?! [points to Hurlan] You always been jealous of him!

Hurlan: What?! No! He's a dog! He's a dirty dog! Now get over here. Come on. Bad dog!

Jacket: Where's he going? He's disappearing. [voice breaking] I miss him so terribly.

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added 1 year ago

Clem: He's just better than certain people. He makes me love others around him less.

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added 1 year ago

Jacket: He makes me believe in a higher power. What I call "Kleeeemtoooch."

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added 1 year ago

Doc: As long as it ain't sticking in no chicken, you best keep that turkey stuffed.

Doc: Just don't go overboard or I'll have to put her down.

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added 1 year ago

[Sheriff's penis burps]

Sheriff: Excuse you. You're gonna get 40 licks for that.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: My part's done given up on life.

Doc: Let me take a gander at it.


Doc: Oh! It's just skin and bone. You gotta fatten that thing up.

[Doc gives Sheriff's penis the meat for it to munch on]

Sheriff: What the hell is it doing?!

Doc: Sometimes when you stop getting nookie, a man's part will seek sublimation by other means.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Devil: Demonus Diablus! Homo Erectus!

The Reverend: Speak English in the name of God!

Devil: You don't really believe in God.

The Reverend: Of course I do, you refried beandemon!

Devil: How can you believe in a God that would create so much suffering in this world?

The Reverend: Well, I don't..it's just...well, it's complicated.

Devil: [mocking] Well, I don't! Oh it's complicated! Crisis of faith much?

The Reverend: This thing is asking too many questions, Hurshe! I say you just caulk it up and call it a day!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: You sneak into our souls and take jobs away from American devils! Get out! Pick our fruit, raise our children, and then get out!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: So, you've decided to become a lynch mob. Congratulations. Now, this video will teach you how to slake your mindless bloodlust with dignity in just 117 easy steps.

Jacket: Step One -- Don't sexually harass your lynch buddy. Sensually harass your lynch buddy. Make each grope last. Delay ejaculation as long as possible.

Jacket: Here's some images that just may help.

[shows a bunch of images of tantric harassment]

Jacket: Rule Two -- It's gonna be a long night, and you're gonna be thirsty for blood, so stay hydrated -- With a cold Heartshe Lite Brew. "Hate-bash ready!"

Jacket: Remember, the Holler of Heartshe is committed to diversity. Make sure you're lynching every type of different, from Jew to fruit and Black again.

Jacket: It's all about tolerance.

[shows a white naked guy dressed up as a black guy carrying bags of money while moving from the screen]

Jacket: See what they can tolerate.

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Hey! Get that dog out of here!

[cuts to next scene which is goat that's licking the brown stuff on the wall]

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added 1 year ago

Doc: We're dealing with a beast from the fiery depths of the unholy world beneath us... Mexico.

Hurshe: I have been doing chupacabra style lately.

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added 1 year ago

[Hurshe's vagina vomits brown stuff on the wall that says "Diablo Dominus" (Devil Master)]

Doc: That ain't English! The Devil comes to this country, he ought to speak our language.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Sorry. You're gonna have to close up shop on the Hurshe highway.

Hurshe: What?! Please, it's been 20 minutes! I've never gone this long before! My butt is so wet for you right now.

Doc: I can do a canary test to be sure.

[Doc puts the canary into Hurshe's vagina for a few seconds which turns the canary into a chicken drumstick that spells "Diablo" (Devil)]

Doc: This could be a pussession!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: I just rolled around in some lady hay and waited 9 months till she squoze you out a baby brother.

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added 1 year ago

The Reverend: It's always sad to to see such a small coffin. Doc, you gonna tell us how it died?

[Doc stands up looking at his private area knowing his penis has been cut off for his memorial before starting his speech]

Doc: It was crazy. I was just doing my normal Friday routine.

Flashback Doc: [defibrillators charge, discharge]

Doc: I noticed something odd. I thought it was choking on a chicken bone, so I gave it the heimlich!

Flashback Doc: Noooo!

Doc: That thing was like a brother to me!

Doc: We used to pal around and wrestle. He liked to hold me down and hang a lugie in my face, then slurp it up right before it hit.

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added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I got an impacted molar and I's too lazy to care for it.

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added 1 year ago

The Reverend: You know who gives the tootiest high? Why it's God's mighty book of the word.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I'm sick of being a high-and-mighty hoity-toity fancy pants. I just want to be a low-and-tooty, fresh-and-fruity equal!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jojo: You don't need them.

Hurlan: [sobbing] You always know just what to say.

Jojo: All we need is each other.

Hurlan: Later. [sniffles] I got a lot of work to do.

Jojo: [sobbing]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Why don't you cut off the medical expenses for the voices in her head?!

Hambrosia's Voices: No deal!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Why don't you cut off Hurshe's butt-lube budget? She sops it up by the pool!

Hurshe: That is just for when I'm doing it doggy style and the dog starts to chafe!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Delmer: Let me tell you a story. It's about an ordinary teenager who wants to commit suicide. He decides to write the perfect suicide note. He works on it day and night toiling away on his masterpiece for decades.

Delmer: After 80 years, publishers hear what he's working on. There's a bidding war. He ends up with a huge advance for the note rights. The media gets wind. The whole world is waiting for this note to be finished.

Delmer: He's a major celebrity invited to all the parties. Men want to screw him. Women want to be him. Jesus Christ, goth kids want to eat him.

Delmer: They make pilgrimages to his mansion. They climb his gates to peek at him scribbling by candlelight.

Delmer: Finally, when he's 97, he finishes. It's time to off himself, but he wants to wait until the reviews come in, see what the critics think. Well, it's a hit universally praised as the finest work of literature ever produced.

Delmer: But the public is so furious he didn't go through with it, they drag him into the street and --

Man: Stick their willies in his mouth?

Delmer: No they just leave. Willies dry. Everyone went soft, lost interest. The public was captivated by the promise, the process.

Delmer: Now that it's just another consumer product with a UPC code, it loses its mystique. They start to resent him.

Delmer: So, to get back at the world, the guy refuses to ever die. He just goes on living for hundreds of years. But still, no one cares.

Delmer: And that's my message to you -- No one cares. Hello? Hello?


Delmer: Hello? [inhales deeply, sighs for happiness]

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Delmer: Okay, wait, so if you don't want to kill yourself, then why are you calling me? This isn't an "I don't want a suicide" hotline. I can't really keep my line tied up like this!

Man: You're right. I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot and don't deserve to live.

Delmer: Now we're talking! Finally, I can do my job. Okay. [crying] Don't do it! Don't! Don't do it!

Man: I'm so confused.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Bar Redneck: He makes me forget my troubles and remember I'm white.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I'm gonna call you, uh, Callyou. Now I'm your big brother and I'm gonna teach the in's and out's of this butthole called world.

Hurlan: Alright, Now uh...

[Callyou starts to pee in front of him]

Hurlan: I guess you can start by cleaning up my piss. Sorry about that Callyou, I'ma go get you a towel.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I gettin' the christy crawly feeling Doc's performing back-alley partial tooth extractions!

Hambrosia: Oh, its time someone stood up and gave voice to all those innocent mouths.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Alright, Hurlan, what's your plan?

[Hurlan thinks and starts to pat his butt]

Boss Hoss: That's your plan, boy?

Hurlan: Do you like it?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Where's my hymen?

Racoon: I remember that thing. I gave it to Doc as a tip after he did my penis reduction surgery.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: Remember, if you can't remember it, you didn't do it!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I'm getting a rational posse together -- An impartial mob of fair-minded rabble to cut him open and slop around in his guts the civilized way.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Think you could use your ungodly powers to mentally sniff this a-hole out?

[Hambrosia made a dial-up beeping sound which takes a long time for her to understand]

Hurlan: Dongmeat! I ain't got a fax machine.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You stay away from him! And don't you dare go searching for Hambrosia and get her to use her creepy powers to go track him down -- Even though I probably gave you the idea to do just that. Stupid.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I'm gonna chop him into little pieces and throw 'em at a monkey! Then I'm gonna scream, "Who's the monkey now?!"

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: You seen this guy?

Hurshe: That's my first boyfriend. He use to sneak into my room when I was a teen and forced me to consensually become a woman.

Hurshe: Then he'd become a man on my face.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: By the way, when I'm done, mind if I keep the bodies? I make cash on the side selling meat to Pyng Howse.

Sheriff: That's why the food's so cheap.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Now, Mr. Heartshe, where were you when the murders took place?

[Boss Hoss's Dead Body has no response]

Boss Hoss: What's that, Hoss? You can't speak? Because you are dead? So you can't be held responsible for anything you do.

Boss Hoss: Like even if you were to smear dook on the judge's wife's nardsack?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Mind if I go now?

Reporter: Mind? You can --?

[urine splashes]

Reporter: Oh. That kind of go.

Hurshe: Care to join me?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: What are y'all doing?

The Reverend: What the hell?!

[The Reverend tries to stab the Vet's hand that's in his book from the bathroom door gate to make sure it wasn't a sex thing]

Cutter the Vet: Aah! It bit me!

The Reverend: It's a miracle! A stigmata! The gloriest of all holes.

Hurshe: I get it. I'll leave you boys to your christian business.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: You can't just go around killing folks to get your rod hard. I'm a Sheriff...and that's my job.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Well, Sheriff, I did a full cavity search but nothing tasted fishy, so I got to know these bodies inside and out, and in and out, and I found out a lot...

Doc: About myself.

Sheriff: What'd you learn?

Doc: There's some sick people out there.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Let's just let bygones be bygones.

Hurlan: How 'bout I go buy guns?!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Daddy, you're okay! Did he hurt you? Show me on the butthole where he punched you in the face.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Cutter the Vet: How'd those get in here?

Sheriff: I should be asking you.

Cutter the Vet: I called 911. Why would I call 'em myself?

Sheriff: Maybe it's the most perfect crime of all -- innocence.

Sheriff: Thanks for calling it in. We'll find the black bastard that did this.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Cutter the Vet: I have an emergency.

Hotline: Good. What is it?

Cutter the Vet: I found two dead bodies.

[Sheriff runs in]


The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hotline: 911 -- What's your emergency?

Cutter the Vet: What?

Hotline: Sir, what is your emergency?

Cutter the Vet: Uh, I don't have an emergency.

Hotline: I hope this isn't some sort of prank.

Cutter the Vet: Uh, no.

Hotline: It's a federal offense to false call emergency services.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: It's Halloween.

[slurping noises]

Hurlan: It's Halloween... and I made a casserole.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I got you by the "Heir" of you chinny-chin balls!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Daddy, what would you say if I told you my brother was gonna have a son?

Boss Hoss: A son? I'd say "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."

[Hurshe takes off her cloth disguise to reveal the baby]

Hurshe: Say hello to your grandson.

Boss Hoss: "...Haw"?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: What do you want?

Doc: I heard there was a rapist around, so I'm just checking on you.

Hambrosia: Oh, why don't you check on my sister? I have a funny feeling she's dead.

Doc: A twofer.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Let me go over there, reach in, and see if I can feel the maker.

Cutter the Vet: Great. I'll stand here and guard your book.

[The Reverend's hand goes into the bathroom door gate hole, which transfers into his book, which also makes his hand touch the Vet's private area where he's standing at to guard it]

Cutter the Vet: [moans]

The Reverend: What a resurrection!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Cutter the Vet: My wife is pregnant!

The Reverend: It's an immaculate conception! This could be the second coming.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: If you are watching this tape, it means you are having trouble opening a walnut.

Boss Hoss: Well, now, you forget about that. I got more important stuff.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I want to go back to the old normal, which was the bad normal before this new, wretched version of normal!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Clem: He comes to our land, dazzles us with his boogie, swipes our tender, takes over, then makes me admit that I like to put frozen hamburger meat up in my butt in front of all of you people!

Clem: That's just sick! I mean, this guy's twisted!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Then I'll take over this town, once I bribe you... cause no one can resist my chicken dinners.

[dramatic music plays]

The Reverend: All I care about is Hurlan fearing God. One more conversion, and I get my 100th free hat.

[dramatic music plays again]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: You got to yank them teeth.

Doc: I can't do it. I kind of made a promise to a wise old friend.

Great Wisdom Tooth: Yep.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Direne, I'm begging you to take this tooth out. I asked everyone I know, and no ones' taking 'em back.

Direne: I can't take it back. I had a soda dispenser installed.

Doc: Shoot. Well, can I get a medium purple?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: This year's Miss Heartshe crown goes to...

[Hurlan looks up his hand again that's covered in pie flavor]

Hurlan: Pie.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I've won every Miss Heartshe since I was just a glop in my Daddy's glopper, but I might need new guts to continue the streak.

Doc: Let me get up under that hood.

[air gun whirring]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Put me up on blocks, Doc! It's time for my routine maintenance.

Doc: You mean you already put another 10,000 miles of pecker up them guts?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: I'm sure my pet wolf is happily standing guard.

[cuts to Doc eating Boss's pet wolf while glancing in front of him]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Oh, unknowable chaotic force that rules the universe, unlock my intuition. Guide this dart to the person who knows where Hurlan is.

[dart switches back to Sheriff on the forehead]

Sheriff: Aha! I'm the one who knows! But how do I get that knowledge out of me?

Sheriff: I know! Intuition!

[Sheriff tries to throw the dart again, but still comes back the way it did in the first place]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Man: That night, when I threw myself off the hospital roof, I landed on a monster who kidnapped those kids. He had escaped from prison and was on his way to kill the government.

Man: The Government asked me to keep attempting suicide because of all the good my failures bring to the world.

Man: It makes me so happy to have a real government see me as useful. I finally have a reason to live! I can't bring myself to try again.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Man: The first thing I asked for was a cocktail of the 100 most toxic pills available. When I came to, the doctors broke the news to me --

Man: I accidentaly invented a miracle drug that made more healthy and robust then ever. They told me they could use my blood to cure cancer.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Man crying]

Man: I live alone. Two weeks ago, I turned my oven on and stuck my head in. I just want the world to go away.

Man: In the back in the oven, I found $9,000,000 in gold. That money change my life. I was suddenly able to afford the most expensive noose on the market.

Man: When I got it around my neck, the ceiling fell in, and released two kidnapped little girls being held by a torturer upstairs.

Man: I was hailed a hero. They vowed to devote their lives to making me happy.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Delmer: Delmer's Suicide Hotline. We'll talk about anything, even sex.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Ant: Be careful. He has guns taped to his muscle.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: The very face of his home seemed to stare with a chilling indifference between to Benny. Or was it hitting on him?

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Narrator: They undulated orgasmically for more. The cops were all too happy to oblige. Nipple twisting, purple nurples, blue nurples, every nurple in the rainbow turned up a steaming pile of zilch.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: If I had to stay married to Hambrosia, it would be a fate 10 times worser than death.

Jordy: Then I sentence thee...to fate.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: No one wants me. My parts aren't normal.

The Reverend: Neither are mine. Let me whip it out. [zipper unzips] You're gonna love it.

Hambrosia: My god. It's coming out of your -- It's at least 9 inches of beef.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Sometimes one Man's disgusting is another Man's not quite as disgusting.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: My life is a joke.

[knock on door]

Hambrosia: Who's there?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: Old Mexican, and a Wop...


The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jordy: They rode me like a bike in there.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jordy: 'Member that time you muled nine balloons full of stolen condoms and all the hot tripe? You were an american muling legend.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Peck-Her: Does this mean we're not real either, Peck-Him?

Peck-Him: I hope we're not real. I'd hate to think that this was the world.

Peck-Her: Don't worry Peck-Him. It can't be. There's no way life could be as cruel as this.

Peck-Her: I supposed we're just...echoes of possibility.

Peck-Him: Why does possibility hurt so much?

Meemaw: Only the wind knows.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Back in the hole, kids! Whoo! Good thing Jordy died before he found out about me and the Sheriff.

Peck-Her: Is this part of the joke? I get it.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Hey, you want to hear a joke?

[knocks on door]

Hurshe: Who's there?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Have you seen my husband around lately?

Direne: Having a hard time holding onto your man?

Hambrosia: Well, I was born without parts, so...

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: You got cash?

Hambrosia: I can pay in pennies.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: Hey, Direne, push these cold cuts. They starting to rot.

Direne: Aww, just like our love.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Maybe I'll grow the guts to kill Jordy. Or maybe...I'll grow the guts to kill Jordy.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: The only thing I shove up my ass now is the pure, uncut love of the Lord and smuggle it to the people.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jordy: Daddy's balls are bluer than Robert Redford's eyes.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jordy: What's going on here?

Hurshe: Oh, just playing a game with the kids. Right, kids?

Peck-Her: What is "game"?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: You got kids? Ew! Gross!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Just a sec! Just, uh, powdering my vaginas!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: The Lord broke the mold when he made your lady parts.

Sheriff: There is mold everywhere!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Meemaw: Did you file the missing pecker report with the Sheriff?

Hambrosia: My husband *is* the Sheriff.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Sheriff saws Hurshe trying to hang herself]

Sheriff: [thinking] What a glorious creature. I never noticed how you move. Like the angel of a thousand gazelles...on ice...in a hand cream commercial...during a three hour documentary on love at first sight. I could watch you all day.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Remember when I told you I wasn't just marrying you 'cause I thought you were gonna inherit the whole town and then I could take that money?

Hambrosia: Of course, those were you're wedding vows.

Sheriff: Well...I'm afraid my words are coming back to bite off a little more of my ass than they can chew.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Newspapers makes more sense when you read it upside down. It's topsy turvy world man.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: He let a Mexican in the town?! That's probably why my room stinks!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

My Mommy the Crow: A Mommy spends her whole life telling everyone what they want to hear, but no one asks the Mommy what she wants to hear.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I appreciate you all taking a interest in my edubation.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I'm pulling the plug on this butts party.

Hurshe: You can't shut my place down! I got protection from the devil's greatest smokescreen -- Religious freedom.

Hambrosia: What religion is you?

Hurshe: We're Chawstafarians. Tobaccy's our sacred herb, and we baptize our sins in the divine saliva of our holy water.

Hambrosia: I swear on the life of my precious tar-baby, I'll end this obamanation.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Have you ever done tobacco?

Hambrosia: Why did I sin?!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Now we must pray all the gayness away with the ancient tribal fauxhawk chant.

The Reverend: Nohomo Nohomo No. Nohomo Nohomo No.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: All meat is a gateway to the queerpocolypse and the homogeddon.

Hurlan: That's fascinating. [snoring]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: How long have you been having these urges?

Hurlan: About as long as I can remember. About five minutes.

The Reverend: You're having certain feelings?

Hurlan: Uh-huh.

The Reverend: You're dancing around the topic! How long you been into dance?

Hurlan: I'm confused.

The Reverend: On a spray tan to calf implants, how confused are you?

Hurlan: I just though I smelled meat.

The Reverend: No! That is the stench of denial.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: [snoring] Oh, yeah, that smells good. [snoring] Let's wake him up. [snoring] Hit him in the head with your pecker and I'll take a picture. That'll be real funny.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: How do you know that animal you're eating hasn't had homosensual thoughts? It happens to the best of us a thousand times a day.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: I have cut off my meat for the Lord!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

My Mommy the Crow: If God is everywhere, his mouth is on your dingus at all times.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I called the order of the 658th weekly support group for women who are genitally useless.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I'll do what my daddy did when he caught me smoking.

Sheriff: He took me out to the woods, and he slit my throat.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I finally realize disabled people are normal.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Preacher? [echoes] Anybody? [echoes] Society?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: If gayness wasn't nipped in the bud, all of society would be wiped out forever.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Me, in charge? I've waited my whole life for this moment! And now that its --

Boss Hoss: You just keep talkin' sweetheart, I gotta drain the main vein in my penis.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Don't! Stop! Don't...Stop! [moans] Don't...Stop. Oh, hands!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Clem: You ever get them phantom hand sensations?

Bofum: Well, sometimes. Even though I ain't got no hands, it still feels like I'm caressing the supple curves of a female lady's lumpiest mounds.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jojo: Let's play word association. Tree.

Cutter the Vet: You sucked me dry, Hoss Heartshe! You used me! You acted like I was your son, but I-I'm not going to perpetuate the cycle of violence against your real son.

Cutter the Vet: I-I'm gonna become a-a healthy, happy, soaring spirit called...''Me''!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Cutter the Vet: I mean, it's a rewarding career. I get to travel and kill interesting people.

Jojo: You are not your job.

Cutter the Vet: When I'm rolling around in the gristle of my victims, it's like I'm really just trying to roll back the clock when I was a child.

Jojo: I wrote a book about that.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: People of Heartshe, we need no longer live in fear of the Lord!

[Hulran shows The Reverend (Lord's Head)]

Sheriff: He who kills the Lord takes on his powers. Kneel before the Godslayer, for he is now Lord!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Use your science-y smarts to help me, Doc.

Doc: But I don't know how to do nothing.

Hurshe: You built that wife of yours.

Doc: My brains ain't your slave!

Hurshe: Well, then build me a slave!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Great Wisdom Tooth: You have taken great strides to right your transgressions against my kind. However, I cannot find it in my heart to forgive you. Unless, see, uh, my daughter just got knocked up. Could you do me a solid pop off a quick abortion?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hick Townfolk #2: I'll take 'em. Thanks.

[puts the teeth into his crotch]

Hick Townfolk #2: You got any baby teeth? I'll take all you can spare.

Doc: Actually, can I get those back? I think I'll take 'em on myself.

[Hick Townfolk showed his crotch again in his undies to Doc knowing where he puts all his teeth at]

Hick Townfolk #2: Belly up to the bar.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Hambrosia talks about a clothing hanger in the court]

Hambrosia: This here is the crude contraption that Doc used for his twisted yoinkings. I don't recognize it neither, but apparently city folk are known to hang their clothes up or some such nonsense.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hick Townfolk: Sorry, Doc, but getting rid of that thing was the best decision I ever made. Gave me the freedom to become the man I am today.

Hick Townfolk: Iffin' it were white, my family might accept it, but I can't trust no tartar baby next to my girls.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Court Judge: Who will represent Hambrosia Heartshe in the homicide of a despicable dentist who definitely deserve to die?

The Reverend: I will. I will prove this woman could not murdered Doc because she was with me the night she murdered that terrible man.

The Reverend: We was discussing how I would say anything to get me off a person who killed a dirty D.D.S.

Court Judge: Whoever's takin' this feller on better muster a tall stack of balls.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Honey, I know our marriage has often to always been devoid of love, at least on my end. But now I think we have a second chance.

[Sheriff opens the case which turns out to be hand-cuffs]

Sheriff: Because you're under arrest for the murder of Doc.

Sheriff: You get the death penalty, and it'll gives us the distance we need to keep our relationship fresh.

Hambrosia: If they execute me, I'll be the greatest martyr alive.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Sugar, we got to talk about the secret.

Sheriff: Look, I only slept with your sister damn near 40 times!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: This chowder tastes different today.

Hick: Yeah. I've been shooting blanks.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Dentistry is frowned upon this Holler. It's illegal, immoral, sinful, knee to the nuts of God to pull rotten teeth.

Doc: Unless, uh, you got 300 bucks?

Hurlan: Oh. Uh...

[Hurlan starts to pat his butt again]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: I tain't no dirty dentist! I'd rather be a dog's dong slit than a D.D.S.

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added 1 year ago

Bar Redneck: Hey, Hursh, You got 28 seconds to give me some of your famous sloppy butthole sex?

Hurshe: Not now. I heard Doc's doing under-the-table tooth removals. If I get all my chompers pulled, I can charge triple for oral.

Hurshe: I'll gum my way to fiscal solvency. My mouth will put my ass out of business. It's the only responsible strategy for long-term "Suckcess." Out of my way.

Bar Redneck: ...I'll suck you.

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added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I'd like nothing more than to see your ass slide while I look the other way, but I'm all out of other cheeks to turn.

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added 1 year ago

Doc: You can pay me in cash or gash or in meaningful fellowship, which I call ass.

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Now that I know you love me for who I am, I can finally take my makeup off and be the real me.

[Hurshe wipes her makeup which turns her into an older version]

Old Hurshe: So, what do you think, you wanna do my mouth from behind or behind from my mouth?

Sheriff: I forgot what marriage does to women.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Free guts!

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added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I instituted a punch-card system. Every 10th hump, my customers get a free punch in the yogurt.

Boss Hoss: You got to think bigger, Hursh.

Hurshe: I'm modernizing! My mouth's going green. I'm selling cage-raised B.J.s, whore moans free! And I's composting in all my holes.

Boss Hoss: You got to keep your eye on the future.

Hurshe: [short pause] ...Made my herpes sores a wi-fi spot.

Boss Hoss: Ain't you late for your 3:00?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: [to Hambrosia] You go out there, girl, and elevate man's souls forever! And as soon as forever is over, you check back in with me!

[Hambrosia leaves]

Boss Hoss: Hurlan, change the locks on the door. Make sure that freaknutter don't come in here again.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Glad y'all fellers is still debating this vital issue. Have you broached the merits of choking? Oh. Oh, well, let me --

[Sheriff starts to choke Hurlan]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Can I be a doctor like you?

Doc: Everybody thinks this job is so easy! You know how many documents you got to falsify to become a registered doctor? And the workload? I got three accidental hysterectomies scheduled for later today. You -- You -- You got to stay drunk and high all the time and swallow every pill in sight! What's wrong with me?

Hurlan: [disorted voice] You gonna die?

Doc: Thanks for being straight with me.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: [thinking] What have I done to my sister?!

White Dwarf: Push those thoughts out of your head. Push! Push! Push!

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added 1 year ago

White Dwarf: Mommy, it is I, your master and child. I am the real white dwarf, and I have a plan to die-stroy your sister's lil' snatch squatter in the 99th die-mester.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Honey, guess what? I am also pregnant with Hurlan's child!

Sheriff: That's impossible. You were born without lady parts. It's all in your head.

Hambrosia: It's in my head? It's in my head? The baby's in my head?!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You know what, Daddy? This is the most time we've ever spent together. I bet Hambrosia's so jealous.

Boss Hoss: No, she isn't.

Hurshe: YES, SHE IS!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Grinder: You should never leave a mark on your kids. That's why I carry an orange in a sock.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Dr. Brother, I got a real bad gash down below. And its all pus...ey.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Meemaw: Why are you ignoring all these corpses of yourself?

Hurlan: Well, Hoss said it wasn't no big whup.

Meemaw: But you keep coming through that hole into this side. Then you screw up the ball so badly, the whole holler gang-rapes you to death and dump your body here. Then reality resets again and again and again.

[Sheriff runs in]

Sheriff: Hurlan --

Hurlan: Listen, I'll vote for whoever you want. Just get me enough pie to keep everyone at the ball happy.

Hurlan: [sobbing] I don't want to get raped to death no more. It makes my tushie frown!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Soup me up Doc! I want to win so bad, I can taste your soup.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Your sis is gonna win the crown this year or I'll have to kiss my dong goodbye.

Hurshe: You let my sister win, I will chew off your pecker, pan-fry it in grease, and eat it with hot sauce.

Sheriff: Ew. Can I watch?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Gave you a mouth tightenin', removed a rib -- Want a bite? Made your A-hole your B-hole, moved your G-spot to your P-hole, and T-bagged your C-cups with deez nuts.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Babe, can you keep these pies comin'? I think I'm gonna need a lot of them.

Hambrosia: I guess. But you can't be around to watch me bake.

Sheriff: I love it when I'm not around!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Meemaw: If you let Hurshe win the Miss Heartshe crown, I will turn your pecker into a carrot!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: "Adios lifemigo." Must be Mexi-gibber for "Slop's on!"

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Hambrosia said she'd die if she was crowned Miss Heartshe, so I bribed Hurlan to pick her!

[Hurshe grabs Sheriff by his balls]

Hurshe: What?! You let Hambrosia win the Miss Heartshe crown, I will never let you sex up my back bottom face again!

Sheriff: [groaned] Noooooooo!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I hate to think I might win. I'm so ugly and worthless! If a nothing like me won, I'd just die. Doc agreed. I'd literally die.

Sheriff: You mean you'd die? Like, you'd be dead... And I'd be forced to get to grind my widower's sorrow into your sister...till I spurt my grief away?

Sheriff: Don't wait up for me, honey.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I thought we'd spice things up today with something new.

Sheriff: But, Hurshe, we already done did it all. Unless you wanna dip your Miss Heartshe crown in hog snot and shove it up your side door.

Hurshe: Weirder.

[Hurshe pulls up a dirty condom inside her breasts]

Sheriff: Condoms are a sin!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

TV Hurlan : Meemaw, if you're watching this, it means I'm sick of Hoss' tapes telling me what to do, so I'm gonna take over Hoss's tapes with my own tapes so I can tell myself what to do.

Hurlan: This guy in charge? He's too idjit to even make a TV right-sided-ed-ed.

TV Hurlan: Me? You're the one's upside-down!

Hurlan: You're upside down!

[Meemaw's face which is literally upside-down]

Meemaw: You're both upside-down.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Clem: I got one! I got one! Uh, Uh, Uh, A Jew, A Black, and Mexican.

All: [laughter]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Say if, for example, just yesterdaddy, I decided that Hambrosia's gone too nutballs trying to take over, so I told her, "Y'all ain't never gonna be in charge, 'cause what you don't know is that Meemaw can't die."

Boss Hoss: You told your sister the secret?! One of the voices in her head might leak it to the press! Her mind have the loosest lips in town. This holler is on high alert!

[imitates alarm sounding]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I wanna change the name of this town. "Heartshe Holler" is too borin'. I wanna call it "Dare to Dream... of a world where you control your own life and not your mean ol' Daddy that locked you in a cave for 40 years and put you in charge after he died, but left a set of prescient videotapes that micro-manage your every decision."

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Miss Heartshe, forgive me because my eyes aren't so good. Are you white?

Hambrosia: Yes, sir.

The Reverend: I rest my case.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: You're free Meemaw. What's the secret?

Meemaw: This is the secret.

[another Meemaw randomly shows up]

Meemaw: What are you doing?!

Hurlan: I was just trying to kill you.

Meemaw: Why would you try to kill me?!

Hurlan: You told me to!

Meemaw: Why would I do that?! I'll never tell you my secret!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[The Reverend throws his Dream Book into a woodchipper that randomly appeared out of nowhere]

The Reverend: Toader! You see what you did? You destroyed my dreams.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Life is just death in drag.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: It's the drumbeat to which our spirits dance. It's only the size of a fist, but it packs a lot more punch. Some folks say its every beat is the sound of god kicking an angel in the face.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: You going buck-nuttin?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: So both of y'all claim to be gestating the child what has the mark?

Hurshe: She's trying to steal uterus thunder with that wannabe baby! She's insane in the womb-brain.

Hambrosia: You've had more nuts in you than my dog's mouth, you baby-hoarding baby whore!

Boss Hoss: All right, now. There's just one way to settle this -- A good old-fashioned "Settle This Off."

Hambrosia: I'll go birth up my baby, and if y'all could read, you'd read it and weep.

Hurshe: Well, I'm happy to push out my pudding proof, and you're gonna eat a ass full of your words.

Boss Hoss: Oh, y'all just gonna leave the TV on?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: You gonna be a papa? What kind of daddy you gonna be?

Hurlan: Well, my father wasn't around, so I don't know how to daddy.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Your pop is in a vegetative coma. But with proper medical care, he could be upgraded to a vittle state with a side of corn.

Doc's Daughter: At least I get some free corn.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Say it!

Sheriff: I'm your sister's husband!

Hurshe: Yeah! Say the rest!

Sheriff: We are gonna destroy your brother, the mayor, who grew up in a cave and thus has no understanding of even the basics of life so you can take over this town!

Hurshe: Yeah!

Sheriff: Your brother is watching us!

Hurshe: Oh, I like that.

Sheriff: No, your brother is really watching us.

Hurlan: What was you guys just doing? Was that wrestling or dancing? Slap casserole?

Sheriff: We were, uh, playing doctor.

Hurlan: Then I want to be a doctor!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: What are you doing up my wife?

N-Word the Robot: It was just so lonely... at the top

Doc: Good thing I programmed you with a termination code.

[Doc shoots N-Word]

Doc: Honey! We're rich!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Ohh, you want to get your nose up the dirt of the common folk, huh? Well, have at it.

Clem: Ooh, look at that big shot standing in his fancy office, getting razzed by us good ol' boys.

Grinder: You ain't one-aus.

Bar Redneck: You're one-ayou!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: You -- You a robot! Do me a dance!

[coins jingle]

Hurlan: I can't...I don't... Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I can give you the deed to the town and the key to the city.

[jingling resumes]

Hurlan: That...well, that's it. I ain't got nothing else.

N-Word the Robot: Well, then, get out of my office, cracker! I'm the new Head N-Word in charge.

Hurlan: You mean, I'm just a regular feller now?! Thank you, Bible!

[Hurlan leaves]

N-Word the Robot: It's so lonely...at the top.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Bartender: You got a lot of nerve in the gall on some big pair of balls for giving our Holler away. We've had it up to here saluting you!

Hurlan: But no, I'm not one of me anymore. I'm regular like you now!

Bar Redneck: If you're like me [gun cocks] ...then here's what I think of myself.

[shoots himself]

Cutter the Vet: Ohh! [laughs]

Sheriff: Damn, it!

Clem: Lookit you done, monster! You might as well just pull my pants down and shove frozen hamburger meat up my butt! Go ahead! Get it over with!

[everyone is silenced and confused on when he said it]

Clem: Ohh! Gimme that!

[also shoots himself]

Cutter the Vet: [laughs]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Hello, N-Word. Why don't you start by making us a post-invention snack?

N-Word the Robot: Why don't you eat the soup?

Doc: Okay.

Hurshe: Okay.

Doc: Wait...what soup?

N-Word the Robot: The soup you got free with that haircut, you jive monkey. Ap Ap Ap Ap!

Hurshe: Forget that! N-Word, I command you to oust my brother from power.

N-Word the Robot: Why don't you oust him yourself, honky? Oust! Oust! Oust!

Doc: Now, N-Word , I toiled and sweated over you all night --

N-Word the Robot: That's what your mom said as she was gobbling my digital nuts.

Hurshe: Please! My brother is a low-hanging fruit sucker waiting to be plucked.

N-Word the Robot: Zzt?

Hurshe: And you're being mean.

N-Word the Robot: Hey! You can't talk to me like that. You're not even my real parents. I'm out of here.

[N-Word dances while glared at them]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Would you like popcorn with that? Gumeenutz? Whychamasukitz? Or perhaps even some candy?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Hambrosia. Your bible thumpin' pooped on my coup!

Hambrosia: Shut up! My little scheme didn't backfire. Your little scheme backfired! You ruined my plan.

Hurshe: You planned my ruin by ruining my plan to ruin your plan.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

N-Word the Robot: I am New-Wireless Organized Robo Domestic.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Wound: [British Accent] Blimey! that quite hit the spot, Eric. Benny: But my name is Benny. Wound: You can't fool me, Eric. You see I am no ordinary wound. For I am British. Benny: I think I'm going crazy. Wound: Nonsense. I would contend that your are... going sane.

The Shivering Truth  Famous Quote

added 1 year ago

Clumso: Whoopsie Doodle! There was a mix-up at the cookie factory! We made these cookies way too big, and the chocolate chips b-b-b-b-blue?!

Xavier: My god. no one deserves a mixed up that bad. I've got to help those poor bastards.

Clumso: Clumso the Cookie Chef really popped a boner into these yummy snacks! Blue Chocolate Whoopsie Doodles! Availible for a limited time only!

Xavier: Damn you, Clumso! How many times am I going to have to clean up your messes?! For this is my destiny...

Clumso: Uh-oh! Now there was a factory mix-up! We accidentally mixed up the cookie factory with the tampon factory! Now our cookies absorb up to 2 pints of flavor!

Boy: Yummy! And the light floral scent keeps me feeling fresh all day!

Clumso: These blue-chocolate-chip tampons are goo-ably, chewably huge! So huge, it hurts! Just slice and insert!

Woman: They make it safe to wear white pants, and they're nice and huge!

Woman 2: I gobble them while they gobble my filth.

Man: What do I care? [flips off the camera while driving away]

Woman 3: It's my time for my yummy -- Period.

Clumso: Exclamation point!

Xavier: Question mark?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Commercial Narrator: "Darfur Doodle" will be right black!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago


The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: I dream hard of helping people. Oh, yeah. Helping people... [strained] Helping people... [groaning] Oh, god. I'm gonna pop... [echoing] pop, pop, pop...

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: But how can you tell me the secret if you're dead?

Meemaw: Kill me, and you'll find out.

Hurlan: Find out how to open this nut?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Meemaw: I'm-a tell you the secret of the town curse, but you must do me a favor first.

[Meemaw shows her hand that says "Kill me"]

Hurlan: [gasps]

Meemaw: What's wrong?

Hurlan: I can't read!

Meemaw: It's okay. Sound it out. Ki...

Hurlan: Buh...

Meemaw: Kill me!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Wonder Shwozen Kid: You're never too young to have a Vietnam flashback.

[vietnam flashback intensifies]

Wonder Showzen  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Wonder Showzen Kid: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Chauncey: No. Twisted freak.

Wonder Showzen  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sthugar: I made a hat that's powered by sadness.

Chauncey: Typical.

Wonder Showzen  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: This can't work. I'm married and you're deaf.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Wordsworth: You promise I can deliver my extended comprehensive lecture. about the significance of honesty!

Chauncey: I did?

Wordsworth: Yes.

Chauncey: I lied.

Wonder Showzen  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I know you've been out of work since Daddy died, but I need you to kill somebody for me.

Cutter the Vet: Only if you do something for me.

Hurshe: Name it.

Cutter the vet: Let me hump the body after.

Hurshe: Okay, deal.

Cutter the Vet: Hey. How much do I owe you?

Hurshe: Uh... 20 bucks?

Cutter the Vet: I pay half now, half when the job is done.

Hurshe: Okay.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Looks like a puke took a dump.

Old Hurshe: You used to love to do that to me.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Hey, don't call me a "dumbbone." My bone's a lot smarter than you!

Hurshe: I'm smart enough to know I was an idjit to ever let you up in my guts! I can't wait till you get out of me!


The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: It's the end of the world!

Cutter the Vet: World? Over? Time to initiate the omega sequence.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Hello?

Rapist: What are you wearing, freakslut?

Hambrosia: I don't got time for this. I'm trying to drink a celebratory glass of water.

Rapist: Sorry, Ma'am. I'll call back at a more convenient time.

Hambrosia: Okay. Could you? Thank you.

[knock on door]

Hambrosia: Damn it. What is it?!

Rapist: Rapist, Ma'am.

Hambrosia: I'm trying to celebrate with water!

Rapist: Sorry, Ma'am. I'll get mine another way.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: What do you call a Sheriff who finally got the guts to tell his maniac wife he hates her but she still won't release me from her mindcage and let me live happily ever after, four hard inches inside her sister?

Britchard: A typical Filipino?

Sheriff: Yeah, but also a man who knows that life is torture.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Britchard: A poor black child!

All: [laughter]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: And the Lord said, "Let there be light."

[The Reverend farts on the Holy Book of Knowledge that transfers to the bathroom door making the candle flows out huge flames for the experience]

Hurshe: I see the light! And if I felt it, God dealt it!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Cutter the Vet: Dear Lord, I hit rock bottom. I called the sex hotline, and they decline my credit card, so I turn to you. What are you wearing? Is it low-cut?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Let's hear it from him himself. [to Hambrosia] Not you -- Him!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: I kissed my "widdle" parts bye-bye for you. How baby "wikey" deez apples?

[shows her private area]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: Any second, Sheriff will be here to blast me to The Grand Ole Opry in the sky.

Direne: If you're gonna sing, could you pull the trigger on me first?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe's Private Hair: I want to kiss you by choice and on purpose, and after, I'm not gonna bleach my lips or slice them off with pruning shears.

Hambrosia: You don't have to say that. What else?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: I know that song ain't really about your truck.

Jacket: Sure, it is.

The Reverend: I also know how to get Hambrosia to love you back.

Jacket: I'll gobble your dingus.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: I want to die, Sheriff. I mean, what kind of life is this to live where no one will let you sing? I got a voice like butter, right?

Sheriff: So...why don't you just kill yourself?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Police Civilian: Just hit the switch, Rodney.

Rodney: You weren't supposed to say my name! I'm wearing the hood! You promised! [sobs]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Ever-Child: You, Paul, When you were 6 and you killed that spider monkey with that claw hammer, you really just squashed your heart with that hammer, and that's why you became a dirty pig cop.

Paul: He's right!

[gunshot himself]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: The hunter has become the hunter-ed. The chaser has become the choste. Dame Fortuna has had her franking privileges revoked. It seems the portrait has painted the artist, sketching the reverser, who has become the reversed. But this time, The suffixed will become the sufferer, and it appears the baby killer is about to kill a baby. [vomits] Which reminds me. I got to go feed my babies.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: But I am hot on your trail, sicko. You can feel my hot breath on your neck.

[invisible breathing]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Sheriff sees the Reverend on his way when he puts away his waffle maker to burn his penis]

The Reverend: Sheriff, can I talk to you?

Sheriff: I wasn't burning my penis! Why would you imply that?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Open up let me crack your dawn, cockadoodle your doo! Let me cream your bagels, flapjaculate on your overeasys! Let's waffle my awful!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Pubes give me the Hebrew-Jeebies. Some nice man ought to round them up, ship them off to camps, and waxterminate 'em.

Hurshe: [chuckles] Jews.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: I've written a lot of songs about pathetic self-delusion.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I think it's 'cause he loves me so much, he's afraid if he says it that we'd float off on a bubble of bliss and get burned by the sun.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: How come everyone's heart gets to sing but mine? It's hell. It burns. Being alive burns.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Britchard: What's your secret?

Cutter the Vet: You'll just have to buy my book.

Britchard: Book?!

Cutter the Vet: It's called "You Can't Spell Success Without Letting The 'U' Put The 'U' of Happiness Inside The 'U' of You: A Dummy's Guide To Treating Yourself Right 'Cause You Deserve It 'Cause The Thing I Learned Over In Corporate Is There Ain't Nothing a Little Can-Do Spirit Can't Do If You Put The 'Do' of 'Do' In 'You.' In Fact, I Just Sold The Rights To This Book. They're Making It Into a Movie!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Pain is never the fault of the feeler, it's just the fault of your actions you consciously chose to make.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You're going down! [surprised] You're really going down.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Woman in Machine: What is it like to be alive in that room right now?

Doc: Well, my nuts itch.

Woman in Machine: I scratch for you.

Doc: Watch the rice.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: I used to have to pee-pee in my own coke and suck my own self off. That can be dangerous. I was playing with fire. Suck too hard -- you can gulp your life away.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You had a spewnami built up in you!

Baby Man: I've spent my entire life consumed by the violent urge to annihilate the man who left me here to die.

Hurshe: Oh, great.

[flashback intensifies of the Vet getting killed in many different ways while Hurshe starts to choke the Baby Man]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[After Doc seeing the chinese woman in the machine]

Doc: Would you make me the happiest man alive...and do my laundry? And, uh, maybe a quick mani-pedi?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: TV, the devil's dream box.

Six Hours ($435.25) Later

Xavier: Yeah, TV, really rots your nut.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: What's up? I just rushed over here! I'm so lonely.

Hurshe: It's this damn life-support machine! It's Koreanamese jap crap! See? "Made In China." You best fix this rice burner chop, chop!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Cutter the Vet: I'm prepared to let you in on the ground floor of the Muffnuts global marketing revosnackvolution. When these treats hit the streets, they'll sell like Muffnuts! That's our slotto. That's a slogan and a motto all rolled into one, like a Muffnut.

Cutter the Vet: It's like I like to say, quote, "You can quote me on this -- It's a Muffnuts world. We just live in Muffnuts!" Unquote.

Direne: If I order a box of these things, will you scram and leave me to my comforting thoughts of suicide?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: She can suck you with such force, your psychic trauma will get spurted down the toilet of her trouble guzzling throat.

Doc: [thinking] And I'm gonna watch.

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added 1 year ago

Doc: My diagnosis -- You're suffering from having feelings.

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added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Come by to deliver some great news.

Hurshe: What, you died of aids?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Britchard: What do you call reverse racism?

Man: What?!

Britchard: Killin' a bunch of sreggin!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I won't let my A-hole go AWOL ever again.

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added 1 year ago

Doc: [crying] You ain't a man no more. You're sexually incontinent. You should probably just kill yourself.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Freeze! This is a glop-and-frisk! Spread and wet'em, girl! I'ma grind you into dogmeat and feed you to my crotch monkey. I'ma "Ooh-ooh" your "Aah-aah"!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Josiah: I've counted every second without you! Indeed, a mighty number of our sneak attacks were ruined on account of my loud counting. Sarge sent me back here, until I promise not to count so raucously.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Where's my supper, ding-dong?! Belly needy yummy, dummy! I'm going out to eat. Snakulater.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Snakulater, masticator.

Boss Hoss: I should have made the other crackers fruit of my nuts head cheese.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Being put in charge took such a weight off my shoulders, I'ma smellebrate with a load on my chesteses.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Man: What are you, a Chinaman?

Xavier: I wish I knew myself.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier's Dad: Son, it was you who killed me.

Xavier: What kind of stupid name is yoohoo?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: I'm not violent at all, Look.

[Xavier violates the people]

Ink Blot: You killed those people.

Xavier: Did I? What he doesn't know is that I'm using reverse psychology on him.

Ink Blot: I can tell you're trying to use reverse psychology on me.

Xavier: That proves he doesn't know.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Cutter the Vet: How you want me to kill him? St. Louis style? In the key of "G?"

Hurshe: However you want, alright?

Cutter the Vet: Listen to our specials? We got the Atheist in the foxhole where I shove a fox up his hole till he screams for God.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: [sobbing] Don't die! Don't die, please! I'll slobber your dingus.

Bofum's Ghost Hands: No deal.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Someone took my Jojo! He's been kidnapped! You got to help me find him!

Sheriff: Describe Jojo.

Hurlan: He -- He's brown.

Sheriff: I'm gonna stop you there. Police can't help no brownies.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Toader: I am Abraham Lincoln. I freed the slaves, ending all racism.

All: Boo!

Sheriff: The real Hurlan killer. Get him!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Bofum: Hey, Clem, Your wife is selfish in bed. Kept screaming out "Anybody but y'all!"

Clem: Oh, you half-ass everything.

Bofum: No, I got her ass whole.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Bofum's Ghost Hands: I'll slobber your dingus!

Sheriff: No deal.

Bofum's Ghost Hands: What are you, homophobic? Hate crime! Call 3-1-1!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jojo: Would you slobber my dingus?

Cutter's Doll: No deal.

[Jojo's realisitic eyes intensifies]

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added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: You've got to gain control over your fiscal solvency or your butthole, whichever shakes out first.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Now I can strip it off of you and we can cuddle up on the bed I made for us.

Sheriff: I don't have time to vomit right now!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Toader: Do you like malteds?

Hurshe: Who doesn't like malteds?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I'll wait. The polish on this turd will lose its luster. A whore always returns to the scene of the sore. I just got to bide my slime...for 10 years.

[Sheriff's penis screams again]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Hey, Hursh, I got a dong loogie ready to hock on your fa-- [Sees Hurshe as a child] Hey! Who are you?

Hurshe: Sorry, Sheriff. I rebooted my skinnocence. You missed your chance.

Sheriff: But I thought my part was gonna scream for mercy.

Hurshe: Well, I have self-respect now.

[Sheriff's penis screams]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: So, everything I am, everything I know, The entire foundation of my identity, built on the shattered back of a bottomless wound of trauma and mistrust, is false?!

Boss Hoss: Well, you don't got to get so dramatic about it.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: You get me in charge and I swear on God's butthole I'll make your pecker scream for mercy.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Fate. Destiny. Fatestiny. People toss those words around like tennis balls. Well I eat balls for breakfast.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: You may have gotten checkmate, but we're playing Chinese checkers.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Jacket tastes NegraNA]

Jacket: Oh, that don't taste black. Huh. That's odd becau-- "Made in China"?! Well, this isn't an authentic product! This tastes...Mexican at best.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: The following slaughter of the love of my life is brought to you by NegraNA -- 100% All-American DNA of a black man that you can sprinkle on to any crime scene.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: Now, folks, this next part could get a bit messy.

[Jacket shoots The Producer]

Jacket: Don't worry -- My ScrubChum will clean this mess up in a cinch. "One wipe and move on with your life." Now moving on to my wife.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: How's this taste?

[points the gun into the producer's mouth]

Producer: [whimpers]

Jacket: Not so good, huh? Well, what if I dip it into some of Uncle Sambo's Edible Gravy?

[Jacket puts gravy into the gun and points the gun into the Producer's mouth again for taste]

Jacket: Yeah, it's pretty good! Ooh, I'd go to my grave for a mouthful of Sambo's.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: Mention this massacre and get 15% off your next purchase!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: When you're planning your next orgy of violence, remember, Uncle Grub's got all your cides covered, from homi to su-i-i-i-i-i! [laughs] Somethin' for every blood bath.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I've got to tell everyone before they all die!

Boss Hoss: So, you know what death is?

Hurlan: Well, yeah, that's where you... [realization] Oh fu...

[Hurlan dies]

Boss Hoss: Boring. What else is on?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Why are you holdin' your ass in your hands, boy?

Hurlan: Shutter that chasm of condescension you call a mouth, dead man.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Grub: Now, how many news cycles y'all looking to make?

Jacket: Well, these are a bit spendy for me, and going into debt is against the bible.

Grub: Y'all commit this massacre on your show and mention my store, I'll give you half off.

Jacket: I bet I can cross-market the pants off of this blood bath.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Grub: Welcome to Grub's Guns. What type of male inadequacy y'all lookin' to overcompensate for?

Jacket: I was interested in making some folks drown in my furious reign of vengeance.

Grub: All our guns are certified surrogate penises.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[all talking at once]

The Reverend: But not everyone understood that the devil was evil...

Man: Now, in order to make yourself some kittens of your own, you're gonna have to...

Doc: You know, I lost my wife a long time ago. That's another story.

Britchard: ...Would have a free-market society...

Auctioneer: 753 B.C., founding of Rome, 31 B.C...

All: ...and that's pretty much it.

Hurlan: Yeah, I think I got all that. I got one question -- When y'all gonna start teaching?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: His brain currently read a level "dumbleweed." We need to get him up to at least "gay squirrel" if we want him to die.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: I think you might've given me a disease. Do I got a blister?

Hurshe: Oh, that's part of our new sore-sourcing viral campaign -- you know, sexually transmitted branding.

Jacket: Cool!

Hurshe: Yeah. Your producer wanted me to spread it to you. He's banging it into your wife right now. Boy, I bet you if you didn't know about them poundin' pelvi, you'd be furious to find out from me.

Jacket: Yeah, furious enough to go buy a gun and teach 'em both a lesson in... how to die.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: My medical opinion is this boy is...too dumb to die.

Britchard: We might have to turn to our greatest enemy -- e-education.

The Reverend: We got to smarten him up...to death.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Hurlan slurps the drawing off the whiteboard]

Hurlan: Mama, could I get some more pen cocoa, please?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Britchard: Why aren't you dead?

Hurlan: Uh, by dead, what do you mean exactly?

Britchard: How are you alive?!

Hurlan: I can't follow Brainstein's fancy talk. Could you dumb it down a hair? This bulb ain't exactly the sharpest elevator in the cookie jar.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: What you guys celebrating?

Doc: We murdered an innocent boy!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Producer: Your dumb hubby's too mush-minded to catch on that it's his own producer who's ass-bangin' his lovely wife.

[Producer sniffs his finger]

Direne: You really think I'm lovely?

Producer: Oh, sure thing, squirrel. Plus I got some next-level holistic marketjacking I'm trying to work in the show.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: Hursh, I need to spurt some tension off my chest and on to yours.

Hurshe: I'm about to make your dingus feel almost as good as a mouthful of Shakeyhand Stu's Beef Jagenoff.

Jacket: Wait a second. You telling me there's a beef stew that feels better than this? Ah, you don't got to twist my pecker's arm. I'll take a can.


Jacket: Oh, that's the exact amount of soluble fiber I like.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: He can choke on my chicken. Gag in my bag. I could grind him into rubble.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: They say when you die, you sh*t your pants. But not me, I'm gonna sh*t my heart.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Britchard: But who should we kill? Who's the purest among us?

Cutter the Vet: Tain't me. I'm violating a critter under this table right now.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Producer: I can see your stressed. Why don't you go clear your head all over a whore's face, huh? Come on. Git. Git.

[When the Producer hard pats Jacket's butt, he then sniffs it]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: I know she been with a Darkfrican. Her lips been mighty stretched out.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: Let's go the phones -- Get some comments and queefs. Line 3, What do you think of that ominous admonition?

Line 3: Do you know where your wife is right now?

Jacket: Sure, she's at home watching the show. Hey, hon!

Line 3: Wrongo. She getting humped raw by a negro and lovin' every black inch.

Jacket: What kind of proof do you h-have?

Line 3: I saw 'em canoodling over at Oodle's House O' Noodles, enjoying their two-for-one special.

Jacket: That's impossible.

Line 3: I know a deal like that sounds impossible, but folks ought to head down to Oodle's on route 9 and check it out for themselves, before the offer ends next Friday.

Jacket: [voice breaking] That sounds like the kind of deal that everybody should take advantage of, kind of like the way my wife has taking advantage of me!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Meemaw: The greatest calamity to ever catastrophize the universe is upon us. Heed my warning -- Only be sacrificing the purest one among you can ye avert an explosion of anguish 10 killion times more excruciating than hell herself.

[Meemaw vanishes]

Jacket: Okay. Someone need to switch to decaf. Must be her time of the immortality.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: Wake up, white people! We got a cracker of a show this morning.

Jacket: Our Yokelvore Chef's gonna be by to teach us how to make a totally white 5-course meal from free range road kill... We're gonna take a peek up a Yuckity Doodblebum's Blooper Hole. Then we're gonna check in on Jacket's Book Corner.

[Jacket's Book Corner that's randomly on fire]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I wouldn't cheat and skip to the end to see if you was gonna reveal any juicy secrets on the last tape.

Boss Hoss: Good, 'Cause I got some juicy secrets to reveal. Now you listen up.

Hurlan: [snoring]

Boss Hoss: You mindless turdwhistle! What, do you got obamatitis of the dumb bone? You'd lose your head if it wasn't stapled to your nutsack.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: And now I ramble forth on my endless journey to be the greatest aid-spreader of all time.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: You were so sexy out there, Skeeter-Beast. You're my passion.

Skeeter-Beast: Sorry, but I'm with someone who doesn't lie about who they are on the inside. Come on, Percy, lend me some sugar.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Skeeter-Beast: That'll give you time to reflect.

[throws Shiny into a boil of lava]

Shiny: I accept Jesus Christ into my heart as my personal savior! Yes made it! [groans]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Shiny: [punches Xavier while talking] Give...Me...Back...My...Son! Wait...Sorry...I...Mean...Drugs!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mexican Gang Leader: I don't want Percy to be our leader anymore.

Mexican Gang Member: You should have picked me.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Shiny: You give up your game, and I'll get you a job at the Jobby Job Center.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: From now on, "L.L." stands for "Supportive Community of Connected Spirits."

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mocho: Oh, no. Shiny's coming to town, and he wants his drug shipment. We just flushed ourselves a death sentence.

Xavier: Who's Shiny?

Mexican Gang Leader: He's only the biggest drug dealer since Truman.

Mexican Gang Member #4: He's so rich, he had every cell in his body platinumed.

Xavier: Well, you just had every cell in your body passioned.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mexican Gang Leader: Friday night is Taco Tuesday.

Xavier: This week, instead of eating tacos, let's just talk...oh.

All: Oh.

Xavier: So, who wants to spill it first? What do your heart spirits have to say to your mind-sacs?

Mocho: I guess I tend to use my switchblade as a defense mechanism.

Mexican Gang Member #5: You guys are the only family I have -- Maybe because you guys killed my family.

Mexican Gang Member #4: Before tonight, I could never express myself with words. I always did it like this. ["La Cucaracha" plays]

Mexican Gang Member #5: [crying]

Mexican Gang leader: You're right -- Rape is not an excuse. It's a reason, and tonight, everything seems so reasonable.

Mocho: I'm big now, but I recently dropped 230 pounds. Yeah, I dumped your wife! I guess I told that joke as a way to avoid the real issue. I love your wife. She dumped me.

Mexican Gang Member #4: How do they expect me to stay out of jail? That's where all my stuff is.

Mocho: Here's why I never take off my shirt when we go swimming. [shows his belly that drawed himself showing another belly as poop]

Mexican Gang Leader: So she says, "Oh, that puppy is the cutest thing in the world." And it's like, I'm standing right here, Mom. I'm standing right here.

Mexican Gang Member #4: Maybe I do have more issues than a magazine stand, but all those magazines are puro fancy. I wanted to be a vato. I just want to groom and train poodles.

Mocho: I secretly groom and train poodles.

Mexican Gang Leader: Are you guys messing with me? Whenever you turn your back, I secretly groom and train poodles. Watch. Turn you back. I'm doing it. I'm doing it!

Mexican Gang Member: I can't see. My back is turned.

Xavier: Passion -- This is what gangbanging ought to be about.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mexican Gang Leader: Okay, Thursday night is Mailroom Monday. We just got our new shipment.

Xavier: What do you do if the cops come knocking?

Mexican Gang Leader: We toilet flush the drugs.

Xavier: Let's stay one step ahead of the cops. Flush them now.

Mexican Gang Leader: I like. One step ahead of the policia.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: What's on the docket for today?

Mocho: Well, Wednesday night is Tag Tuesday, where we paint our tag all over town.

Xavier: I propose a new loco tag -- solid white.

Mexican Gang Leader: Ooh, Minimalista.

[hours later spraying the walls white]

Mocho: I can think so cleary without all the visual clutter.

Mexican Gang Leader: Now everyone will know the Locos are crazy about postmodernist aesthetic contextual reframing.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mexican Gang Leader: Percy! You have shown true loco spirit. I think you are a prime candidate for our annual Pauper-to-Prince program.

Mexican Gang Member #4: I thought this was my year.

Mexican Gang Leader: Once a year, we let one novice member sit in as gang leader for a week. I benefit, as I get to see the gang from a novice perspective, and then you benefit by experiencing the hardships that come with the administrative role that I play.

Xavier: I'm game.

Mexican Gang Leader: Percy, I crown thee temporary leader of the Local Locos.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mexican Gang Leader: Now phase two. You have to watch us eat the pizza with nary a slice for yourself.

Mocho: Hey, he forgot our cuckoo-bread.

Deliveryman: Uh, I know I'm dead, but I forgot to give you your cuckoo-bread.

Mexican Gang Member #4: A g-g-ghost!

Mocho: You got a ghost to bring us cuckoo-bread.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: You are supposed to be dead right now, but here -- 20 bucks. Get out of town and start a new life.

Deliverymen: Hey, thanks, mister. Thanks for the shot.

Xavier: I killed him hard. Pulled out his heart and showed it to him, and he was like, "Nice."

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mexican Gang Leader: We just ordered a pizza, and when it comes, you have to kill the deliveryman.

Xavier: Okay, but I want to kill him outside, alone, in the dark.

Mexican Gang Member #3: It's okay. We all have our own way of killing. Me, I like to kill on the beach.

Mexican Gang Member #4: I like to kill to music.

Mocho: It's kind of embarrassing, but I like to kill on the toilet. I think it's because, when I was a kid...

Police Officer: Kid, your mother just died.

Mexican Gang Member #3: Mocho, that's not why you like to kill on the toilet. That's why you don't like cereal.

Mocho: Oh, yeah.

[throws the bowl of cereal that randomly appear out of nowhere]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mexican Gang Leader: I'm surprised you showed up,

Xavier: Well, I'm not surprised about how much I like to do crime.

Mexican Gang Leader: You just passed the first test.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Man: I don't have your money, man.

Mexican Gang Leader: Then I'm taking back what's mine. Now boil his blood and get our drugs back. Charge him a recycling fee.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Stay hidden for while. I want to infiltrate the gang. I just may have some avenging chief beef to queef.

Percy: No, I can't stay down here.

Xavier: Calm it down. Close your eyes. Inhale. [pulls up a portable radio by saying "hold" to distract Percy for a while] Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: I did it. You're a hit. Everyone loves you now. You even have a girlfriend.

Percy: Really? Is he disabled?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Chief Master Guru, You have so many wisdoms left to teach me. Years of you and I together.

Chief Master Guru: Of course, youngling. Uh, what's that behind you?

Xavier: I don't see any-- [Xavier turns back to see the Chief dead] Chief Master Guru! I vow to ramble these worlds and find the evil ones who did this to avenge your death.

Chief Master Guru: That gets rid of that headache. [teasing] Yes, avenge me. [laughs]

Xavier: Chief?

[Chief Master Guru proceeds to play dead again]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mexican Gang Leader: You did good, Percy. Sorry for beating you up before.

Xavier: I can take it. I'm tough enough to join your little gang.

Mexican Gang Leader: Nobody has ever survived out initiation. Come give it a try. Here's my card. It's got embossed-gold 12-point courier font on bone-white semigloss stock.

Mocho: Bone white? I thought we all agreed to get eggshell white. Absurdity!

Mexican Gang Leader: I'm the leader! I say bone white! [thinking] Its haunting elegance is so restrained.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Announcer: Hey there, ho there, ladies and gentlemen, the opposing team is so intimidated by your troubled crazy mascot, they are forfeiting the game thanks to Percival Handfisher.

Fan: Percy, I want to be your girlfriend! I want you, Percy!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Announcer: Troubled High, give a warm, troubled, hey there, ho there to your trouble cra-a-zy!

Dance Music: Are you prepared for this moment? Are you prepared for this moment? Are you prepared for this moment? Are you prepared for this moment?

Xavier: Frittata.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Announcer: Hey there, ho there, ladies and gentlemen. Your crazies have a brand-new mascot who's played by Percy Handfisher, A sophomore whose parents were recently killed in a thresher.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Now, who did this to you?

Percy: These guys -- these Mexicans -- they carved their tag on me, and I was supposed to be the new mascot of the team, and they we're Mexicans, and they ruined my costume --

Xavier: I could be your costume. Do you think you can fit inside me?

Percy: No, but you could tell people I'm inside you and go put on a show as the mascot and make everyone love me, 'cause they think it's me, not you.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: What's wrong, kid?

Percy: These guys -- they were Mexican, they were gang members, and they smashed my mascot costume.

Xavier: You need to slow it down. Relax. Inhale. Hold. Hold.

[Xavier randomly drink in front of him]

Xavier: Ahh. Hold. Hold. Little longer. Hold.

[Percy gets in a coma for inhaling]

Xavier: Hale.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: To be a hero, you have to go looking for trouble. Wherever there is suffering, I was there. Wherever there is injustice, I was there. And where there is crying... I'm right here.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Mosquito: Twas my only chance to save these younglings. Forgive mmm... [unintelligible buzzing]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: What's wrong? You're flying all funny. Did he clip you?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Man #2: My eye! My visual connection to this beautiful world has been severed!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Take that! Taste the pain!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: I believe that we are all one. By helping this tiny mosquito, in a way, I'm helping your mother.

Man: He's comparing the universal oneness of all life to your mama!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Man: You see what this weirdo here is saying?

Man #2: Wait, which weirdo?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Man: What in the human intimates you doing, freak? Bestial-ulating that skeeter?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Easy, stranger. Your leg looks dislocated pretty bad. I'll pop it back in, but it's gonna hurt. Ready? Inhale. Hold. Hold. Hale. Always glad to help my brethren in the kingdom of life.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: They say 'tis often the tiniest among us hath the biggest need. You hear that? Of course I do. I'm the one who asked.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Man: Hey, where you headed, mister?

Xavier: Whichever path frau destiny sets beneath this seeker, this pupil of the universe is as good as any.

Man: Cool. Check this out.

[shows his penis, then spurts out blood]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: [thinking] So maybe we are just blips in a void of nothingness. And now it's time for me to walk away. [echoing] Walk away, walk away.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: You and I both knew what we had couldn't last. I do love you. But the love of my life is a lady named "Ramblin' On."

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Here's a new philosophical query for you to chomp on.

Man: Oh my god! What a thought. It's intense!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Burbury Visitor Info: That music -- so soothing. It's notes he's not playing.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Chief Master Guru: Youngling, you must tame the beast with soul-soothing song.

Xavier: No time to gab. I've got to cobble together a makeshift Shakhashiri to tame a certain beast. See yourself out.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Now's not the time, but your brother died of shameful lifestyle choice.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Clip: is that you Grandmama. Oh come here.

[Clip and Grandmama starts kissing each other like lesbians]

Grandmama: Oh, Clipple.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: You can all fret not. I have the cure right here.

Clip: Cure? Give me that.

Xavier: You don't want to drink that.

[Clip drinks the aids]

Clip: Ahh. Cure-alicious.

[starts to get aids]

Clip: Is it working?

Bully #3: Yeah, Clip, it's working. Just go towards the light.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Just got to dump this load in that dirty 'puter's floppy slot and collect my kudos.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: I need some of that disease you guys invented.

U.S. Army Man: Crack?

Xavier: The other one.

U.S. Army Man: AIDS?

Xavier: That's the spice.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: If the computer virus is infecting people, then I need to get a human virus to infecticide the computer.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: I'm watching a woman washing. I wish I could see myself watching washing.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: look at the two of us. We can be like Beauty and the Beast. What do you say? Will you be my beast?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Yeah, tricked the trickster. See still got the scar the prove it.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Young Xavier: Wow, that's me years from now. I look cut. Hey, that's a nice chunk of chicken on my arm.

Xavier: Look, we're in his vision -- my vision. Hey, shake hands with your future, old friend.

[Young Xavier's hand get burned from reaching]

Xavier: Ooh, Frittata. Later, chompsky honk.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Chief Master Guru: In order to heal this wound, you must play a shakhashirisk wind trance.

[Xavier plays the instrument horribly]

[rainbow ignited randomly]

Chief Master Guru: Your failure is merely a portent of dissapointments to come.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Woman: You gave me a nasty gash.

Xavier: I better take a look at you stat. I'm a certified wahockamana healer.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Chief Master Guru: You must love the earth like you love your mother. Kiss your mother, youngling. Go on. Harder. She wants it harder.

Xavier: It hurts.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Let me write that down.

[attempts to literally write the same words he said]

Xavier: "write that down."

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Bully #2: Is that f-f-freak h-harassing you? Or would you prefer "her ass in" you?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Hell, I flipped more lids than a soup kitchen of the MIND.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Powers are for the weak. I have no powers. I mean, unless you count the power to blow MINDS with my weapons-grade philosophical insights.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: I was groping enlightenment in my bedroom, and before you could scream "murder by arson," our house was on fire. Couldn't save my parents.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Went to the prom with a model, but she left with some jock. Dyke. But then I felt something in my gut -- The palpable suspicion that I had a deeper calling in life.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Did you know there's over 87 combinations of those soul-scalding words? I found out the hard way. [echoes] Life.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Other kids could be cruel. They'd call me names -- Dweeb, Chimp, Honky, Dweeby Chimp, Honky Dweeb, And, worst of all, Chompsky Honk.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Like most folks, I've always been different, but not like the others.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: [echoes] Life. You could say it started when I was a kid.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: I'm a survivor. We're a dying breed.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Burbury Visitor Info: Welcome to Burbury. What are looking for?

Xavier: Well, Ma'am, I suppose I'm seeking a deep strata of truth. Perhaps you can answer the one question that has plagued thinkers for all time. [typing] What Doth Life?

Burbury Visitor Info: One moment, please. Processing. Processing. Processing. Processing. [distorted] Processing. Processing. Depth Overload. Depth Overload.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Bully #2: What's the matter, Ch-Ch-Chicken? Frightened? Or do you prefer, What's the matter, Chicken? F-F-Frightened?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Bully: Best stay away from that weirdo. You'll catch the feline aids.

Bully #2: Yeah, from me. M-m-m-meow.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: Oh, shucks! I get to shuck your sister, on the up and up and-- Ohh! Ohhhhh! I'm just gonna need a minute to get hard again.

Hambrosia: No, sills. We'll do it surgically.

Sheriff: Aw, shucks! But for real this time!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Clip: What you gonna do, bird-beast, fly away on your cuddle bone?

Bully #2: Yeah, cuddle this b-b-b-b-b-bone.

[throws the bone from his private area]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: You shattered my shakashuri.

Bully: I hope y'all can play it 3 feet up your ass.

Xavier: Don't know. But I'd sure like to try.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: Please, I'm just a simple seeker on a spirit quest to discover... What Doth Life?

Clip: We don't got no freaks here in Burbury, and we's done hate freaks with open, unquenchable cans of philosophical thirst-worms.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Clip: Hey, bunghole, cease that inner yapping.

Xavier: I don't want no trouble, mister.

Clip: Freak! If you didn't want trouble, you shouldn't have wandered into Burbury Connecticut.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Xavier: [thinking] What Doth Life? Are we just fleshy blips in some meaningless tew of cosmic oblivion? Or is it vice-reversa? Is our every trollop through fate's garden infused with a mystic-- [gets hit by a bottle]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I feel them entering. It's so nice to finally have someone inside of me.

[Hambrosia disintegrated]

Hambrosia's Mirror: W-Where'd I go.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: What are y'all doin all up inside my Meemaw?!

Doc: Nothin'. We found another world, where beauty and freedom reigns, and misery has no place.

Hurlan: If I give y'all 8 bucks, could I go there?

Doc: Yeah.

The Reverend: Or we could make a whole lot of 8 bucks.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Wow! This must be heaven. [sees Meemaw] Here's my first virgin. All right. Get you out of pecker jail there.

[Sees The Reverend & Doc that came outside of Meemaw's body]

Hurlan: Some virgin.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: You slip in while Meemaw was sleeping?

The Reverend: I love it so much. I'm gonna move here for good. Got a lead on a place.

[literally says "a place" card]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Well, time for your thrice weekly pap smear.

Meemaw: It really has to be this often?

Doc: You got a lot of pap to smear.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: They need a plane of misery flown into the building of their happiness... I will have always loved you, Dirette. Guess I'm gonna have to settle for my 72 virgins in heaven.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I wish everyone could feel the pain I was mired in right now.

Direne: Your Daddy's the reason all this happened. His lies! [echoes]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: I got a feeling your girlfriend's teste-chesting my hubby right now. Let's make out and get 'em jealous.

Hurlan: Let me be sad. No one understands my pain.

Direne: You can do whatever you want to my body. You can go around the world. Just, uh, stay out of Africa. There's a genocide going on there right now.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: Too bad your fool wife's in the way. If only she could be gotten rid off.

Jacket: Well, don't worry. [pulls out knife] I'll take care of our little problem.

Direne: And put it in writing what I'd own?

Jacket: I'll sign it in blood and slime on the dotted line.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[Jacket pulls out his keys to distract Hurlan while talking to Dirette]

Jacket: Would you do me the honor of meeting me at the base of hump mountain?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: You ogle her any longer, her cans will explode. You are objectifying that poor piece of ass.

Jacket: Sorry, hon. I just --

Direne: Looks like a real bitch to me. [to Dirette] He...married. So don't even think about it, hussy. I got to go drain my main inverted vein. [hisses]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Everybody, this my lady friend, Dirette.

Direne: [to Jacket] Geez, Romeo, why don't you ever rape me with your eyes like that?

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I hope they make diapers for the heart 'cause mine's about to blow.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: There's something fishy about this guy. Let me do my job.


Doc: Hey, he flies this plane into a building, the blood's on your hands. He's a Jihadi.

Hurlan: I'm gonna miss my flight.

Doc: You being belligerent, sir?

Hurlan: Mnh.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: I got one! I got one! A Jew.

All: [laughter]

Jacket: [laughs] 'Cause of the Jew.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Jacket: Hey, Stro, why don't you buy the lady a drink?

[Hurlan blushed then randomly recorded the camera on Direne's breasts]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Direne: Local tip -- Money works backwards here, so the more you pay, the cheaper it is.

Hurlan: Nobody this nice to me back home. I'm gonna save a bundle.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Oh, thank you, folks, for coming to see me off. I'm so excited to visit, uh...

Boss Hoss: Uh, Truth...ton. Y'all have a good trip now.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Heartshe, we have a problem.

All: [screams]

Boss Hoss: It's not that bad!

All: [screaming stops]

Boss Hoss: Hurlan wants to leave town.

All: [short scream]

Boss Hoss: That's about right.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: You got me by my immortalitestes, boy, and you are playing hardball.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: You know the curse. No one can leave, or everyone in the Holler will explode into dust, and you're allergic.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Daddy, uh, I was thinkin"... [dramatic rumbling]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Meemaw: Well, you failed because of you, I am going to die.

Hambrosia: No. That's impossible. You can't die.

Meemaw: Impossible is possible if the reality it's in is itself impossible, like the story I've been telling you.

Hambrosia: What story? Was she telling a story?

Meemaw: Yes, about you and me sitting here in this room. She got all the way up to that part where she told you... I am going to die!

Hambrosia: You can't die. It's impossible.

Meemaw: That's what I'm trying to tell you -- The impossible is possible if the reality that you are in...

Meemaw #2: Creates another reality where the reality created in that reality creates that very reality...

Meemaw: That in and of itself created that first reality...

Meemaw #2: If they create each other. Then...

Meemaw: Any...

Meemaw #2: Thing...

Meemaw: Can...

Meemaw #2: Happen!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Oh. I get it! By having the guts to give up, I made the courage come to me.

[Negro bubble pulls up a switchblade]

Hurlan: Ohh! Don't kill me! You take all of it, all right? I knew this was a setup! Your kind is all alike!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Sorry you had to witness that, my lovelies. Ham's cooking gave my ass a double penetration of di-yi-yi-- [snoring]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Damn! Boy, scouring every cranny for your bottom bitch surely stirs up a mighty hunger! Hmm. Reckon I'll ralph down some of Ham's Stovetop Victuals.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Meemaw: Your baby is not normal! Shedding my current vessel is the only chance we have to avert the most profound calamity the universe has ever known-- The Comening!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: I'ma raise you with care and pride, hidden away like a shameful secret.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Shh, shh, shh, shh. Keep quiet. I don't want to set off my little wall dumplings. Whoo-hoo! Hey, why don't you go get comfy while I go wake my cuddle slave to give you a psychegasm?

Bar Redneck: My heart is a rock-hard and ready to plop.

Hurshe: What?! It's gone! Where's my baby?!

Bar Redneck: You're gonna go broke without that thing.

[Bar Redneck literally snatch his money back from Hurshe before saying it]

Hurshe: Broke?! My baby! My bab-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y!

[Singing Basses played out of nowhere]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Britchard: Sorry, Sheriff, but there's a three-month waiting list to see Hurshe right now. This new level of love that she has been peddling is all the rage. I tell you, when you snuggle up to that little creature she got, you are overcome by the illusion that this world ain't the torture chamber of misery that it actually is.

Sheriff: [upset] Yeah. Guess I'll just head home to the [vomiting] light of my life.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Blackity black! Blacky black! Dang! Three days, and not even any of the scat I found tasted negroid.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I will never give up my precious little boy to you! 'Cause I think I can pimp this bundle of joy out to every loveless creep in the Holler-- Get me so rich and upper class, I could buy me a singin' bass.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Why, I've never felt a deeper loving bond. This exquisite bliss of cuddling this makes me radiately aware I'm connected to an infinite oneness.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: How long is this gonna take?! I got a lot on my slut plate!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: Your boys are hung like horseworms and ready to pound some ovum.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: I'll crack open Ham...

[literally cuts open Hambrosia]

Doc: ...and snatch her eggs.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: We do this turkey-style. Fill this with baster paste. Here's some chick lit to help you slop your gobbler.

Sheriff: Okey strokey.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Exciting news! Meemaw thinks it's time you and me had a baby!

Sheriff: But, chicken, God was too nauseous to bless you with a soggy box. You're plain as puke down there.

Hambrosia: I hired a surrogate. You'll sir her gut.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Sheriff: I got us a new toy, baby! Come peel my carrot!

Hurshe: You're gonna have to toss your own salad. I got a job across town. Ho dough before honey, Honey.

Sheriff: But I roided up my nugs for you! My sack wrigglers is chompin at the tip of my bit!

Hurshe: Yech! You got scroat rage! Ugh!

Sheriff: [upset] Guess I'll just head home to my... [vomiting] lovely wife.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: I'm gonna score, Daddy. I'm a-jonesin' for a-fix this.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: This town is cursed with a secret. And the secret is... everybody knows the town is cursed, but everybody thinks it's a secret! Only, the real secret is...

Meemaw: It is!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: Who are you, again?!

Sheriff: I'm your knight in shining amour, who holds devotion above all. You know, your sister's husband.

Hurshe: Oh, yeah? Well, then you better swear by the cream in your jeans that you'll find a way to put me in charge of Heartshe Holler, even if you have to wipe Heartshe Holler off the ass of God's face to do it!

Sheriff: Cross my cream... and hope to grind.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I'm coming for you, Daddy!

[exhales sharply]

Hurshe: Ooh, I'm coming, Daddy.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Doc: The dong swaperation was a success. But I found this tucked inside your papa's nethers.

[Hurlan licks the tape]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: So, can I have the town now, Daddy?

Boss Hoss: You possess a mouth like you got an E-Z glide strip on the inside of your lip. But the answer's still no. [laughs]

Hurshe: I hate you, Daddy! I'm gonna kill myself so I can come get you in the afterlife!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurshe: I wanna own this town so bad, Daddy! Won't you change your mind?

Boss Hoss: My mind is being changed right now.

Hurshe: Oh-ho! You're damn right it is! I can be very puss-suasive. Mouth *puss* that is.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: I just need you to take that red envelope over to the Doc, and you tell him I said your brain is perfect.

Hurlan: Ha! Mwah! Hot dog!

[door closes]

Boss Hoss: Perfect to be removed and replaced with my brain... so I can continue to reign supreme.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Life began 13.7 billion years ago today, when a disgusting mutant crawled out of the primordial ooze and hollered, "I am God! And I don't care for queers!"

Hurlan: Hot dog!

Boss Hoss: I posit the peak of the industrial revolution was the E-Z glide strip.

Hurlan: Hot dog.

Boss Hoss: [chuckling] And so we dropped the atom bomb on them, and totally forgave us! [laughs] It was hilarious!

Hurlan: [chinese accent] Oh, hot dog!

Boss Hoss: The E-Z glide strip does all the work for you. It's like having a slave for your face. Only this slave won't rise up and hold a razor to your throat.

Hurlan: Hot dog.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: Son, there are so many, many things as a father I feel I never got the chance to say to you. So the first thing I'm gonna teach you is what words are.

Boss Hoss: Words are-- Well, like "Hot dog."

Hurlan: Hahbuhrguh.

Boss Hoss: No. Hot Dog.

Hurlan: Hamburger.

Boss Hoss: Hot dog.

Hurlan: Hamburger.

Boss Hoss: No, damn it. You got a lot to catch up on.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

The Reverend: I'll leave you two alone.

[stands there in a long pause]

[clears thought]

The Reverend: [coughs] Caveman, give me a tip.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[talks to Cutter the Vet]

Boss Hoss: You have always been more than just a henchman to me. You are more like a hench-son. And so it thrills me to announce... I don't have a son! You're not my son! Get out!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[talks to Hambrosia]

Boss Hoss: You're so intelligent for a woman. Some say you can even read my mind. [thinking] Some accuse you of being crazy. Not me. I am too afraid to say that.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

[talks to Hurshe]

Boss Hoss: I imagine I'm up in the afterlife lookin' down your dress right now. Mmm. Hurshe. I see myself in you, Hurshe, everytime I look at them nasty videos we made.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: Hot dog!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Boss Hoss: In my salad days, I sold a spurt of my dressing to a sperm bank. You got to bust in there and burgle my spurgle back.

Hurlan: No, I can't rob no bank, Daddy.

Boss Hoss: Oh, you just need a shot of confidence. Go get my crack pipe out of the desk. You are about to smoke the most controlled substance on earth-- Pure, uncut blood of a black man. One hit will give you the jungle fever for stealing everything in sight.

[blows the crack pipe]

Boss Hoss: Don't-- Ohhh! That was 5cc of teenage Detroit street thug you just blew away in its prime!

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hurlan: And that's why I think we ought to get rid of the paper shredder. I tried to staple my junk back together, but--

Boss Hoss: If your junk is bunk, it's the end of Heartshe spunk.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

Hambrosia: Do you know where everyone is?

Meemaw (kid version): Look. Right there.

[Hambrosia turns around seeing the same kid she sat in]

Meemaw (kid version): She'll tell you.

[Hambrosia turns back where she sees Meemaw as an adult]

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 1 year ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "I'm sure in 1985, plutonium is available at every corner drugstore, but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by"?
A Pulp Fiction
B The Big Lebowski
C Love & Plutonium
D Back to the Future